Title: West Delancy - Yellow Trail Post by: Loven It on February 05, 2007, 03:23:09 PM With so much griping about the new trail system I thought I would post something positive. We had a great time there!
We were very leary about riding not having GPS. We ran into a family 2 adults and 3 kids. They told us as long as you follow the markers you will have no problem. They were right! We had 2 adults and 1 6yr old child. I have to say we really really enjoyed ourselves. The trail was marked pretty cleary for us and this was our first time out there. We did not get lost. Also I would like to add that we passed several different people on the trails. Each group was very polite and did not zoom past us, they all took their time passing very carefully. There were several rangers at the trail head, not one even came up to say anything to us. The little one's report: "this is so much better than Croom - not as many whoops"! If I can I would like to add a little constructive critizism. 1. Although everyone we passed was very courteous there were a lot of spots where there is not an option of passing. We ride with my son in between 2 us. We usually don't ride any faster than 3rd gear with him with us. Riding some spots when I had a group on my tail....it was sorta nerve racking. There was nothing I could do to get my family out of their way. It was a pretty large group maybe 10-12 folks. They were nice folks and could clearly see we couldn't pull off. This situation could be pretty bad if we come across a group hauling butt going the opposite way with NO place to pass. What do you do in that situation? Everyone on the trial will have to come to almost a complete stop - then there could be another group coming up on all of us trying to pass. Then again, it is the same thing at Croom....I don't have a solution or suggestion :-\ 2. I do not like how there is a crossing where we are riding that trucks and jeeps can be coming one way as you cross a trail. I would really hate to get hit by a truck or jeep, even if they are going slow it dosen't mean I would be. Seriously other than that the place was fun and we will definately be going back. Title: Re: West Delancy - Yellow Trail Post by: 1Scorpion on February 05, 2007, 04:31:08 PM I agree I've been to Ocala a couple of time and had a great time. And the other riders were very freindly.