ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: SWFRider on August 05, 2006, 09:40:41 AM

Title: Alot of questions about Helmets
Post by: SWFRider on August 05, 2006, 09:40:41 AM
I ve noticed people asking about wearing helmets in florida. My whole family rides with helmets,boots gloves and goggles. We trail ride alot and I have been smacked in the head with branches and had my goggles hit with rocks and branches. Be safe out there. We are loosing ground thanks to the idots ridng wrecklessly and getting hurt and killed.

Here is a link about the laws for florida from ATVA's website (

ATVA State Law Database Search Results: Florida

Safety Helmet Required if under age 16 and ATV's only
Eye Protection Required if under age 16 and ATV's only

Minimum Operator Age No Restriction
Rider Education Certification Not Required

Operator License Not Required
Headlight Not Required

Taillight Not Required
Muffler Not Required

Maximum Sound Level No Limit
Spark Arrestor Not Required

Registration Required by law 
Vehicle Title Required 

Anything can happen on the trails and at times does. What are you going to do when you get knocked off from some maniac on the trail and get an eye taken out by a branch or your head smacked against a rock...If your an adult you choose. If you have kids under 16 its mandatory.


Title: Re: Alot of questions about Helmets
Post by: Chillinthemost on August 05, 2006, 10:01:32 AM
I agree. There is no excuse not to wear the gear.

Title: Re: Alot of questions about Helmets
Post by: 01ZX12R on August 05, 2006, 10:34:41 AM
Im with you on that. No excuse for not being SAFE

Title: Re: Alot of questions about Helmets
Post by: Ida_Mann on August 05, 2006, 01:15:14 PM
9 times out of ten I wear my wally world boots, but normally I wear my gloves, goggles and a helmet,,,,not really for protection, but mainly because I can concentrate more on the trail ahead instead of what might get in my eyes, or what might hit my hands and hurt,,,,this way I just ride and let branches hit me or whatever because that's what the protection is for.


Title: Re: Alot of questions about Helmets
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on August 05, 2006, 07:43:23 PM
Everyone pretty much knows how I feel about stuff like that.

Title: Re: Alot of questions about Helmets
Post by: MachineDog on August 05, 2006, 07:46:38 PM
I wear a helmet, but I don't really ever wear goggles because of the sweat ring around my eyes starts to make the trail look blurry. We just don't ride fast enough for them to be needed really, or to properlly cool off.

Title: Re: Alot of questions about Helmets
Post by: SWFRider on August 05, 2006, 07:56:26 PM
Please dont misunderstand this post. I am not saying everyone should wear helmets (its not my place). I just noticed that alot of people question it on this forum so I thought I would post the info.

Title: Re: Alot of questions about Helmets
Post by: UncleRico on August 05, 2006, 09:29:42 PM
9 times out of ten I wear my wally world boots, but normally I wear my gloves, goggles and a helmet,,,,not really for protection, but mainly because I can concentrate more on the trail ahead instead of what might get in my eyes, or what might hit my hands and hurt,,,,this way I just ride and let branches hit me or whatever because that's what the protection is for.


Don't believe him. The only reason he wears that helmet is because it has two cup holders bolted to each side, and a wrap around tube for a straw so he can drink beer while he rides.

Title: Re: Alot of questions about Helmets
Post by: eldiablo64 on August 05, 2006, 09:39:36 PM
the first time me and my son went riding i stopped and bought him a helmet.he didn't really want to wear it but i made him.good thing he rode over a berm and into a rut and went over the handle bars his banshee ran him put a deep gouge in the hemet and ripped the visor off.i can only imagine what would have happened if he didn't have that helmet.he thanked me for buying it for him and now he won't ride without i guess the money spent on his helmet was more than worth the lesson he leaned about how important they are.he also learned to respect the quad. and is alot less reckless than he was before.I was just happy he didn't get hurt

Title: Re: Alot of questions about Helmets
Post by: Fox17 on August 05, 2006, 11:37:17 PM
the only gear i dont wear is elbow gaurds and a neck roll (i plan on getting one soon). i have a chest protector, hlemet, goggles, gloves, jersey, pants, kidney belt (it really works), boots, and socks. i wouldnt ride without a helmet for anything. ive hit my head so many times its not funny (its not to me anyway). i would be dead for sure ive hit my head so hard b4. not to mention all the crap that hits me in the head from the lapped riders (rocks, sticks, etc.). if you dont wear a helmet ur a stupid idiot period.

Title: Re: Alot of questions about Helmets
Post by: 06 rincon posterboy on August 06, 2006, 12:07:05 AM
good point. I'm one of thoes people that does'nt ware a helmit. , but i ride more reckless with one on then without. It's much harder to drink beer with it on. so what do i do?
ride red

Title: Re: Alot of questions about Helmets
Post by: Fox17 on August 06, 2006, 12:41:15 AM
dont drink when you ride. that screws up ur ridin even more. them you are even more prone to injury or death! o well its ur decision. if you die you die.

Title: Re: Alot of questions about Helmets
Post by: Sleazy_Rider78 on August 06, 2006, 02:01:22 AM
About a month ago I fell off my bike and smacked my head against the ground.  Thank God I was wearing a helmet.  Gotta save what few brain cells I have left.  I would never suggest that anyone not wear a helmet.  Whether you are going fast or not, there is no excuse for not wearing a helmet.  What if someone who is hauling tail hits you?

Title: Re: Alot of questions about Helmets
Post by: UncleRico on August 06, 2006, 11:34:23 AM
I even where my full faced helmet in the shower, just in case I fall. (There's your visual for ya)

Title: Re: Alot of questions about Helmets
Post by: Chillinthemost on August 06, 2006, 11:58:48 AM
I even where my full faced helmet in the shower, just in case I fall. (There's your visual for ya)

       Me too. Every shower I grab my helmet and a can of chain lube. :o