ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: AlterEgo on March 05, 2007, 11:33:04 AM

Title: ONF accident
Post by: AlterEgo on March 05, 2007, 11:33:04 AM
Posting this here instead of the ONFA section hoping it will reach more people. Rode the trails/camped the Ocala Nat. Forest for the first time this past weekend - 5 families, 4 UTVs and 4 ATVs. Great time, great trails (a few pretty whooped out, but not bad over all). Great family day riding and exploring.

A word of caution if you go - watch out for the blind corners and listen for other bikes/atvs if you can. The lead Rhino in our group was coming up to a blind corner with a berm when he thought he heard another ATV coming. He stopped and a sport atv rounded the corner doing 25-35 mph and slammed into the Rhino. The ATV rider flew off the bike and onto the hood of the rhino and then to the ground. He immediately tried to stand but fell back to the ground from leg injuries. Luckily we had an ER nurse in our group that attended to the rider, checked him for injuries and bandaged up some pretty bad gashes in his leg. The Rhino driver was thrown from the Rhino and his son hit the floorboard - they both had minor bruises. We loaded the ATV rider into the bed of a rhino and lifted the front of his bike onto the hitch of another rhino to tow it out (his bike was unusable it was damaged so badly). Took the trail back out to a main forest road where his buddy rode and retrieved their truck and trailer and headed off to the hospital.

Thank God we didn't have one of the kids on an atv leading the group - I can't imagine what would have happened. Most of the trails were fairly wide (we were only on the ones designated "multi-use") and you can see others coming. But some of the blind corners are nasty and if you're going to fly around them you're rolling the dice, not just with your safety but others. Not sure what the solution is - common sense first and foremost. Other than that, mabye one way trails.

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: psd on March 05, 2007, 12:07:48 PM
You are correct everone needs to pay more attention and slow down a bit

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: greenmachine on March 05, 2007, 01:16:41 PM
Hopefully he didnt tear up your rhino too bad. Stupid hurts, maybe he will learn this time. I always lead our family in the woods for that reason. I's rather it be me than my wife or children. He is lucky you all were nice enough to help him out of the woods.

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: MedicMudder on March 05, 2007, 01:29:35 PM
wonder if a flag on the back,like you have to have when riding in the
sand dunes at Glamis ect? These type of incidents will happen from time to
time,when you put riders in the same place. Hope the anti atvers dont use
the incidents like this to try to stop us from riding. More kids are hurt riding skate
boards than on atvs. Glad no one was hurt badly,thats smart the way you put the bigger atv up front.

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: Ida_Mann on March 05, 2007, 01:44:28 PM
a good reason to have one-way trails.


Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: sykolincoln on March 05, 2007, 01:49:52 PM
ive had a few close calls, but I usually slow down on bad blind curves non the less, or pull over completely, most of the time I cannot hear anything over my motor (old air cooled 2 stroke) so I cannot hear an oncoming rider, but I keep my eyes peeled for anyone coming in any direction.

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: 1FasterBlaster on March 05, 2007, 02:52:40 PM
   It wasn't due to either of your riding.Accidents happen.I've had close run ins with people as we both were going slow.That's why they call them blind corners.I find it hard to hear anyone over my engine with a helmet on.
   We all know the risk of riding and we've all had our accidents.Hope everything worked out.I'm glad to hear you guys helped out so much.Some people would just keep going.You guys even dragged his quad out for him.
   Be safe and keep having fun!!

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: eldiablo64 on March 05, 2007, 03:35:31 PM
thats why the trails need to be one way.two way trails are to dangerous glad nobody was seriously injured stay safe

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: AintSkeered on March 05, 2007, 05:53:03 PM
Don't come around any corners and run into me or my family. I will not allow them to render first aid to you. I'll do it only if it's life threatening to you. And, I certainly won't tow your disabled ATV back unless you immediately pay for my damages. You don't own ONF!

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: Chuck_Norris on March 05, 2007, 05:58:25 PM
a good reason to have one-way trails.



Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: Chillinthemost on March 05, 2007, 05:59:13 PM
That why you always assume someone IS coming around the corner and be ready for it. My kids NEVER ride in the front.

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: 500melon on March 05, 2007, 06:45:48 PM
And if you have headlights , please turn them on. It may help a little even in the day time.

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: novadave on March 05, 2007, 07:03:06 PM
I knew this was gunna happen soon or later. I'm happy that no one was hurt badly, but its gunna happen alot more with these 2 way trails. I love to ride fast , thats why i bought my bike. If i wanted to go slow i would have bought a golf cart.

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: blupits04 on March 05, 2007, 07:25:53 PM
Don't come around any corners and run into me or my family. I will not allow them to render first aid to you. I'll do it only if it's life threatening to you. And, I certainly won't tow your disabled ATV back unless you immediately pay for my damages. You don't own ONF!

I bet you make your family proud with your ignorant wisdom.

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: AmericanRobster on March 05, 2007, 08:34:27 PM
Again, pay attention!

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: 1Scorpion on March 05, 2007, 09:00:40 PM
We saw the rescue going thru the forest Sat. afternoon . Was there another wreck ? Or was it for the wreck you all are talking about.

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: jujulo700R on March 05, 2007, 09:16:15 PM
That is one of the main things I worry about when I ride at ONF now. You can do 5th gear on a lot of the trails out there and by them reducing the amount of trails open, I see this type of thing happening more and more. Eventually it is going to lead to the demise of ONF in my opinion.

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: AlterEgo on March 05, 2007, 09:25:38 PM
We saw the rescue going thru the forest Sat. afternoon . Was there another wreck ? Or was it for the wreck you all are talking about.

We pulled the guy out Sunday morning. Must've been another wreck you saw.

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: AlterEgo on March 05, 2007, 09:33:13 PM
Hopefully he didnt tear up your rhino too bad. Stupid hurts, maybe he will learn this time. I always lead our family in the woods for that reason. I's rather it be me than my wife or children. He is lucky you all were nice enough to help him out of the woods.

Bumper collapsed, hood buckled and cracked up the center, rim bent & flattened the tire & crunched a headlight. The atv had the frame bent, tie rods broke, bent handle bars, plastic everywhere, etc . .  If we go again, a Rhino will be leading the pack.

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: gearhead400 on March 05, 2007, 09:34:57 PM
Don't come around any corners and run into me or my family. I will not allow them to render first aid to you. I'll do it only if it's life threatening to you. And, I certainly won't tow your disabled ATV back unless you immediately pay for my damages. You don't own ONF!

wow, your an idiot straight up! If i was a mod i'd ban you for saying something so stupid and careless. I'd really like to know you definition of life threatening is, because a broken leg and no fluid's out in the hot FL sun can put someone in a hospital bed. shock and dehydration buddy.

You guys are good people for doing the right thing. Glad to hear everyone on your end was ok and i hope the guy on the sport bike is alright and learns his leason about blazing around blind turns.

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: Ida_Mann on March 05, 2007, 09:37:07 PM
Hopefully he didnt tear up your rhino too bad. Stupid hurts, maybe he will learn this time. I always lead our family in the woods for that reason. I's rather it be me than my wife or children. He is lucky you all were nice enough to help him out of the woods.

Bumper collapsed, hood buckled and cracked up the center, rim bent & flattened the tire & crunched a headlight. The atv had the frame bent, tie rods broke, bent handle bars, plastic everywhere, etc . .  If we go again, a Rhino will be leading the pack.

in case I forgot   :Clap.gif  for helping the guy out, let's all pray that he recovers, learns, and helps to fix your quad.


Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: gearhead400 on March 05, 2007, 09:37:26 PM
Hopefully he didnt tear up your rhino too bad. Stupid hurts, maybe he will learn this time. I always lead our family in the woods for that reason. I's rather it be me than my wife or children. He is lucky you all were nice enough to help him out of the woods.

Bumper collapsed, hood buckled and cracked up the center, rim bent & flattened the tire & crunched a headlight. The atv had the frame bent, tie rods broke, bent handle bars, plastic everywhere, etc . .  If we go again, a Rhino will be leading the pack.

a rhino with a reinforced bumper haha. Dang are you sure he wasnt going faster than 25-30? thats bad crash!

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: stacktester on March 05, 2007, 09:56:25 PM
I have always said if somebody carelessly comes around a corner and hurts somebody I'm gettin off and beatin his ass to sleep. The forest is being overused for the amount of riders that come out. That's unfortunate but it's reality. I've ridden a great deal of the trail system and IMO, they aren't really good for speed. Trails to me are more for just riding and taking it easy. You wanna haul f'ing a$$ go to the powerlines.

You can call me a dumbass or call a mod on me or whatever. It's a fact Jack that there is NOT enough riding room on that trail system to go barreling thru there where sharp turns are. I've seen a few places you can let er rip, but not many. That's my .02 and if you don't like it then tough. Last time I checked freedom of speech was still intact. I see a lot of family rides (including mine) on the trails and I would hate to see kids being hurt because somebody can't wait to get in a straight away or safer place to ride fast safely.

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: AintSkeered on March 05, 2007, 10:34:15 PM
All I'm saying is that if you selfishly race around a blind corner and hit me, my only responsibility is to report the accident. I'm under no obligation to support your behavior by helping you. As far as I'm concerned, that's no accident, it's careless, reckless negligence and I'd definitely press/file civil and/or any other charges I possibly could against you. That kind of recklessness is going to cause increased anti-OHV legislation. MX tracks are for those who feel the need for speed and ONF is not an MX track. Not my rules!

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: blupits04 on March 05, 2007, 10:58:12 PM

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: kickflip42585 on March 05, 2007, 11:14:01 PM
AintSkeered & stacktester : I actually thought that everyone on here was a descent person. If I happen to have an accident with you, I'd like to think you'd be a nice enough person to understand the word "accident" and if anyone is hurt, by not helping them your just a worthless human. Leave me on the side of a trail broken down and bleeding and I would hunt you down. It is ridiculous to be that ignorant to leave a person in pain and suffering. I don't see how you can sleep at night. Apparently your in the wrong sport, you should try and join UFC take some of that anger out elsewhere. Careless is one thing, but accidents are another...learn the difference. If you feel the need to "Beat I disagree to sleep" go ahead, all I know is that you will get what is coming your way. I thought they had a law against allowing the ignorant to breed so we didn't end up with people like this.....

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: stacktester on March 06, 2007, 05:23:58 AM
Bounty that was well put.

Kickflip I may have sounded harsh. I would not leave anyone hurt as you say. I have had many people come flying up on me at Big Scrub on the unmarked trails and at Delancey where you ought to know better. When they almost hit you they look at you like dude man you're in my way. I had some guys ride up like that once and I asked them why would you knowingly fly around a corner like that. The guy was on a 2 stroke bike and took off spinning sand on my daughter and me. When I saw him back at Big Scrub I went over to him and he said hit me dude I'm 16. Now who is giving this a bad name. My intention was not to hit him. I guess I'll just mount a huge push bar like a ranch hand bumber on my 4 wheeler and we'll call it even.

My advice to parents who ride at ONF is to not let your kids ride out front. There are riders who could care less who they hit. I'm sure there are plenty who do care but many don't.

This is exactly the reason why I hardly go to ONF anymore. I used to go at least 2 weekends a month. There is no reason why the trails can't be one way or at least widen them.

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: AintSkeered on March 06, 2007, 07:27:55 AM
This is simply about maturity and differences of opinion. Your insults and name calling only fuel my opinion. And, it's a mistake to believe that just because I don't respond in the same manner that it's any sign of weakness. I assure you that my opinion is shared by many out on the trails. I never said I'd leave you out there to die, quite the opposite. I said that I'd report it immediately(and let the authorities deal with it) .All I'm asking is for you to grow up and let others enjoy ONF!

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: AlterEgo on March 06, 2007, 10:03:47 AM
My intention in posting this accident was hopefully to have as many people read about it as possible in hopes that the next time someone might be thinking about flying around a blind corner, they remember that someone's kid might be waiting on the other side enjoying a ride with their family.

There are no "official" rules about speed in the forest other than to suggest you keep the speed down for safety, and definitely nobody to enforce it if they did have rules. So it comes down to maturity and common sense. If you want to risk your safety, fine, but don't do it at the expense of mine or my family's.

As far as helping the guy, it was never a question. He made a stupid mistake and is paying for it, and I'll guess next time he thinks twice. Luckily nobody was "seriously" injured or killed, just equipment. Had my son been injured, I'm not sure my reaction would have been the same.

ONF is a great resource. I've been once, and would like to go again. But, much more of that kind of crap and they'll just flat shut it down to any OHV traffic. Some of the more mature riders should lead and teach the less mature by example. If we can police ourselves, we keep a place to ride.

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: USFfishing on March 06, 2007, 10:17:27 AM
When I am riding ONF and I hear anything coming up ahead I always make my way off the trail.  Better safe than sorry.  I wouldnt wish an accident on anyone up there.  We are all there to do what we love. 

I hope both parties in this accident keep using the trail system.  ONF is a great place to share.

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: Yota on March 06, 2007, 11:00:27 AM
I haven't been out there in some time with this new trail system, but its a accident, ONF is not for any specific rider, I can recall group rides with lots of people on this site probably 4 years ago, thats  what we did go fast, we used to have group oriented speed rides in ONF, just as well we had family rides for just cruising around, this sport has so many different styles its getting crazy, but its not due to any one thing, its on everyone, CYA thats what it comes down to, you play in a unpredictable surronding environment, whether it being a huge ute  or a sport quad or who knows a tree falling, you never know, so dont blame it on no one, its a accident, as far as making it one way trails, that was the thing everyone was fighting against a couple years ago, but like I had mentioned I haven't been out there in a while, so its probably different now, just be happy eneryone is fine, toys always can be replaced

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: AlterEgo on March 06, 2007, 12:01:39 PM
Calling it an accident does not mean that someone isn't responsible for that accident. You are right that ONF is for all riders, but that doesn't mean my son or anyone else for that matter should have to shoulder a risk by riding the trails there so someone else can fly around a blind corner at 30+ mph. I don't care if you go 60 and jump off into the woods to see how far you get before you hit a tree if that's what you're into, but don't do anything that puts other's (who are also have ther right to enjoy the forest) safety at risk.

And, this isn't a sport quad vs. ute quad vs. utv issue. It's a common sense, safety issue - so the trails can continue to be used by all riders.

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: 1FasterBlaster on March 06, 2007, 12:21:17 PM
   It's apparent there are a lot of different views when it comes to different kinds of riding.The same aspect happens when people drive cars and have happens.
  You guys that sound like you would hurt someone further for having an accident, your not very smart.I haul azz, that's why I have a sport quad.Everyone knows there are people in the trails doing it.The trails are for us also, not just cruisers.Noone wants to see anyone hurt, we're just doing what we think is fun, as well as you are.
   With that attitude, you won't find very many people to ride with.I sincerely hope you don't react that way.Yes there are ignorant riders that don't care, but don't pass that judgement on everyone.
   Ride safe, and always try to have fun...but always be aware!!

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: AlterEgo on March 06, 2007, 01:45:02 PM
From the ONF rules and regulations page:

"It is UNLAWFUL to operate under the influence of drugs or alcohol or in such a manner that endangers the safety of others."

"Riding fast is hazardous and not recommended."

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: 1FasterBlaster on March 06, 2007, 02:33:07 PM
   Of course it's not recommended for everyone.Not everyone knows how to ride that way.We know it's danderous, but mostly to us.
   Like I said, noone is trying to endanger anyone,that's just the way we like to ride.Most of us have the experience and the reflex to avoid incident from happening.And yes, there are a lot of people that shouldn't be going that fast cause they don't know how to ride.
   You can't say it's speed that hurts, cause I've seen kids going 10 mph fall off and brake their arms.I honestly don't know why anyone should get worked up over another incident.They have always happenned, and they always can't stop life from going round.If I was so worried about my little girl getting hurt, she wouldn't have a quad.All you can do is hope nothing ever happens.Enjoy life...ride fast, but safe!!

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: AintSkeered on March 06, 2007, 05:08:59 PM
The same aspect DOES NOT happen when people drive cars! NO WAY! Unlike ONF, there are traffic laws which prevent speeding around blind curves into oncoming traffic. I'm here to tell you that if you cannot respect the lives of others enough to refrain from such selfish actions in ONF, YOU are a threat to others, YOU will cause increased anti-OHV legislation and YOU should know that you are at risk for a civil lawsuit if you injure someone in ONF. So, if it happens, you'd better hope that the person you hit is ignorant of these facts. To all responsible adults out there, it's your legal responsibility to immediately call law enforcement whenever an OHV injury accident occurs in ONF(I'm certain it's stated in their literature). Let law enforcement provide prompt and effective first aid, let them document the incident and obtain witness testimony, etc.. Then, when the assailant will not pay for property and bodily damages, sue them.

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: 1FasterBlaster on March 06, 2007, 05:31:53 PM
  Don't try to distort what I'm saying man.Your trying to make me sound reckless and I'm not.You can't lie and tell me you don't ride fast.Noone here has disregard for others safety,I have two kids of my own.
   I said I ride fast and watch what I'm doing.Now your trying to sound like a Saint!!If I ever hurt anyone, I would accept responsibility and I would want somone to do the same.I meant cars have accidents as well as we do...even with rules.So speak with intelligence.I'm not argueing with these incidents.They happen, point blank, and there's nothing you can do except being careful when you ride...I DO!!

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: 1FasterBlaster on March 06, 2007, 05:39:11 PM
   And since the new trail sytem started,I don't ride O.N.F..It's a big problem waiting to happen.So be careful with any situation, accidents happen with or without rules being followed.I'm glad I can say in all my years of riding,I've never...hit anyone.So I let my record speak for itself!!

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: qt314nfla on March 06, 2007, 05:55:06 PM
I understand that you are 'supposed' to report any accidents on ATV's.  But do you know why?  It is so they can document how many incidents happen each year on ATV's and to what age group.  Why?  So they (the ppl that don't ride) can institute more rules and regulations.  I am all for appropriate bikes for age/size.  The current rules concerning this are outdated and a large 12yo on a 90cc bike would be dangerous in itself.

There need to be rules and regulations for most activities.  However, the current rules, regulations, and lack of acceptance of our sport are due to the statistics they currently have.  There's no way in hell I'm going to report any incident to the government and give them more leverage to tell me what size bike I can ride or to close down the current areas.

Trust me if every trampoline accident had to be reported they would be illegal also.  You think this is funny?  I am a chiropractor, I rarely see kids in bike, rollerblade accidents.  But I have them all the time from trampoline accidents.  Yet no one tells the parents they need to get rid of their trampoline or that they don't love the lives of their kids because they are allowed to play on them.  It is the narrow minded predjudice of ppl against motorcycles.  Fall of a bike, horse, rollerblades everyone says get back on.  Fall off a bike, everyone says sell it.

Why give them more ammo.  In addition, currently there have only been I believe 2 lawsuits in the last 30 years regarding ATV accidents.  Bring in lawsuits and it will be darn near impossible to get any area to ride.  We know our sport has certain inherent risks.  The only risks you can limit are the way you ride yourself.  You can not limit anyone else just as you can't control their actions.  Most of us as riders accept responsibility of the risk we put our family in when we go riding.  Reporting everything is not the way to get more riding areas.

**off my soap box

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: gearhead400 on March 06, 2007, 06:28:18 PM
All I'm saying is that if you selfishly race around a blind corner and hit me, my only responsibility is to report the accident. I'm under no obligation to support your behavior by helping you. As far as I'm concerned, that's no accident, it's careless, reckless negligence and I'd definitely press/file civil and/or any other charges I possibly could against you. That kind of recklessness is going to cause increased anti-OHV legislation. MX tracks are for those who feel the need for speed and ONF is not an MX track. Not my rules!

well i agree with you there but i think you came off a little strong, at least to me. I'd want my damages paid for but i wouldnt make the person suffer and limp back, id give them a hand so they'd be more inclined to cooperate.

This story is one of the main reasons i dont go to ONF anymore, because i use to love flying through the open trails out there and not having to worry about running into anyone. Now you have to creep around corners and keep your bike at slower speeds and thats just not fun on a sport bike. THAT, and theres no fun trails anymore.

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: GrlNextDoor on March 06, 2007, 06:32:32 PM
I understand that you are 'supposed' to report any accidents on ATV's.  But do you know why?  It is so they can document how many incidents happen each year on ATV's and to what age group.  Why?  So they (the ppl that don't ride) can institute more rules and regulations.  I am all for appropriate bikes for age/size.  The current rules concerning this are outdated and a large 12yo on a 90cc bike would be dangerous in itself.

There need to be rules and regulations for most activities.  However, the current rules, regulations, and lack of acceptance of our sport are due to the statistics they currently have.  There's no way in hell I'm going to report any incident to the government and give them more leverage to tell me what size bike I can ride or to close down the current areas.

Trust me if every trampoline accident had to be reported they would be illegal also.  You think this is funny?  I am a chiropractor, I rarely see kids in bike, rollerblade accidents.  But I have them all the time from trampoline accidents.  Yet no one tells the parents they need to get rid of their trampoline or that they don't love the lives of their kids because they are allowed to play on them.  It is the narrow minded predjudice of ppl against motorcycles.  Fall of a bike, horse, rollerblades everyone says get back on.  Fall off a bike, everyone says sell it.

Why give them more ammo.  In addition, currently there have only been I believe 2 lawsuits in the last 30 years regarding ATV accidents.  Bring in lawsuits and it will be darn near impossible to get any area to ride.  We know our sport has certain inherent risks.  The only risks you can limit are the way you ride yourself.  You can not limit anyone else just as you can't control their actions.  Most of us as riders accept responsibility of the risk we put our family in when we go riding.  Reporting everything is not the way to get more riding areas.

**off my soap box

Unfortunately QT, if there is an ambulance involved, the police are as well.  When my daughter was hurt at holopaw, the cops met my husband at the gate and would not let him leave until he gave them a report.  Our fault, we accepted responsibility but, they still insisted on filing it. :(

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: AintSkeered on March 06, 2007, 07:15:17 PM
You're asking us to trust you to make restitution after you've injured us or destroyed our property? Can you repair your victim's ruptured spleen, blindness, para/quadraplegia, etc? Just slow down in turns, please.
Read FS 261.12, section 5e. I'll modify this post to add additional laws which OHV operators are required to obey in ONF.

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: qt314nfla on March 06, 2007, 07:26:13 PM
Grlnxtdr, you are correct in that if the police or authorities get involved they will have to file a report.  I'm just saying I try to avoid putting things on the record any time it's possible.

I agree that if you help the injured rider out even if they were at fault and you can keep your cool, the injured are more likely to cooperate.  It also teaches the kids better values in helping ppl out even when they are wrong.  It opens up a great discussion between them on making decisions.

I would like to see more flags on bikes.  I initially hated the idea but after riding a few places where they are mandatory was very happy to have one.  It's very easy to see ppl coming the other direction and at what speed they are coming w/ a flag.  I use mine every time I ride now after seeing how cheap this safety option is.

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: AintSkeered on March 06, 2007, 07:46:26 PM
The way to avoid law enforcement getting involved is to "Ride 4 Keeps".
Keep it safe
Keep it legal
Keep on trails
Keep the privilege

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: novadave on March 06, 2007, 08:16:11 PM
Loud pipes save lives.

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: stacktester on March 06, 2007, 08:37:05 PM
Loud pipes save lives.

Brilliant baby Brilliant

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: 1FasterBlaster on March 06, 2007, 10:25:43 PM
   Everyone will have their own opinions on how things should work.Like she says, "All you can do is ride the best you know how."And you should trust people first until they give you a reason not to.
   If you get into an incident with injuries, then yes, the authorities may need to be involved.But if it's just damage, a promisary note with a signature does hold up in court.Ask any Lawyer.If you feel the need to do so.
   But you need to take a Chill Pill first!!

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: 1FasterBlaster on March 06, 2007, 10:28:30 PM
   And yes, loud pipes do help!!

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: stacktester on March 06, 2007, 10:33:50 PM
I was just kidding lol. I hope all is resolved in these situations. I love ONF but don't like what has happened recently.

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: stacktester on March 07, 2007, 05:21:23 AM




Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: Ride1Rob on March 07, 2007, 08:11:33 AM
What most of you fail to realize is that 100% of the blame sometimes doesn't go against who caused the accident. (Sounds dumb, but keep reading). Not all ATVers have access to computers and most don't frequent ATV websites such as Most don't understand how dangerous ONF has become since this new system has been implemented. With that being said, it's not totally your fellow riders you should be upset with. Not everyone has enough common since to think SAFETY 1st when they throw that leg over their bikes. There are many that have no regard for their own safety let alone others (riding with no protective gear/helmet). Instead your anger needs to be towards the people who have taken thousands of trails with thousands of miles of riding area and crammed us all in a couple hundred miles of trails that go both ways. Sure, there was always the possibilty of collisions happening before. But now it ahella lot more likely to happen with this new system. That was my argument with DaddyGrizz when this was being implemented. He argued that it would make it safer because it would slow people down. There were those of us that argued things like this would be bound to happen. ONF will never be safe and there will always be accidents like this to happen as long as the trails system is setup the way it is. I've ridden the new system once and have no desire to go back b/c there are too many bikes in not enough trails.

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: 1FasterBlaster on March 07, 2007, 11:02:42 AM
   There is nothing immature about debating.It is not a two year old word.This is how we figure out what the problems are and learn how to resolve them.That is the reason so many of us view these post and reply to them.
  I feel everyone on this site has an opinion that they want to be heard.That is the beauty of this site.There is nothing taken personal, unless someone starts name calling.As long as you don't take it personal, it's not personal.It's a debate.
   I understand that sometimes frustration tends to steer people in the wrong direction,But it's nothing we can't fix with a group ride!!
   My feelings towards everyone on this site.BRING ON THE RALLY!!

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: AlterEgo on March 07, 2007, 01:45:49 PM
Agree - debate toward solution IS what we're after.

I think we're in agreeance that there are two basic uses for the trail system - track style riding (generally sport quads) and day cruising/forest access (utes and utvs). I think we can also agree that the two are not compatible when you compress them into a limited, two-way trail system, often only wide enough for one-way travel and many bermed blind curves - as is evidenced by the many accidents over the years, including ours last weekend.

The following points are my own, you may or may not agree with them. The trail system belongs to all users. No rider is good enough to take a blind corner and pretend that they can avoid another on-coming rider. No rider should have to assume a safety risk of riding the trail, beyond their own skill, to allow another rider to operate however they feel is fun (just like you can't go 150mph down the highway because it's fun or you're running late - because it endangers other drivers).

So generally the problem is one of safety - and secondarily keeping trails open by avoiding legislation arising from safety issues concerning ATVs.

It has been explained to me since I first posted that one-way trails are not the solution. That one-way trails create a false sense of security that nobody is coming the other way and speed can be increased without worry on blind corners. One way trails have many entry points and a risk of somebody turning around and heading the other way because they don't want to complete the loop - but now with riders coming even faster from the other way because it's a "one-way" trail.

Speed limits are another solution - and it may come to that. This is very controversial and hard to enforce, but may provide incentive to slow down. And it can happen - take a look to the south at Big Cypress Preserve that employs a trail wide 15mph speed limit.

How about a closed-loop mx-style trail with no speed limit, designated as one way and its own trailhead/campground? Other trails would be made safer for day-cruisers with a posted speed limit. This is not perfect, because it becomes a battle of distribution of trail miles for riding types, but a suggestion to start debate.

Any other suggestions?

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: qt314nfla on March 07, 2007, 03:16:56 PM
I'm all for having a kiddie/day cruiser trail w/ speed limits and other trails w/ other speed limits for more experienced riders.  However, the problem I see w/ this is ppl already don't know what trails they are on or where they are due to poor mapping and signage.  It would be even worse to see a family w/ little ones pop out on a free for all trail and think they were on a 15 mph trail then have no where to go to get to another trail.

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: AlterEgo on March 07, 2007, 03:20:59 PM
That's why it would have to be closed-loop with its own trialhead/campground.

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: Chillinthemost on March 07, 2007, 05:06:23 PM
The other problem is that it is boring as hell for the kids to ride in dads dust all day and not have any open areas to ride with a little Independence. Rodman and Eureka pits were great for this and they are both no longer accessable.

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: AintSkeered on March 07, 2007, 05:27:21 PM
Thanks to all who've participated in this discussion, everyone learns. I myself enjoy a wide-open trail with no speed limit and wish I didn't have to go to the Miccousukee track and Durhamtown Plantation to feed that hunger. However, I wish I didn't have to go to work either, but, I must. If I could depend upon people to always do the right thing, I wouldn't be recommending victims of careless, reckless and/or negligent OHV operators call law enforcement. I simply won't give careless, reckless or negligent OHV operators any chance to flee their moral and financial responsibility to the victim(s) of an accident. A promissory note would be the only evidence, puts the entire burden of collecting restitution upon the person holding that note(e.g. OJ case) and you can't cash a promissory note in for a new eye, spine, spleen, child, etc.. BS! What do you say we remove Paradise(all trees, other blind spots) and put up a parking lot?

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: 1FasterBlaster on March 07, 2007, 05:59:17 PM
   Yes , it is a pain to have to go to court...I know,I've had to do it.But it does work.

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: ltz-400 on March 07, 2007, 07:28:57 PM
first off lets start this off by saying that everyone knows that if the forest was one way travel there would be none of these head on collisions happening. second we all have went fast through the forest from dirt bikes to atvs, giant go carts hell even jeeps. if i get into an accident in the forest im not going to be happy at all. i have kids and neices and nephews who ride also. everyone needs to be very careful and safe.

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: AintSkeered on March 07, 2007, 08:42:12 PM
It's not my intent to turn this into a pissing contest, but, if it's a "right" to expect all others to dodge you when you blast around a blind turn, then we're certainly forced to let the law determine that. So, when those "accidents" occur, call the Cops and prove your rights!

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: Busta Nutt on March 07, 2007, 09:08:10 PM
Shouldn't it be a common courtesy to slow down to a safe speed when approaching a blind corner to ensure the safety of yourself as well as any oncoming riders? I know that is my policy.

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: Chillinthemost on March 07, 2007, 09:49:58 PM
Shouldn't it be a common courtesy to slow down to a safe speed when approaching a blind corner to ensure the safety of yourself as well as any oncoming riders? I know that is my policy.
Exaxctly, thats my policy too. Doesn't mean you have to go slow, just always assume somebody might be coming around the corner.

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: offroadjunkee on March 07, 2007, 09:51:39 PM
Hey LTZ bring your ass on out in the open. You talk big sh*t on here so let's see in person what you're about. I'm quite sure I'll handle anything your ass can bring on and if I can't I'll damn sure have fun trying.

A typical response. Exactly why we don't ride there anymore. Last year a young kid in a group we were hanging with stole stuff from my truck. I was mad and played it as cool as possible.... then came the outburst... "Dem's fightin' wurds". Yup... I spelled it wrong on purpose..... Not to say all trips to the ONF were bad, but this one caused us to stop going.... This mentality, carried by a small percentage that ruins it for the rest of us. It seems more like the locals try to run the forest and ruin it for those who are trying to enjoy a day off.

I am glad no one got seriously hurt..... That really sucks when someone is clearly not paying attention and hurts themself or someone else.

Another quote:
"I pray you and the and the other rider is o'k.  If we go around and start beating up each other in the forest what will that do?  Are we no better off than the people who wants to stop us from riding in ONF?"

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: MadMudder on March 07, 2007, 09:52:26 PM
Well heres what I have to say. We ride like allot of people on here. Slow and taking breaks and stopping to play in the mud and just crusing around all day. But consider this from a sport quad riders perspective. We are all saying that people who ride fast are menaces and are going to be the downfall of our riding area here. But what if im a guy who has a tricked out 450r or yfz and I have beed riding fast for years before they put this stuipid new system in. So now I have to ride at 15 just because some guys with rhinos and utes want to ride slow? Its the same idea. I personally think if you want to ride fast then go ahead! They could deveise a system to have trails sutied for fast riding and have others for utes or something but they shouldnt have to change their ways just because we want them to.

   We all know what were getting into the moment we back off of the trailer. We all know you could hit a log stuck out in the trail and fly into a tree. We all know that there is a high risk of accidents. So why are we pointing fingers at each other and saying the other is wrong? IF you cant handle the fact that somebody might come around the turn and smash into you then dont ride.

     I would also like to note if somebody from the first paragraph comes around the corner and hits you or exaticly like what happened in the wreck and you leave them there while there bleeding or have something broken the you should be dragged through a briar patch by a tractor. Im sorry but that is just terrible. If you can look a fellow rider dead in the eyes while there just laying there and walk off then I hope you fall in a well. That is one of the most inhumane terrible things you can do to a person. If they did it on purpose with the soul intent of running you over then its different. But if it was something that they didnt mean to do then, well you get what I mean. What if your driving down the road in your car and a kid runs out to get a ball or something and you hit them. But the stupid kid dented your car. So its their fault and all you should do is call the police and let them deal with it? Well, thats different! NO ITS NOT. Its the same idea and if you can do that then I wish you woudnt ride at all.


Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: 1FasterBlaster on March 07, 2007, 09:59:16 PM
   There are places for hauling azz and going slow.Never go fast around blind corners.
   And guys, please don't get so personal on here.This is a family forum.That kinda behavior has gotten people kicked off of here.This site is very valuable in a lot of ways,I would hate to see you lose this.
   Like I said," this is a debate, not a personal attack on anyone."

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: AlterEgo on March 07, 2007, 10:09:41 PM
Mad Mudder - the only finger pointing going on is at riders that won't slow down for blind coners and put other people's safety at risk. We encountered many different riders over the weekend, from jeeps to mx bikers to utes and utvs to sport quads. 99% of them were very courteous and tried to accommodate each other - either slowing down or pulling to the side and waving. However, it was the one rider that replaced common sense with a selfish need to ride carelessly that ruined the day. We were lucky in this incident - most times a head on at 30+ doesn't come out so good.

When you're old enough to drive, you'll learn that's what traffic laws are all about - being able to accommodate all drivers while keeping everyone safe.

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: Wildbrain400EX on March 08, 2007, 04:41:02 AM
Hey LTZ bring your ass on out in the open. You talk big sh*t on here so let's see in person what you're about. I'm quite sure I'll handle anything your ass can bring on and if I can't I'll damn sure have fun trying.

 :box.gif :box.gif :box.gif   YA SURE GOT SOME BIG INTERNET MUSSLES FELLOW   :box.gif :box.gif :box.gif

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: AintSkeered on March 08, 2007, 05:42:25 PM
I'm sorry, indeed, I did say that I would not let my family render first aid to you if you crashed into us. That is just plain wrong, but, it's also just something I carelessly said, not did. Big difference! Perhaps, it might make a difference to some to know that I'm a Florida licensed Registered Respiratory Therapist and Registered Nurse who runs a Cardiac Catheterization Lab. I've by my actions of 30 years that I care about sick and injured human beings. And, I also believe that if I left you injured in the forest, I'd lose my licenses. However, I take very strong exception to the ignorant statement that, "We all know what we're getting into the moment we back off of the trailer. We all know you could hit a log stuck out in the trail and fly into a tree. We all know that there is a high risk of accidents. So why are we pointing fingers at each other and saying the other is wrong? IF you cant handle the fact that somebody might come around the turn and smash into you then don't ride." I can understand this nonsense only if the ATV operator is as intelligent as that log sticking out in the trail! That log is not selfishly, irresponsibly and negligently racing around a blind corner with the full knowledge it could permanently injure another human being! WTF are YOU to tell anyone not to ride in ONF? You're exactly who we need to be worried about and who we need law enforcement to protect us from. Call the cops on these guys, folks!

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: 1FasterBlaster on March 08, 2007, 06:26:47 PM
   I'm done with this one!!! :-\

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: MadMudder on March 08, 2007, 07:21:10 PM
Yeah im out too. If you want to call the cops on me because I said what I said then go right ahead. Ill even tell them how to get here. I didnt say who can and cant ride in ONF. I did say that if you cant handle the fact that you could get hurt and you would beat the crap of of another rider while they are laying on the ground after an accident then I would wish you wouldnt ride. But I didnt say you our anyone else couldnt. And im sorry for saying the whole tractor thing if you didnt mean it. But if it seriously offends you to the point where you would call the cops on a 15yr old kid that made a harmless post on the internet then go ahead. Like I said ill give them directions and everything. IM not even saying that you should ride stuipid. I just wanted people to look at the situation from a different point of view. Thats all.

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: AintSkeered on March 08, 2007, 10:01:26 PM
Hold on there my friend. I'm not saying call the cops on you for voicing your opinion. You're entitled to your opinion. My opinion is that it's selfish, reckless and irresponsible to race around blind corners without regard for the safety of innocent human beings who'd also like to enjoy ONF. And, since ONF is immune from lawsuits of this nature, I'm willing to bet that no civil court jury will make a judgement for you, if you run into someone and they sue you. So, if you insist upon your right to do so, I'm advising anyone/everyone to call the cops on you. ONF belongs to all of us, not just you! Go use an MX track, if you want to race around turns, that's what they're designed for. This is getting more and more like the cigarette smoking issue. The less willing people are to compromise for the safety of all, the more anti-this and anti-that legislation it spawns.

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: MadMudder on March 08, 2007, 10:30:40 PM
So I have to have the cops called on me because im not on an MX track? So your saying that you have to ride slow otherwise your area menance a should be arrested for riding fast? l really think its bad that people that are used to riding fast have to quit riding because of this stupid trail system. If someone comes around a turn and hits you and they didnt get your name and hunt you down to hit you then its called an accident. SO your basically saying you should call the cops over someone that might hit you somewhere in the future? Wow. But ok..... Next time everyone sees me or anyone else that you think might hit you then whip out that phone and make sure you have the police on their way!

    Worst part about all this is the fact that I dont even ride like this. I have a 250 mudbike that might get to 30mph on flat ground. I was just trying to get people to see the issue from a different point of view besides their own. But I guess we cant do that. Everyone thinks its their way or the highway. Im not endorsing riding stupid. Theres fast trail riding and then theres stuipid. But you know the risks before you show up that this stuff could happen. Besides what are the cops gonna do? Ride infront of you and protect you from a kid riding a quad??!

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: stacktester on March 08, 2007, 11:53:06 PM
Couey needs to be drug thru the forest behind some of these fast sport quad riders lol. That sob doesn't deserve the chance to have another breath. We will never learn that these types need to have their nuts cut off. I have a 9 y/o daughter and I can't imagine how this man feels who lost his child.

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: novadave on March 09, 2007, 12:54:37 AM
Your not gunna change the way people like to ride.  What needs to be changed is the trail system. They need to be 1 way. I ride in ONF alot and I've had more close calls with logs and stumps on the trails then head ons with other riders. This debate has turned us against eachother ,but we are all on the same team. Remember this is the time when we need to rally together or we won't have any places to ride in the future. So lets  :-* and make up.

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: 1FasterBlaster on March 09, 2007, 09:09:46 AM
   I don't you have double D's and a great azz? LOL

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: MadMudder on March 09, 2007, 03:58:39 PM
Ok people, for the last time. THIS IS NOT SOMETHING TO TURN US AGINST EACH OTHER. IT IS A INTELLEGENT DEBATE AND DISCUSSION ON A TOPIC. Well it was untill cops were invovled. Other then that its a discussion about the topic. Quit trying to say lets all get along and shutup.

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: BIGWORM3699 ( ECP RACING) on March 09, 2007, 09:50:08 PM
This is why Im not going back to the forest. 

  The elders on this site know what the first group rides were like SUPER FUN now we cant do those type of rides any more IM DONE with ocala forest. I see majority feels the same way.

Im with chillin my kids love to open it up and hang it out on the trails and now its to risky for them so like others said they do it on the MX tracks and dont miss the forest (much).

and by the way what a post this was.

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: MadMudder on March 09, 2007, 09:59:34 PM
Yeah we've been riding in the forest for like 4 years. I remember when you could pick a spot, back off the trailer, and just ride without worrying about colored trails or someone hitting you. But that isnt going to happen anymore...

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: AintSkeered on March 09, 2007, 10:17:05 PM
Hey, I'm not fighting with those who chose to risk life and limb of innocent others. I'm just telling you what my response will be and recommending that others who feel a threat respond in kind. I can sue you today and ride with you tomorrow. That is, after I heal, collect restitution and use it to buy a new Outlander 800. LOL

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: FishaHallic on March 10, 2007, 11:58:18 AM
 :Z :Z :Z

Title: Re: ONF accident
Post by: novadave on March 10, 2007, 05:29:06 PM
man skeered your so sue happy you should be a lawyer. ;)