ATV Florida Forum

General => Where to Ride? => Topic started by: fire803 on March 13, 2005, 05:24:50 PM

Title: River Ranch Questions?????
Post by: fire803 on March 13, 2005, 05:24:50 PM
Can someone tell the new guy what river ranch is???  I thought the last time I went to River Ranch it was an RV only park.  Can you ride ATV's at River Ranch now???  Do you have to owner property in order to ride????

Thanks in Advance.

Title: Re: River Ranch Questions?????
Post by: otto on March 13, 2005, 07:37:57 PM
River ranch is a 60K+ acre hunting park. You can ride ATV's also. Lots of trails...I rode all day and didn't get to see it all. It is very wet and muddy in places. You do have to own property there to hunt or ride. There is a camping area where owners can set up camps. Unfortunately, the camping area is littered with abandoned RV's. Owners can bring guests but there is a fee. My neighbor owns there and took me along. I have heard rumors that the state is going to take it over for environmental reasons (that would suck) but I haven't been able to confirm.

Title: Re: River Ranch Questions?????
Post by: Kris_Moore on March 14, 2005, 07:10:28 AM
There was a meeting at the gate on the north side of rr yesterday about the state buying it. I didn tmak eit to the meeting, but i know a few people who did. So when I find out what was said i'll post to let everyone know.

Title: Re: River Ranch Questions?????
Post by: Kris_Moore on March 15, 2005, 04:34:09 AM
From what I heard the state Is buying a few sections in RR, and is asking people to voluntarily sale their land.

Title: Re: River Ranch Questions?????
Post by: 4xPlay on March 17, 2005, 02:03:48 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong,but isnt RR 100,000 acres+,40,000+ on the one side of 60,and 60,000+ on the otherside........and as far as owning property,well.........I know of people that have been riding out there for 10+ years and dont own property within 100 miles of there,hell I just rode there last Sunday myself and there were about 10 people in our group,none of which owned property there,we parked at Thomas' Landing and rode out of there.........and yes it was wet in places,sometimes 4ft deep,but also it was dry and dusty on the trails,so theres alittle bit of evrything,water,mud,dry susty trails,etc,etc

Title: Re: River Ranch Questions?????
Post by: otto on March 17, 2005, 04:35:45 PM
I have only been there once and I had to go through a gate where they checked if you were owner or guest. If I recall, the property I rode was on the south side of 60 and the gate was on 630. Can you ride the north side of the property? Where is Thomas' Landing?

Title: Re: River Ranch Questions?????
Post by: Vegas on March 19, 2005, 07:40:09 PM
I'm closing on a quick claim deed on this upcoming Friday the 25th. Once I buy this deed, I can ride anytime. After I ride the first time, I'll start inviting people to meet me out there, I think you can bring 4 guests per day.

I'm from Lakeland, and I ride a Honda 450R.

If you're down for tearing it up out there, drop me an email and I'll set up some group rides for the day.

Title: Re: River Ranch Questions?????
Post by: FORDFANZ on March 20, 2005, 01:37:11 PM
Let  me  Know  iam  ready  just  Pm  Me  

Title: Re: River Ranch Questions?????
Post by: Kris_Moore on March 21, 2005, 04:52:46 AM
4xplay, you were on the "north side" it's alot smaller than the other side, but yes you can get in without owning property. I actually have property and a camp in there, but alot of people who ride there dont.

Title: Re: River Ranch Questions?????
Post by: otto on March 22, 2005, 09:56:39 AM
I have heard RR is very wet right now due to heavy fun for sport quads. Anyone know if the north side tends to be drier than the south?

Title: Re: River Ranch Questions?????
Post by: Vegas on March 22, 2005, 12:00:05 PM
I know the side that runs along the bombing range has some pretty dry open trails.

Just be careful you don't see any B-52's near that fence line and you should be good to go.

Title: Re: River Ranch Questions?????
Post by: FORDFANZ on March 24, 2005, 03:21:09 PM
4xplay, you were on the "north side" it's alot smaller than the other side, but yes you can get in without owning property. I actually have property and a camp in there, but alot of people who ride there dont.

please  tell  me  how   people  get  in  without  owbing  property  that  would  be  trespassing  and  the    front  gate  would  love  to  get  those  people  who  are  not  owners  !!!Iam  looking  at  buying  in  there  and  have  friends  that  do  own  so  I  pay  the  20.00  guest  fee  and   go  in  and  play  with  them  >>>So  dont  tell  people  that  you  dont  have  to  be  a  land  owner  ..YOU  DO  HAVE  TO  BE  A  LAND  OWNER  OR  A  GUEST  OF  A  LAND  OWNER  !!!!!!!!!!.

Title: Re: River Ranch Questions?????
Post by: mainetoo2005 on April 15, 2005, 07:15:13 PM
4xplay, you were on the "north side" it's alot smaller than the other side, but yes you can get in without owning property. I actually have property and a camp in there, but alot of people who ride there dont.

JFYI... There is a gate going in on the north side according to the latest RRPOA newsletter. The free ride is over!

Title: Re: River Ranch Questions?????
Post by: raptor426 on April 22, 2005, 10:17:10 PM
Thomas Landings is a campground for RVs.  There are also 5 RVs that you can rent for like $60 a night, and you can also rent a cabin for $120 a night.  There is a gas pump right there so you dont have to worry about gas, and there is also a general store.  You cant camp there in tents yet, but the owner is trying to get the county to alow it, there is a lot of great riding there.  There is even a lake that is PERFECT for hydroplaning.  For directions, you can visit the web site at, but if you call that number, get ready to talk to a very nice woman for hours (she is a very nice, old woman that likes to talk A LOT :).)

Title: Re: River Ranch Questions?????
Post by: rvman on April 23, 2005, 06:32:51 PM
you cannot get or be on rr property with out being a owner or a owners guest!!! how about you calling the prez pete or bill hosler and tell them you are riding out there without permission!! you will be arrested if caught!!Any questions call Bill Hosler 863-421-4450!!! I have been owner since 82 and pay my dues and taxes every year!! you people that break rules are the ones that get and give bad reps to 4 wheelers in general!!most of these land owners take this place very serious and would be more than glad to take people as guests if asked!!People must follow rules.This is what helps us fight for OUR land so the state cannot take it!Ask the man that got the ticket for ridding in wet weather pond and chopper landed and give him a ticket. if he was not a owner he would have had action taken against him by rr board!  I would be careful ridding here if not owner or guest!  

Title: Re: River Ranch Questions?????
Post by: 4xPlay on April 23, 2005, 06:40:17 PM
Hey Vegas......sounds good......sheesh I think I hit a sore spot......becareful dont let raunchy red  get to you,he might turn you into..........well,one of "them"

Title: Re: River Ranch Questions?????
Post by: hellison on April 25, 2005, 03:34:39 PM
I want to buy some property in RR. Can anyone tell me where to look for any sales. I left a message for the Hunt Club and for Ginger Farmer but wanted to see if anyone here had any leads....Thanks!

Title: Re: River Ranch Questions?????
Post by: big-daddy on April 25, 2005, 03:59:49 PM

Title: Re: River Ranch Questions?????
Post by: Thrumud on April 25, 2005, 04:38:03 PM
If you want an acre in RR, you better buy now.  They are going up in price.  Just a few weeks ago I search the county records and an acre + have sold for as much as $6,700. I know this sounds crazy but it's demand that cause prices to go up. Alot of new members at RR every weekend in search of a camp site. BUT.... Be careful who you buy from.

Title: Re: River Ranch Questions?????
Post by: CEC on April 26, 2005, 05:48:22 PM

Title: Re: River Ranch Questions?????
Post by: otto on April 26, 2005, 07:42:58 PM
I bought my lot through a real estate broker in Lake Wales named Ginger Farmer. I paid $1700 about 2 months ago. Ginger's phone is 863-676-7653 and email is

Good luck.

Title: Re: River Ranch Questions?????
Post by: CEC on April 26, 2005, 09:03:19 PM
i want to buy a deed to river ranch but would like to check it out how do i get hooked up

Title: Re: River Ranch Questions?????
Post by: CEC on April 27, 2005, 06:16:52 AM
thanks for the invite call me and get with me my name is chuck and im at 727 4468903 thanks

Title: Re: River Ranch Questions?????
Post by: meathead1 on April 30, 2005, 05:45:39 AM
4xplay if raunchy red doesnt turn u in i will i also am a deed holder we pay for the right to ride, hunt, fish, build a camp we also help to maintain this area for your info this is member and escorted guests only

Title: Re: River Ranch Questions?????
Post by: sk8r_dude on April 30, 2005, 12:59:08 PM
Lets clarify this. RR is not an ATV park. It is a private hunting preserve that allows OHV use to get around as their are no paved roads. If we try to use this place as an ATV park, I am sure we will upset the hunters and management their. I noticed posts from the sport bike crowd. A speed limit exists for all of river ranch that I forget, but it is slow enough to make a boring time for the sport bikes unless they break the rules and speed in the preserve. I have no problem with sport bikes. However, last weekend our group was almost run off the main grade by a group of 5-6 sport bikes going at least 35-40 MPH. Later that day, I saw this same group cut off a swamp buggy on main grade and almost hit him. This type of behavior will get us banned from RR. I am a deed holder and have a camp that I enjoy and would be upset to loose this place like all the rest.  

Title: Re: River Ranch Questions?????
Post by: meathead1 on April 30, 2005, 03:42:35 PM
well put

Title: Re: River Ranch Questions?????
Post by: otto on April 30, 2005, 10:08:47 PM
Well said sk8r. I am a RR deed holder as well and a sport rider and there is no excuse for that kind of behavior. We must remind such people that their (and our) privilege to ride at RR depends on riding safe and respecting others. The speed limit is 10 mph and that applies to the camping area including the main grade. However, even out on the trails, it is definitely not too much to ask that faster riders slow down and pass in a safe and courteous manner. Prudence also demands that they slow down through the blind curves to avoid collisions. I would also encourage the utility crowd to drink less beer and wear more gear.

PS: I have nothing against beer.  ;)

Title: Re: River Ranch Questions?????
Post by: Thrumud on April 30, 2005, 10:15:02 PM
sk8r_dude,  well said my friend - Thank you !!!

Drink less beer, wear more gear, don't kill a deer !!!

Title: Re: River Ranch Questions?????
Post by: Chris505 on May 01, 2005, 04:01:03 AM
When i was out there i thought that was the required atire <sp?>

Shorts, NO helmet, flip flops, no shirt, and a beer in one hand ;D ;D

Title: Re: River Ranch Questions?????
Post by: mainetoo2005 on May 01, 2005, 05:21:59 AM
don't kill a deer !!!

Spoken like a true Demo"rat".

Title: Re: River Ranch Questions?????
Post by: raptor426 on May 01, 2005, 08:00:54 AM

Spoken like a true Demo"rat".

either that or a tree hugger

Title: Re: River Ranch Questions?????
Post by: otto on May 01, 2005, 10:59:37 AM
I hope Thrumud wasn’t implyin that people who wear gear are tree huggin, toad lickin, commie pinko liberal neo fascist pigs cuz I were gear and I hate them libs with a passion. Liberals are all bondage and no discipline. It’s just ban this and ban that and all we get is gay marriage and high taxes. >:(    

Title: Re: River Ranch Questions?????
Post by: Anoriginal on May 04, 2005, 12:32:39 PM
Anyone in the "River Ranch Property Owners Association" hear anything lately about the State's contract and closing on most of the property it designated under it's "bombing Range Ridge" acquisition? Last I heard the State was into the second phase of the purchase. The third phase includes most of River Ranch.

Just curious. Thanks.

Title: Re: River Ranch Questions?????
Post by: otto on May 05, 2005, 08:14:35 PM
I spoke with Bill Hosler (RR ATV Committee) last week and he told me that RR has hired a lobbyist as an advocate on their behalf in Tallahassee. Jeb Bush apparently agreed not to take land by imminent domain but may buy land that is voluntarily sold. Nature Conservancy is also trying to acquire land in RR. The destruction of wet weather ponds is supposedly the biggest issue with the state and they are doing monthly flyovers to look for damage. According to Bill, this is the biggest ATV problem at RR now.    

Title: Re: River Ranch Questions?????
Post by: Thrumud on May 05, 2005, 09:34:02 PM
Otto ….. My comment about the beer, gear and killing a deer was a smart a$$ remark, it was not intended to offend riders who wear gear.  If you see me riding 99.9% of the time you’ll see me in gear.  Helmet that is. and about the liberals, I agree with ya - Now back to the topic.

Title: Re: River Ranch Questions?????
Post by: otto on May 06, 2005, 06:47:07 AM
Thrumud, I knew you were joking and I was too. Regarding safety gear…Bill Hosler also mentioned several serious ATV accidents at RR where people had to be airlifted out. That’s why flags are now required. While I don’t think gear should be a requirement, it’s definitely a good idea. Right now, virtually no one riding at RR wears a helmet and I get weird looks because I do.

Title: Re: River Ranch Questions?????
Post by: tekhanto on May 13, 2005, 09:49:04 PM
With the newer folks buying in and or bringing friends on sport bikes I see more problems than in the last 4 years.  Now you really have to watch on trails because they are coming at you full bore on blind
curves.  We all want to have fun but protect it like you own it and hopefully we will be able to for years to come. ::)