Title: Okee 4/24/05 Pics Post by: doublezero on April 27, 2005, 09:08:12 PM Only second post here, I took several pics of quads at the florida series motocross race in Okee this past weekend. Hope you enjoy them, they are mixed in with two wheels... enjoy
http://doublezeroproductions.com/images/Okee04.05/Okee04.05.html Title: Re: Okee 4/24/05 Pics Post by: devildog55 on April 28, 2005, 01:19:23 AM cool pics man. the ones on the burm are sweet.
Title: Re: Okee 4/24/05 Pics Post by: Quad32x on April 28, 2005, 07:11:29 AM Nice pics man !! ;D That track looks bad azz !!! [smiley=Shocked.gif] ;D
Title: Re: Okee 4/24/05 Pics Post by: bartowmx#3 on April 28, 2005, 01:59:23 PM Thanks for the great pics of us.
Title: Re: Okee 4/24/05 Pics Post by: dreth on April 29, 2005, 04:48:30 AM nice pics but you need to back up a little on the jump pics so you can see how big the jump is. right now it looks like a quad in the air, could be 2 feet off the ground or 30ft [smiley=dunno.gif]. you take real good pics and they would be sweet to see the take off and landind for perspective
Title: Re: Okee 4/24/05 Pics Post by: doublezero on April 29, 2005, 07:36:19 AM Quote nice pics but you need to back up a little on the jump pics so you can see how big the jump is. right now it looks like a quad in the air, could be 2 feet off the ground or 30ft [smiley=dunno.gif]. you take real good pics and they would be sweet to see the take off and landind for perspective Good observation! Yeah, I try to get a mix of pics, my camera is pretty crappy, lol. Here is one from the set of pics I got at Reddick that show some air.... Title: Re: Okee 4/24/05 Pics Post by: doublezero on April 29, 2005, 07:38:11 AM Quote Good observation! Yeah, I try to get a mix of pics, my camera is pretty crappy, lol. Here is one from the set of pics I got at Reddick that show some air.... I tried to put a link in so you can view the picture large, but everytime I type the track "reddick" the forum replaces that word with redthingy..!! Why does it do that, look in my post above it did it again.. ? [smiley=dunno.gif] Title: Re: Okee 4/24/05 Pics Post by: TBR_#86 on April 29, 2005, 01:17:15 PM sweet pics. Do u have the florida motorcross series web site or any other info.
Thanx Title: Re: Okee 4/24/05 Pics Post by: o4250 on April 29, 2005, 03:15:32 PM Quote I tried to put a link in so you can view the picture large, but everytime I type the track "reddick" the forum replaces that word with redthingy..!! Why does it do that, look in my post above it did it again.. ? [smiley=dunno.gif] . It's because D*ck is A censored word. Title: Re: Okee 4/24/05 Pics Post by: doublezero on April 30, 2005, 07:29:50 AM Okay here we go... does anyone know who that is?
(http://www.doublezeroproductions.com/images/yamahaaiar.jpg) ::) Title: Re: Okee 4/24/05 Pics Post by: TBR_#86 on April 30, 2005, 10:13:05 AM is it nathan w.
Title: Re: Okee 4/24/05 Pics Post by: dreth on April 30, 2005, 06:53:10 PM bartow mx?
Title: Re: Okee 4/24/05 Pics Post by: bartowmx#3 on May 01, 2005, 06:33:32 PM yessir, That would be me , really great pictures :)
Title: Re: Okee 4/24/05 Pics Post by: Hawgin4x4 on May 02, 2005, 08:19:36 AM Can i get directions to that track?