ATV Florida Forum

General => Where to Ride? => Topic started by: GrizzlyBear on January 12, 2007, 03:05:21 PM

Title: Rodman Pit Area
Post by: GrizzlyBear on January 12, 2007, 03:05:21 PM
As of today, posts are in all along the east side of the pit, seperating it from FR 88.  DO NOT ride on FR 88. Putham County Sheriff's deputies would love to give tickets, along with Forest Service LEO's.  Also, be very careful in the pit,  there are some very big donut holes all over it, and last weekend, someone who was racing in the pit was seriously injured.  Remember, this pit is not really open, as the environmentalists would not let it be included in phase I as they do not want any problems if they ever get the dam torn down and need to use the pit to put the material in.  Any excuse could lead to its closing.

Title: Re: Rodman Pit Area
Post by: alafiaoutlaw on January 13, 2007, 03:21:53 AM
As of today, posts are in all along the east side of the pit, seperating it from FR 88.  DO NOT ride on FR 88. Putham County Sheriff's deputies would love to give tickets, along with Forest Service LEO's.  Also, be very careful in the pit,  there are some very big donut holes all over it, and last weekend, someone who was racing in the pit was seriously injured.  Remember, this pit is not really open, as the environmentalists would not let it be included in phase I as they do not want any problems if they ever get the dam torn down and need to use the pit to put the material in.  Any excuse could lead to its closing.
Yeah, well that solves my theory! All these people are doing is funneling the riders to a smaller condensed area. Before we were able to be spread out and not confined to such a small area. Now the trails and trail heads are going to be so full of riders that more accidents are going to happen and that will be their excuse to close it all down for good. They have a plan and these people know excactly what they are doing to get it closed down for good.

Title: Re: Rodman Pit Area
Post by: viper on January 13, 2007, 06:20:36 AM
We are all pawns in a political game, just know who the enemy is, and who your friends are.

By the way you are right, from what I understand that is pretty close.

Title: Re: Rodman Pit Area
Post by: banana-man on January 13, 2007, 09:26:27 AM
That's the way it looks to me too. 

Who is on the board of this organization?  Who actually makes the descisions?

Title: Re: Rodman Pit Area
Post by: lisa on January 13, 2007, 08:31:10 PM
 Outlaw, unfortunately Linda Duever is on the ONFA board and she supports the group that sued the Foresty to get the pit closed down! Interesting huh?  :-\

Title: Re: Rodman Pit Area
Post by: Stewards on January 15, 2007, 04:01:45 PM
Viper - I think I am a friend, a friend to the fighting side, got to think about that.

Stewards is going to make this short and sweet.

USFS can't close the forest down, what they can do is give you fewer and fewer miles of trails.

Happy trails everyone....

Title: Re: Rodman Pit Area
Post by: Busta Nutt on January 15, 2007, 04:15:06 PM
they tried to give my brother in law a 180 dollar ticket for riding on 88. It was his own fault as it is clearly marked not to ride there. But the man is sitting up there all day waiting for dummies to ride on the road.

Title: Re: Rodman Pit Area
Post by: JEMatyas on January 15, 2007, 05:03:23 PM
I have reservations to stay at Big Scrub in Feb.  It will be my first time to Ocala.  With all the negative posts about closures, it makes me wonder if I SHOULD EVEN MAKE THE TRIP?  Is it worth it or should I cancel my reservations?  I don't want to drive five hours and have no where to ride.

Title: Re: Rodman Pit Area
Post by: MadMudder on January 20, 2007, 11:15:18 PM
JE, I wouldnt worry too much. We rode today and its great. We went on a saturday that seemed pretty busy and we rode about 3 different trails and only saw about 4 quads total. They are easly marked and you can plan your entire ride without a gps or anything. We put in at the rodman pit and rode for about 5 hours or so. I was thinking the exact same thing about everyone crammed into the same trails and stuff but its not bad at all. As for the environmentalist, they need to quit humping trees and get a reality check. That area has been flooded for 15years or so now. The area has adapted and overcome the issue and everything is fine. Draning that lake would be very bad. First it would screw up all of the natural systems. Second that lake would turn into a gigant, smelly, nasty, bug infested, disese riden pit. Not to mention that its loaded with fish that would die. It would damage the surrounding areas and force people to go somewhere else. Now I dont think they really want to do that.

Title: Re: Rodman Pit Area
Post by: lisa on January 21, 2007, 12:01:25 PM
  Sure they would Mad, "the ends justify the means" according to them. What is a few dead fish to create a whole new ecosystem? I am not sure exactly what they want by draining the dam. I knew the situation at one time, but I have been involved in too many other things since then and don't remember anymore, but they just might get what they want on this issue.

Title: Re: Rodman Pit Area
Post by: MadMudder on January 21, 2007, 12:51:41 PM
I dont know, its been tied up for years in court now. I dont think its going anywhere fast.

Title: Re: Rodman Pit Area
Post by: viper on February 04, 2007, 06:40:58 AM
A thread on Rodman Pit - Check this out,21484.0.html

Title: Re: Rodman Pit Area
Post by: Scramdaddy on February 04, 2007, 09:05:13 AM
Well at least now with us all "coraled" into this trail system it will be easier for them to issue tickets!

Title: Re: Rodman Pit Area
Post by: viper on February 04, 2007, 09:13:26 AM
True and one step closer to closing the Ocala

Title: Re: Rodman Pit Area
Post by: MadMudder on February 04, 2007, 11:23:43 AM
Viper - I think I am a friend, a friend to the fighting side, got to think about that.

Stewards is going to make this short and sweet.

USFS can't close the forest down, what they can do is give you fewer and fewer miles of trails.

Happy trails everyone....
Sure they can close the forest down! Who is gonna stop them. They might not close it down to everyone, but for OHV or just atv's. They can condense us down untilll little billy hits somebody else and both riders sue whoever runs this freak show and then its down for good. I can definitly see it happening. As for whats going on now, they have closed down the pit completly because riders were getting hurt... See its already happening. You will get a 180 dollar ticket if you are even caught there. And l love this, its like 400 dollars if you do a doughnut in the pit. Im not going to rant because I already did in the post about the closure..