Title: Curtis Sparks & Croom Post by: Asphaltdragon on March 18, 2007, 05:21:31 PM Thinking about going to Croom tomorrow... will a 400ex will a full Curtis Sparks exhaust get into Croom?
Title: Re: Curtis Sparks & Croom Post by: Ida_Mann on March 18, 2007, 05:47:17 PM I wouldn't think so.
Id@ Title: Re: Curtis Sparks & Croom Post by: atvtrailer on March 18, 2007, 06:12:42 PM Thinking about going to Croom tomorrow... will a 400ex will a full Curtis Sparks exhaust get into Croom? i dont see why it wouldnt, i never see them check the db level of a bike and ive never even seen them check for spark arrestors, they are more worried about their money and u wearing a helmet and no passangers Title: Re: Curtis Sparks & Croom Post by: 450rcrazy on March 18, 2007, 06:55:53 PM I have an Alba full exhaust and have had no problems.Just be respectful to the rangers ,wear your helmet dont speed,wheelie or do donuts thru parking areas and you will not have any issues.I have met most of the rangers there and they are all really nice as long as you dont cause them any trouble.have fun and remember if you get lost just head one direction until you reach the fence line and follow it back to a parking area. :)
Title: Re: Curtis Sparks & Croom Post by: Asphaltdragon on March 18, 2007, 08:02:40 PM Thinking about going to Croom tomorrow... will a 400ex will a full Curtis Sparks exhaust get into Croom? i dont see why it wouldnt, i never see them check the db level of a bike and ive never even seen them check for spark arrestors, they are more worried about their money and u wearing a helmet and no passangers sweet! thanks for the info... btw I was up in your area the other day off of 486 & 491 Title: Re: Curtis Sparks & Croom Post by: Asphaltdragon on March 18, 2007, 08:03:13 PM I have an Alba full exhaust and have had no problems.Just be respectful to the rangers ,wear your helmet dont speed,wheelie or do donuts thru parking areas and you will not have any issues.I have met most of the rangers there and they are all really nice as long as you dont cause them any trouble.have fun and remember if you get lost just head one direction until you reach the fence line and follow it back to a parking area. :) good info, thanks! Title: Re: Curtis Sparks & Croom Post by: 1FasterBlaster on March 18, 2007, 09:51:39 PM If they hear your quad,their gonna flip it upside down and rub it's belly to calm it down, then send you on your way!! :-))
I have full Yoshi w/ Hottcams and jetted, they have never said anything to me.Not that I could hear them anyway!! WHAT?? Title: Re: Curtis Sparks & Croom Post by: eldiablo64 on March 18, 2007, 10:17:44 PM I have a full hmf exhaust and rejet its not all that loud but I have heard some really loud quads out there so you should be good to go
Title: Re: Curtis Sparks & Croom Post by: 1FasterBlaster on March 18, 2007, 10:22:32 PM It was probably me you heard!!
Title: Re: Curtis Sparks & Croom Post by: eldiablo64 on March 18, 2007, 10:40:13 PM LOL 8)
Title: Re: Curtis Sparks & Croom Post by: MOTOCROSS MAVERICK on March 18, 2007, 10:51:28 PM mine got in today. and it is really loud!
Title: Re: Curtis Sparks & Croom Post by: 1FasterBlaster on March 19, 2007, 08:47:52 AM They don't care about that at Sunshine?I've been wanting to go there, but it's the nights my wife works and I get the kids.
Title: Re: Curtis Sparks & Croom Post by: AmericanRobster on March 20, 2007, 09:46:37 PM Chino,
Let's hit up Sunshine sometime! |