ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: dirtygrl80 on May 03, 2007, 12:08:41 PM

Title: I am a stay at home wife and mother now.
Post by: dirtygrl80 on May 03, 2007, 12:08:41 PM
 Today my job told me i was to high risk to work there , so i told them i would not choose my job over the baby. They said that was fine .. at least frank likes that the house will be clean and dinner on the table. lol  ;D

Title: Re: I am a stay at home wife and mother now.
Post by: papahouse on May 03, 2007, 12:21:41 PM
That is illegal you need to check the labor laws

Title: Re: I am a stay at home wife and mother now.
Post by: 1FasterBlaster on May 03, 2007, 12:29:03 PM
  Really!! Your suppose to get maternity leave.You should call a lawyer and get some info.

Title: Re: I am a stay at home wife and mother now.
Post by: dirtygrl80 on May 03, 2007, 12:37:24 PM
 my Dr. sent them a fax saying i could no longer work because i am to HIGH RISK . if i would still work there i could risk a dog jummping at my stomache.. and  lose the baby. it is not worth it.

Title: Re: I am a stay at home wife and mother now.
Post by: CYCO on May 03, 2007, 02:58:06 PM
But they should not be able to just cut you loose like that.  By law you should be entitled to some type of leave be it maternity or temp. medical leave.  Or even assign you to a different area where you won't be in contact with the danger.  I'm guessing you work for a vet or something?  Congrats on the new addition, you definitely want to get rested up before the little one comes, sleep will definitely be a thing of the past!

Title: Re: I am a stay at home wife and mother now.
Post by: 1FasterBlaster on May 03, 2007, 03:07:39 PM
   If you need any baby stuff, check with me.Remember,I have one of each.

Title: Re: I am a stay at home wife and mother now.
Post by: cheropride on May 03, 2007, 03:37:30 PM
All I can say is rest, clean, and SLEEP why you can.....  Trust me on the sleep part...... 8)

Title: Re: I am a stay at home wife and mother now.
Post by: digginfool on May 03, 2007, 04:14:23 PM
The Family Leave Act applies to companies of particular size (I believe the minimum number is 50 employees).  A vet most likely doesn't employ enough people to have that rule apply to him.  It was designed that way to not be an undue burden on small businesses.

Title: Re: I am a stay at home wife and mother now.
Post by: 1FasterBlaster on May 03, 2007, 04:34:07 PM
  For real on the sleep part.Once the baby is born, your going through at least a 5 or so month time when sleeping will be almost impossible.You'll get an hour here or there.

Title: Re: I am a stay at home wife and mother now.
Post by: backinsaddle on May 03, 2007, 05:11:50 PM
and then during that time you're not getting any sleep, you're going to meet those other new parents whose baby sleeps through the night from day 1, and you're going to want to choke them   ;)

congratulations on the baby, i keep trying to get my wife to be a stay-at-home mom, but she likes working too much

Title: Re: I am a stay at home wife and mother now.
Post by: 1FasterBlaster on May 03, 2007, 05:38:15 PM
   Being a stay at home parent is fun 35% of the time...the rest of the time, you wish you were on a deserted island.LOL

Title: Re: I am a stay at home wife and mother now.
Post by: Smoknbanshee on May 03, 2007, 05:40:03 PM
The Family Leave Act applies to companies of particular size (I believe the minimum number is 50 employees).  A vet most likely doesn't employ enough people to have that rule apply to him.  It was designed that way to not be an undue burden on small businesses.

correcto.  i also think the limit is 50 employees.  in the event your employeer does have 50 employees, you would go on FMLA and you would use up all your sick time and vacation time.  Once that is used up, I don't think you get anything, because it is a non job related incident, so the company legally doesn't have to do anything for you.

Title: Re: I am a stay at home wife and mother now.
Post by: cheropride on May 03, 2007, 06:41:26 PM
and then during that time you're not getting any sleep, you're going to meet those other new parents whose baby sleeps through the night from day 1, and you're going to want to choke them   ;)

congratulations on the baby, i keep trying to get my wife to be a stay-at-home mom, but she likes working too much
   Being a stay at home parent is fun 35% of the time...the rest of the time, you wish you were on a deserted island.LOL

So true, so true....  But hea, 35% is a good day...

Tell you what, it is hard, it ain't easy.  Not until you do it, do you get it. 

But you know what, I wouldn't of missed it for the world.  Every memory of my son is so precious, and dear.  I got to see so much, and we are so close.  It is a never ending job though, that is for sure.  That's probably another reason why I am on here so much, cause it is the closes thing I get to adult conversation... 

They do grow up so fast though, I can't believe my son is 8.  My gosh, he is going into the 3rd grade.  He is so tall! So smart.  So cherish them why you can.... They are a true gift from God....

Title: Re: I am a stay at home wife and mother now.
Post by: dirtygrl80 on May 03, 2007, 07:41:51 PM
 I can't get FMLA and i had no vacation time or pto time i have only worked there for 5 months .. but we will be just fine frank has a very good job .. plus i will love being home with the baby , and of course suzieblazer will be there to help me first time grandma.

Title: Re: I am a stay at home wife and mother now.
Post by: 1FasterBlaster on May 03, 2007, 10:04:29 PM
   Well, you can throw away your alarm clock now.You'll have a new one soon!!LOL

Title: Re: I am a stay at home wife and mother now.
Post by: dirtygrl80 on May 03, 2007, 10:07:46 PM
Yes i know i use to watch all my cousins and bf baby but the only difference is i have this one 24/7 which i will enjoy.  ;D

Title: Re: I am a stay at home wife and mother now.
Post by: 1FasterBlaster on May 03, 2007, 10:39:43 PM say that now!!LOL Wait till it's 3:am and you just went back to sleep at 1:30 and the little one decides it's an Opera singer and wants a new contract.Then, once he's all cozy and quiet and sleeping soundly again, you finally fall back asleep in the hallway cause you didn't make it back to the bed.Then at 5:am, it wants to go to Denny's for breakfast...right friggin NOW NOW NOOOOW!!!LOL

Title: Re: I am a stay at home wife and mother now.
Post by: susieblazer on May 03, 2007, 10:45:40 PM

    If you are lucky you will have a baby that sleeps through the night like you did............. :bow.gif

Title: Re: I am a stay at home wife and mother now.
Post by: 1FasterBlaster on May 03, 2007, 11:17:23 PM
   Chai started sleeping through the night about a month ago. They all are like that at first because their stomachs are so small.They get hungry every 2 to 3 hours.Don't panic, it's normal.

Title: Re: I am a stay at home wife and mother now.
Post by: cheropride on May 04, 2007, 09:30:44 AM
Heck mines 8 years old, and I am lucky if he sleeps through the night.  lol

But like my tells me, "you never slept either", "but you made up for it when you got into your teens"
