ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: VForcedave on September 22, 2006, 11:17:04 AM

Title: Daytime Robber Killed
Post by: VForcedave on September 22, 2006, 11:17:04 AM
A man was shot and killed breaking into a home in Broward this week. The robber forgot to check to see if someone was home. His 2 buddies left his azz to die. No charges against the homeowner. Although the dead mans mama said he was a good boy and should not have been killed. Oh darn.

Title: Re: Daytime Robber Killed
Post by: SkyHighT100 on September 22, 2006, 11:25:49 AM
Good boys don't rob houses! Glad the homeowner didn't get charged with anything too. You always hear about horror stories of the homeowner getting in trouble. Like the one where some guy tryed coming in to an old ladies house through the roof somehow... then sued her because he fell on a knife that was on her kitchen counter.... and he won.

Title: Re: Daytime Robber Killed
Post by: Fox17 on September 22, 2006, 11:34:44 AM
awesome!!!!! great that the owner didnt get in trouble. thats how it should be ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!! i guess the dude learned his lesson the hard way. o well so much for that criminal. one down, millions to go.

Title: Daytime Robber Killed
Post by: MuddyGirlatTheHump on September 22, 2006, 12:05:15 PM
What happened to his buddies did they get charged also?

No one said criminals were all that smart.

Title: Re: Daytime Robber Killed
Post by: VForcedave on September 22, 2006, 12:53:39 PM
As far as I know right now, they got away

Title: Re: Daytime Robber Killed
Post by: bigscrub79 on September 22, 2006, 12:56:31 PM
LMAO serves him right. I am guessing the more this happens, the less home invasions will be a problem. Its a shame he didnt get the other 2, oh well they will screw up and do it again.

Title: Daytime Robber Killed
Post by: MuddyGirlatTheHump on September 22, 2006, 01:06:08 PM
As far as I know right now, they got away

That is a shame not only for the home owners to be able to press charges, but that also for the one who lost his life. His co-defendants were real A** H*L*S to leave him like that.

Title: Re: Daytime Robber Killed
Post by: cheropride on September 22, 2006, 03:32:21 PM
From what the reports say, there is a new law in Florida, and oh my gosh, is actually protects the law-abiding citizen.

Basically,the law states that a homeowner has the right to protect/defend their property, in other words, if someone breaks into your home, you have the right to protect your home and life.  The old law was, that it had to be proven that you (victim) felt as if your life was in "imminent danger" and could not retreat! The new law, you don't have to prove the "immenent danger' factor anymore, the fact that they broke into your home, while you are there is enough... It's about time!  Especially now adays, hell, if the came into your house man they are armed to hilt and you know dang well they are going to shoot. 

I heard the suspects are still on the lose, but when caught they get charged with 1st degree murder (I believe it's1st degree), due to the fact someone was killed while commenting a felony. 

And yea, you got to love the front page news, picture of mom and girl friend, oh but he was such a good boy.  Something has to be wrong, you know what, if people would take responsibities for their kids, we wouldn't have so many crimes today.  They always want to blame everyone else, for you know darn well, had a cop shot this kid, my gosh it would be so out of control.

Title: Re: Daytime Robber Killed
Post by: JayDawg on September 23, 2006, 01:17:37 AM
This is why crime does not pay! Here in Colorado, we have a state law called "The make my day law" it says if someone enters your house illegally reguardless of it is forced entry or not, you can shoot them dead or injure them. While I am glad I have never had to exercise this law, I am glad it is there. In California, there were numerous times that robbers broke into houses and got shot and they then turned around and sued the homeowner and won the case in court. I loved San Diego, the ocean and Mexican food but it is that kind of backwards way of thinking why I left. What is also cool is since moving to Colorado, I now own several guns. A few of them would be illegal in California even though I am a law abiding citizen.