Title: Brush Fire - Spring Hill Post by: Young Gun on January 04, 2007, 03:58:53 PM Just looked behind my house and some juvenilles lit the brush fire. Spreading pretty big, its a dry lake so the fire department cant get to it. Hopefully it doesnt spread to our houses! Going out to make a video soon ???
For those of you in Spring Hill, its the lake Delta Woods park sits on. Title: Re: Brush Fire - Spring Hill Post by: Young Gun on January 04, 2007, 04:16:22 PM Just took the video, fire department is here and they said they might have to bring in a helicopter or a brush hog if they can get it back there. Will post video when its all said and done with.
Title: Re: Brush Fire - Spring Hill Post by: Young Gun on January 04, 2007, 04:35:05 PM Got video of one of the "delinquents" running around trying to put the fire out before the FD and PD showed up :D. They have two engines (ones a damn ladder truck like wtf) outside our house and a few cops, our house is the most accessible as they say which is cool. 8)
Title: Re: Brush Fire - Spring Hill Post by: Young Gun on January 04, 2007, 05:32:04 PM They got the fire out, and now they are using a bulldozer to make a giant circle because they have nothing to get down there with. Not gonna bother uploading the video because it was crappy quality, might upload a few clips.