ATV Florida Forum

General => Where to Ride? => Topic started by: Young Gun on January 20, 2007, 04:41:29 PM

Title: Powerlines - SpringHill; Brooksville
Post by: Young Gun on January 20, 2007, 04:41:29 PM
We were heading out to Brooksville today and were heading down Elgin and I noticed along those powerlines atleast 20 ATVs.  Its where Elgin turns from a 2-lane street into a 4-lane highway.  I know it most definetly illegal to ride out there, but im just curious to see if anyone on here does?  Do you have any cop trouble or do they not care?  I followed the powerlines on GoogleMaps for atleast 1 mile each way and I can see traces of ATVs all the way down. 


Title: Re: Powerlines - SpringHill; Brooksville
Post by: Toomey on January 20, 2007, 08:23:54 PM
I have some powerlines by my house that are kinda like that, and illegal.

Title: Re: Powerlines - SpringHill; Brooksville
Post by: Asphaltdragon on January 20, 2007, 09:45:55 PM
I live up in north part of Royal Highlands and those powerlines are about a half mile from my house. The cops have been showing up on sundays. I just notice that a cop moved into one of the new houses near by......  ???

Title: Re: Powerlines - SpringHill; Brooksville
Post by: Young Gun on January 20, 2007, 11:46:51 PM
I live up in north part of Royal Highlands and those powerlines are about a half mile from my house. The cops have been showing up on sundays. I just notice that a cop moved into one of the new houses near by......  ???

oh really?  Dang, we were just driving and I looked out there and saw a bunch of dust and alot of quads.  Didnt look on the left side but I assume there were some over there to.  Those powerlines run right down to my street which is about 5 miles away from there so I can head up that way following them I think :D

Title: Re: Powerlines - SpringHill; Brooksville
Post by: KB on January 21, 2007, 08:24:03 AM
Who's M/X track  on Hwy. 41 (between Brooksville & Masryktown) belong to. It's on the east side of 41.

Title: Re: Powerlines - SpringHill; Brooksville
Post by: Young Gun on January 21, 2007, 10:04:56 AM
Who's M/X track  on Hwy. 41 (between Brooksville & Masryktown) belong to. It's on the east side of 41.

I saw a MX track, its where the Hernando Co. fairgrounds is or is that Brooksville MX? lol

Title: Re: Powerlines - SpringHill; Brooksville
Post by: KB on January 21, 2007, 11:20:05 AM
Who's M/X track  on Hwy. 41 (between Brooksville & Masryktown) belong to. It's on the east side of 41.

I saw a MX track, its where the Hernando Co. fairgrounds is or is that Brooksville MX? lol

No, I'm pretty sure it's a private track.
It's right on 41, like in somebody's front yard or somethin.
It looked kinda small, maybe a practice track for somebody's kid or somethin ?

Title: Re: Powerlines - SpringHill; Brooksville
Post by: Young Gun on January 21, 2007, 12:45:29 PM
Who's M/X track  on Hwy. 41 (between Brooksville & Masryktown) belong to. It's on the east side of 41.

I saw a MX track, its where the Hernando Co. fairgrounds is or is that Brooksville MX? lol

No, I'm pretty sure it's a private track.
It's right on 41, like in somebody's front yard or somethin.
It looked kinda small, maybe a practice track for somebody's kid or somethin ?

oh probably.  Theres a small track behind my house that a couple kids made to practice on, nothing major.  I saw something that said Motocross so I thought oh that must be Brooksville MX, it was at or next to the Hernando Co. Fairgrounds

Title: Re: Powerlines - SpringHill; Brooksville
Post by: exrider on January 21, 2007, 06:45:54 PM

I saw a MX track, its where the Hernando Co. fairgrounds is or is that Brooksville MX? lol

No, I'm pretty sure it's a private track.
It's right on 41, like in somebody's front yard or somethin.
It looked kinda small, maybe a practice track for somebody's kid or somethin

I know where you are talking about. I drive by it every day. They just added some new table tops. No idea who owns it though.

Title: Re: Powerlines - SpringHill; Brooksville
Post by: duroc825 on January 21, 2007, 07:12:39 PM
the track on 41 is a private track owned by guy that lives right out back of it. Also for anyone that rides around Denton Ave. in Hudson beware the cops are looking for you! They came by a friends house down the street where everyone parks and told him they're not giving out warnings anymore just tickets and impounding, so beware.

Title: Re: Powerlines - SpringHill; Brooksville
Post by: Asphaltdragon on January 24, 2007, 08:01:11 PM
the track on 41 is a private track owned by guy that lives right out back of it. Also for anyone that rides around Denton Ave. in Hudson beware the cops are looking for you! They came by a friends house down the street where everyone parks and told him they're not giving out warnings anymore just tickets and impounding, so beware.

that sucks nuts ???

Title: Re: Powerlines - SpringHill; Brooksville
Post by: Asphaltdragon on January 24, 2007, 08:03:15 PM
Who's M/X track  on Hwy. 41 (between Brooksville & Masryktown) belong to. It's on the east side of 41.

I seen that too, pretty tight

Title: Re: Powerlines - SpringHill; Brooksville
Post by: USFfishing on January 30, 2007, 10:58:37 PM
the track on 41 is a private track owned by guy that lives right out back of it. Also for anyone that rides around Denton Ave. in Hudson beware the cops are looking for you! They came by a friends house down the street where everyone parks and told him they're not giving out warnings anymore just tickets and impounding, so beware.

That used to be a really good place to ride there.  People riding in the dump really spoiled it though.  Now I hear the dump is developing all that land up.  Sucks. 

Title: Re: Powerlines - SpringHill; Brooksville
Post by: duroc825 on January 31, 2007, 09:26:49 AM
The owner of the dump is supposedly a new owner according to a guy he had riding around on a 4x4 utility. He says he owns all of the land around the dump and the old airstrip. I live on adjoining property and know for a fact that he only owns the dump and strip and nothing else. As a matter of fact some of the actual owners don't mind riding their property. Stay clear of the area cause the sheriff has been out there every Sat. & Sunday. No more warnings, tickets only from here on out. Actually the dump owner used not to care about riding in there until people started stealing equip. batteries and messing around his buildings and getting too crowded. A few bad apples syndrome!

Title: Re: Powerlines - SpringHill; Brooksville
Post by: USFfishing on February 03, 2007, 09:07:04 AM
The owner of the dump is supposedly a new owner according to a guy he had riding around on a 4x4 utility. He says he owns all of the land around the dump and the old airstrip. I live on adjoining property and know for a fact that he only owns the dump and strip and nothing else. As a matter of fact some of the actual owners don't mind riding their property. Stay clear of the area cause the sheriff has been out there every Sat. & Sunday. No more warnings, tickets only from here on out. Actually the dump owner used not to care about riding in there until people started stealing equip. batteries and messing around his buildings and getting too crowded. A few bad apples syndrome!

That was a great place to ride.  Its a shame people have to go and ruin it for the rest of us who just want a place to ride close to our homes. 

Title: Re: Powerlines - SpringHill; Brooksville
Post by: greenmachine on February 03, 2007, 11:01:52 AM
We were heading out to Brooksville today and were heading down Elgin and I noticed along those powerlines atleast 20 ATVs.  Its where Elgin turns from a 2-lane street into a 4-lane highway.  I know it most definetly illegal to ride out there, but im just curious to see if anyone on here does?  Do you have any cop trouble or do they not care?  I followed the powerlines on GoogleMaps for atleast 1 mile each way and I can see traces of ATVs all the way down. 

I am not trying to be a d*ck, but from your 300+ posts/month it appears you dont even own a quad. You are posting on an open forum somebodies "local spot" with a visual map to get there. That is just plain STUPID!!!!!!!! Just like the place by USF, word got out on a forum & now after over 20+ years with the cops setting next to the place with NO HASSLES it is fenced off!!!! Thanks man you are really helping the riding situation!!!!! Maybe you should go back to skateboarding or something.

Title: Re: Powerlines - SpringHill; Brooksville
Post by: Young Gun on February 03, 2007, 04:23:47 PM
Greenmachine, they are powerlines.  They will not do anything because out of anything, we are making them access roads to get to them if there is a problem.  No chance in hell they will fence it in.  I dont mean to be a d*ck either ::)

Title: Re: Powerlines - SpringHill; Brooksville
Post by: greenmachine on February 03, 2007, 06:08:11 PM
Greenmachine, they are powerlines.  They will not do anything because out of anything, we are making them access roads to get to them if there is a problem.  No chance in hell they will fence it in.  I dont mean to be a d*ck either ::)
Just an FYI, the place that was open for 20+years behind MOSI & across from USF is "just powerlines" also, they run parralel to Fowler avenue. The sand was as deep as the beach dunes & it was a wideopen place under "the powerlines". Someone told someone & so on. Now after 20yrs it is fenced in by "just the powerlines" company that appreciated the "access road" that we all made for them. Sooner or later this place will be overcrowded & people will start trashing the place because everyone who goes there wont give a crap because it isnt their local spot. You dont seem to get it. If you feel this way, drive down to Fowler ave in Tampa & just west of MOSI & east of 30th street turn south you will see the powerlines where we grew up riding is FENCED. Your map just invited anyone who would have never went there & gave them directions & you dont even ride yet whether it is there or anywhere.

Title: Re: Powerlines - SpringHill; Brooksville
Post by: FoxHondaRider on February 03, 2007, 06:12:52 PM
if you go a little bit on there toward spring hill drive from elgin there is a track and some hills.  and one more thing to add....... i wouldnt ride to close to the road if I were you

Title: Re: Powerlines - SpringHill; Brooksville
Post by: KB on February 05, 2007, 04:56:36 PM
Greenmachine, they are powerlines.  They will not do anything because out of anything, we are making them access roads to get to them if there is a problem.  No chance in hell they will fence it in.  I dont mean to be a d*ck either ::)
Just an FYI, the place that was open for 20+years behind MOSI & across from USF is "just powerlines" also, they run parralel to Fowler avenue. The sand was as deep as the beach dunes & it was a wideopen place under "the powerlines". Someone told someone & so on. Now after 20yrs it is fenced in by "just the powerlines" company that appreciated the "access road" that we all made for them. Sooner or later this place will be overcrowded & people will start trashing the place because everyone who goes there wont give a crap because it isnt their local spot. You dont seem to get it. If you feel this way, drive down to Fowler ave in Tampa & just west of MOSI & east of 30th street turn south you will see the powerlines where we grew up riding is FENCED. Your map just invited anyone who would have never went there & gave them directions & you dont even ride yet whether it is there or anywhere.

M.O.S.I. bought & fenced that property 'cause of the noise & their expansion.
I installed hardwood floor's in the head engineer of M.O.S.I.'s house & told him I use to ride behind the museum, he looked at me kinda funny, like he felt stupid or somethin. Actually he was a pretty nice guy.
I remember when I got hurt on my CR 500, I went to the E.R. & they asked me if I had insurance , I told them I wasn't sure, they had a few different people ask me were the accident happened, probably to see who they could send the bill to. I kept telling them it was county property & it was like they were gettin mad or somethin like I was lying. Really I was on county property. Anyway's that's why these place's are gettin shut down ,'cause there gettin too many hospital bill's.
Luckily the place my girlfriend was working at the time allowed me on their plan 'cause we were living together & my bill was paid for.

Title: Re: Powerlines - SpringHill; Brooksville
Post by: greenmachine on February 05, 2007, 05:06:53 PM
Then why does the signs say CSX Railroad Keep Out. Also, the place is about 3/4 mile or more west of MOSI. The area between MOSI & this spot is all fenced & is where they hold the Midevil Times Renaissance Festival. The sand area is right behind a long strip of business offices. Maybe you were riding behind MOSI , but where I have ridden in soft sugar sand for years is well west of MOSI to the point that sound wouldnt be a problem. If MOSI owned it, they would have 2 separate buildings too far apart to walk to & that just dont make sence.

Title: Re: Powerlines - SpringHill; Brooksville
Post by: duroc825 on February 06, 2007, 08:37:46 AM
Power line and railroad all have right of ways or easements. They are not legal places to ride just because you don't get run off. The only "legal" place to ride is property you own yourself or have the owners permission to ride. Unfortunately there aren't many of those types of places left.

Title: Re: Powerlines - SpringHill; Brooksville
Post by: Eworm on February 12, 2007, 11:43:57 AM,21562.0.html

Title: Re: Powerlines - SpringHill; Brooksville
Post by: bignickwaite on February 12, 2007, 01:20:54 PM
i go ridin out off of denton every weekend. i havent seen any cops out there over the past couple months .my dad lives about a 1/2 mile away on east rd. and weve never had any problems .well i guess if i see the popo im gonna haul ass. thanks for the warning

Title: Re: Powerlines - SpringHill; Brooksville
Post by: duroc825 on February 13, 2007, 09:11:38 AM
They were out there in full force last Sunday afternoon, around 4-5 pm. Better be on the lookout and be ready for a fine if you've already got a warning. They were at the pit right by East road.

Title: Re: Powerlines - SpringHill; Brooksville
Post by: candidate zero on February 19, 2007, 10:12:15 AM
Then why does the signs say CSX Railroad Keep Out. Also, the place is about 3/4 mile or more west of MOSI. The area between MOSI & this spot is all fenced & is where they hold the Midevil Times Renaissance Festival. The sand area is right behind a long strip of business offices. Maybe you were riding behind MOSI , but where I have ridden in soft sugar sand for years is well west of MOSI to the point that sound wouldnt be a problem. If MOSI owned it, they would have 2 separate buildings too far apart to walk to & that just dont make sence.

I used to ride out there all the time. It's owned by CSX, there are signs right outside of each gate. I actually have a picture from a few years ago...


greenmachine, pm me, I know of another spot right down the road from might've already been there, but I'll let you know just incase.

Title: Re: Powerlines - SpringHill; Brooksville
Post by: tony pitts on February 19, 2007, 06:30:45 PM
 the main reason for your loss of riding areas is development and ridiculous lawsuits. you will lose your riding areas we have lost everything in jacksonville and st johns due to money hungry developers.

Title: Re: Powerlines - SpringHill; Brooksville
Post by: racemanfl on February 20, 2007, 07:26:40 PM
the main reason for your loss of riding areas is development and ridiculous lawsuits. you will lose your riding areas we have lost everything in jacksonville and st johns due to money hungry developers.

Why would you say something childish like this Its their land and your mad because they want to develop it and make money? You riding on some else land and you complain?

Title: Re: Powerlines - SpringHill; Brooksville
Post by: tony pitts on February 20, 2007, 10:02:02 PM
im not riding on any land there is none left to ride on up. here its not childish   ive been here for 42 years im just telling you your riding spots will disappear also.

Title: Re: Powerlines - SpringHill; Brooksville
Post by: greenmachine on February 26, 2007, 02:37:10 PM
Then why does the signs say CSX Railroad Keep Out. Also, the place is about 3/4 mile or more west of MOSI. The area between MOSI & this spot is all fenced & is where they hold the Midevil Times Renaissance Festival. The sand area is right behind a long strip of business offices. Maybe you were riding behind MOSI , but where I have ridden in soft sugar sand for years is well west of MOSI to the point that sound wouldnt be a problem. If MOSI owned it, they would have 2 separate buildings too far apart to walk to & that just dont make sence.

I used to ride out there all the time. It's owned by CSX, there are signs right outside of each gate. I actually have a picture from a few years ago...


greenmachine, pm me, I know of another spot right down the road from might've already been there, but I'll let you know just incase.
I bet that sand landed on some old wrecked trooper cars. That little place was fun while it lasted for over 25 years.......

Title: Re: Powerlines - SpringHill; Brooksville
Post by: candidate zero on February 27, 2007, 12:34:39 AM
Sure did. Yeah, it was nice because I live in Temple Terrace so it was right down the road for me.

Title: Re: Powerlines - SpringHill; Brooksville
Post by: duroc825 on March 02, 2007, 08:49:26 AM
Everyone should come to the rally ( and sacrifice one day of worrying about being run off by the police and actually make an attempt to change things for the better. The way I see it is that no one has anything to lose by showing up.

Title: Re: Powerlines - SpringHill; Brooksville
Post by: Asphaltdragon on March 08, 2007, 04:34:17 AM
Everyone should come to the rally [url][/url] ([url][/url]) and sacrifice one day of worrying about being run off by the police and actually make an attempt to change things for the better. The way I see it is that no one has anything to lose by showing up.


Title: Re: Powerlines - SpringHill; Brooksville
Post by: KB on April 12, 2007, 09:35:21 AM
The owner of the dump is supposedly a new owner according to a guy he had riding around on a 4x4 utility. He says he owns all of the land around the dump and the old airstrip. I live on adjoining property and know for a fact that he only owns the dump and strip and nothing else. As a matter of fact some of the actual owners don't mind riding their property. Stay clear of the area cause the sheriff has been out there every Sat. & Sunday. No more warnings, tickets only from here on out. Actually the dump owner used not to care about riding in there until people started stealing equip. batteries and messing around his buildings and getting too crowded. A few bad apples syndrome!

Hey Duroc, I think a friend of a friend of mine was riding out there weekend before last, I'm pretty sure the same guy riding around on the 4x4 utility was there w/ a friend in a 4x4 truck, they were saying it's there property & that if you don't get outta here we'll hook a chain to your quad & pull it the hell outa here.
The guy was riding a blue raptor, he left, said he's not going back.

Title: Re: Powerlines - SpringHill; Brooksville
Post by: USFfishing on April 17, 2007, 09:51:17 AM
what about the sand pit?  anyone ever get bothered there?

Title: Re: Powerlines - SpringHill; Brooksville
Post by: duroc825 on April 17, 2007, 02:30:10 PM
The whole area is posted (not properly though) NO TRESPASSING! Basically, it's all private property

Title: Re: Powerlines - SpringHill; Brooksville
Post by: USFfishing on April 17, 2007, 08:59:58 PM
Gotcha,  I havent been there in months.