ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: Stewards on January 04, 2007, 06:00:03 PM

Title: One Way Trails
Post by: Stewards on January 04, 2007, 06:00:03 PM
I hear a lot of concern about 1 way trails and how dangerous they are, but I don't really hear any solutions. This was brought up to Rick Lint by Stewards during the comment peroid in the last phase of the trail system. Stewards of the Land suggested that if the trails can not be any wider, then to make get off places. Rick Lints comment was when they accept the UTE's the trails will have to become wider, so that might solve some of the problem. Stewards still have concerns, but we will see.

As far as one way, that has been discussed on this forum before, and NOHVCC reasoning is, one way trails will become two way trails eventually. Example: I forgot to fill my tank with gas before I went out, and I am 3 miles away from my trailer, I don't have enough gas to make it all the way around, so what is one going to do, go back the way he came to get gas, hence, now a two way trail.

Stewards don't agree with it, but lets see how much wider the trails will be when the UTE's are accepted.

Let's work together and maybe we can make some progress.

Stewards of the Land

Title: Re: One Way Trails
Post by: svtbolt04 on January 04, 2007, 08:27:01 PM
Do you mean two way trails being dangerous? Because a one way trail would mean everyone is heading in the same direction..

Title: Re: One Way Trails
Post by: Stewards on January 05, 2007, 05:51:40 AM
Do you mean two way trails being dangerous? Because a one way trail would mean everyone is heading in the same direction..

Good eyes, that is what happens when it gets to be too close to dinner time. That should not have been there, I changed it.

Title: Re: One Way Trails
Post by: svtbolt04 on January 05, 2007, 07:36:05 PM
I know it sucks having to lean way out to see is someone is coming the other way, but you have to ride for the other guy too.