ATV Florida Forum

General => Where to Ride? => Topic started by: Old_School on March 22, 2005, 10:31:53 AM

Title: Where is this place at ONF?
Post by: Old_School on March 22, 2005, 10:31:53 AM
I just saw this place while looking at the pics from the where to ride on the left side of the website. I've been to big scrub but haven't see anything like this. I mainly rode about a 1-2 mile radius around the campground. I will be going there soon so wanted to know where some of the hills  and "pits" would be thanks.  -Mark

Title: Re: Where is this place at ONF?
Post by: Toomey on March 22, 2005, 10:51:21 AM
Alright, when you are coming out of the campground, you're gonna make a left.  Then you're gonna ride for about 20 minutes depending on how fast you go.  I think it's 3 miles?  You will pass a road that says underground gas lines.  You'll also pass the sand pit that is closed, it has the signs.  Then a little after that there will be a wide trail on the right.  It has a bunch of berms and stuff on the way in to the pit, you'll be able to tell you're there.

Title: Re: Where is this place at ONF?
Post by: Old_School on March 22, 2005, 11:05:07 AM
Awesome bro. Thanks. Just one quick question. When you say come out of the campground, do you mean the main entrance where the trucks and rv's go or are you refering to the little quad/bike entrance on the side near that little sandy/ pit area just outside the campground?  -Mark

Title: Re: Where is this place at ONF?
Post by: Toomey on March 22, 2005, 11:39:43 AM
When you are in the campground, and you're facing out to the forest, like where the little track thingy is.  Like to the right there is the other little sink hole pit thing, I'm saying left to the other side.

Title: Re: Where is this place at ONF?
Post by: Old_School on March 22, 2005, 12:56:34 PM
Oh ok. That would mean I head north down that really long road and it'll be on the right? So the track thingy would be at my back as I ride away from it? Sorry I'm horrible when it comes to directions.  -Mark

Title: Re: Where is this place at ONF?
Post by: Toomey on March 22, 2005, 04:21:49 PM
Don't worry I'm worse.  The little mini track right next to the camp grounds will be at you back.  You know where people park under the powerlines, that's the direction you'll go in, that's the left side.  So as you're heading down the powerlines, it'll be on your right hand side after the closed down pit, and after the road that says underground gas lines.  It'll be on the right, wide trail.  It's like a few hundred feet in from the powerlines.

Title: Re: Where is this place at ONF?
Post by: Old_School on March 22, 2005, 09:10:35 PM
Ah I with ya now. Thanks again.  -Mark