ATV Florida Forum

General => Where to Ride? => Topic started by: Prairie Master on February 18, 2007, 09:00:59 PM

Title: New trail system disapointment
Post by: Prairie Master on February 18, 2007, 09:00:59 PM
I rode the new trail system on SAT, along with all the great places to ride blocked off every where I rode there was lots of clear cut areas. Do we not get to enjoy the forest??? Where there were nice forest areas are now all clear cut, and they say atvs do damage.

Title: Re: New trail system disapointment
Post by: viper on February 19, 2007, 05:58:23 AM
Not only clear cuts do damage, how about control burns. If they really wanted this system of trails to work, if USFS really wanted it to work, couldn't they put trails in on the clear cuts. I agree with you prairie Master.

Title: Re: New trail system disapointment
Post by: Prairie Master on February 19, 2007, 09:05:33 AM
Areas I use to see bears or deer are gone because of the clear cutting / I couldn't even find tracks of the animals we use to see.

Title: Re: New trail system disapointment
Post by: stacktester on February 19, 2007, 10:24:53 PM
I thought the trail system would be cool too. I haven't been in a while and probably will just go to Durhamtown every few months. Ocala has always been pretty much a sandy a$$ place and unless you're the front rider that's not much fun. I loved DTP with the clay trails. No dust. I probably will just keep my 350 Rancher too and not buy that 660 Grizzly. Not unless some better trails come available. I was looking at how other states handle riding areas and it looks like we're way behind and we have so many riding areas. To all of those who called Lisa a nutbag you better apologize lol. She said exactly this was coming. Oh and the reason I thought the trail system was going to get better was because I thought now we know where we can ride and "Mr Ranger Boy" who can hardly get out of his truck can't "F" with us anymore. It's the SOS friends. Now we have these Roscoe P Coltrain volunteers who are the new sheriff in town. I flagged one down at Rodman one day because some kids were doing donuts on the paved road and driving unsafe and he was screaming at me to "move, move, move" like I was the criminal because I was blocking his way. I hope whoever is left going down there enjoys it.

Title: Re: New trail system disapointment
Post by: lisa on February 20, 2007, 02:59:20 PM
  Thanks stacktester!  :-*

   I have something to say about the clear cutting too. Mr. Charles O. Slay wrote a letter to USFS during the Kisatchee fiasco. Here is what he said about clear cutting:

Quote from: Charles O. Slay
  I own a small tree farm approximately thirty-five miles from this area (downriver). [He is speaking of the Kistachee] When contractors harvest my timber, they are bound by contract and instructed by my consultant to abide by the "Best management practices" as set forth by the "Louisiana Forestry Commissions" other tree farms venerate International Paper Company's "SFI" or "Sustained Forestry Initiative". Both are comprehensive programs designed for our state. They work. Have doubts? Enjoy a drive through some of our excellent private sector tree farms which adhere to one or both of these aforementioned programs. "SFI" and "BMP" policies are both implemented with the environment in mind. You may feel welcome to visit my farm. When you compare you will see that there is nothing natural about the USDA/F procedures. They are simply growing pine trees, not rebuilding ecosystems as you might be led to believe. Well. That is not even the best way to grow pine. As I say, I sell some timber. My father owns the "one  millionth acre" invested into tree farms. I'm just a country boy, but I can count money, and eight percent of my timber check goes to pay Louisiana Forestry Consultant. I also pay taxes on it. This helps build a tax base for the area I live in. Calcasieu District is Tax Exempt. WHAT??

  My suggestions are the following:
      1.    Listen to the voice of the people. They pay for your representation and you are bound by oath to do               
             just that, Represent the will of the people.

      2.    Pay your taxes like everyone else. (This idea could go nationwide overnight.)

      3.    If USDA/F is over their head, consider subleasing the forest to the Louisiana forestry commissions
             while retaining ownership. Likewise Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries could forge a similar agreement
             on game management. LDWF would turn a profit from hunters, who would gladly pay for permits,
             tages, licenses. That should just about fix this particular fiasco.

   There is more to this letter, but this particular part is totally about clear cutting. Mr Lint has gotten a copy of this letter, make no mistake, yet instead of putting the suggestions to practice, Forestry is still ruining the lands they claim to want to "protect" from us!

   Do we have a volunteer to check out the "Best Practices" of our state and see what they are? Maybe Mr. Lint has misplaced his copy of Mr. Slay's letter. I would be glad to send him a copy of mine....

Title: Re: New trail system disapointment
Post by: blaster30 on February 25, 2007, 07:53:12 AM
Where is Durhamtown?  Is it close to ONF?

Title: Re: New trail system disapointment
Post by: randyz on February 25, 2007, 08:05:14 AM
Durhamtown and Broadriver atv parks are about 400 miles from ONF but worth the drive!

Title: Re: New trail system disapointment
Post by: tony pitts on March 03, 2007, 08:43:14 AM
 praire master I have said this all along. they bring in bulldozers tree cutters and haulers and clear cut hundreds of acres at a time destoying animals homes and every bit of plant life in the area and they say there doing it to protect it. I hate to tell them that mother nature can take care of herself. if they will leave her alone. forest have been around alot longer than we have but with all of our so called tree huggin technology they think they can do it better. and yes i checked out the new trail system also it sucked. so i went to my old spot and had a great time as always. one day they might be able to stop me but not today.

Title: Re: New trail system disapointment
Post by: Prairie Master on March 03, 2007, 09:18:52 AM
It made me so sick to see all those acres of forest gone due to clearcutting , What really made me mad in that same area they cleared out we always so bear tracks and everyonce and awhile some bears. My family named that trail bear trail. Seems like the USFS are trying to keep the ATVs and clear cutting in the same area. Glad to see my tax dollars work for all the greenies an not for me.  >:(

Title: Re: New trail system disapointment
Post by: USFfishing on April 17, 2007, 10:03:15 AM
where is the new trail system?  I keep riding big scrub but it is really starting to get old.  it is so wooped out that you really cant get anywhere.  More and more trails and areas are getting blocked off and sometimes youl'll turn onto a dirt road and findout that it is a numbered road and have to quick get off of it before a ranger finds you.. I need anew place to ride in ocala.

Title: Re: New trail system disapointment
Post by: GrizzlyBear on April 17, 2007, 02:01:07 PM
The trail system is north of hwy 316, west of hwy 19 in the northern end of the forest.

Title: Re: New trail system disapointment
Post by: 450rcrazy on April 17, 2007, 06:51:38 PM