ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: Thrumud on October 15, 2006, 06:52:48 PM

Title: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: Thrumud on October 15, 2006, 06:52:48 PM
I was there when it all happened, it was horrible.  All we heard was a very loud crash and two riders completely out cold.  The rider with a brand new Suzuki 450 was traveling over 50 mph when he hit head on with another rider on a FYZ 450. The boy on his father’s FYZ died on the scene. The other rider is in critical condition. Both kids were 16 years of age. The impact to the FYZ was so bad, it looked like the bike was torn in half.

Prayers go out to the family.  Very sad day.

It will be on the news tonight.

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: SpringHill Riderz on October 15, 2006, 07:01:24 PM
oh geez, that sucks.  They were both wearing helmets and other misc gear right?  It makes me feel terrible to know they were out having fun spending time with good ol pops or the whole family then bam its over.  :'(  I looked on a bunch of news sites, didnt see anything.  Maybe because it was further down south.

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: k.p. on October 15, 2006, 07:03:16 PM
damn...thats sad news my prayers go out to a family. my friend was in a pretty bad crash on his yfz. him and some dude on a 450r were goin about 40 and they hit head on but thankgoodnesss neither of them were hurt. it just goes to show if you ride irresponsibly you can get hurt.and please realize im not saying that to be mean

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: PLEDGER#76 on October 15, 2006, 07:05:35 PM
I think there are starting to be alot of accidents lately, the county and state level people should notice this and hurry up with the long overdue riding park that has been promised.. I feel for the familys of these people I have got 2 kids who ride and could not imagine losing them like this, our prayers go out to the familys.....

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: qt314nfla on October 15, 2006, 07:17:22 PM
I am sorry for the families loss.  I may take some crap for this but the only 16yo that has any business on a 450 sport bike is a kid w/ plenty of experience that is racing.  We have many racing kids on this site and I'm quite sure they are better on those than some of the adults.  Those bikes are meant for racing hence the no reverse, I've never seen anyone use or need reverse when racing.  I really hope they were wearing their gear.  It does show that even w/ the proper gear though that stupidity hurts and sometimes kills and no amount of gear will help.  Key word is stupidity.  My prayers go out to both of these families. I can't even fathom the loss and emotions questioning what went wrong they must be going through and will go through the rest of their lives.

We could only wish that actions like this would get the state to realize the need for more OHV parks.  Unfortunately, history tends to repeat itself.  Past history of ATV accidents and the nations response to them is not good.  They chose to ban the sport rather than work towards a safe riding areas with reasonable rules and limitations.

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: Thrumud on October 15, 2006, 07:36:41 PM
I got there around 12:00 PM today, and I noticed the kid on the new Suzuki racing up and down over and over again, like trying to impress other riders. I arrive at the site around 2 PM, and he was still racing up and down. A rider goes up to me and said "someone is going to get hurt" 2 to 4 seconds later we heard the loud bang. I guess he spoke to soon.  The rider on the Suzuki was wearing a helmet, but the innocent by standard (the one on the FYZ) on his dad's quad was killed.

I was there with the father holding his son's body just after the impact. He died of massive internal injuries.  Medics say not even a helmet would have saved his life. It broke me down to tears to see the mom and dad next to their son’s body and yelling to God not to take him. I arrived at the hospital and the scene was more intense. 

His name was Kyle, he will be missed.

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: eldiablo64 on October 15, 2006, 07:45:46 PM
wow that sucks!! prayers to the families.I went to croom last saturday unloaded the quad and watchin some of the shenanigans goin on for a couple hours and loaded back up and left.way to many people doin way to stupid of stuff for me.I aint ridin around that kinda stuff.both the rangers and dept.of ag police just turned there heads I don't understand that

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: Thrumud on October 15, 2006, 07:51:14 PM
I am sorry for the families loss.  I may take some crap for this but the only 16yo that has any business on a 450 sport bike is a kid w/ plenty of experience that is racing.  We have many racing kids on this site and I'm quite sure they are better on those than some of the adults.  Those bikes are meant for racing hence the no reverse, I've never seen anyone use or need reverse when racing.  I really hope they were wearing their gear.  It does show that even w/ the proper gear though that stupidity hurts and sometimes kills and no amount of gear will help.  Key word is stupidity.  My prayers go out to both of these families. I can't even fathom the loss and emotions questioning what went wrong they must be going through and will go through the rest of their lives.

We could only wish that actions like this would get the state to realize the need for more OHV parks.  Unfortunately, history tends to repeat itself.  Past history of ATV accidents and the nations response to them is not good.  They chose to ban the sport rather than work towards a safe riding areas with reasonable rules and limitations.

Well said QT

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: Fox17 on October 15, 2006, 08:00:50 PM
my prayers go out to the families. people need to be more careful. 50mph around a blind corner not knowing what is round the corner is stupid. my dad had 2 friends that died on 3 wheelers a while back cause they hit head on in a trail. it took them a few hours to find them and they were both dead when they got there. very sad. we all need to be more careful.

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: PLEDGER#76 on October 15, 2006, 08:23:19 PM
This is exactly the reason I dont take my kids to ride in Lehigh anymore, to many blind corners and 4-wheelers coming out of nowhere into the middle of a trail...

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: Thrumud on October 15, 2006, 08:37:01 PM
This did not happen on a trail, it was a wide open area.  We still don't understand how this could have happened. If you guys are familiar with the spot just north of 82 in Lehigh, the accident occurred just north of the canal. By the looks of the quads, the Suzuki hit the FYZ on the left side, broke the a arm, left shock and wheel right off the quad and the front end of the Suzuki smashed up against the other driver at about 60 mph.

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: 310R_Dude on October 15, 2006, 09:40:35 PM
No matter the shoulda's, woulda's, coulda's... this is a tradgedy. I feel
sorrow for the lives affected. Surely what seemingly was gonna be an
awesome riding day turned into the worst nightmare possible :(

I'm speechless...

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: klutchbuster400 on October 15, 2006, 09:48:26 PM
man i cant even begin to fathom such an event.
i get a feeling of emptiness just thinking about it.
we've all done stupid things at one time or another.
the death of a child should never be looked at as "well he asked for it"
i dont care who you are.


Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: SWFRider on October 15, 2006, 10:09:52 PM
As Thrumud knows I ride out their all the time and try to avoid that area. I was out there today with my wife and when we found out about it, we ended our ride and went home. Its a tragic accident. Riding gear may not have helped in this case but I have read numerous accounts on this and other forums where helmets have saved lives so please dont down play wearing a helmet. 90% of the people in this area dont ride with helmets ( because it doesnt look kewl ) and have no real knowledge of how to properly ride ie signals and rules of the trails. After going home we went out too eat and saw a family of riders crossing the street ( about a mile from the crash) one ATV had the dad and his 2 young kids, one infront of him and one behind , no more than 6yrs old on the same quad and the kids had no helmets, WTF. I ve always said adults make up your own mind, but kids dont know better. My kids ride with us and I dont know what I would of done if it were my child.

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: qt314nfla on October 15, 2006, 10:19:56 PM
Sorry if my comment about riding gear was misunderstood.  I was not trying to insinuate that ppl should ride w/o gear.  I was pointing out that stupid tends to be at the root of all accidents.  Alot of those 'stupid' ppl tend to think their equiptment will save them.  It was my intention to state that even w/ equiptment fatalities happen.

I agree w/ the gear issue and SWF's thoughts on that decision.

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: Cory1020 on October 15, 2006, 10:37:10 PM
heres a short article on the accident.  they arnt releasing much info. so sad this kind of stuff happens

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: Thrumud on October 15, 2006, 10:40:39 PM
Last I heard the site is now a crime scene and is under investigation.

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: Fox17 on October 15, 2006, 10:44:21 PM
As Thrumud knows I ride out their all the time and try to avoid that area. I was out there today with my wife and when we found out about it, we ended our ride and went home. Its a tragic accident. Riding gear may not have helped in this case but I have read numerous accounts on this and other forums where helmets have saved lives so please dont down play wearing a helmet. 90% of the people in this area dont ride with helmets ( because it doesnt look kewl ) and have no real knowledge of how to properly ride ie signals and rules of the trails. After going home we went out too eat and saw a family of riders crossing the street ( about a mile from the crash) one ATV had the dad and his 2 young kids, one infront of him and one behind , no more than 6yrs old on the same quad and the kids had no helmets, WTF. I ve always said adults make up your own mind, but kids dont know better. My kids ride with us and I dont know what I would of done if it were my child.

i dont understand why people dont wear helmets. at SE i hardly EVER see someone with a helmet on not to mention everything else. i always wear a helmet, chest protector, boots, and that stuff. i wreck so often and so bad i need it. it is just stupidity to not wear a helmet at least. if you dont i really suggest you start cause this will be you one day. weather you ride a ute or a sport. it dont matter.

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: 1FasterBlaster on October 15, 2006, 10:58:50 PM
I rode my quad at Gandy today.I met a family with 3 kids who weren't as fortunate as my family.I made all of them dogs on the grill and rode all the kids up and down the beach all day.
  I realized, I had the lives of somone elses children in my hands.I made them all wear helmets, even if I was just going slow.I know I push it hard too, but you have to be smart and realize you hold the safety of other riders around you in your hands too!!
  Ride fun, and smart.
 My deepest prayers and thoughts to both those families.I wouldn't want to go through what they had to endure!!

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: Thrumud on October 15, 2006, 10:59:53 PM
I would say there were 40 to 50 riders out there, maybe less than 10 riders were wearing helmets. Only about 3 of us were wearing full gear, (Helmet, goggles, boots, chest deflectors etc.) I always ask the kids out there "where is your helmet".  They answer it is too hot to wear or I don't have one.

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: 53yfz450 on October 15, 2006, 11:05:10 PM
very very prayers go out to the familys :'(

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: UncleRico on October 15, 2006, 11:07:32 PM
It makes me uncomfortable to read about what happened, and I can't even imagine how terrible it would be to have to witness such an event and the aftermath that followed. Nor, can I imagine the immense emotional pain that one would have to endure when seeing your child die in front of you. This family and the events that transpired today will remain in my thoughts and reflections for some time..

There are certain inherent risks in our sport, that we all seem to accept. But In my opinion, the state agencies and local governments who so willingly accept funds from the taxation, registration, and titling of ATV's, need to step up and provide safe places for ATV enthusiasts to ride. They need to earmark that money for recreational OHV parks, with safe trails, with one way systems, to diminish the possibility of accidents like this happening.

I'm not saying that that would have prevented today's accident, but we should at least have the right to have a safe alternative to just open riding, where whoever wants to, can just ride at their whim, even if it is completely out of control.

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: Thrumud on October 15, 2006, 11:22:46 PM
Just saw NBC 2 news regarding the incident.  They did not bash the riders but said that county officials need to step up and find legal regulated areas to ride.

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: Thrumud on October 15, 2006, 11:40:40 PM
From the media

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: SWFRider on October 16, 2006, 10:23:33 AM
It makes me uncomfortable to read about what happened, and I can't even imagine how terrible it would be to have to witness such an event and the aftermath that followed. Nor, can I imagine the immense emotional pain that one would have to endure when seeing your child die in front of you. This family and the events that transpired today will remain in my thoughts and reflections for some time..

There are certain inherent risks in our sport, that we all seem to accept. But In my opinion, the state agencies and local governments who so willingly accept funds from the taxation, registration, and titling of ATV's, need to step up and provide safe places for ATV enthusiasts to ride. They need to earmark that money for recreational OHV parks, with safe trails, with one way systems, to diminish the possibility of accidents like this happening.

I'm not saying that that would have prevented today's accident, but we should at least have the right to have a safe alternative to just open riding, where whoever wants to, can just ride at their whim, even if it is completely out of control.

Well put!

I also noticed that the media didnt bash ATV'n. This isnt a new sport and most of us know the dangers. We need to ride with respect and watch out for one another. My wife and I are still hit hard by this and probably will refrain from riding for a bit. this accident does show that even though you may be a good rider and dont think you need gear you cant predict what someone else will do to you accidents happen and are increased by wrecklessness , stupidity and pure dumb luck. Take care all and ride safe.

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: Joedirt on October 16, 2006, 02:23:46 PM
This is horrible, too young...It chokes me up to think about it.

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: yunt2ride on October 16, 2006, 02:37:54 PM
Sorry to hear about this and the loss of a child. Prayer go out to both families. It reminds me of my son this past weekend riding my quad and showing out a little. I run him down and made him walk back to camp and made him set out for a little while. He was just being stupid and did not realize it until I got onto him about it. We were riding by ourselves with noone else around but he still could have messed up. He knows that dad will get onto him if he drives that way but kids will be kids and just not think about the consequences until someone speaks to them about it or until someone gets hurt. Ride safe

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: jujulo700R on October 16, 2006, 02:56:29 PM
I just don't understad why people don't ride with helmets either! I always wear a helmet whether it be on a street bike or on my atv. To be truthful I would probably wear it in my car if it didn't make my blind spots more difficult to see. Once you start wearing protective gear it becomes second nature and you feel naked if you don't have it on. My heart goes out to the families indeed and it is very hard to read what happened. I went out to Croom Saturday and I ended up leaving early because of all the people racing around me. I always go really early around 7:00 am just avoid being around other people. Incidents like this are just plain sad.

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: tony pitts on October 16, 2006, 03:38:38 PM
its the same all over me my wife and my son stopped by rodman damn sat to check out the hew trail system and there was a group of teenagers all riding the same quad no gear or any kind of self discipline. there are thousands of acres to ride and all they could do was ride up and down the parking area doing donuts and throwing dust everywhere. I am glad i dont normally ride there.

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: Sloth on October 16, 2006, 03:49:40 PM
Very sad to hear this.

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: 450R_Matt on October 16, 2006, 04:21:33 PM
its the same all over me my wife and my son stopped by rodman damn sat to check out the hew trail system and there was a group of teenagers all riding the same quad no gear or any kind of self discipline. there are thousands of acres to ride and all they could do was ride up and down the parking area doing donuts and throwing dust everywhere. I am glad i dont normally ride there.

You should have stoped them and slaped them in the face. When they asked what that was for you just tell them you were saving there life... :o

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: Scramdaddy on October 16, 2006, 05:20:29 PM
I feel sick hearing about it. My prayers go to the families. My Son is 17 and this hits home for sure.

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: ebtrx450r on October 16, 2006, 05:34:29 PM
Sorry to hear about the tragedy! My thoughts and prayers are with the families.

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: cubnfrank on October 16, 2006, 05:47:11 PM
This is awfull tragedy, Im very sorry for the parents. I read this last night and thought about it all day before I could post. I ride with my 8 y/o and it scares me to death going to places like croom or anywhere there is alot riders. I often think about the dangers of this sport. Between the trees and crashes I don't know. Sometimes I could do without my atv when I hear of thing like this. 

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: swampbuggy on October 16, 2006, 06:44:02 PM
The FT.Myers News Press is saying this accident was on private land owned by the South Fl. Water Management District.  Can anyone clear this up?

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: PLEDGER#76 on October 16, 2006, 07:02:41 PM
If it is the place im thinking of off of H.W.82 right across the street from Blackstone, if you go to the back A little ways it becomes SFWM property, I was a little confused also, hope this help out...

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: Thrumud on October 16, 2006, 07:34:07 PM
Yes, it's SFWM land.

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: swampbuggy on October 16, 2006, 07:37:59 PM
thanks for the info.  Guaranteed they will have enforcement out next weekend.

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: trx250kid on October 16, 2006, 09:03:14 PM
man that must stinks i feel bad for the families but how did they crash in a open area

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: Sleazy_Rider78 on October 16, 2006, 10:50:53 PM
Reading this story caused chills to run down my spine.  I can't imagine the grief this family must be going through right now.  I will pray for the family.

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: rednipj on October 17, 2006, 09:48:27 AM
Here's the article from the News-press.

Also please post in the forums show some support for the OHV riders. There are a couple of old bags starting the 'atv are a hazard to the enviroment' thread.

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: cheropride on October 17, 2006, 10:17:39 AM
I was there with the father holding his son's body just after the impact. He died of massive internal injuries.  Medics say not even a helmet would have saved his life. It broke me down to tears to see the mom and dad next to their son’s body and yelling to God not to take him. I arrived at the hospital and the scene was more intense. 

His name was Kyle, he will be missed.

My gosh Thrumud, just reading your account of what happen is heart-renching.  Being a parent myself, I would of lost it.  This most of seriously affected you as well, what a horrible image that must of been for you to witness.  I can't even begin to imagine what those parents are going through.

You know when I hear of things like this, it scares the hell out of me.  For my son rides, and though he is a very good rider, and we are always with him of course, it scares you to think of the other idiots out there.  This is one of the reasons we purchased land, where we ride, it's big enough not to get crazy.  But it only takes one person to hurt someone.  I really believe in the case, all the protective gear in the world, wouldn't of protected this kid.  I will be sure to share this story with my son, it's important that they learn and continue to be reminded of the dangers of our hobby and that we must always be cautious, and not only worry about how we are riding, but paying attention to the area and people riding around us.

Wow, still can't believe how tragic......

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: ScooterB on October 17, 2006, 10:43:20 AM
I cannot imagine how these parents feel. I know when I ride with my son he has all the safety equipment needed, but that will not keep him from being injured by another rider.

I agree that the the state and or counties need to provide a safer enviroment for OHV recreation and safety training, but the ultimate responsibility falls upon the parents to insure that our children are on the proper size ATV and are trained how to ride and operate it safely.

As for 2 way trails they scare the he!! out of me,  I was thinking about this on sunday while riding back to camp at the end of the day on the last tight trails with lots of blind corners, just after 2 sport quads came blazing thru.
This is why I have chosen to ride early or late to aviod the big crowds.

My thoughts and prayers go out to both families.

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: rednipj on October 17, 2006, 10:47:43 AM
Here's a related article from the NBC-2 website talking about an ATV training center. They even make house calls.

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: stacktester on October 17, 2006, 11:01:00 AM
Unfortunately these things happen and it's even tougher to accept when you throw in the coulda woulda shoulda's. I have a 9 y/o daughter who rides her new 125 Grizzly with me and I make her wear her chest protector and helmet no matter if we're going on a day ride or for 5 minutes.

This accident made news in the Jacksonville paper and news channels.

As for the riders doing that crap at Rodman, that's just the norm. Everytime I go to ONF I see some punks throwing sand and riding wreckless. All I can say is, if some punk a$$ hurts me or my daughter because they're being wreckless I'm going to beat them to sleep right on the spot. I'm sick of idiots ruining our sport when most of us are out there riding safely. It's pathetic to see these kids riding in parking areas and trails like they're the only riders around. Go out in the middle of Rodman Pit and just knock yourself out. At least people have a chance to get away from you.

I'm not bashing this rider in any way so don't take it that way. It's too late to say he should've been wearing a helmet. All I can say now is please ride safe and to your ability. Learn from this. My prayers go to this kid's family and for the other boy who was injured.

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: Fox17 on October 17, 2006, 04:12:03 PM
I just don't understad why people don't ride with helmets either! I always wear a helmet whether it be on a street bike or on my atv. To be truthful I would probably wear it in my car if it didn't make my blind spots more difficult to see. Once you start wearing protective gear it becomes second nature and you feel naked if you don't have it on. My heart goes out to the families indeed and it is very hard to read what happened. I went out to Croom Saturday and I ended up leaving early because of all the people racing around me. I always go really early around 7:00 am just avoid being around other people. Incidents like this are just plain sad.

same here. i used to wear a chest protector on my dirt bike and now people ask me y i wear one on a quad but i cant ride without one. im so used to it. after bout 3 or 4 times wearin something like that it is just a habbit. i have to wear all my gear or i feel weird when im ridin.

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: Honda328i on October 17, 2006, 05:31:42 PM
Very Tragic about this situation, the family is in my prayers.

While I fully agree about wearing a helmet, that is not enough. 

I can't believe I saw this, but at Durhamtown this weekend, we saw a mom riding double with an INFANT!  This was not at the campground, but way into the park by MX track #3.  The infant was wearing a helmet stuck on his head, but not secure because it was twice the size of his head.  What can you say about stupid people??  GEEEZ.

Title: Re: Horrible ATV Accident in Ft Myers
Post by: Thrumud on October 17, 2006, 08:01:04 PM
Ride safe

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