Title: IT GETS EVEN BETTER!! Post by: SomBch on January 10, 2007, 11:01:00 AM Now everbody knows Charlie Christ is gay but, you gotta appreciate what hes doing for the GATORNATION.
Gator Flag Flying Over Ohio? By DARA KAM | Tuesday, January 9, 2007, 01:14 PM Gov. Charlie Crist said he spoke with University of Florida football coach Urban Meyer Monday before the Gators headed into the national championships. Crist reminded Meyer of the wager with Ohio’s governor in which the losing governor would have to fly the winner’s state flag over the mansion. “He said, `You’re not going to have to worry about that, governor. We’re going to take care of ‘em tonight,’ ” Crist told reporters outside the mansion Tuesday morning. “I’m like, this guy’s great. I had no idea, 41-14 was the final score. It’s unbelievable. So I’m going to call the governor (of Ohio) and I’ve already instructed Erin that we need to get both a Florida flag and I think a big Gator flag and send them up there and maybe AP or somebody can get a picture of it so we can put it up in the governor’s office THE FLORIDA STATE FLAG AND A GATOR FLAG FLYING OVER THE OHIO'S GONVERNORS MANSION!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!! Title: Re: IT GETS EVEN BETTER!! Post by: Ida_Mann on January 10, 2007, 12:24:06 PM awesome, I like it.
I'd kinda like to see a Gator flag flying over the capital in Tallahassee ;-) Id@ Title: Re: IT GETS EVEN BETTER!! Post by: bigscrub79 on January 10, 2007, 01:20:34 PM That will be awesome, I wanna see that pic. I will frame it and hang it in my room.