ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: Mattism78 on November 06, 2006, 05:47:42 PM

Title: Looking For More ATV Riding Friends
Post by: Mattism78 on November 06, 2006, 05:47:42 PM
I figured this would be a good place to post this. If it's not I apologize. Anywho, I'm 28, and live in Vero Beach. Currently my buddy and I are the extent of our riding group. We ride almost every Saturday. We own property out in Suburban Estates (Holopaw). I'm looking for some more people to ride with. We both have modded BF 750's. I'd prefer more mature people (don't like baby sittin). So who's around Vero, and rides a lot? lol

Title: Re: Looking For More ATV Riding Friends
Post by: dreth on November 06, 2006, 06:45:40 PM
i live in ft. pierce but im a sport quad rider ;D

Title: Re: Looking For More ATV Riding Friends
Post by: vspec1 on November 06, 2006, 07:20:41 PM
I'm in Orlando and  ride both sport quads and utility. I usually ride with another buddy of mine with a Prairie 700. I have a 2006 Brute Force 750 and a 2006 Honda Rincon 680. We have considered buying some property in suburban estates but would really like to check it out first. If your looking for some company let me know. I would love to go checkout that place. 5A is very dry right now and Ocala is better on a sport quad. I have alot more buddies that ride sport quads. I just don't think you would want to ride with those guys. It's usually high speed thru the Ocala National Forest. I find myself looking for another gear  :o

Title: Re: Looking For More ATV Riding Friends
Post by: qt314nfla on November 06, 2006, 07:24:33 PM
I have a utility as well.  I'd love to go check it out w/ y'all and I'm always up for adding more ppl to ride w/. 

Title: Re: Looking For More ATV Riding Friends
Post by: Ida_Mann on November 06, 2006, 09:36:11 PM
i live in ft. pierce but im a sport quad rider ;D

it's OK sir, your secret is safe with me.

You will find a bunch of people to ride with here,,,unfortunately I can't ride every weekend, but I'd love to and usually ride Ocala when I do.


Title: Re: Looking For More ATV Riding Friends
Post by: dirtsurfer on November 07, 2006, 07:31:33 AM
I'm in Sebastian and ride every weekend. Mostly 5A but would like to find a place closer. I ride a lean steering trike and don't need a lot of area to play in. Always looking for people to check it out.

Title: Re: Looking For More ATV Riding Friends
Post by: garym on November 07, 2006, 02:25:11 PM
I ride at RR but reside on the west coast.  Been to holopaw a few times and enjoyed it. Hope you don't mind older drinkers who fall into bon fires and off their bikes on occasion (Paco)

Title: Re: Looking For More ATV Riding Friends
Post by: BIGWORM3699 ( ECP RACING) on November 07, 2006, 02:55:13 PM
i live in ft. pierce but im a sport quad rider ;D

Dont pick him you be babysittin. lol

Title: Re: Looking For More ATV Riding Friends
Post by: Fox17 on November 07, 2006, 04:05:03 PM
we own property in SE. ride out there every 2 or 3 weekends mostly. we have 3 utes and a 300ex. ill let you kow when we go next and we can meet somewhere out there (parking lot, lol). lookin forward to meetin you.

Title: Re: Looking For More ATV Riding Friends
Post by: qt314nfla on November 07, 2006, 04:30:51 PM
I ride at RR but reside on the west coast.  Been to holopaw a few times and enjoyed it. Hope you don't mind older drinkers who fall into bon fires and off their bikes on occasion (Paco)

No worries as long as I'm around to yank his arse from the fire.  That was funny as hell though.

Title: Re: Looking For More ATV Riding Friends
Post by: MuddFreak77 on November 07, 2006, 04:37:13 PM
I ride at RR but reside on the west coast.  Been to holopaw a few times and enjoyed it. Hope you don't mind older drinkers who fall into bon fires and off their bikes on occasion (Paco)

Glad it wasn;t me that fell into the fire, my fat arse would have burned all night long    lmao

Title: Re: Looking For More ATV Riding Friends
Post by: garym on November 07, 2006, 04:51:36 PM
or smothered the ;)

Title: Re: Looking For More ATV Riding Friends
Post by: Mattism78 on November 07, 2006, 06:00:41 PM
Wow, glad to see the warm response. This coming weekend I'm headed up to Lake Butler to ride. My dad lives up that way, and he's been begging me to come check out the riding. The following weekend I'm sure we'll be headed back out to Holopaw. If anyone wants to meet up let me know. Like I said, I'm always up for making new riding buddies.

I won't hold it against ya for riding a sport quad, I used to have a raptor 660. I wanted something that was actually fast so I got my BF 750 ;) . Most of the time we trail ride, but we've been know to end up in the mud. This past weekend we got stuck in a baaaaad way. Most of Holopaw is dried up, but if you hit the swamp near the lake you better be ready to get dirty!

Look forward to meeting you all.

Title: Re: Looking For More ATV Riding Friends
Post by: CA650 on November 07, 2006, 07:13:41 PM
Hey, I live in PSL and would like to go riding sometime. I bought my ute a year ago and only have 86 miles on it. I'm going to be out of town for the next couple of weeks but, I would be up for riding after Dec.1. PM me and let me know, oh ya I'm not a rookie, I just rode dirt bikes and three-wheelers. No babysitting.

Title: Re: Looking For More ATV Riding Friends
Post by: dreth on November 07, 2006, 09:22:49 PM
i live in ft. pierce but im a sport quad rider ;D

Dont pick him you be babysittin. lol

goood one ;)

Title: Re: Looking For More ATV Riding Friends
Post by: Silverstar on November 08, 2006, 10:22:38 AM
I really wish I lived closer to holopaw because I went there with a few freinds a few weeks ago and that place was AWSOME!! We had a blast out there, but it is over 2 hours away for us. We still plan on returning though because it is just so much fun. When we went out their was a ton of people out there but the cool thing was that even with that many people it still wasn't overcrowded. I was out with 2 rincons and a grizz with 6" gorilla lifts and 29.5" outlaws on them. They were the biggest quads out there (they are HUGE). I got to test my snorkel a few times that day! HAHA

Title: Re: Looking For More ATV Riding Friends
Post by: kawGIRL on November 08, 2006, 02:05:41 PM
I figured this would be a good place to post this. If it's not I apologize. Anywho, I'm 28, and live in Vero Beach. Currently my buddy and I are the extent of our riding group. We ride almost every Saturday. He owns property out in Suburban Estates (Holopaw). I'm looking for some more people to ride with. We both have modded BF 750's. I'd prefer more mature people (don't like baby sittin). So who's around Vero, and rides a lot? lol

 :-\ Might want to re-think what your getting yourself into  :no

This is the reasons the keys were changed ???

Title: Re: Looking For More ATV Riding Friends
Post by: phatpounder02 on November 08, 2006, 05:17:13 PM
I live in lakewood park, my ride is a king 700 on 30s love to ride. Call me 772-528-9147 Tony

Title: Re: Looking For More ATV Riding Friends
Post by: Mattism78 on November 08, 2006, 06:31:16 PM
I figured this would be a good place to post this. If it's not I apologize. Anywho, I'm 28, and live in Vero Beach. Currently my buddy and I are the extent of our riding group. We ride almost every Saturday. He owns property out in Suburban Estates (Holopaw). I'm looking for some more people to ride with. We both have modded BF 750's. I'd prefer more mature people (don't like baby sittin). So who's around Vero, and rides a lot? lol

 :-\ Might want to re-think what your getting yourself into  :no

This is the reasons the keys were changed ???

Please don't get me started on the changing of the keys. My family has owned out there for over 20 years. Within the past year our campsite was burned to the ground. I attempted to post something on the webpage about it. They banned me from posting. In short F the owner's association. There's a bunch of drunk bumpkins out there who think they own the entire place. Last time we camped a few stumbled up to our camp trying to be tough guys and make sure we were "owners". After we explained yes, their attitudes completely changed. Heck the one guy almost stumbled into the fire. They were rambling about this guy and that, we ended up ignoring them and they left.

If I want to take a group of friends out there to ride that's my right. I'm a 3rd generation owner. That's a lot more than most can say. I'm not offering to GIVE anyone a key. I will however use my key to ride with a group anytime I feel fit. Sorry for the rant, I'm just tired of the attitudes of people out there. Because I'm younger I'm automatically trespassing? Seems like the majority of people don't even wave back anymore.

Title: Re: Looking For More ATV Riding Friends
Post by: AmericanRobster on November 09, 2006, 12:18:16 AM
Where is Holopaw? trails? How big? Is it worth the trip from St. Pete?

Title: Re: Looking For More ATV Riding Friends
Post by: Bleedsblue on November 09, 2006, 11:38:49 AM
Please don't get me started on the changing of the keys. My family has owned out there for over 20 years. Within the past year our campsite was burned to the ground. I attempted to post something on the webpage about it. They banned me from posting. In short F the owner's association. There's a bunch of drunk bumpkins out there who think they own the entire place. Last time we camped a few stumbled up to our camp trying to be tough guys and make sure we were "owners". After we explained yes, their attitudes completely changed. Heck the one guy almost stumbled into the fire. They were rambling about this guy and that, we ended up ignoring them and they left.

If I want to take a group of friends out there to ride that's my right. I'm a 3rd generation owner. That's a lot more than most can say. I'm not offering to GIVE anyone a key. I will however use my key to ride with a group anytime I feel fit. Sorry for the rant, I'm just tired of the attitudes of people out there. Because I'm younger I'm automatically trespassing? Seems like the majority of people don't even wave back anymore.

Who banned you from the SE Site? To my knowledge no one has been banned from that site in ages and if there is an issue such as break ins, fires, etc... the rest of the land owners want to hear about it the wouldn't bury it. I have been a victim of the break-ins out there and lost a few hundred $ in stuff from our camp. We were fornunate that our camp wasn't burnt down but the fires on the north end did some serious damage as well as the fires set at specific camps.

Many people have lost camps because of this as well as money from stolen stuff so although it sucks that you sometimes have to deal with a land owner that has an attitude but honestly everyone out there is now suspicious of everyone else. If you park up front, which is where any of the non land owners would be parking, I would expect it. Would I do that?...No because I'd rather not make enemies out there. Am I making excuses for them?...No just explaining why they might be doing it. As for waving I always wave (I know you aren't singling me out) and the past weekend out there everyone waved back to me except for the one guy sitting in a truck waiting for someone to let him onto the property.


Title: Re: Looking For More ATV Riding Friends
Post by: JackL on November 10, 2006, 09:37:43 AM
I'd like to check this place out sometime, I've heard good some things.
I'd be interested in trading a 1 1/4 acre at RR for a spot there.
Is the value along the same line. Thanks.

Title: Re: Looking For More ATV Riding Friends
Post by: Bleedsblue on November 10, 2006, 12:41:19 PM
I'd like to check this place out sometime, I've heard good some things.
I'd be interested in trading a 1 1/4 acre at RR for a spot there.
Is the value along the same line. Thanks.

An acre and a quarter at SE is going for about $10K if not more and honestly it's no different than RR just smaller.


Title: Re: Looking For More ATV Riding Friends
Post by: raca65 on November 10, 2006, 12:47:43 PM
If you can sell my 1 1/4 at SE for 10k i'll sell it to you right now. The only thing the same about there and RR is the terrain. Put a camp in SE figure it will be broke into or set ablaze we do have that problem at RR but no where as bad as in SE.

Title: Re: Looking For More ATV Riding Friends
Post by: Bleedsblue on November 10, 2006, 01:34:20 PM
If you can sell my 1 1/4 at SE for 10k i'll sell it to you right now. The only thing the same about there and RR is the terrain. Put a camp in SE figure it will be broke into or set ablaze we do have that problem at RR but no where as bad as in SE.

I don't know anyone personally that would actually pay that much. But they have been selling for that much and more on ebay and there are lots for sale on this board for that much. Also if you check the property appraisers web site for that area the most recently sold lots have gone for anywhere from $8K to $14K per 1.25 acres.


Title: Re: Looking For More ATV Riding Friends
Post by: JackL on November 10, 2006, 03:05:39 PM
Wow, a straight trade is out I see. Maybe they will even up in the future.

I like the sound of being able to ride more then 2 people with me, even
if they want to burn my camp down. haha

Title: Re: Looking For More ATV Riding Friends
Post by: Mattism78 on November 17, 2006, 07:56:45 PM
I'm headed out to Holopaw tomorrow. I apologize for the short notice, just got finished working on my buddies Brute. Anyhow, if anyone is headed out there tomorrow hit me up. I'll give you my cell number.