ATV Florida Forum

General => Racing Scene => Topic started by: tony pitts on March 27, 2007, 05:44:59 PM

Title: quad scramble 5 has been canceled
Post by: tony pitts on March 27, 2007, 05:44:59 PM
 just recieved an email the quad scramble has been canceled

Title: Re: quad scramble 5 has been canceled
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on March 27, 2007, 07:07:19 PM
I just saw it too. Big bummer!!

Title: Re: quad scramble 5 has been canceled
Post by: atvtrailer on March 27, 2007, 07:16:15 PM
Does anyone know the reason as to why it is canceled?

Title: Re: quad scramble 5 has been canceled
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on March 27, 2007, 07:22:37 PM
Does anyone know the reason as to why it is canceled?

Not yet.

Title: Re: quad scramble 5 has been canceled
Post by: bigscrub79 on March 27, 2007, 07:42:11 PM
Does anyone know the reason as to why it is canceled?
It is too circumstances beyond the clubs control. The exact details cannot be released. I dont race these things but I helped build this course and I am very upset. Oh well, sh!t happens.

Title: Re: quad scramble 5 has been canceled
Post by: qt314nfla on March 27, 2007, 07:45:57 PM
Well we can't go to the ranch or this race.  Why not use it as a sign of where we should be.  At Quick Track helping cut the trails.  Turn lemons into lemonaid.  We still have a good cause to gather for our sport this weekend.  I hope w/ the recent bad news we can turn it into a better cause.  Hope to see alot of ppl out there this weekend.

Things happen the way they do for a reason.  Let's turn it to something positive.

Title: Re: quad scramble 5 has been canceled
Post by: lawn_man mx on March 27, 2007, 08:02:10 PM
what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  oh man   what a bummer :( :(  i was all ready !!

Title: Re: quad scramble 5 has been canceled
Post by: chuck9b on March 27, 2007, 10:39:13 PM
man that sucks!! I was really looking forward to seeing all of you again, seems so long between races and then this happens. I was not able to make it over to help with the track but we all truley thank all of you that did THANK YOU!!! I am going to try to put together a club in highlands county so we can help out. Any body interested joining or helping me call me (863) 443-1321 chuck frazier 9b

Title: Re: quad scramble 5 has been canceled
Post by: YFZ450-Tampa on March 27, 2007, 10:51:23 PM
Hey Chuck ! it is really good that you guys are thinking about a new club, that's the only way we can grow and have more events (races) on the near futurure, good luck

Luis C.

Title: Re: quad scramble 5 has been canceled
Post by: 1FasterBlaster on March 27, 2007, 11:08:40 PM
   This really bites!!!  I was looking forward to this race.I've been conditioning myself for this.Weights twice a week and jogging for stamina.I even bought a new Fly racing riding gear set.
   Oh well, looks like I'll finally try Sunshine.I'm going with my buddy on Sunday.Anyone else wanna go?

Title: Re: quad scramble 5 has been canceled
Post by: kenz on March 27, 2007, 11:47:45 PM
Sorry to see all of CFQR's hard work go to waste.  I was really looking forward to this race. 

Is there a possibility for the race to be rescheduled?  Or is this 'circumstance' one of those permanent things? 

Title: Re: quad scramble 5 has been canceled
Post by: bigscrub79 on March 28, 2007, 12:38:03 AM
Sorry to see all of CFQR's hard work go to waste.  I was really looking forward to this race. 

Is there a possibility for the race to be rescheduled?  Or is this 'circumstance' one of those permanent things? 

We arent sure yet, as soon as we know something we will fill yall in.

Title: Re: quad scramble 5 has been canceled
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on March 28, 2007, 09:24:37 AM
Well we can't go to the ranch or this race.  Why not use it as a sign of where we should be.  At Quick Track helping cut the trails.  Turn lemons into lemonaid.  We still have a good cause to gather for our sport this weekend.  I hope w/ the recent bad news we can turn it into a better cause.  Hope to see alot of ppl out there this weekend.

Things happen the way they do for a reason.  Let's turn it to something positive.

That is a very good idea. I would love to but I only work 2 or 3 Saturdays a year. They really needed me this Saturday, but my deal at work is if I have a race I don't work no matter what the circumstances are. Since the race was cancelled and my boss is the nicest guy you will ever work for I told him I could work on Saturday. Sorry, but I will be there to help at a later date.

Title: Re: quad scramble 5 has been canceled
Post by: duroc825 on March 29, 2007, 09:17:50 AM
So anyone know anything yet what the story is? Gonna be rescheduled or what?

Title: Re: quad scramble 5 has been canceled
Post by: Raptor 660 on March 29, 2007, 09:31:48 AM
Here is why it was cancelled:

Title: Re: quad scramble 5 has been canceled
Post by: duroc825 on March 29, 2007, 11:57:58 AM
Man, here goes more drama about us! Sounds like the lessor doesn't know what he owns and an or stood to make a nice chunk of money leasing someone elses property. This article makes us sound like the bad guys where fingers might ought to be pointing at the lessor????? NOT GOOD PUBLICITY

Title: Re: quad scramble 5 has been canceled
Post by: yfzOrlando on March 29, 2007, 03:39:55 PM
It's real funny how FTR acted like they have nothing to do with this. It seemed like they left the local club out to dry! Just my opinion, but doesn't seem like FTR cares to much about ATV's!

Title: Re: quad scramble 5 has been canceled
Post by: Ride1Rob on March 30, 2007, 08:32:39 AM
It's real funny how FTR acted like they have nothing to do with this. It seemed like they left the local club out to dry! Just my opinion, but doesn't seem like FTR cares to much about ATV's!

That's the same way I perceived it also. The spokesman for FTR made it seem as if they had no knowledge or anything to do with these events other than listing them. To me they left the local club out to dry rather than finding out the facts first and backing the local club. I think they may have shown their true colors. Shame on FTR.

This can be looked at as the cup being half empty or half full. Some will look at it as those ATVers trying to ride on private property. Some will look at it as ATVers trying to put on an organized event in a positive manner. The club basically got screwed by someone trying to make money off of other peoples property. Like stated in the article, it shows that it's difficult to find places to ride. The average citizen thinks we can just go ride in the woods somewhere but this will show them how difficult it is.

Title: Re: quad scramble 5 has been canceled
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on March 30, 2007, 08:49:37 AM
Even before that article, being around the FTR I always got the impression that ATVs weren't welcome as far as most of the 2 wheeler guys are concerned. I used to be the area director for West Palm Beach in 2002-2003. I really saw how it was then.

Title: Re: quad scramble 5 has been canceled
Post by: duroc825 on March 30, 2007, 09:01:40 AM
What better timing though as far as the rally goes. Maybe the Ledger will be more interested in the rally??????

Title: Re: quad scramble 5 has been canceled
Post by: Bigscrb15 on March 30, 2007, 09:46:50 AM
About that article.... Look at the author, Tom Palmer. He has yet to write an article about atv's that is not negative towards us. I have emailed him a few times and I just' don't like the guy. He does not like atv's at all! The land IS owned by the lessor, but since it has not been surveyed yet it does not show up on the property appraisers website. Mr. Palmer did not fully research the land issue. The gentlemen that claims we cleared his land does not own land. His dead father-in-law owns a .25acre parcel. It is a bad situation that just got worse by a journalist that failed to properly do his job. The FTR does not have anything to do with finding land and the land use part of the races, they only sanction and promote the races. The club has no ill feelings towards FTR that I am aware of. All we can do is pray for the best and hope our next race will be succesful and the track will be as good as the one we lost.

Title: Re: quad scramble 5 has been canceled
Post by: yfzOrlando on March 31, 2007, 07:45:38 AM
FTR still did not stand behind the local club! Looks like they are afraid of something!

Title: Re: quad scramble 5 has been canceled
Post by: 1FasterBlaster on March 31, 2007, 08:42:22 AM
   I don't think you can say something bad about FTR because of one incident.They at least hold these events.How many organizations do this.Give them some credit, noone is perfect.
   Expect discrepencies when trying to plan something so big.I'm sure there's more involved than what the stupid media says.Don't be so willing to see through the enemies eyes to make us look bad.
   I would like to think FTR saw a problem that couldn't be resolved and decided to move on to find another location for the race.There success depends on not just dirtbikes...but all us quad riders as well!!

Title: Re: quad scramble 5 has been canceled
Post by: mudnuri on March 31, 2007, 11:42:50 PM
It does read poorly of FTR, however it is a one way article. Think about it. The writer is making it worse with his selective quotes.
I know some think FTR is some kind of cult, but they are good people just like you and me that wanted to ride. Instead of raggin on FTR, rag on the writer. I googled him and the Ledger and found he is a kind of a nature writer out of Polk county. Probably is the one that found a way to shut it down.
I was sad today at 3:30

Title: Re: quad scramble 5 has been canceled
Post by: yfzOrlando on April 01, 2007, 11:10:28 AM
I just wanna race more than Fr#$@ing 4 times a year! I put alot of $ into my quad to get ready and then nothing happens. Why can't we race on the same property as the hair scrambles? They get alot of land to use!

Title: Re: quad scramble 5 has been canceled
Post by: mudnuri on April 01, 2007, 11:36:56 AM
I feel ya'! So do a lot of people. I think there is more being done by some determined people and you may see more racing in Florida than ever before. I hope!
You can still race the hare scrambles series. Someone should write up and present a proposal to have our points back.
There is a race the 25th in North FL on an awesome piece of land (

Then another the very next weekend East of ONF (

Then the following weekend is the QS race

Then the following the race I am helping with (

I am making lemonade with my lemons  :)

Title: Re: quad scramble 5 has been canceled
Post by: duroc825 on April 01, 2007, 09:00:41 PM
FTR did just vote to keep ATV's as a part of their events didn't they. Maybe we should all take more of an active role in the FTR and help ourselves stay included in a long time respected organization. I myself just joined a couple of weeks ago, $50 a year aint alot of money! As far as us being included in the  scrambles, the way i understand it is that FTR doesn't organize or run these events they just sanction them and help promote them, the events are put on by individual clubs. Clubs that are made up of groups of people, like us! We all need to do more than just ride and want, we need to ride and unite!

Title: Re: quad scramble 5 has been canceled
Post by: bigscrub79 on April 01, 2007, 10:26:08 PM
As far as us being included in the  scrambles, the way i understand it is that FTR doesn't organize or run these events they just sanction them and help promote them, the events are put on by individual clubs. Clubs that are made up of groups of people, like us! We all need to do more than just ride and want, we need to ride and unite!
That is exactly right. FTR did not cancell this race, the club had to because of certain circumstances (partially the reasons in the article). If yall want more races, get a club formed and get a race from FTR and put one on. You should do like Duroc says and get it taken care of, instead of complaining.