ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: Mudneck on July 27, 2006, 08:12:00 AM

Title: Telemarketers
Post by: Mudneck on July 27, 2006, 08:12:00 AM
Has anyone ever gotten calls and when you redial the number the recording says its not in service?

For the past 2 months I get calls any time of day from 6am-11pm from a SUNBELT COMMUNICATIONS 954 880-8730 as it appears on my called ID.When we answer there is nothing there.No recording,tone,person or otherwise.When I try and call the number back it says that it is not a working number.It is so frustrating.I have e-mailed & called every department in Bellsouth.Nobody has an answer.They cant even trace the call and information has no record of the number or company.WTF? I even started going to the Do not call registry which all of my numbers are registered and logging complaint each & every time.This has not stopped it either.

Any suggestions.

Title: Re: Telemarketers
Post by: cheropride on July 27, 2006, 08:19:46 AM
Don't remember who, but yea I used to get that.  You know why they do that don't you, so you will answer the phone.  They know if you see "out of area" or "unavailable", you probably wont pick up.  I think they must have forwarded or something, these scam artist all have their tricks....

Title: Re: Telemarketers
Post by: 06 rincon posterboy on August 05, 2006, 11:45:01 PM
Answer: all there calls go out basiclly on a cumputer line.( meaning internet). with that in mind, they can make up what ever number they want to appear on your caller ID. would you really answer a 800 number if you were eating dinner? no but you might answer a regular looking number.

I know because that's what I do for a living and now i have your e mail address too. you have no idea how easy it is to get your cell # too.

     S C A R Y ! ! !

Title: Re: Telemarketers
Post by: SpringHill Riderz on August 05, 2006, 11:47:46 PM
When a telemarketers calls here and ask to talk to someone we say "yeah, lemme get them" then just leave the phone off the hook and see how long they stay on the line  :P

Title: Re: Telemarketers
Post by: UncleRico on August 05, 2006, 11:56:04 PM
Whoever they ask for, be it the lady of the house, or me, by slaughtering my last name...I always hit them with.......

"He/She was killed in a terrible car accident this morning."

Then I time how long the akward silence last.

So far a guy selling newspaper subscriptions has the record at one minute and 49 seconds.

Title: Re: Telemarketers
Post by: UncleRico on August 05, 2006, 11:58:22 PM
Has anyone ever gotten calls and when you redial the number the recording says its not in service?

For the past 2 months I get calls any time of day from 6am-11pm from a SUNBELT COMMUNICATIONS 954 880-8730 as it appears on my called ID.When we answer there is nothing there.No recording,tone,person or otherwise.When I try and call the number back it says that it is not a working number.It is so frustrating.I have e-mailed & called every department in Bellsouth.Nobody has an answer.They cant even trace the call and information has no record of the number or company.WTF? I even started going to the Do not call registry which all of my numbers are registered and logging complaint each & every time.This has not stopped it either.

Any suggestions.

Uhoh..someone's under investigation.

Are you doing something illegal?

That happened to me before I got in trouble for transporting illegal circus mice across interstate lines without proper documentation.

Be careful.

Title: Re: Telemarketers
Post by: 06 rincon posterboy on August 06, 2006, 12:00:30 AM
best thing to do is say( in perfect english) "I don't speek english"
that's get's them everytime. i love it.  Then say " have a wonderful day" and hang up.

Title: Re: Telemarketers
Post by: Fox17 on August 06, 2006, 12:44:28 AM
Has anyone ever gotten calls and when you redial the number the recording says its not in service?

For the past 2 months I get calls any time of day from 6am-11pm from a SUNBELT COMMUNICATIONS 954 880-8730 as it appears on my called ID.When we answer there is nothing there.No recording,tone,person or otherwise.When I try and call the number back it says that it is not a working number.It is so frustrating.I have e-mailed & called every department in Bellsouth.Nobody has an answer.They cant even trace the call and information has no record of the number or company.WTF? I even started going to the Do not call registry which all of my numbers are registered and logging complaint each & every time.This has not stopped it either.

Any suggestions.

Uhoh..someone's under investigation.

Are you doing something illegal?

That happened to me before I got in trouble for transporting illegal circus mice across interstate lines without proper documentation.

Be careful.

do you screw around with everyone?

Title: Re: Telemarketers
Post by: Sleazy_Rider78 on August 06, 2006, 01:54:21 AM
I hate getting calls from telemarketers.  If I were you I would pretend that I had Tourettes Syndrome.  Just start blurting out obscene things every five seconds.  See how long they stay on the phone.

Title: Re: Telemarketers
Post by: eldiablo64 on August 06, 2006, 08:09:49 AM

Title: Re: Telemarketers
Post by: Mudneck on August 06, 2006, 08:17:49 AM
You know it wouldnt be bad if I had someone to yell at.But there just isnt any one on the line.No tone,fax,message etc...Everytime the phone rings with Sunbelt communications we dont even answer it.Once in a while if I get to slee past 7am & they call it pisses me off for waking me up.I just file a complaint with do not call every single time it happens.

The only thing I may be under investigation for is smuggling illegal GERMAN immigrants across from Haiti in my high speed center console ;)

Title: Re: Telemarketers
Post by: UncleRico on August 06, 2006, 11:02:31 AM
"High Speed Center Console"...Oh man...I don't want to scare you but.....

well...I won't even say it till I'm sure.

You better get a couple of cases of beer, some full tanks, and take me and two of my friends who work at the doll house out, so I can be sure it's not what I think it is...How's next Saturday for you?

If you can't make it, just drop it in the water, and hide the key under the rear seat cushion.

I'll have it back before dark so you can clean it.

Uncle Rico
-Professional "High Speed Center Console" Investigations and Landscaping.

Title: Re: Telemarketers
Post by: Mudneck on August 06, 2006, 11:37:28 AM
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Title: Re: Telemarketers
Post by: UncleRico on August 06, 2006, 11:49:42 AM

I'll have to break it in for you, and be the first one to catch a fish on it.

Nice set up man.

Title: Re: Telemarketers
Post by: Mudneck on August 06, 2006, 12:06:06 PM
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Its Broke in,Blood,guts,puke,beer and the last guy that dropped a full CPTN Morgan walked the plank.....All my fish pics are on film.One these days have to scan them........

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Here my bail dropper inbound.......

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Title: Re: Telemarketers
Post by: Southern4x4 on August 06, 2006, 02:55:04 PM
i just either say he/she dont live here no more or i do the you kicked my dog act on them