Title: YOUR FUNNIEST CHRISTMAS STORY !! Post by: Bigwilly on December 09, 2004, 01:47:06 PM When i was a kid my mom would bake for days before christmas & at our house me & my brother would run around from the kitchen the the play room & the dinning room & every year mom would say stop & get out of the house. Well being the kids we were & still are we didnt listen. Mom had had enuf we were running through the kitchen & she was taking a fresh pan of toll house cookies out of the oven & when we ran by she missed me & BLAM right on my brothers head,(ROTF just typing this) i hit the front door & came home after dark my poor brother had to clean the whole mess. But thats what it was all about. I hope we all have great holidays & a happy new year thanks willy !!!!
Title: Re: YOUR FUNNIEST CHRISTMAS STORY !! Post by: J.D. on December 09, 2004, 01:58:33 PM When I was little , my dads favorite trick was to get a big ole box put a bunch of heavy rocks and news paper and usually 1 very attractive little Barbie doll . I would tear into it and when I finally found her , Man youre talking about one mad little redneck . HE loved it . :-/
Title: Re: YOUR FUNNIEST CHRISTMAS STORY !! Post by: o4250 on December 09, 2004, 02:03:19 PM Im still a kid but when i was like 5,6,7,8 I would open the presents before christmas then rap them back up
but it never worked out ;D Title: Re: YOUR FUNNIEST CHRISTMAS STORY !! Post by: SkyHighT100 on December 10, 2004, 05:02:41 AM We usually celebrate Christmas day at my old neighborhood. One of thier traditions (birthdays, weddings, Christmas, etc) is to wrap at least one present with Duct Tape (or something along those lines). And the one rule is that you cannot use a knife or scissors to open it. Well, on Christmas Eve everyone was allowed to open 1 gift. There was a medium sized box under the tree for my friends mom. So she tears off the wrapping paper, only to see Duct Tape, Clear Duct Tape, and some other kind of tape (not sure what it was). Anyway, after about an hour or so of working at it, she was finally able to open the box. Only problem... there was nothing in it! Just a note from her kids and husband saying "HAHA... We Got You". Unfortunately, they wouldnt let her open any other gifts that night, lol... she had to wait until Christmas morning ;)
Title: Re: YOUR FUNNIEST CHRISTMAS STORY !! Post by: Hoosier Daddy on December 10, 2004, 05:06:43 AM sky,
no thats funny!! i think ill do that to my wife.. |