Title: HELP with 2005 Suzuki Vinson!!!! Post by: flmedic911 on September 18, 2006, 03:14:22 PM Hello all.
I have a 2005 Suzuki Vinson 4x4 automatic. Put a HMF Utility series pipe, and new Jet Kit that came with it, in the bike. At the upper band, when you really need the extra power, the bike boggs down, sometimes backfires, and shoot a 1-foot blue flame out the exhaust pipe >:(....looks cool at night, but not exactly what I was looking for!!! Any help would be appreciated!!!! Thanks!!!!! FLMEDIC911 8) Title: Re: HELP with 2005 Suzuki Vinson!!!! Post by: MachineDog on September 18, 2006, 10:14:49 PM I'm going to say it's running lean. Try upping the jetting. I could be wrong though..
Title: Re: HELP with 2005 Suzuki Vinson!!!! Post by: Joedirt on September 19, 2006, 08:19:01 AM I just got done last week putting a pipe and re-jetting a 2005 Vinson...the jet that came with the Pipe was garbage....Luckily I had a Dynojet kit already and plugged in new needle and spring and clip...and used the Dyno Jet J124....runs like a bad mamojamma now....you should also make sure you tighten the slip on real good..Oh and make sure to adjust the fuel screw...you have to drill the cap out and pull the sleeve out ...it has a purple line in it...seat it and the turn it out 3 full turns....