ATV Florida Forum

General => Racing Scene => Topic started by: trx#9 on May 14, 2007, 11:20:21 PM

Title: Should I Retire from Racing
Post by: trx#9 on May 14, 2007, 11:20:21 PM
Its been a tough decision I've been going through since the series of crashes that I have been involved in lately. Especially the last SSQSA race at Dade city, were I had two serious crashes. The most serious one was Sunday wear I nose dived and pancaked myself in between the quad and the ground. My neck was nearly broken, along with a concussion and a torn shoulder. The doctor said I was lucky my neck didn't twist during the impact or I could of been in a wheel chair or a grave right now. I've never heard a series of cracks like that from my neck, it scared the $hit out of me.
So I guess I'm face with the reality of is it really worth it. I just don't know any more. My family doesn't want me to ride anymore. My fiance is scared that I might not be coming home one day. My body is taking a toll from all these crashes. I hate having to take pain killers to go to work after having a bad weekend at the races.
 I love racing and love ATVing, So that what makes my decision so hard. This has also been unfair to my fiance in which I been spending all of our money on racing. Its hard trying to keep up with all these I dollar race teams out there. This really is a rich mans sport.
 I was just wondering if anybody had some good suggestions or advice. This is a tough decision to make.
    Thanks Erik Emanuelson, (Trx#9)

Title: Re: Should I Retire from Racing
Post by: yfz122 on May 14, 2007, 11:28:52 PM
Only you know the answer. I quit racing for about eight years and it sucked. I have been trying to race again for the past few years and lost tons of skills.   

Title: Re: Should I Retire from Racing
Post by: tony pitts on May 14, 2007, 11:46:38 PM
eric i have just about given up racing myself. my son likes to race so im letting him enjoy it. my body can't it handle it like it used to. but i dont think i will ever give up riding my wife enjoys it as much as i do. instead fix up a quad for your fiance and take up some fast pace woods riding there is no better way to spend time with your family. thats just my 2 cents worth.
  P.S. nobody can  make up your mind for you and should'nt try.that should be your decision alone but you should not have to completely give up something you love just slow the pace down and enjoy the ride.

Title: Re: Should I Retire from Racing
Post by: Quad32x on May 15, 2007, 12:21:28 AM
Ive been there. PM me Erik.

Title: Re: Should I Retire from Racing
Post by: yfzracer88 on May 15, 2007, 12:44:10 AM
Hi Eric,
You just put into words what alot of racers and family members of racers feel.  Believe me, I know first hand.  Chris had problems in Michigan and went to the hospital for stitches and a sprain hand.  I took him back to the doctor today because his hand is twice its normal size.  We have tried on numerous accounts to get him to stop racing.  But, on the other hand racing is what he loves to do.  So, I ask myself how can we take something away from him that he loves to do.  All racers know what can happen, we just pray that everyone stays safe.  I saw your wreck in Dade City and it scared me.  I'm glad that you're going to be ok.  I can tell you that you are a great racer and I don't worry about my son when he is racing right with you.  I know what you mean about keeping up with these racers who have endless money.  We go to the nationals and the others that Chris races with have their own mechanics and much more.  I tell him keep on wrenching if you want to race.  We are all doing the best that we can.  Whatever you decide to do is up to you, but we have enjoyed your friendship at the track.  Reba

Title: Re: Should I Retire from Racing
Post by: RTR_380/450R on May 15, 2007, 01:02:30 AM
No doubt your a talented rider.  Sit down with a piece of paper and on one side write down the pro's and on the other, write down the con's. Then decide what to do.  When it is just you that you have to consider, its easy.  But, when there are others in your life that it affects, then it is a different story.  I personally have been through a large series of crashes, and I understand.  But to give up something that I love so much is way too hard for me to do.  Maybe you dont have to give it up completely, but just ride a little easier or in a different class. I dont know the answer, thats for sure.  But, it sounds like it might be about time.  I know that I myself dont have but a couple years left then I can afford to eat something other than Raman Noodles!

Title: Re: Should I Retire from Racing
Post by: WOODY_450r on May 15, 2007, 08:10:16 AM
Erik your an awsome rider and has a lot of skill. You sould go ride a class that dosent beat you up so bad! And its always cool watchin you whoop the young riders!  You sould take it easy for while and ten figure out if YOU want to still race or not.

Title: Re: Should I Retire from Racing
Post by: Chillinthemost on May 15, 2007, 08:25:05 AM
I also think about this same thing before every race. I'm 37 yrs. old and have 3 children. I get some pretty powerful butterflies in my stomach the day of the race, then after the start and get throught the first turn its game on and I love it.
 Consider XC racing next season, meet me at the races and I'll help you in any way I can. Here is why I love it. I did the sand drag thing, its fun but not demanding at all. Its all about who wants to spend the most money, so that wasn't really challenging. MX is fun but the risks are high to be competitive and you must build a "specialty" bike. I found XC to be my choice because the same bike that I race I can also trail ride with my kids, hill climb, MX a little, and even still bolt on some paddles and sand drag. It also is very rewarding to finish a 2 hour race, it shows who is prepared and who is not. There are some injuries at these races but not very many.
  So, no dont stop racing.

Title: Re: Should I Retire from Racing
Post by: RTN on May 15, 2007, 08:47:10 AM
I don't race yet maintain 2 bikes for my son and brother-in-law. I'm hearing you when you say it's hard to keep up due to the $$$. And yes I worry about my family/riders when they are out there's dangerous no doubt.

I will say this will never find your answer here. It's in your heart. My wife and I have sat down and discussed the dangers of the sport. My son has seen others and his uncle experience it and realizes them. I pray for my riders each time they go on or come off the track and live with what the Lord dishes out for us.

If you love something it's hard to just throw it away.

Irregardless you'll make the right decision in the end.

If I were to give only one would be stay out of the open $ races. The almighty $$ is a powerful thing and sometimes causes a person to push too much. Then again I realize no one races for second place no matter what the prize.

Good luck


Title: Re: Should I Retire from Racing
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on May 15, 2007, 09:17:30 AM
I agree with Chillin. Come out and try XC. You will love it. Plus anyone I know that it good at MX really does well in XC. Look at Bill Balance, he used to be an MX racer.

Title: Re: Should I Retire from Racing
Post by: 53yfz450 on May 15, 2007, 09:39:12 AM
    Jake's dad here,I would like to point out that you have alot to offer this sport and maybe it is not on the track or maybe it is as everyone has stated that is a choice you have to make for your self,BUT,do remember that you have been where alot of these younger riders want to be.So,maybe like some of the other riders you race with,you should find a rider you beleive in and try racing a different class and work with a younger rider and show them all you know.You might find there is a parent or 2 that would gladly pay your practice/race fees to help their son/daughter get better at the racingdue to your experience and riding ability.You helped Jake and alot of other riders get to where they are!! Just a thought!! You are one hell of a rider and i understand the money/injury/family and signifficant other factors they all play in our situations.If you can find a positive way to stay involved reduce the risk and help some other riders i think you will find the answer you are looking for hopefully-

I personally would hate to see you drop out of racing all together-you have to much to offer to this sport to do that!!!!!!!

I hope you find your answer and maybe one of the posts you have received is the answer or least they ehlp you find-GOD LUCK!!!


Title: Re: Should I Retire from Racing
Post by: quad control on May 15, 2007, 10:43:06 AM
What ever you decide to do please don't race 30 + because if I get lapped buy you I'm gonna quit racing!  ::) Really though I saw your last wreck @ Dade it was very ugly you did extremly well by walking away. Maybe ride a little more conservitivly maybe diffrent lines ? let your competition wreck in stead of you.

                    Don't quit your to fast.

Title: Re: Should I Retire from Racing
Post by: cubnfrank on May 15, 2007, 12:03:39 PM
IMO, MX racing is a tuff sport, It's just a matter time when the crash is gonna happen, I've wrecked alot of times myself.  I wrecked hard a few months ago training for an XC race . I thought I chipped bones in my neck, I was under alot of pain for a few days.  I was a little worried for a few days. I kinda gave it up for a while. I've got 2 kids and a wife to take care of. It's hard to let go of your passion. It's your decision, and nobody could blame you either way you decide.

Good luck

Title: Re: Should I Retire from Racing
Post by: #3 LTR450 on May 15, 2007, 06:42:07 PM
Say its not so? :o :o I think you just had 1 of thoughs weekends were not much when't your way,but to call it quits as FAST as you are I say NO!!!! YOU give every person you race all they can handle and you don't ride as much as they do you still have IT.............JMHO. See you SUNDAY.

Title: Re: Should I Retire from Racing
Post by: HillKiller on May 15, 2007, 08:17:32 PM
   I never got heavy into mx because I enjoyed hillclimbing and harescrambles back in the 80's but then one day while looking up a huge climb I thought to myself I could really get screwed up if I don't make it. I guess that day I lost the nerve. Luckily the worst that ever happened to me on a quad was a broken leg in a harescramble. I didn't ride or race for 12 years then 3 years ago got another quad. I tried the XC thing first but don't have enough stamina. Then I tried the MX thing at DC but that's not for me anymore either. Then someone turned us on to circle track. The speed is there, actually alot more than MX, but all four stay on the ground which is more comfortable for alot of us nowadays. Maybe it's a little safer, maybe it's not, but it might be a viable alternative. Only you know whats best for you and you'll make the right decision.

Title: Re: Should I Retire from Racing
Post by: trx#9 on May 15, 2007, 10:07:20 PM
Thanks for all the replies guys and girls, It means a lot to me. Its also good to here everyones racing story's too. I regretted retiring back in 95. I seen were I could have been today, its hard to make up for 9 yrs. lost. Now racing has changed were its impossible to ride pro part time and work a full time job. Back in the day thats what most the pros had to do. I wish I could dedicate myself like I use to. I really think I could get up there again and rough it up with those guys.
I thought about running XC before and thought my back wouldn't hold up to the long 2 hour races.
I seriously thought about racing Flat Track before. I think Florida is about 5 to 10 yrs. behind the northern states. Which have many more tracks to compete on.
I thought about just running plus 30 and taking it easy, but I know I would piss of a lot of you 30+ guys ;). I actually think that would bore me (not running with the A and pro riders).
I wish I wasn't so damn competitive sometimes. I think everyday that goes by my decision weighs closer to riding again. Also after reading all your replies makes me want to charge back into it again. So you never know maybe I'll be back. 8)
I also wish to all the Florida riders that got hurt recently a speedy recovery. I feel your pain guys.
        Thanks Erik,

Title: Re: Should I Retire from Racing
Post by: dreth on May 15, 2007, 11:08:30 PM
Eric, I find my fun in competing with my friends on a safe level. Just go practice on saturdays with all the fast guys at our local series which will allow you to stay in shape (and like Jakes dad said) help the younger upcoming riders become better by trying to catch you ;) You dont get hurt! They get better! You did a good deed! You satisfy your hunger and desire to do what you love! You save tons of money! Your family feels better! You will be able to walk when your 50 ;) Thats my opinion and i dont think that the 30 plus guys would get mad at you at all, if they do what does it really matter? Your over 30 aren't you? 8) GOOD LUCK Bro ;D

Title: Re: Should I Retire from Racing
Post by: 310R_Dude on May 16, 2007, 12:03:32 AM
Eric, I am one of the few people who actually knows you from
"back in the day". Most of the time we see things eye to eye.

So don't hold this against me... YES, you should quit racing.

Move on in whatever manner necessary and begin to ENJOY the
rest of life with those that love and care about you.

All the best mon',

Title: Re: Should I Retire from Racing
Post by: RTR_380/450R on May 16, 2007, 01:29:53 AM
I would definately be one of the "Younger" riders that could use a few lessons.  If you call a few years younger- Young.  But that could be very gratifyin as well.  I know that with a little more stamina and some help, I could be very fast.  Feel free to show up and help me out any time!!!!!! ;D 
Take a deep breath brother.  You will figure it out.  Your way to important to a sport thats on the verge of becoming something greater.  For you not to be there would be a blow to the cause. 


Title: Re: Should I Retire from Racing
Post by: Scott270r on May 16, 2007, 08:31:41 PM
Hey Eric,

I might be a little late responding but I just read this thread. I think you should take some time off, if you don't have the fire and are questioning yourself, give it some time. You don't HAVE to race every event. Just let it cool off and let the fire come back, or not.

You know it would be great to have another older ex-pro to race with next year in the Vet class.... ;) (hint hint)

Title: Re: Should I Retire from Racing
Post by: trx#9 on May 16, 2007, 10:12:52 PM
Hey Eric,

I might be a little late responding but I just read this thread. I think you should take some time off, if you don't have the fire and are questioning yourself, give it some time. You don't HAVE to race every event. Just let it cool off and let the fire come back, or not.

You know it would be great to have another older ex-pro to race with next year in the Vet class.... ;) (hint hint)
Flat track? or MX?

Title: Re: Should I Retire from Racing
Post by: Ida_Mann on May 16, 2007, 10:17:07 PM
personally, I like to stay on the ground and applaud anyone willing to jump around an MX track, but the decision can't be put into a poll or be asked of anyone else, you have to decide.

good luck,,,,just if you do decide not to race anymore,,,,,don't DARE give up the quads.


Title: Re: Should I Retire from Racing
Post by: Scott270r on May 17, 2007, 08:53:01 AM
Hey Eric,

I might be a little late responding but I just read this thread. I think you should take some time off, if you don't have the fire and are questioning yourself, give it some time. You don't HAVE to race every event. Just let it cool off and let the fire come back, or not.

You know it would be great to have another older ex-pro to race with next year in the Vet class.... ;) (hint hint)
Flat track? or MX?

I'm too old to run MX bro. I can still run pretty well in Flattrack though.

Brady has just built a TT track so that might just be the change of pace you could use right now. 

Title: Re: Should I Retire from Racing
Post by: derek330 on May 17, 2007, 04:42:22 PM
Flattracking is MUCH safer than motocross!! ;) Racing is NOT worth losing you life of getting hurt really bad! Mabey it's just time to hang up the motocross and start doing something a little more sane!! 8) cause them motocross guys a wild!! :o and get hurt alot! :-\

Title: Re: Should I Retire from Racing
Post by: 450R_Matt on May 17, 2007, 05:02:49 PM
I have never competed on a pro level in racing. The most I have ever raced is on a flat track a few years ago in a series we had down south in Hendry. I have always enjoyed the mx more but never raced it. I just always went out and practiced with friends (Dreth). I love the mx
I can tell you accidents will happen weather it be in a race or practice. I had my first wreck last weekend wile running an intermission show with a demo derby. Went over a jump and a guy in front of me missed a shift going over the jump and i was right behind him. In the end result I was the one picking my self up of the ground from trying to avoid hitting him in the back. This was just a show.. ???

Rember..Its supposed to be fun but accidents will happen. Its dangerious stuff. Take a year off from the racing and go have some fun with it.

Title: Re: Should I Retire from Racing
Post by: blindkaeta on May 17, 2007, 05:31:15 PM
Erik, I hope that you make the right decision about what you want to do.  I run the 30+ class, I would love for a rider of your caliber to compete against.  I know with a person of your skill level I don't have to worry about you taking me out.  It happened to me at dade on sat night.  I couldn't believe that riders of that age make such poor decisions.  Anyway I hope you decide to keep racing even if you are in a laid back class.  You are an asset to the atv racing community...   

Title: Re: Should I Retire from Racing
Post by: HillKiller on May 17, 2007, 11:10:56 PM
  Hey Matt did anyone get any video of that?? ;D

Title: Re: Should I Retire from Racing
Post by: KB on May 17, 2007, 11:44:12 PM
  P.S. nobody can  make up your mind for you and should'nt try.that should be your decision alone but you should not have to completely give up something you love just slow the pace down and enjoy the ride.

I don't race but I would agree w/above statement & pretty much everyone else's.

The main reason I replied to this is to warn you about pain killer's, I got some friend's who eat 'em like Tic-Tac's, I've seen how they look & feel when they run out of their prescription. Me myself, couldn't let anything get ahold of me like that, not saying that you would 'cause you said you don't like taking them which is good. Just be careful w/ them & maybe just take a break for awhile.
Good Luck w/ whatever you decide to do.

Title: Re: Should I Retire from Racing
Post by: 450R_Matt on May 18, 2007, 10:13:05 AM
  Hey Matt did anyone get any video of that?? ;D

Nope. But when you land on the rear tire of another quad. You will eat sh!t... trust me  :S

Title: Re: Should I Retire from Racing
Post by: KUADER on May 18, 2007, 10:54:19 AM
Hey Eric,

    Kevin here I know what you are going though. Its like should I race another year or will this be the year that you don't walk away from the crash? I've raced you to many times to count, but we're not getting any younger. I think I'm done racing quads. I'm selling my bike and getting a side by side (polaris razer). At least it has a roll cage.

Title: Re: Should I Retire from Racing
Post by: 310R_Dude on May 18, 2007, 11:27:53 AM
  Hey Matt did anyone get any video of that?? ;D

Nope. But when you land on the rear tire of another quad. You will eat sh!t... trust me  :S

See the part where he said "trust me"... you better. 

One of the worst crashes I remember is from landing on another quad.


Title: Re: Should I Retire from Racing
Post by: hondajohn69 on May 31, 2007, 11:42:42 PM
erik,i know you better than anybody.i think you should explore other types of racing as other people said.(xc,flat track)you are the toughest quad rider i know,anybody else but you had crashed at dade city like you did,they wouldnt be walking.YOUR JUST TOO DAMN COMPETITIVE!!!!!!TALK TO YOU SOON.

Title: Re: Should I Retire from Racing
Post by: KFXracer13 on June 09, 2007, 04:14:05 PM
Well Eric all I have to say is screw gettin' old!
Live Fast and Die Young.

Kyle McCulloch