ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: Chuck_Norris on March 27, 2007, 10:58:39 AM

Title: Reply from Fred Johnson Planning Manager Lee County Parks and Recreation
Post by: Chuck_Norris on March 27, 2007, 10:58:39 AM
Good morning:


Many of you have mailed me comments and questions regarding the proposed OHV park project.  I hope this will clarify the situation for you.
The land on which we were planning to create the OHV Park is not under the control of Lee County Parks, or indeed, Lee County. Since the meeting last Fall, several issues (not directly related to OHV use) arose and the use of the land was denied (perhaps temporarily). We are currently working to resolve this dilemma.
John Waldron and the Division of Forestry contributed $70k and OTG contributed about $440k as grants to Lee County for the ATV Park development. Lee County, at this time, has no land on which to build the park and since the grants are tied to a specific piece of property, Lee County has been unable to accept the grants. We have asked for and been permitted an extension on the time limit for accepting the grants.  In the meantime, Lee County is examining several possibilities to acquire the appropriate amount of land for the OHV facility. If we can make this happen, the grants can be accepted by Lee County. In terms of a timetable, we are working toward resolving issues within the next several months.
At this point there is nothing for you to do. When we acquire the land, Lee County Parks will be calling on you for your support. I shall keep you posted.

Fred Johnson

Planning Manager
Lee County Parks and Recreation
3410 Palm Beach Boulevard
Fort Myers, Florida 33916

239 461 7474

I called Mr Johnson and Thanked him for his efforts. I learned that Mr. Johnson also Rides. He Ride a Dirt Bike but partakes in the trails in Ocala that he has recently returned from. We also discussed what the trails were in comparison to what they are now. II encourage him to become a member here on the site as well as to keep us all up to date on the advancement.. He was not aware of the ATV rally but has since been invited to attend.. Shoot him a email or a phone call thanking him for his efforts. After speaking with him, I feel that he is definately on our side

Title: Re: Reply from Fred Johnson Planning Manager Lee County Parks and Recreation
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on March 27, 2007, 02:50:25 PM
That's good to hear!

Title: Re: Reply from Fred Johnson Planning Manager Lee County Parks and Recreation
Post by: bmd11 on March 27, 2007, 04:25:57 PM
Good job Chuck! Keep up the good work!  8)

Title: Re: Reply from Fred Johnson Planning Manager Lee County Parks and Recreation
Post by: Gato on March 27, 2007, 04:43:52 PM
I got the same email back today

Title: Re: Reply from Fred Johnson Planning Manager Lee County Parks and Recreation
Post by: Stewards on March 27, 2007, 07:14:23 PM
Maybe you can help them out -- you know the area down there probably better than he does. Especially if he rides in the ONF. Make a few suggestions on where they might come up with land for a park. You might see something they are missing.

Title: Re: Reply from Fred Johnson Planning Manager Lee County Parks and Recreation
Post by: Chuck_Norris on March 28, 2007, 08:37:24 AM
I got the same email back today

He mentioned sending out several E-mails due to the Flood of responses he has received. Until I am made ware of reasons not to trust him I believe he is on our side