ATV Florida Forum

General => Racing Scene => Topic started by: gasgasguy on February 26, 2007, 08:46:56 AM

Title: last thing to get whats the best chest protetor to get
Post by: gasgasguy on February 26, 2007, 08:46:56 AM
whats the best bang for the buck when it comes to getting a chest protector thanks

Title: Re: last thing to get whats the best chest protetor to get
Post by: sykolincoln on February 26, 2007, 08:59:18 AM
go to some dealers and try a few on, theres all kinds, its best to have one that feals comfortable to you, I run a thor scattersheild it was cheap and when I have it on I rarely even remember its there, and it was cheap to boot, but I am thinking up upgrading soon though, but dont know what.

Title: Re: last thing to get whats the best chest protetor to get
Post by: HillKiller on February 26, 2007, 08:11:17 PM
   I prefer the under the jersey style of chest protector, also known as body armor. Last I checked Rocky Mountain carries a brand called Nemesis for about 80 bucks including elbow pads and a kidney belt. Dreth uses one and so does Hoosier Daddy. Just my 2 cents...

Title: Re: last thing to get whats the best chest protetor to get
Post by: HondaATC on February 26, 2007, 08:41:38 PM
I've been wondering about those under jersey protectors. The over the jersey type ones have always bothered me because they do (sometimes pretty severely) limit your range of motion and prevent you from looking around when your helmet hits the shoulder guards. What exactly are they made out of? I've seen a few before but they were more just like a big foam pad and didn't look like they'd actually protect you from any hard hits. Is there a big hard plate in them or how exactly is it setup?

Title: Re: last thing to get whats the best chest protetor to get
Post by: HillKiller on February 26, 2007, 10:50:17 PM
  They have ridgid shoulder pads, chest pads, elbows, and also on the back. Everything is held together with a stretchy mesh-like material. Some are sleaveless but mine has arm protection as well.