ATV Florida Forum

General => Where to Ride? => Topic started by: digginfool on August 04, 2006, 06:14:32 PM

Title: Suburban Estates or River Ranch - Where would you buy?
Post by: digginfool on August 04, 2006, 06:14:32 PM
I'm sure this isn't the first time this subject has come up but I've decided that I'm going to buy at one or the other.  I like the idea of having an active association protecting my interests and maintaining the land but not too keen on being told what I can and can't do on MY own piece of land.  At SE, I can find my land, build a camp and do as I please on my land, however, nobody is really out there providing the maintenance that RRPOA does.  I'd like to hear from those of you that own at either or both.  Thanks.  Heck, I might even buy at both places.  Wouldn't the wife love me then?   ;) 

Title: Re: Suburban Estates or River Ranch - Where would you buy?
Post by: johnyfz450 on August 04, 2006, 07:27:54 PM
I love suberban going tommorrow with my freind we have been going for over 2 years out there it's like a tiny onf.Never been to river ranch where is it located?

Title: Re: Suburban Estates or River Ranch - Where would you buy?
Post by: Fox17 on August 04, 2006, 08:46:57 PM
we went to SE today. my friend says he had fun (he is sitting behind me). anyway i love it. it is worth the money trust me. it stormed so our day was cut short but we had fun. i suggest SE. too many rules at RR. you cant even ride a dirt bike. how stupid is that? if im gonna buy property somewhere i wanna do whatever i want to do. my $.02.

Title: Re: Suburban Estates or River Ranch - Where would you buy?
Post by: pepsi on August 04, 2006, 09:22:21 PM
i just got property at R R. I been going up there with friend about a year I love it its big

Title: Re: Suburban Estates or River Ranch - Where would you buy?
Post by: backwoods boy on August 04, 2006, 09:42:05 PM
se is great went out there today w/ fox17 man i could live out there but it does git muddy never been to rr but i hear lands cheaper out there

Title: Re: Suburban Estates or River Ranch - Where would you buy?
Post by: cheropride on August 05, 2006, 12:26:30 PM
I truly love SE and now since they have cracked down on the key/gate issue, getting alot better.  They are also doing key change in September, so this will really make sure that only landowners have access to the land.  I would have to disagree with the point you made regarding "no-one out their providing maintenance like RRPOA".  There is an association out there w/membership(SEPA), and I don't know if you have ever been out there, but they have done alot.  For example by the main gate, it has been grade off.  They are also working on getting the main road even better, they have cleaned up and made better the swimming hole.  I was amazed of how good some of the roads are really out there.

You know I really don't like talking about SE that much on the forum, because we just don't want any problems like in the past.  But as a landowner and since you asked, I thought I would this one time talk about it.  It is just really important that only landowners continue to have access to SE, because for whatever reason some people used to like to go out their and distroy stuff. 

Just one finall note regarding SE, land is not cheap, keep that in mind.  But to me, it is worth every penny for my little peace of heaven....

Title: Re: Suburban Estates or River Ranch - Where would you buy?
Post by: UncleRico on August 05, 2006, 01:33:22 PM
River Ranch is 40,000 acres with access to Lake Kissimee, and an active association who is constantly making improvements.

They also maintain a constant working relationship with SWFMD, and the other legal entities to ensure that our land can never be taken away.

I would suggest that you visit them both before you buy.

Don't get me wrong, I think SE is a great place to ride. But if you're into ATV riding, River Ranch is better.

Peace Out
Uncle Rico

Title: Re: Suburban Estates or River Ranch - Where would you buy?
Post by: bftclub on August 05, 2006, 09:34:06 PM
where is sub.estates?how many acres is there?whats the price of the property you can buy?info please

Title: Re: Suburban Estates or River Ranch - Where would you buy?
Post by: Fox17 on August 05, 2006, 11:03:25 PM
where is sub.estates?how many acres is there?whats the price of the property you can buy?info please

holopaw. 15,000. it depends.

Title: Re: Suburban Estates or River Ranch - Where would you buy?
Post by: Wolf61 on August 06, 2006, 07:54:22 AM
River Ranch is 40,000 acres with access to Lake Kissimee, and an active association who is constantly making improvements.

Where is the lake access? I have yet to find it...

After visiting both RR and SE  I decided to buy out at RR. Better security and maintainence, different topography (woods,plains,open brush...) and the people are friendlier. I belong to an ATV club and most of the members own at SE, while getting into SE to ride is easier (still have to have a member with you and it doesn't cost $100.00 for a guest pass) I do like the monitored access and the fire truck protection RR has. I'm getting to know more of my campsite neighbors at RR and riding more of the trails there so its becoming "home " to me. I like SE as it is closer to me, but the extra distance to RR is well worth it in my opinion. Just my .02.....

Title: Re: Suburban Estates or River Ranch - Where would you buy?
Post by: digginfool on August 06, 2006, 11:03:01 AM
You describe RR as woods, plains and open brush.  How is that different from SE?  I know the northern parts of SE tend to be cypress swamp but what about the rest?  Also, isn't there quite a bit of swampland to RR as well as impenetrable palmettos?  I like both areas and indications are that SE is improving security.  I would prefer to buy in RR but want to have a say about what I can and can't do on my land.  If I could buy a lot that had that security, where I can have my camp on my lot without fear that someday someone is going to show up and say 'move it pal, that's my land your camp is on.'  Push comes to shove, that could absolutely happen at RR the way they have it setup, unless the RRPOA owns the land the camps are on.  Of course, that is only a good thing if every property owner has a vested interest in RRPOA.  Otherwise, there is nothing stopping them from selling the land out from underneath your camp.  I know that's probably not going to happen but the bottom line is, there are clear laws regarding land ownership that would over-step any rules of the RRPOA.  If the rules change and I could have my camp on my lot, then I would not hesitate to buy at RR.  I may still buy there anyways.  The jury on this thread appears to still be out as the comments are 4-3 in favor of SE.  Need more comments from people who actually own out there.

Title: Re: Suburban Estates or River Ranch - Where would you buy?
Post by: UncleRico on August 06, 2006, 11:28:10 AM
Lake access for River Ranch is on the north side of Hwy 60.

Title: Re: Suburban Estates or River Ranch - Where would you buy?
Post by: cheropride on August 06, 2006, 11:29:57 AM
Very well put Diggin - that was one of our major deciding factors for purchasing at SE instead of RR.  It is our property.  And yes, the security has become alot better and SEPA is doing things all the time to increase the security and make SE even better.  Yea, it was out of control for awhile, but things have gotten better.  There is all types of riding up there.  

Title: Re: Suburban Estates or River Ranch - Where would you buy?
Post by: Fox17 on August 06, 2006, 03:05:59 PM
SE you wont be dissappointed. we absolutely love it. bought land bout 4 minths ago. awesome. there are some lots in the forsale section.

Title: Re: Suburban Estates or River Ranch - Where would you buy?
Post by: pepsi on August 06, 2006, 07:32:06 PM

Title: Re: Suburban Estates or River Ranch - Where would you buy?
Post by: cycole on August 06, 2006, 10:29:19 PM
You describe RR as woods, plains and open brush.  How is that different from SE?  I know the northern parts of SE tend to be cypress swamp but what about the rest?  Also, isn't there quite a bit of swampland to RR as well as impenetrable palmettos?  I like both areas and indications are that SE is improving security.  I would prefer to buy in RR but want to have a say about what I can and can't do on my land.  If I could buy a lot that had that security, where I can have my camp on my lot without fear that someday someone is going to show up and say 'move it pal, that's my land your camp is on.'  Push comes to shove, that could absolutely happen at RR the way they have it setup, unless the RRPOA owns the land the camps are on.  Of course, that is only a good thing if every property owner has a vested interest in RRPOA.  Otherwise, there is nothing stopping them from selling the land out from underneath your camp.  I know that's probably not going to happen but the bottom line is, there are clear laws regarding land ownership that would over-step any rules of the RRPOA.  If the rules change and I could have my camp on my lot, then I would not hesitate to buy at RR.  I may still buy there anyways.  The jury on this thread appears to still be out as the comments are 4-3 in favor of SE.  Need more comments from people who actually own out there.
Well if you follow the rules (no permanent structure) at RR you would just move your camp and hope that the parcel you purchased is not under water or in the middle of a cypress head /wetland that you would most likely not be able to build on. Be prepared to pay for a *signed* survey of your lot


Title: Re: Suburban Estates or River Ranch - Where would you buy?
Post by: atvfun67 on August 08, 2006, 03:17:47 PM
Don't buy at SE, it sucks.  People are a$$holes, nobody fixes the roads, swamp lots everywhere.
Buy at RR, it is a lot better.

Besides, we don't want any more people in SE ;)

Title: Re: Suburban Estates or River Ranch - Where would you buy?
Post by: backwoods boy on August 08, 2006, 07:31:08 PM
yeah bro i go to se an ive always gotten along w/ everybody there

Title: Re: Suburban Estates or River Ranch - Where would you buy?
Post by: AintSkeered on August 08, 2006, 07:31:55 PM
Don't buy at either place, Saddam's hiding his WMDs there! Just follow our leader's instructions to remain afraid and hate everyone who doesn't agree with you. LOL

Title: Re: Suburban Estates or River Ranch - Where would you buy?
Post by: Fox17 on August 08, 2006, 10:28:18 PM
Don't buy at SE, it sucks.  People are a$$holes, nobody fixes the roads, swamp lots everywhere.
Buy at RR, it is a lot better.

Besides, we don't want any more people in SE ;)

hes right dont buy there.

Title: Re: Suburban Estates or River Ranch - Where would you buy?
Post by: SomBch on August 08, 2006, 10:32:14 PM
Don't buy at either place, Saddam's hiding his WMDs there! Just follow our leader's instructions to remain afraid and hate everyone who doesn't agree with you. LOL
  I dont care who you are , thats funny right there!!! ;)

Title: Re: Suburban Estates or River Ranch - Where would you buy?
Post by: Fox17 on August 08, 2006, 10:34:37 PM
Don't buy at either place, Saddam's hiding his WMDs there! Just follow our leader's instructions to remain afraid and hate everyone who doesn't agree with you. LOL

if i hated everyone that didnt agree with me on everything i would hate everybody.

Title: Re: Suburban Estates or River Ranch - Where would you buy?
Post by: howard on August 09, 2006, 01:14:51 PM
Lots at SE are going for $1,000,000 and thats a wet one if you want a dry one you pay that and your first born.

Title: Re: Suburban Estates or River Ranch - Where would you buy?
Post by: cheropride on August 09, 2006, 03:04:45 PM
lol   :Y :Y :Y :Y

Title: Re: Suburban Estates or River Ranch - Where would you buy?
Post by: kawGIRL on August 09, 2006, 03:07:10 PM
where is sub.estates?how many acres is there?whats the price of the property you can buy?info please

holopaw. 15,000. it depends.

8,000 acres

Title: Re: Suburban Estates or River Ranch - Where would you buy?
Post by: mainetoo2005 on August 09, 2006, 03:45:19 PM
Lake access for River Ranch is on the north side of Hwy 60.

The north side is closed and being fenced by the Nature Conservency.

Title: Re: Suburban Estates or River Ranch - Where would you buy?
Post by: Fox17 on August 09, 2006, 05:59:09 PM
where is sub.estates?how many acres is there?whats the price of the property you can buy?info please

holopaw. 15,000. it depends.

8,000 acres

o we were told 15,000. o well still huge. i love it.

Title: Re: Suburban Estates or River Ranch - Where would you buy?
Post by: jethro on August 14, 2006, 10:20:03 AM
Here is a blow out sale going on on eBay (

Title: Re: Suburban Estates or River Ranch - Where would you buy?
Post by: cheropride on August 14, 2006, 10:37:01 AM
Looked at it.  If you notice, most sections are 10,11 & 12, these are all known as wet sections.  Looked up the section 20, just out of curiosity, and that looks pretty wet too, but at least it is closer to the gate.  I had rec'd this email last week, if I remember correctly lots are starting at $4,500.00 (again, these are real wet lots).

Title: Re: Suburban Estates or River Ranch - Where would you buy?
Post by: Restip13 on August 14, 2006, 06:19:03 PM
i just got a lot over in river ranch,2hrs from wellington .i think its great and cheap,im also buying a trailer home over at river ranch west.about 6 miles east of river ranch.if you to get in, and check it out,let me know.i will take you in as my guest.big mike, road atv club.