Title: Any ideas for a gutless Polaris 250? Post by: fastrnrik on July 14, 2006, 08:15:22 AM Has anyone had any experience with Polaris 250 Trailblazers? I bought one for my wife to ride, because I thought it would be perfect for her. Well, this thing is so nutless, it won't pull a greasy string out of a cats a$$. She hates it, and still rides the V-Force. I know that there are parts available such as pipes, clutch kits, etc., but do they actually help this P.O.S.?
Title: Re: Any ideas for a gutless Polaris 250? Post by: MachineDog on July 14, 2006, 11:41:03 AM Prolly not, it's a heavy 250 and there aren't many things that can change that. The pipes will help, but not by enough to give it the guts even close to a VForce.
Title: Re: Any ideas for a gutless Polaris 250? Post by: NPRVinson on July 14, 2006, 11:54:57 AM Man, if she rides a V-Force you don't have a chance in hell of making her happy with a Trailblazer. I would say trade it in and get her at least a 400-500cc quad. My wife used to ride my daughters 250 then she rode my 500. She ended up with a KQ:'(
Title: Re: Any ideas for a gutless Polaris 250? Post by: svtbolt04 on July 14, 2006, 11:57:10 AM Sell the 250 and buy yourself a top of the line 450!! You will have the better quad still.
No but, being serious. The bike is a automatic two stroke(i know you know).. Clutches may do the trick to it. Maybe a lighter flywheel and a good exhaust system would wake it up a little. But in all honesty, it wont ever be as fast as the 700. Title: Re: Any ideas for a gutless Polaris 250? Post by: fastrnrik on July 14, 2006, 12:13:21 PM Yeah, we have several four wheelers, a YFZ450, the V Force, a Quadzilla,etc. I bought the Polaris because it's an auto trans. and has floorboards, so our little boy can ride with my wife. I don't really want to sell the Polaris, because of the money loss, if you catch my drift...
Title: Re: Any ideas for a gutless Polaris 250? Post by: NPRVinson on July 14, 2006, 12:23:40 PM Yeah, we have several four wheelers, a YFZ450, the V Force, a Quadzilla,etc. I bought the Polaris because it's an auto trans. and has floorboards, so our little boy can ride with my wife. I don't really want to sell the Polaris, because of the money loss, if you catch my drift... Yeah that sucks, ever think about a big bore ute?Title: Re: Any ideas for a gutless Polaris 250? Post by: fastrnrik on July 14, 2006, 04:16:32 PM Yeah, Ute's are fun, and I've had a couple a few years ago, but I know they've come a long way since then.I just like the the sport quads. I actually almost bought a Suzuki 500 Vinson at an auction today, it was nice but I let it slide. I know the 250 Polaris will never run with the V Force or anything like that, but damn, it could be a little better than it is. We did have a Polaris 400 sport and it was a great runner that would haul a$$. When I went to buy my wife a bike I actually wanted another 400, but the 250 was all they had, and I needed a bike for her ASAP. I didn't figure she would mind it being a "little underpowered", as long as it had the automatic trans. Ha-Ha, was I wrong, now when we ride, she jumps on the V, and I'm stuck on the Polaris. I guess I'll sell it, take my loss :'(, and move on to something different. Maybe I'll start a thread in "Open Discussion" to get some input on utility quads.
Thanks for the help. Title: Re: Any ideas for a gutless Polaris 250? Post by: TOY_DOCTOR on July 15, 2006, 03:43:27 PM Give these folks a call and tell them I sent you, great people with a ton of polaris knowledge.
http://hpd-inc.com/ Title: Re: Any ideas for a gutless Polaris 250? Post by: svtbolt04 on July 15, 2006, 07:16:29 PM Snowmobile engine swap?
Title: Re: Any ideas for a gutless Polaris 250? Post by: Loven It on July 18, 2006, 01:32:57 PM I was given these links when I asked the same question - sorry I never saw the topic or I would have given them to you earlier. Hope it helps!
http://www.powerpartsplus.com/pages_catalogs_viewproducts_16_150_283_1_0_0_6_14_14_223_1775/polaris-trailblazer-250.aspx Also try this one they specialize in Arctic Cat and Polaris http://www.hotseatperformance.com/ Title: Re: Any ideas for a gutless Polaris 250? Post by: Scramdaddy on July 18, 2006, 06:04:16 PM Try GEN3USA.com. They have a section for trailblazer upgrades.
Title: Re: Any ideas for a gutless Polaris 250? Post by: fastrnrik on July 19, 2006, 08:50:08 PM Thanks for the info.