ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: backwoods boy on October 30, 2006, 04:42:45 PM

Title: read this n help me out PLEAZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: backwoods boy on October 30, 2006, 04:42:45 PM
ive got an 86 honda trx250x [recon] and i went riding last sat. when i went through one of the mudholes a stick or something pierced the driveshaft boot draning the oil and replacing it w/ muck so i kept riding unaware till my rear diff. starts making grinding noises so we turned it off and put it in nuetral and started pulling it to the side of the trail well every 10-20 feet it would lock up the rear wheels like it was in gear my questions are 1. who can fix it near brevard co. [the honda shop wont cuz its over 10 years old] 2. whats wrong w/ it 3. how much should it cost 4. is it worth fixing
                           mb 8)

Title: Re: read this n help me out PLEAZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: xr100racer on October 30, 2006, 06:26:08 PM
ill take it off your hands at no charge if you decide its not worth fixing

Title: Re: read this n help me out PLEAZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Fox17 on October 30, 2006, 10:58:19 PM
ill take it off your hands at no charge if you decide its not worth fixing

like heck you will. he will give it back to me. or i told him ill buy it back if he wont give it away. the motor is bullet proof.

cocoa motoworks might take a look at it. ill look at it and see whats wrong. i bet i can fix it.  ;)

Title: Re: read this n help me out PLEAZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Mrs.Nightbreed on October 31, 2006, 08:27:15 AM
QT had a similar problem and had to replace the whole rear end: bearings, boot, ring gear and pinion assembly. Replacing it is a project but not to bad. First, being that it is a 86 you need to check with Honda and see if you can even get the parts. Honda discontinues parts for most models 20 years and older.

Title: Re: read this n help me out PLEAZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: MuddFreak77 on October 31, 2006, 09:28:41 AM
As Mrs. Nightbreed said sounds like a rear end.  If you do this project you will need bearing/seal pullers, and a special socket to get the pinion gear out.  While your at it you should replace all of the oil seals and bearings.  Might have to replace the rear axle too.  I know on QT's bike the splines on the axle and inside the Ring Gear were stripped, but the gears themself were fine. 

Your looking at about $800-$1000 if you do it yourself and you can get the parts.

Its not hard just a PITA, I helped QT rebuild her rear end!!!   ;) ;)  If you have all of the parts it will take about 6-8hrs from disassemble to reassembly. 

Hint if you do it yourself:  Put the bearings in a deep freezer if they are going inside a race (ie Needle bearing for the end of the pinion gear), they will drop right in with little to no persuasion. 

If you can find a whole rear end it might work out to be about the same price or cheaper then rebuilding the old one something else we learned.

Title: Re: read this n help me out PLEAZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: gery350 on October 31, 2006, 09:36:07 AM
you can maybe try ebay.
may be able to find a whole unit.

Title: Re: read this n help me out PLEAZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Moose on October 31, 2006, 09:50:49 AM
If it were me, I wouldn't put more money into anything than it's worth.

I would do a search for salvage yards, and start looking for the entire rear end you need.

I found a place in Texas that sent me exactly what I needed for my sons quad.
They had no web site, so I called and talked to the owner.

I know there's a place near Sanford that has lots of stuff, and decent prices from what I've heard.
Sorry don't know the name, but it will show up in a search with yahoo or google.

Title: Re: read this n help me out PLEAZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: backwoods boy on October 31, 2006, 11:45:27 AM
thanx yall im goin down to cocoa motoworks today i think i might just look into gettin a new one kinda sucks  :'( that thang killed in mud just ask fox17 it was unstoppable

Title: Re: read this n help me out PLEAZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: Fox17 on October 31, 2006, 11:54:23 AM
i tried to follow him through a mud hole on our 4x4 rancher and i sunk the rancher. it took a 700 4x4 to pull it out. our other rancher and muddys 250 neither one could budge it. that lil 250 was bad.

Title: Re: read this n help me out PLEAZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Post by: CABLEGUY1 on October 31, 2006, 05:08:19 PM
QT had a similar problem and had to replace the whole rear end: bearings, boot, ring gear and pinion assembly. Replacing it is a project but not to bad. First, being that it is a 86 you need to check with Honda and see if you can even get the parts. Honda discontinues parts for most models 20 years and older.
[/quote   Hey Mellissa, I'm not sure if your mailbox is full or not but I sent you a PM regarding Kathys bike.Thanks.