Title: The Badlands Indiana Post by: Honda328i on April 19, 2005, 02:17:31 PM If you ever get the chance to visit Indiana, you definitely need to check out the Badlands. I dropped by for a few minutes to check out the action last weekend. I was having withdrawals not having my quad with me though.
Title: Re: The Badlands Indiana Post by: Honda328i on April 19, 2005, 02:17:59 PM This place is huge, no way to capture on a cheap camera. This is just one of 5+ of these pits. There are mud areas and several trails as well. I rode here last summer all day and did not see 50% of the place. It is on an old gravel pit.
Title: Re: The Badlands Indiana Post by: Honda328i on April 19, 2005, 02:18:23 PM They do require the dorky flags, but safety is important when this place is really busy.
Title: Re: The Badlands Indiana Post by: speedman8903 on April 19, 2005, 02:20:57 PM that looks kool
Title: Re: The Badlands Indiana Post by: BIGWORM3699 ( ECP RACING) on April 19, 2005, 04:52:41 PM can they move that here ? Florida needs to do something like that.
Title: Re: The Badlands Indiana Post by: da_mtgs_boss on April 19, 2005, 07:57:14 PM Where in Indiana? We have family in Jeffersonville and just north of Indianapolis. We will be going there sometime over the summer. Be neat to see this place.
Title: Re: The Badlands Indiana Post by: Honda328i on April 19, 2005, 08:06:35 PM Quote Where in Indiana? We have family in Jeffersonville and just north of Indianapolis. We will be going there sometime over the summer. Be neat to see this place. It is in Attica, IN. About 45 minutes from Lafayette http://www.badlandsoffroad.com/ My Uncle's sister owns this bed and breakfast there too if you need a place to stay, they welcome the quad crowd. http://www.appleinninc.com/ When are you going? Title: Re: The Badlands Indiana Post by: dreth on April 19, 2005, 08:18:50 PM one day i will have to meet up with you and head out ;D
Title: Re: The Badlands Indiana Post by: Hollywood on April 19, 2005, 11:49:13 PM Looks cool! Can you say ATVFlorida.com Road Trip :o
Title: Re: The Badlands Indiana Post by: Honda328i on April 20, 2005, 03:01:20 PM I'm going to be there in June, sure would be great to get a Summer tour group together.
Title: Re: The Badlands Indiana Post by: Ida_Mann on April 20, 2005, 06:07:21 PM if ever there was a reason for Scotty to be able to beam someone anywhere in a matter of seconds......
Id@ ps: any idea what the drive is like to go up there? AT the speed limit? Title: Re: The Badlands Indiana Post by: Ms.Mud on April 20, 2005, 09:00:25 PM ps: any idea what the drive is like to go up there? AT the speed limit?[/quote]
During huricane Ivan my Mom, brothers and I drove there it took 4ever! Then again we stopped several times. [smiley=drive.gif] Title: Re: The Badlands Indiana Post by: Honda328i on April 21, 2005, 06:36:37 AM Quote ps: any idea what the drive is like to go up there? AT the speed limit? Wit my car and no kids, probably 16 hours. ;D [smiley=drive.gif] Trailer and kids in tow, probably more like 18-19. We usually do it in two days, stopping North of Atlanta or in Tennessee. It's not too bad if you enjoy road trips. Title: Re: The Badlands Indiana Post by: kawGIRL on April 21, 2005, 10:34:00 AM I'm Ready ;)