Title: college e-mails Post by: klutchbuster400 on August 23, 2006, 04:32:52 PM Looking for some college E-mails, like FIU or UM, I want go get some info from them like scholarship requirements and all that, can anyone help me out?
Thanks! Title: Re: college e-mails Post by: Fox17 on August 23, 2006, 04:37:07 PM UF. http://www.ufl.edu/ here you go. looka at that site for somethin. become a GATOR.
Title: Re: college e-mails Post by: UncleRico on August 23, 2006, 05:32:51 PM If you're considering U of Miami, you'll need to provide them with your records....
I hear they don't even consider you without at least one felony and several misdemeanors... and that's just to play in the band... If you want to play football, you might have to have outstanding warrants, I'm not sure what the current requirements are. Title: Re: college e-mails Post by: Fox17 on August 23, 2006, 05:34:24 PM hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that was awesome. it is true too. :L 2:L :R :L 2:L :R :L 2:L :R :Y
Title: Re: college e-mails Post by: fastrnrik on August 23, 2006, 06:15:05 PM It's true at every school.
Title: Re: college e-mails Post by: Fox17 on August 23, 2006, 06:20:58 PM more so at the u and fsu and auburn.
Title: Re: college e-mails Post by: klutchbuster400 on August 23, 2006, 07:08:33 PM If you're considering U of Miami, you'll need to provide them with your records.... Thats all? Shoot, I had to kill a man just to go to my high school.I hear they don't even consider you without at least one felony and several misdemeanors... and that's just to play in the band... If you want to play football, you might have to have outstanding warrants, I'm not sure what the current requirements are. Title: Re: college e-mails Post by: fastrnrik on August 23, 2006, 07:12:40 PM No wonder, you're from Miami.
Title: Re: college e-mails Post by: Sleazy_Rider78 on August 23, 2006, 09:00:06 PM Hey klutchbuster, you should check out the university of central florida. I went there and had a blast. Its not like UF where there is nothing to do outside of the school. Plus its only a three and a half hour drive to miami. Their website is www.ucf.edu . I am going back up to Orlando to visit some of my old roomates up there for Labor day weekend. If you want, PM me and I will give you my cell phone # and show you around. We are gonna have a BBQ up there and I could introduce you to some people. "The best thing about college girls is that as I get older, they stay the same age".
Title: Re: college e-mails Post by: UncleRico on August 23, 2006, 09:29:15 PM Hey klutchbuster, you should check out the university of central florida. I went there and had a blast. Its not like UF where there is nothing to do outside of the school. Plus its only a three and a half hour drive to miami. Their website is www.ucf.edu . I am going back up to Orlando to visit some of my old roomates up there for Labor day weekend. If you want, PM me and I will give you my cell phone # and show you around. We are gonna have a BBQ up there and I could introduce you to some people. "The best thing about college girls is that as I get older, they stay the same age". Yeah, Sleazy rider was like the KING of Alafayia Trail. He's a legend at UCF, kinda like Thorton Melon and Van Wilder all rolled into one. Title: Re: college e-mails Post by: klutchbuster400 on August 23, 2006, 09:32:01 PM Hey klutchbuster, you should check out the university of central florida. I went there and had a blast. Its not like UF where there is nothing to do outside of the school. Plus its only a three and a half hour drive to miami. Their website is www.ucf.edu . I am going back up to Orlando to visit some of my old roomates up there for Labor day weekend. If you want, PM me and I will give you my cell phone # and show you around. We are gonna have a BBQ up there and I could introduce you to some people. "The best thing about college girls is that as I get older, they stay the same age". Thanks alot for the offer sleazy rider, But I think i'll have to hold of a for a bit longer. Thanks for the site too, Im gonna look aroind it,ANy idea on their scholarship requirements? Title: Re: college e-mails Post by: Sleazy_Rider78 on August 24, 2006, 12:51:29 AM Yeah, Sleazy rider was like the KING of Alafayia Trail. He's a legend at UCF, kinda like Thorton Melon and Van Wilder all rolled into one. [/quote] I am not proud of what I did on Alafaya Trail, I was desparate and needed the money. Klutch, I went to UCF on a full academic scholarship on a program through the state of florida. here is a link http://www.firn.edu/doe/brfutures/fasrequire.htm . Your high school guidance counselor should have all the information you need to apply for it if you meet the requirements. Its a great program and its good for any florida university and they pay for 100% of your tuition. You could even transfer schools and all you have to do is let the state know where to send the funds. Also, talk to your counselor about scholarships that are available. You would be amazed at what people will give scholarship money for. You could be a circus clown and there would be a scholarship for that. Alot of times students don't know about the scholarships available and by default the one person who applies for it gets the money. Sometimes the college will give you an academic scholarship based on your grades and SAT or ACT score, all you have to do is apply to their school. Alot of times when you apply to the school they will tell you that they have accepted you and will offer you a scholarship. I am not sure exactly where on the UCF website is the link to scholarships, once I found out that I got the Florida Bright Futures scholarship I didn't apply for any. Alot of my friends at UCF worked for the AT&T wireless call center right next to UCF and would get 100% tuition reimbursement for working there. Hope this helps. Title: Re: college e-mails Post by: UncleRico on August 24, 2006, 06:02:51 AM Klutch:
There are a lot of good programs out there that will help you pay for college that are worth investigating. I matriculated at the prestigious Pheonix online school, where I obtained a PhD. in Sociomicromeneutics. Also, if you want a free ride, I have some pull at FAMU...I can get you in on a full ride if you play the Tuba. It's never to late to learn!!! "How exciting would that be for your parents to look out on the field at halftime, and see their little Klutch playing Tuba, during battle of the bands" Title: Re: college e-mails Post by: klutchbuster400 on August 24, 2006, 06:45:44 AM Thanks sleazy, Im gonna try to get one of the couselors to talk to me about it today.
WHat kinda grades did you get to recieve that full ride? Title: Re: college e-mails Post by: Sleazy_Rider78 on August 24, 2006, 09:27:37 AM Klutch, I had a 3.5 GPA and 1180 on the SAT. I am sure the requirements have changed, I first started college 9 years ago. Holy crap, I just realized I have my 10 year high school reunion coming up next year. I still have scars from the atomic wedgies and swirlies I would receive daily.