ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: Thrumud on September 21, 2006, 03:51:49 PM

Title: US & Hugo Chavez
Post by: Thrumud on September 21, 2006, 03:51:49 PM
America the Great !   Hugo Chavez takes the stand at the UN and insults our President on our soil.  Calling our President “the devil”. In his own words saying that “ The devil is making his own recipe for the world.”   I don’t care for those who don’t agree with our President, but don’t come from another country and degrade our President.  It goes to show, how much of a low life this leader is. I feel like this scum just walked into my house and called me a mf. 

Imagine if someone insulted him on his soil,  they would be punished

I say ASSAINATE HUGO CHAVES,  this b!tch does not have freedom of speech on our soil. 

DEATH TO HUGO CHAVEZ , freakin oil beaner !

My 2

Title: Re: US & Hugo Chavez
Post by: americanhighlander on September 21, 2006, 04:07:48 PM
I'll agree with you!!

I'm still in shock about this name calling our presdent "D" word
I have been watching news last night on cnn and fox news this afternoon,
I heard chavez was at church in harlin NY today for cutting down on oil heat bills
that was on news today,The senater NY came on tv today said samething about that guy.

 >:( If have friends in nyc if see this Hugo Chavez guy tell him  get FUk  out  :cursing.gif of our country and never come back to us soil again for rest of your life, you must be devil to your self evil baster. If was me i'll saw  him on steets of nyc that what i'll said to his face.  LOL

American Highlander  8)

PS: don't buy citgo gas it supports Hugo Chavez and last night all
carribean union nations banned that country from supporting  Hugo Chavez
they think he supports combat and terrism..

Title: Re: US & Hugo Chavez
Post by: Thrumud on September 21, 2006, 04:20:04 PM
Read this link -

Hugo Chavez = "Hijo de puta" 

Title: Re: US & Hugo Chavez
Post by: Redinjun on September 21, 2006, 04:30:10 PM
Hey you guy's should give the guy the benefit of the doubt, after all the president of iran spoke there yesterday as well.  Maybe the smell of sulfur he smelt was a little residual from akbar imaneedajobby.

Title: Re: US & Hugo Chavez
Post by: Thrumud on September 21, 2006, 04:38:03 PM
Oh yeah, the other scum that said the holocaust never happened.  In my sick opinion, we should have kidnapped them and the rest I will leave to your imagination.   :Dead.gif

Title: Re: US & Hugo Chavez
Post by: 450rcrazy on September 21, 2006, 05:51:57 PM
if our pres ever traveled to iran he probably would be killed but were to nice here and let known enemys walk freely both .chavez and that iranian ba$turd along with the UN need to get the fk out of our country.

Title: Re: US & Hugo Chavez
Post by: cheropride on September 22, 2006, 03:42:46 PM
 :Clap.gif :

Agree!!!  Agree!!! Agree!!!!  Atleast I know that I'm not the only that thinks that was a bunch b/s!!!  No disrespect, but I think sometimes that this country needs to get her head out of her a$$ and wake the hell up.   :banghead.gif  I love this Country with all my heart, but some of it's citizens and non-citizens alike need to go back to the hell pit they came from.  You know just about every nationality I can think of, from Spanish, Cuban, Irish, Italian, ect love this country and is proud and honored to be in this country, then why is so many off the middle easterns live here but hate this country.  I'm not saying that they all do, but those who do love this country, well you need, we all need to speak up and defend her!!!!

God Bless the USA!!!!