Title: Bigger Rims and Tires For My Arctic Cat ATV Post by: AmericanRobster on August 12, 2006, 04:05:19 PM I was just thinking about one of my upgrades that I would do in the future to my Arctic Cat TRV 500 4X4 is to put bigger rims tires on it. I don't want to lift it up and make it too high because it is a 2 up. I was thinking not to put a lift kit on it at all seeing that it has plenty of ground clearance from the factory. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Title: Re: Bigger Rims and Tires For My Arctic Cat ATV Post by: klutchbuster400 on August 12, 2006, 09:39:35 PM Whats sock size? You should be able to go up atleast twoinches more on the tire. The rims coudl be the same specs as stockers.
Title: Re: Bigger Rims and Tires For My Arctic Cat ATV Post by: Southern4x4 on August 12, 2006, 10:05:08 PM Whats sock size? You should be able to go up atleast twoinches more on the tire. The rims coudl be the same specs as stockers. yeah thats what i did in the back and one up in the front only because the way my bike is geared i have to have one size lower in the front than in the back,but im sure your ac should fit 27+ all the way aroundTitle: Re: Bigger Rims and Tires For My Arctic Cat ATV Post by: MachineDog on August 14, 2006, 10:50:38 AM You can keep the same rims if you want, but the Type 7s from ITP look awesome in black.. I want those things. :'( Anyway, the Arctic Cat can fit upto 29" tires just fine, although you may need a clutch kit to help your engine handle it which is like $50. Without a clutch kit, I'd go with some 26-27" tires. BTW, I wouldn't go with the 14" rims because it would suck when you want to change your tire and you can't find anything besides truck tires that will fit.