ATV Florida Forum

General => Group Rides & Events => Topic started by: trailhouseowner on October 15, 2006, 10:43:10 PM

Title: 2007 Hatfield McCoy
Post by: trailhouseowner on October 15, 2006, 10:43:10 PM
The Hatfield McCoy Trail Authority has already released tentative dates for the official events for 2007. The schedule is as follows:

2007 Events

April 26-29 Boone County Waterways Trail

June 7-10 Mingo County Buffalo Mountain Trail Delbarton, Matewan, and Williamson

July 11-15 Logan County Browning Fork Trail Man area

August 30-Sept. 3 Wyoming County Pinnacle Creek Trail Pineville area

October 4-8 Mingo County Browning Fork Trail Gilbert area

Join the fun! Make your plans early!