Title: Collier County vs. SFWMD "IMPORTANT" Post by: gator on September 18, 2006, 08:54:19 AM Sorry to report that SFWMD has not accepted our offer to meet on 9/16. I am working with local state legislators to change the management of SFWMD from an appointed board to an elected board. I do believe that the SFWMD would be more responsive to the needs of the people if they are elected rather than appointed.
Jim Coletta -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: jose VArela [mailto:lswjth2@yahoo.com] Sent: Saturday, September 16, 2006 7:34 PM To: fiala_d; HalasFrank; CoyleFred; henning_t; ColettaJim Cc: brian mchannon; dennis atv; kevin vaughan; gbryant58@comcast.net; vanessa; miamigirlrider@yahoo.com Subject: Meeting on Tuesday between Collier County and SFWMD Dear Commissioners, Unfortunately I will not be able to attend the meeting on Tuesday between yourselves and SFWMD. I just want to convey that although I will not be present I still support and again thank you for your continuing effort in assisting the recreational families of Collier County.I really wish that things would have not gone to where they are today, but I also understand that this is no fault of yours.I truly believe that when people sit down, commom ground can usually be found.Unfortunately as you are all painfully aware of, SFWMD has been less than truthful in their dealings with the county and it's citizens on this issue. They refuse to let us ride on the same roads where a 20 Ton earthmover can be towed. They were supposed to protect historic and cultural uses, they claim they have no land to give the county, however they own a little over 300,000 acres and now they might have entered into a contract with the county without having the authority to do so.I can only wish that if an agreement cannot be reached on Tuesday whereby we might be allowed to ride within 30 days from now, that the county immediately file an injunction and prevent any roads from being torn up. I also hope that the county get's the roads back ASAP so that on OCT 1 the new ATV law that becomes effective, you will allow us to ride on those roads in the Picayune Forest. I again thank you for the way you have stood up for the citizens of our county. Sincerly Yours The Varela Family Rick, Maria,Katrina and Samantha Title: Re: Collier County vs. SFWMD "IMPORTANT" Post by: Thrumud on September 19, 2006, 06:52:50 PM The SFWMD continues to be the scums that they are.