ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: lswjth2 on October 11, 2006, 08:55:16 PM

Title: ONF is under attack by the SCENIC HIGHWAY
Post by: lswjth2 on October 11, 2006, 08:55:16 PM
Folks,ONF is under attack by the guise of trying to get a SCENIC HIGHWAY DESIGNATION. The lady that sits on this commission is  Linda Duever, she's with the WILDLANDS PROJECT. Here's her link

You can decide to fight against this, or sit on your a$$ and lose another area.

Title: Re: ONF is under attack by the SCENIC HIGHWAY
Post by: Thrumud on October 11, 2006, 09:21:18 PM
""""Save the Trees! Save the Whales! Save the Dolphins! Kill the Consumers!""""

What kind of Eco Nazi are you ?  I don’t know if it’s a joke or you’re in the wrong site !

Title: Re: ONF is under attack by the SCENIC HIGHWAY
Post by: Paul_S on October 11, 2006, 09:24:21 PM
""""Save the Trees! Save the Whales! Save the Dolphins! Kill the Consumers!""""

What kind of Eco Nazi are you ?  I don’t know if it’s a joke or you’re in the wrong site !
He/she sounds like Rico is developing another persona

Title: Re: ONF is under attack by the SCENIC HIGHWAY
Post by: UncleRico on October 11, 2006, 09:26:38 PM
Yeah, that's what it sounds like to me also...hey wait a minute.

On a serious note...this chick is kinda hot. 

Maybe if I save a tree, I'll get some action.

Title: Re: ONF is under attack by the SCENIC HIGHWAY
Post by: dreadhed on October 11, 2006, 09:41:16 PM
I got a tree.  If you stick right up where the sun don't shine you can save it.

Where is some ifno on the highway?

Title: Re: ONF is under attack by the SCENIC HIGHWAY
Post by: Ida_Mann on October 12, 2006, 02:40:23 PM
I refused to sign the petition that was out at the ONF ride on the 30th because I felt that the flyers were not telling the entire story but I wanted more info and got none from the guy there.

I guess I'll check it out now.


Title: Re: ONF is under attack by the SCENIC HIGHWAY
Post by: bad2thebone on October 12, 2006, 06:38:36 PM
Thanks to the efforts of dedicated CTF members, 952 acres of prime native Florida habitat in northern Marion County will be preserved! Known as Price's Scrub, just south of the Alachua County line adjacent to I -75, the parcel has been spared from development and will become a state-owned preserve and low-impact recreation area.

CTF is in the very early stages of collaborative work with several other organizations to protect a corridor that would connect the Ocala National Forest with the Osceola National Forest and Okefenokee Swamp. This 60-something mile corridor has been identified as one of the 10 most important wildlife and greenway connections in the state. Meetings and plans are ongoing; stay tuned for this one!

Title: Re: ONF is under attack by the SCENIC HIGHWAY
Post by: MachineDog on October 12, 2006, 06:47:06 PM
I think this is a positive project, and you should all voice your strong support of it.

It will make our forest safe from the out of control ATVers  who want to tear up the environment!

We don't want to tear up the environment. Personally, I love being able to see the scenery at the places we ride, and I'd never be able to walk there. Some people like to see these areas, they don't just want to tear up the environment as you say. I'm sure you'd ride an ATV too if it enabled you to see the stuff in ONF without having to walk/bike 15+ miles to see it. Think of the people who want to see ONF but have disibilities? They can't hike or ride a bike.

I don't want to see trees or forest torn down. I think the erosion caused by ATVs is alot better than the housing developments going in at Mecca farms..

Title: Re: ONF is under attack by the SCENIC HIGHWAY
Post by: lswjth2 on October 12, 2006, 07:13:56 PM
Bad2the bone, you are an infiltrator and I want EVERYONE TO KNOW. I am willing to bet anything that you are part of this group that wants to create this "Corridor", a corridor where no one can even walk. You must subscribe to the WILDLANDS PROJECT. You and your kind are the kind of extremist that need to be stopped immediately. Your are trying to pass this is a non bindiong referendum, and refusing to answer questions in a Public meeting. Too bad someone sniffed you out...

Title: Re: ONF is under attack by the SCENIC HIGHWAY
Post by: Thrumud on October 12, 2006, 11:48:43 PM
bad2thebone, when was the last time you went bird watching through trails you DMF ?

Title: Re: ONF is under attack by the SCENIC HIGHWAY
Post by: UncleRico on October 12, 2006, 11:51:50 PM
bad2thebone, when was the last time you went bird watching through trails you DMF ?

You don't even need to leave your house to go birdwatching now.

They have virtual birdwatching online....less time standing around.

Title: Re: ONF is under attack by the SCENIC HIGHWAY
Post by: Thrumud on October 13, 2006, 12:04:14 AM
True ....true !

Title: Re: ONF is under attack by the SCENIC HIGHWAY
Post by: bad2thebone on October 13, 2006, 06:16:27 AM
The other side S---ks... Guess what side bad2thebone is on. Your all wrong you have no idea. Thrumud - your so far off base your out in space, and don't know which side is up.

Enough - First Lswjth2 if you want someone to do something about a problem, provide them with a link that gives them information on what the problem is, the link you provided says nothing about scenic highways. If seems like a grudge between you the what ever the ladys name is or you just want to spout your mouth off.

Second - Thrumud - birding watching is not my speciality, the ONF is part of me. I respect it, and I might not like the trails they have put there, but guess what, I am only a small person and I can't fight city hall, so I might as well acept it.

The only thing I see postive on this site is a few people that want the correct information, the rest of the people is all they want to do is wine and cry and wait till someone does something for them. Quite wining and crying, this site will never organize enough to be a powerful source. I heard someone was willing to step up to the plate and no one wanted to do anything. I guess this is a lost cause.

Title: Re: ONF is under attack by the SCENIC HIGHWAY
Post by: lswjth2 on October 13, 2006, 06:21:10 AM
So which side are you on??the wildlands project side or the side of the people that believe public lands are to be enjoyed by the entire public??

Title: Re: ONF is under attack by the SCENIC HIGHWAY
Post by: bad2thebone on October 13, 2006, 06:29:47 AM
I am part of raptors side.. Figure it out.. We are trying to find mining companies that will lease us some land to ride on. But with your attitudes, and lack of help, raptor is going to say forget about you guys.

If you want to be part and help, search out some mining companies that we can contact for places to ride. I am going to need location and contact names if possible.

Title: Re: ONF is under attack by the SCENIC HIGHWAY
Post by: lswjth2 on October 13, 2006, 06:35:35 AM
I guess you are then part lizard. I get it. Be careful, be very careful "loving" those animals, they bite back and hard......

Title: Re: ONF is under attack by the SCENIC HIGHWAY
Post by: bad2thebone on October 13, 2006, 06:38:07 AM
Yes, Lizards bite back hard, raptors bit even harder.

Title: Re: ONF is under attack by the SCENIC HIGHWAY
Post by: Loven It on October 13, 2006, 11:53:34 AM
Ok - I must be missing something...bad2thebone states he is on raptors side..isn't raptor with stewards of the land.

Is everyone saying Stewards of the Land is not on our side..this thread really has confused me..

Title: Re: ONF is under attack by the SCENIC HIGHWAY
Post by: gtnwood on October 13, 2006, 01:23:22 PM
I think this is a positive project, and you should all voice your strong support of it.

It will make our forest safe from the out of control ATVers  who want to tear up the environment!
No wonder your so skinny if all you eat are tree's! ::)

Title: Re: ONF is under attack by the SCENIC HIGHWAY
Post by: lswjth2 on October 13, 2006, 01:40:55 PM
Do a search on google about "Steward of the land" ,then make up your mind.Me personally, they are infiltrators.Every time I hear words like sustainable,compatible,low impact,to me thats a giveaway,thats just me.Do some research on your own...Then post.

Title: Re: ONF is under attack by the SCENIC HIGHWAY
Post by: Thrumud on October 14, 2006, 09:28:11 PM
 bad2thebone WTF is your point ?    Quit the bulls#it and say it !

Title: Re: ONF is under attack by the SCENIC HIGHWAY
Post by: lswjth2 on October 14, 2006, 10:14:29 PM
here are some links and how this scenic highway designations hurt us

Title: Re: ONF is under attack by the SCENIC HIGHWAY
Post by: Loven It on October 17, 2006, 01:24:52 PM
Do a search on google about "Steward of the land" ,then make up your mind.Me personally, they are infiltrators.Every time I hear words like sustainable,compatible,low impact,to me thats a giveaway,thats just me.Do some research on your own...Then post.

Glad to see you took the time to look up something you told me I should have before I posted. I had already looked them up and talked to raptor a few times. You were part of a thread they had before - that is why I posted that I was confused. One minute you supported them, the next you were bashing them!

I am not trying to start anything (I saw your apology thread) but to come across as you did above was well rude.

Stewards of the land are good people