ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: L.E._YFZ_2005 on December 01, 2004, 07:59:39 PM

Title: im planning on going after honda any advice?
Post by: L.E._YFZ_2005 on December 01, 2004, 07:59:39 PM
ok here is what happened
this is on an 04 400ex

brought the bike in for problem " burning oil and smoking” took 2 weeks they gave me the bike back replaced the head on the engine… said to run it hard for 3-4 hours to see if it stopped smoking it didn’t I went in and told them they said run another tank or 2 through it of gas so I did the smoking got worst and still burning oil..  Brought it back in they took it and they decided that the piston ring seized to the piston and had scared up the cylinder wall…. And American Honda said they would not cover it …  we fought with them they finally told me they would cover it…. 8 weeks went by finally the bike was done went to get it they hit me with a 150 dollar labor charge saying that we had discussed it. When I hadn’t even heard of it… so I paid it  to get my bike back now have been almost 10 weeks since I had been able to ride reliable… road the bike for a day  and noticed a  clicking sound coming form the engine so I brought it to a local quad shop “kinetic”  they looked over the bike fixed 2 broken head bolts that where striped out from Honda and couldn’t  figure out what the noise was just told me not to ride it…   so I did some research found what seemed to be a  reliable shop in Orlando… all terrain performance “atp”  talked to mike walker he said it sounds like a incorrect bore to bring the bike to him to look at it… I brought it over to him on the start up he new instantly that it was piston slap…. So I made arrangements for him to fix it... after he tore the engine down  he said” they had not put a new piston in the bike, all they did was hone the cylinder out, and put a new set of rings in it. When they honed it out, it left way to much cylinder wall clearance. That’s why it had piston slap.”  So I had him bore it out again…  

does it sound like i have a case against them to have them pay me back my warrenty . the labor i paid thema nd my bill to have it fixed correctly..?

Title: Re: im planning on going after honda any advice?
Post by: Moose on December 01, 2004, 08:22:01 PM
I would notify Honda direct, if they won't work with you, then I'd go after the shop. With work like that, they give Honda a black eye, I don't think the Honda Exec's will like that. And with work like that, the shop won't be around very long as soon as word gets out about your botched repair. Good luck.