Title: ATV Insurance questions Post by: HillKiller on August 29, 2006, 01:11:23 PM Ok guys I need your help with a work related project. Below are two questions so please provide a response for each. Try not to read other people's answers as I need unique answers. Thanks!!
1) What is a "Declaration's Page"? 2) What does "Full Coverage" mean? Title: Re: ATV Insurance questions Post by: Hoosier Daddy on August 29, 2006, 01:23:33 PM OHHHH crud.....
I want some of that comprehension coverage! can I get a Quota? Agent: Whats your name? Black Woman: Regina. Agent" Is that spelled R,e,g,i,n,a,? Woman:Yeah Rra,e,g,i,n,a,. Agent: whats your address? Chineese guy: one, five, tree (3), main street. Title: Re: ATV Insurance questions Post by: UncleRico on August 29, 2006, 01:57:09 PM "I get my insurance "through a friend" so I don't have to worry about none of that nonsense."
Hey, Hoosier Daddy, Can you still get me those fake insurance ID Cards? - Just kidding I'm not an insurance agent, (but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night) and as best as I remember, the declarations page is like a little "synopsis page" highlighting the aspects of your coverage. I don't think it's a binding agreement, and if there is a mistake on the Declarations page the insurance company can probably get out of it. I think your insurance policy is what is the binding agreement, so it's really not important what the Declaration Page says, it's what's in the policy. Full coverage to me is a marketing term. I don't really think there is such a thing as "FULL COVERAGE" although, it's probably all relative. (I know you're an insurance "guy" and I'm not trying to bash you, but...)I think insurance companies are the DEVIL, and will use everything in their power to get out of a claim if they can. DON'T TRUST INSURANCE COMPANIES. MAKE SURE YOU READ EVERYTHING INCLUDING THE FINE PRINT, AND EVEN THEN, SAY A PRAYER JUST IN CASE. Don't even get me started on the "MAKING ONE WHOLE" terminology. I feel so bad for those people in Katrina and what they're insurance companies have done to them. I think of Insurance as a necessary evil, which you're forced to have, be it by the government (auto insurance) or by the lending institutions, (homeowners insurance) or by the Greatful Dead when you take acid (flying Dragon Insurance). I think Insurance companies tend to be purposefully vague in their spoken language (i.e. Agent to client conversations) and overly archane and ambiguous in their written policy. There, I've vented I feel better now! Title: Re: ATV Insurance questions Post by: Hoosier Daddy on August 29, 2006, 02:02:51 PM ID cards... what ID cards?? :Wacko.gif
Personally, i try to be clear as i can to customers, but most of them dont know or care about their insurance because they are required to have it. Your policy contract tells you whats covered and NOT covered. Most are pretty well spelled out, at least ours are. I think the meeting Dave was in today must have been about what people think of insurance companys. Rico, insurance isnt the Devil... Fooseball is! ::) Title: Re: ATV Insurance questions Post by: HillKiller on August 29, 2006, 02:24:54 PM Anybody else other than Hoosier?
Title: Re: ATV Insurance questions Post by: Hoosier Daddy on August 29, 2006, 02:25:55 PM Rico made a comment....
Title: Re: ATV Insurance questions Post by: HillKiller on August 29, 2006, 02:33:50 PM Rico, thanks for the input. Everything helps and it's interesting to see everyone's perception. I should have been more specific with my questions, I meant to relate them to auto coverage only.
Here's a synopsis of my day at work... "Hi, and you are MORON #1? Can you please put Moron #2 on the phone?" Title: Re: ATV Insurance questions Post by: UncleRico on August 29, 2006, 02:59:45 PM Oh, Auto coverage...I get mine through a little green lizard.
My tiny lawn gnome of a travel agent hooked me up with him. Actually, ya know how it says on the back of your insurance ID card "Don't admit blame", well the one's I have say "Blame the other guy no matter what" I can't imagine being an insurance agent for auto...that's gotta be rough. Hoosier Daddy offered me 200 bucks to make up fake business cards for Hill Killer that say "SE HABLA ESPANOL" on them, with his direct line in Green and Red letters, and go down and hand them out at the bodega. Title: Re: ATV Insurance questions Post by: fastrnrik on August 29, 2006, 03:14:40 PM Insurance companies are the spawn of Satan.
And, don't even get me started on bonding companies. Title: Re: ATV Insurance questions Post by: HillKiller on August 29, 2006, 03:36:22 PM Ok, so can anyone other than Rico help me with answers to the questions? I know everyone has opinions but I need input for this project. :D
Title: Re: ATV Insurance questions Post by: fastrnrik on August 29, 2006, 04:19:36 PM To my knowledge, the Declarations Page is a short form that shows (declares) the limits and the types of coverages on your insurance policy. It also shows premium amounts, agent information, and refers to the applicable forms in the policy.
"Full Coverage" on an auto policy is a term that I personally disagree with. Every incident that I've been involved with regarding a vehicle collision has been a fight between what I and the insurance company define as "Full Coverage". My circumstances are further complicated because most of our trucks are work trucks, and have aftermarket specialty bodies, cranes, loaded with tools,etc. The last wreck we had was with a crew truck, and was, without dispute, the other parties fault. During the wreck, a pipe laser with a value of around 10K was destroyed. I am still in dispute with my insurance company regarding this, over 6 months later. It should, however be noted that auto insurance is a picnic when compared to dealing with the labyrinth that is work comp. Title: Re: ATV Insurance questions Post by: HillKiller on August 29, 2006, 06:31:07 PM Thanks Brady, that's what I am looking for. Now for the rest of you guys, as of now 110 people have viewed this yet only 3 replied? Don't be CS, there is no wrong answer, I am just looking for individual thoughts. Usually everyone is eager to give their 2 cents so now is your chance! ;D Come on Scott, Derek, Gary, Scooter, Quad32...help a brotha out!
Title: Re: ATV Insurance questions Post by: 1fastltr450 on August 29, 2006, 07:40:46 PM when taking test in high school I looked at other peoples answers. You said we are not allow to do that so I have no answer. ;)
Title: Re: ATV Insurance questions Post by: blupits04 on August 29, 2006, 09:35:37 PM I thought full coverage meant you buy a $30,000 dollar vehicle you pay high rates to have the best insurance but two years down the road when it gets totaled out they look at what it's worth today instead of what you've paid for it and give you 10,000 for it.Which pretty much just pays it off and you still dont have a vehicle. And if your lucky you bought GAP insurance with your loan so it will cover what the insurance didn't and you won't owe the extra of what it is worth today from what you financed in a loan.and I dont matter that you paid insurance for 20 years with no wrecks or claims.just my .02 insurance companies have the best money making plan ever.
Title: Re: ATV Insurance questions Post by: superstar on September 01, 2006, 01:16:16 PM Can you put gap insurance on a new vehicle??
Title: Re: ATV Insurance questions Post by: HillKiller on September 01, 2006, 01:20:30 PM Can you put gap insurance on a new vehicle?? Yes if your Ins Co offers it, some do some don't. They may call it a different name like "Loan Payoff Coverage" and it's well worth it to get you out from underneath a bad loan in a total loss situation. Most car dealers sell GAP too but they add their profit and then you pay interest on it.Title: Re: ATV Insurance questions Post by: UncleRico on September 01, 2006, 01:25:21 PM I just saw a report that the Insurance companies posted their highest profits ever even with Katrina.
I don't understand how that can be. We need to ban together, find out where these insurance people live, and walk down through the village to their houses in the dead of night, carrying torches, chanting "BURN THE WITCHES". Hoosier Daddy, Hill Killer, do you guys have fire insurance? Title: Re: ATV Insurance questions Post by: Hoosier Daddy on September 01, 2006, 01:30:53 PM we do auto,,, those companys do Homeowners... two totally different things. My pockets arnt any fatter....
Title: Re: ATV Insurance questions Post by: Quad32x on September 01, 2006, 02:03:34 PM Insurance guys are tools. ::)
Title: Re: ATV Insurance questions Post by: UncleRico on September 01, 2006, 02:06:20 PM we do auto,,, those companys do Homeowners... two totally different things. My pockets arnt any fatter.... BLASPHEMOUR!!! WITCH!!! BURN WITCH, BURN!! |