ATV Florida Forum

General => Where to Ride? => Topic started by: ATV KawaMan on June 30, 2006, 07:27:01 PM

Title: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: ATV KawaMan on June 30, 2006, 07:27:01 PM
Looking for a riding partners for trips to Holey Lands / Rotenberger W.M.A. I have a 4x4 sports utility ATV and I like trail riding. Must have your trailer and transportation. I live in Palm Beach County.
You can write to my e-mail

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: 561rincon on June 30, 2006, 07:45:08 PM
i never been to holyland im kinda scared the way my bike likes to over heat but if its wet enough ill go next weekend. this weekend is the pepsi 400.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: MachineDog on July 01, 2006, 11:31:03 AM
Mine get's pretty hot too before hondas ECM will turn on the stupid fan. It gets to about the point the plastic is all hot and you can move it easy. Anyway, we're here in loxahatchee if anyones interested in riding.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: 561rincon on July 03, 2006, 01:09:49 PM
machine my bros and sisters been riding out off orange and RPB blvd ever go there? i told them its illegal but they said a cop rode by them and said nothing?

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: bluesman on July 03, 2006, 01:18:30 PM
number 1 please dont say where you ride online! pm it a friend!!
and just because there is 1 ok cop.doesnt mean the next 1 will be.
becarefull.iam in palm beach also we have sport bikes and would love to hook up.
  p.s hi pbso atv 4

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: PBSO_ATV_Deputy_4 on July 04, 2006, 10:52:45 AM
Royal Palm Beach Blvd and Orange Blvd is no secret. Very unlawful to ride there, as it's posted "NO TRESPASSING". The property owner is making arrangements to dig out the canal area where everyone is crossing. If you notice, some of the signs along Orange Blvd are PBSO "No Trespassing" signs, which means a trespass affidavit was signed by the property owner. We were using loud speakers yesterday to warn people to leave the property. The next step is arresting and towing. With any luck, it won't come to that, however, it seems people have less and less respect for signs and other people's property.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: 561rincon on July 04, 2006, 11:02:38 AM
i would rather him let me know than to go out there thinking different and get ticketed. if we keep riding in places illegally thats going to give our sport a bad name right or wrong?

p.s thanks for info PBSO


Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: PBSO_ATV_Deputy_4 on July 04, 2006, 12:14:21 PM
Thanks, and yes, illegal riding gives the sport a bad name and it turns the non-riding members of the community against the sport. Across the state, law enforcement agencies are forming ATV Enforcement Units to address those riders who choose to ride irresponsibly and unlawfully. Owning an ATV is much like owning a boat. It needs to be trailered / transported to a legal and sanctioned riding area like a boat to water. Those who choose to ride out of their front yard, onto the public roadway, then trespass on private property / natural areas are ruining it for those who ride responsibly and lawfully.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: dynodon on July 04, 2006, 01:08:16 PM
See there !!, just goes to show you never know who`s listening in !!!

 If there are signs posted, follow the rules !!, It will only help us keep some of the few riding areas we have left ;)

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: 561rincon on July 04, 2006, 05:34:21 PM
pretty soon officals are going to say they cant afford a place for people to ride because they have to employ to many officers to keep people off private land.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: MachineDog on July 05, 2006, 11:27:08 AM
Yup, which is why we keep our riding areas secret to others.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: 561rincon on July 05, 2006, 02:10:26 PM
but what you dont know is none are secrets its just a matter of when they will patrol it.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: 561rincon on July 05, 2006, 03:59:30 PM
my point of asking was that my family was out there with 8 bikes all 2006 models and i dont want them impounded so i have to look out. if it was a secret then im truly sorry but everyone really needs to try and keep off private property see it through owners perspective, you get hurt you sue, or burn his land down?

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: PBSO_ATV_Deputy_4 on July 05, 2006, 10:37:26 PM
Secret Places in PBC?? No, there aren't any.... Just means no one has complained yet or the out-of-area property owner has no idea he owns an OHV park. Places like those behind the Regal cinemas and The Willows along the powerlines are on borrowed time. What general happens, is area residents complain, contact the property owner, who then contacts us to patrol their property. The Royal Palm PD doesn't have an off-road unit. When/if PBSO takes over the law enforcement services in Royal Palm, enforcement will begin. Unfortunately, these are the cold, hard facts. If you have a secret area and want to keep it that way, ride responsibly, quitely (dump the loud exhaust, lots of complaints and makes it easy to find you), don't litter and don't advertise it.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: dynodon on July 05, 2006, 10:56:17 PM
Secret Places in PBC?? No, there aren't any.... Just means no one has complained yet or the out-of-area property owner has no idea he owns an OHV park. Places like those behind the Regal cinemas and The Willows along the powerlines are on borrowed time. What general happens, is area residents complain, contact the property owner, who then contacts us to patrol their property. The Royal Palm PD doesn't have an off-road unit. When/if PBSO takes over the law enforcement services in Royal Palm, enforcement will begin. Unfortunately, these are the cold, hard facts. If you have a secret area and want to keep it that way, ride responsibly, quitely (dump the loud exhaust, lots of complaints and makes it easy to find you), don't litter and don't advertise it.
Well said !! :Clap.gif :bow.gif

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: MATT1969 on July 05, 2006, 10:58:34 PM
THATS RIGHT PBSO.everyone should read what he is saying.dont ask for trouble.if you dont mind me asking pbso-4.why dont you tell everyone what the police can do if you get caught trespassing in a area where it is very noticeable.maybe that would keep everybody a little more aware of what the max penalty is.i now that you guys try and be a lenient as possible but what can you do when play time is over.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: PBSO_ATV_Deputy_4 on July 07, 2006, 12:27:41 AM
Trespassing is a misdemeanor, punishable up to 1 year in jail and/or a $500 fine. If you happened to be armed in any way, such as a knife, firearm, ect...It's now "ARMED" trespassing, which is a felony. That means forfeiture of the weapon and your quad. Bottom line: DON'T TRESPASS!!!! We have a zero tolerance approach when enforcing the Natural Areas and properly posted or fenced properties. The "warning" was the sign you passed or the fence/canal you went through. Just so everyone understands, an area doesn't have to be posted with signs if there is a fence or a canal surrounding the property. Orange & Royal Palm is a prime example. Everyone tore down the signs, but the canal is there and has to be crossed to gain access. As for leniency, we do issue verbal/written warnings to some we stop for riding on the roads, but anyone caught trespassing in a natural area or properly posted/fenced properties get very little. in most cases, the quad is towed. Especially if it doesn't have a sticker and you can't prove ownership. Those we have arrested or warned can tell you, our unit treats everyone with respect. Yes, sometimes we come off strong at first to get the message across, but it's how we have to conduct business. Our ultimate goal is to prevent injuries, promote safe, responsible riding and preserve what wetlands/wooded areas are left in this county. When we achieve this without writing one citation or making one arrest, it was was a good day....

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: MachineDog on July 08, 2006, 11:46:42 AM
Sucks since the stupid idiots had to get the old site out on the long sugar sand road closed. :( It'd be really nice and muddy right now.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: PBSO_ATV_Deputy_4 on July 09, 2006, 10:57:30 PM
Again, please avoid the Orange & Royal Palm property......Several arrests were made there over the weekend.......D/S Gibson

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: Loven It on July 10, 2006, 09:29:49 AM
Again, please avoid the Orange & Royal Palm property......Several arrests were made there over the weekend.......D/S Gibson

Just wondering - Is the charge trespassing? What happens to your quad if you get arrested? Are you able to leave it with someone else or does it get impounded?

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: PBSO_ATV_Deputy_4 on July 10, 2006, 09:47:43 AM
Yes, the charge is trespassing. If your quad doesn't have the registration decal as required by law, it is impounded, pending proof of ownership. If it's properly registered, we have the discretion to allow someone else to recover it if they can respond within 30 minutes. Otherwise, it's towed. If the charge is felony trespass, the quad is imponded, pending forfeiture. To prevent all the above, avoid trespassing!!!

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: Loven It on July 10, 2006, 10:37:40 AM
Thank you for the response. I had no idea how severe in a sense a tresspassing charge was. We only ride at Croom or ONF so we have no worries  :) I was just wondering what someone has to go through for not riding in legal areas.

Thanks for the info

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: bluesman on July 10, 2006, 11:31:32 AM
what you dont tazer them ?????

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: sbripple on July 10, 2006, 07:34:29 PM
Trespassing is a misdemeanor, punishable up to 1 year in jail and/or a $500 fine. If you happened to be armed in any way, such as a knife, firearm, ect...It's now "ARMED" trespassing, which is a felony. That means forfeiture of the weapon and your quad. Bottom line: DON'T TRESPASS!!!! We have a zero tolerance approach when enforcing the Natural Areas and properly posted or fenced properties. The "warning" was the sign you passed or the fence/canal you went through. Just so everyone understands, an area doesn't have to be posted with signs if there is a fence or a canal surrounding the property. Orange & Royal Palm is a prime example. Everyone tore down the signs, but the canal is there and has to be crossed to gain access. As for leniency, we do issue verbal/written warnings to some we stop for riding on the roads, but anyone caught trespassing in a natural area or properly posted/fenced properties get very little. in most cases, the quad is towed. Especially if it doesn't have a sticker and you can't prove ownership. Those we have arrested or warned can tell you, our unit treats everyone with respect. Yes, sometimes we come off strong at first to get the message across, but it's how we have to conduct business. Our ultimate goal is to prevent injuries, promote safe, responsible riding and preserve what wetlands/wooded areas are left in this county. When we achieve this without writing one citation or making one arrest, it was was a good day....

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: sbripple on July 10, 2006, 07:47:58 PM
how is this enforcement dictated?   did the palm beach county sherriff say "lets bust all the atv's?"county state and federal law is written and your job is enforcement.You dont get to have a particular pet peeve.You enforce ,not write law.I want to know why all the golf carts all over the county can use public roads with no fear of enforcement of the same laws you are sworn to enforce but choose to focus on atv's.What about farm vehicles?My atv is just that,a farm vehicle.I believe federal law supercedes a county gang trying to bully people.I  ride and will continue to ride around my property and the surrounding area .I occassionally "trespass"but I drive slowly and attempt to be respectful of the owners property and hold myself accountable if I do damage.I am sure we will meet soon and I intend to be respectful as long as you obey the same laws  you expect others to obide by.Everyone knows that the sherriffs deputys re amoung the worst traffic law offenders on the rode.If you deny that you are a liar or a fool.Also the discretion you excercise in citing some and not citing others is just a way of garnering kickbacks and illegal special considerations for your discretion.Its a known fact .So stop the self righteous attitude,PLLLLEEEEAASE
Trespassing is a misdemeanor, punishable up to 1 year in jail and/or a $500 fine. If you happened to be armed in any way, such as a knife, firearm, ect...It's now "ARMED" trespassing, which is a felony. That means forfeiture of the weapon and your quad. Bottom line: DON'T TRESPASS!!!! We have a zero tolerance approach when enforcing the Natural Areas and properly posted or fenced properties. The "warning" was the sign you passed or the fence/canal you went through. Just so everyone understands, an area doesn't have to be posted with signs if there is a fence or a canal surrounding the property. Orange & Royal Palm is a prime example. Everyone tore down the signs, but the canal is there and has to be crossed to gain access. As for leniency, we do issue verbal/written warnings to some we stop for riding on the roads, but anyone caught trespassing in a natural area or properly posted/fenced properties get very little. in most cases, the quad is towed. Especially if it doesn't have a sticker and you can't prove ownership. Those we have arrested or warned can tell you, our unit treats everyone with respect. Yes, sometimes we come off strong at first to get the message across, but it's how we have to conduct business. Our ultimate goal is to prevent injuries, promote safe, responsible riding and preserve what wetlands/wooded areas are left in this county. When we achieve this without writing one citation or making one arrest, it was was a good day....

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: MachineDog on July 10, 2006, 07:51:37 PM
Yes, the charge is trespassing. If your quad doesn't have the registration decal as required by law, it is impounded, pending proof of ownership. If it's properly registered, we have the discretion to allow someone else to recover it if they can respond within 30 minutes. Otherwise, it's towed. If the charge is felony trespass, the quad is imponded, pending forfeiture. To prevent all the above, avoid trespassing!!!

The green sticker has to be on the quad? Cause we only have one for our rancher.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: PBSO_ATV_Deputy_4 on July 10, 2006, 10:02:57 PM

The link below should help you out with getting your quads registered. The green/yellow registration decal should be on each quad. This helps us recover stolen quads and provides proof of ownership.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: PBSO_ATV_Deputy_4 on July 10, 2006, 10:25:15 PM

Sadly, you represent the sport poorly and have shown us all, you are part of the problem, not the solution. This is a public website, read by those who will vote on such issues as proposed riding areas and state statutes such as 316.2123, that would allow riding on certain roads. Yes, you are entitled to your opinion, however, your admission of commiting crimes and bashing law enforcement only tarnishes the image of all atv'ers. I do my best to inform riders and answer any questions I can. Most on this site are family oriented, law abiding people who are trying to make do with the lack of riding areas.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: Sleazy_Rider78 on July 10, 2006, 11:08:56 PM
Hey PBSO ATV Deputy,
I have to say thanks for all your "heads up" messages, it is obvious that you are looking out for us.  Unfortunately it seems as though some don't appreciate it as much as they should.   

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: sbripple on July 11, 2006, 07:56:11 PM
i dont represent anyone,I am only stateing the truth and if you want to call it bashing the law enforcement then thats a weak defense.I was only pointing out truths about the pbso ,not law enforcement.You on the other hand failed to address my questions.Is it the sherriffs policy to go after atv 's or is it county policy.Are you enforcing laws or just on a  personal quest.?Are you doing your best to inform as you stated or trying to force people to give in to illegal and selective prosecution .Do the same laws apply to golf carts?Why arent these vehicles classified as farm vehicles? serve and protect. thats the propaganda on your car.Is that bs or is that real?When we ride on local rodes to get where we need to who is getting hurt? Is there a victum?Are you bashing tax payers like me?You give law enforcers a bad name if so.address the questions if you are truly trying to inform.sadly you represent the gang called pbso poorly.well poorly to the taxpayers.I bet the rest of the gang is proud.
Sadly, you represent the sport poorly and have shown us all, you are part of the problem, not the solution. This is a public website, read by those who will vote on such issues as proposed riding areas and state statutes such as 316.2123, that would allow riding on certain roads. Yes, you are entitled to your opinion, however, your admission of commiting crimes and bashing law enforcement only tarnishes the image of all atv'ers. I do my best to inform riders and answer any questions I can. Most on this site are family oriented, law abiding people who are trying to make do with the lack of riding areas.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: 561rincon on July 11, 2006, 08:15:10 PM
i dont represent anyone,I am only stateing the truth and if you want to call it bashing the law enforcement then thats a weak defense.I was only pointing out truths about the pbso ,not law enforcement.You on the other hand failed to address my questions.Is it the sherriffs policy to go after atv 's or is it county policy.Are you enforcing laws or just on a  personal quest.?Are you doing your best to inform as you stated or trying to force people to give in to illegal and selective prosecution .Do the same laws apply to golf carts?Why arent these vehicles classified as farm vehicles? serve and protect. thats the propaganda on your car.Is that bs or is that real?When we ride on local rodes to get where we need to who is getting hurt? Is there a victum?Are you bashing tax payers like me?You give law enforcers a bad name if so.address the questions if you are truly trying to inform.sadly you represent the gang called pbso poorly.well poorly to the taxpayers.I bet the rest of the gang is proud.
Sadly, you represent the sport poorly and have shown us all, you are part of the problem, not the solution. This is a public website, read by those who will vote on such issues as proposed riding areas and state statutes such as 316.2123, that would allow riding on certain roads. Yes, you are entitled to your opinion, however, your admission of commiting crimes and bashing law enforcement only tarnishes the image of all atv'ers. I do my best to inform riders and answer any questions I can. Most on this site are family oriented, law abiding people who are trying to make do with the lack of riding areas.

is it cool that i take my atv and do donuts in your yard? i dont think you would. then why question the man for doing his job and keeping people off their land. PBSO comes on here to inform you and i about laws that us tax payers voted in members
of congress to put in to affect. so theres no reason to bash him because you bought a atv and dont want to take it to legal riding area.  if theres a personal reason to another officer then take it up with him.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: PBSO_ATV_Deputy_4 on July 12, 2006, 12:18:14 AM

OHV enforcement falls under STATE laws, 316.2074 for ATV's, and 316.212 for golfcarts. It's PBSO's policy to enforce state laws. Our enforcement is also motivated by public demand. We receive between 20-50 complaints daily regarding ATVs and Golfcarts operating recklessly on the roadways or trespassing. ATV's and Golfcarts are enforced equally. An ATV or Golfcart are NOT farm implements. They are recreational vehicles as stated on the title. Unless they have farm attachments, such as sprayers, plow, ect mounted to the vehicle, AND the vehicle has proper lighting, and operates not over 25mph, it may qualify. Then, operation on a roadway would have to be justified. Again, if you choose to disregard state law and disrespect property owners, you REPRESENT that percentage of riders who ruin it for everyone else and give the sport a bad name.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: wilburz on July 12, 2006, 07:13:34 AM
I don't particularly care for atv cops either. But this sherriff does give out some useful info and tells everyone who tresspasses and rides where to stay out of. The saddest part of the whole mess is that PBC does not care about atvers. The county commission is to concerned with scripts etc. I have emailed each commissioner 4 times and never even got a reply from them about the status of atvers in this county. Actually Adie Green did email me back saying she forwarded my email to the county admin office.

The county does waste alot of police time keeping people out of nature areas but that is only becuase a few folks decided to go out to these spots and do drugs,drink, start fires,litter etc. The residents around these areas are the ones who complain. Its not there fault but they have a right to call the police.  I wish I had the answers but sadly I don't see PBC doing anything useful for atvers anytime soon.       

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: PBSO_ATV_Deputy_4 on July 12, 2006, 10:43:46 AM
We had hoped Mecca Farms would be considered for use as an OHV & Skate Park. ATV's and skate boards are very popular, but where can you enjoy them?? Unfortunately, our enforcement is based on public safety and citizen complaints. ATV and golfcart crashes occur to often in communities such as Jupiter Farms and The Acreage. They just don't make the newspaper and people aren't aware. I can assure you, we don't take pleasure in issuing citations and making arrests. But we take less pleasure in responding to injury crashes.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: cheropride on July 12, 2006, 12:10:47 PM
I think the picture says it all.  Although it may be a little harsh, but it is the reality. And everyone should be reminded what can happen.  Just like the one time that I went to the Holey Lands w/my husband and 7 year old son.  As my son is riding his 90 Polaris, a guy comes blowing over the levy and practically heads right for my son.  Then he proceeds to total spray everyone vehicles with rocks.  This is the type of behavior that ruins it for everyone.  I for one don't like riding out there just for that reason.  I can remember a time where we could ride just about anywhere, but people ruin it.  Not only do they trash places, they do stupid things on ATV's.  So you can't blame law enforcement, you can only blame the idiots.  And yes these idiots give ALL riders a bad name.  It is the same idiots that when they would get hurt on someone's private property, they would be the first to sue.

I think that it is great that the PBS officer comes on this website and gives us general information.  Think about it, if he was really out to get us, he would just read what we had to say and where we were going and bust us.  He doesn't, he trys to point out what we should and should not do. Knowledge is power, and I appreciate the fact that he shares this information with all of us.  So although some may not appreciate it, I am sure the majority does.  So Thank You.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: Loven It on July 12, 2006, 12:58:42 PM
I think that it is great that the PBS officer comes on this website and gives us general information.  Think about it, if he was really out to get us, he would just read what we had to say and where we were going and bust us.  He doesn't, he trys to point out what we should and should not do. Knowledge is power, and I appreciate the fact that he shares this information with all of us.  So although some may not appreciate it, I am sure the majority does.  So Thank You. are right if he was really out to get us then he would just show up and start making arrests. Not all officers are out to get us he is proof of that. He tells everyone DO NOT GO here you will get arrested or fined. With that in mind - it is his job to enforce the law and he should be respected for that. We should be happy and thankful that someone is willing to warn you!!

So thanks PBSO!

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: gery350 on July 12, 2006, 02:23:19 PM
If your quad doesn't have the registration decal as required by law, it is impounded, pending proof of ownership.


 i titled and registered all 3 bikes.

2 bikes i did about a year ago and one about 6 months ago. i only received the green sticker for the latter.
so does this mean i have to go and pay additional to get the stickers.
cause you know how smart the clerks at the tag agency are....."what, an atv.what the heck is that"

i also appreciate your input. ;D

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on July 12, 2006, 03:12:44 PM
  Yes you have to pay $4.50 for the sticker. I just got mine yesterday. You will need the title. They for some reason are issueing me a new title. The girl taht waited on me had no clue like you are saying. Luckily the one in the back knew what was going on.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: PBSO_ATV_Deputy_4 on July 12, 2006, 08:53:14 PM
Thank you for your support and understanding!! Yes, I could have used this website to set up stings, but chose to promote safety, awarness and education instead. I felt this is what the sport really needed, not citations and arrests.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: sbripple on July 12, 2006, 09:07:23 PM
Yes I am sure this is the best use of our law enforcement budget.When we get robbed we get a lecture about locking up and securing our valubles better.they  tell you they cant waste their budget doing detective work on small time thefts.When an illegal alien ,note key word illegal,gets pulled over  with no insurance and fake tags they let him go so they dont get bogged down with the enormous cost of prosecuting someone with no money.while these same people crash into hardworking law abiders and change their lives forever with no ability to pay for their crimes.Yes I agree ,a deputy riding around catching people on atv's is of the utmost importance.Damn  you guys got me convinced I should tazor myself and go down to gunclub road and do some time.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: MachineDog on July 13, 2006, 09:51:33 AM
You have a right of speach but freeking respect the man sb. Thanks alot for warning us PBSO, and a question. Would it be worth it to go with an exhaust silencer to help with complaints or is stock okay? Usually when cruising I can shift to 5th and maintain a very low decibel, but my pop has an Auto and my bro's atv doesn't make enough power at those rpm.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on July 13, 2006, 09:53:58 AM
Yes I am sure this is the best use of our law enforcement budget.When we get robbed we get a lecture about locking up and securing our valubles better.they  tell you they cant waste their budget doing detective work on small time thefts.When an illegal alien ,note key word illegal,gets pulled over  with no insurance and fake tags they let him go so they dont get bogged down with the enormous cost of prosecuting someone with no money.while these same people crash into hardworking law abiders and change their lives forever with no ability to pay for their crimes.Yes I agree ,a deputy riding around catching people on atv's is of the utmost importance.Damn  you guys got me convinced I should tazor myself and go down to gunclub road and do some time.

PBSO doesn't make up his assignment. He just carries it out. He is doing his job. He doesn't have to come on here and HELP us out. He does that on his FREE TIME because he CARES. With that said, I hope you look at him differently.

Also I would tell you what i think of you but, I would be breaking most of the board rules by doing so.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on July 13, 2006, 09:55:58 AM
You have a right of speach but freeking respect the man sb.
:Clap.gif :Clap.gif :Clap.gif :Clap.gif :Clap.gif :Clap.gif :Clap.gif :Clap.gif :Clap.gif :Clap.gif

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: cheropride on July 13, 2006, 03:18:04 PM
Sb seems your the only one that feels the way you do. 

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: gery350 on July 13, 2006, 03:30:02 PM
  Yes you have to pay $4.50 for the sticker. I just got mine yesterday. You will need the title. They for some reason are issueing me a new title. The girl taht waited on me had no clue like you are saying. Luckily the one in the back knew what was going on.

thanks man. i'm gonna go and get mine.
dont want my bike impounded. ;D

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: gery350 on July 13, 2006, 03:33:10 PM
.Damn  you guys got me convinced I should tazor myself and go down to gunclub road and do some time.

based on yer responses i think youve done that one too many times. ;D

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: sbripple on July 13, 2006, 09:10:14 PM
bullshit and you guys are buyin it.Some of you are even shovin your heads so far up his poopshoot you gotta have brown navels.ok  never mind.You think kissin up is gonna buy you special consideration or what?Or are you that stupid?Either way follow the other lemmings to the cliffs edge.I dont give up my rights as easily.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: polaris4chasing on July 13, 2006, 11:00:54 PM
sb, The way you talk about the county jail and poopshoots, seems you've experienced something we haven't.....Not sure what rights your talking about. Last I knew, owning quads and riding them is a privilage, not a right. Yea, the riding area situation sucks, but that doesn't mean we're criminals and thugs who violate the rights of property owners and the safety of drivers. Dude, your so part of the problem and it's a$$holes like you that that screw it up for everyone else....I think most would agree, you should be pulled over by pbso4 and reaquainted with the thugs at the county lock-up.....

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: sbripple on July 14, 2006, 06:29:29 AM
ok  that did it .I realize you are all complete babbling idiots,and not worth my time.I hope I meet a few of you buttlickers on the trail so we can see how big your mouths are in person.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: bluesman on July 14, 2006, 08:01:15 AM
well i  agree with him also.alot of it is bullcrap!
 why do i need a sticker to prove that its my bike??that is whats the vin
is for!!! are you telling me they cant run the vin on my bikes???i also keep copies of my titles under each seat!!!! thats no good enough i need to buy a sticker for 5 bucks each that any one can peel off and put on there own bike???
here is the simple fact! I dont leave burnt cars or junk boats when i go ride
i pick up all trash that i bring in. if its not .croom,ocala or any of the 2 or 3
legal rideing areas we are breaking some sort of law.i seem to run across
all the stupid self centered pbso busy is the IA department??hmmm
they can charge me with alot of crap thats why  we have lawers.and the right to sue. pbso_4 seems to care he lets us know where they are going to be.HOW WOULD YOU FEEL WHEN YOUR MINOR DAUGHTER IS MISSING FROM SCHOOL AND YOU CALL PBSO AND IT TAKES 4 HRS TO GET TO YOUR HOUSE??AND YOU ASK WHY AND THEY SAID THAT THEY ARE TOO BUSY...IT HAPPEND TO ME!!

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: Loven It on July 14, 2006, 08:17:48 AM
I can understand where some of you are coming from, really I do (bluesman- I would not wish that situation on my worst enemy I have a child as well). Some of you guys are attacking a person..lets forget he is an officer that has nothing to do with the personal situations that some of you have faced. Correct me if I am wrong.

This man is simply trying to advise people when there are changes or sting operations being set up to stop the ILLEGAL riders. He is not here to have to take the brunt of the situations that people have experience with the local law enforcement.

As far as being upset that you have to put a sticker on your quad/dirtbike to prove its yours. The comment was made that it has a vin number to prove its yours and copies of the title are carried with the bike too. Carrying those things in your vehicle is not accecptable to prove its yours when you get pulled over - If you sticker is expired. I don't understand why people are upset about $5 bucks for a sticker. Its a type of vehicle and Florida requires that it be titled just like your car/truck. At least the quads only cost 5bucks if I am not mistaken it is a one time fee. Your personal vechilces have to be "stickered" once a year and it costs a lot more than 5 bucks. Try and see it that way  ???

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: bluesman on July 14, 2006, 12:06:32 PM

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: sbripple on July 15, 2006, 12:03:54 AM
sb, The way you talk about the county jail and poopshoots, seems you've experienced something we haven't.....Not sure what rights your talking about. Last I knew, owning quads and riding them is a privilage, not a right. Yea, the riding area situation sucks, but that doesn't mean we're criminals and thugs who violate the rights of property owners and the safety of drivers. Dude, your so part of the problem and it's a$$holes like you that that screw it up for everyone else....I think most would agree, you should be pulled over by pbso4 and reaquainted with the thugs at the county lock-up.....
polaris chasin I suspect you are like a turn key or some maybe a wackinhut cop wanna be.Either way I will be at underhills this weekend and I will watch for a atv with the radiator down in the mud and see if its you.I would love to continue this conversation in person.Like most law dogs I suspect you have a tiny weenie and no testicals.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: 561rincon on July 15, 2006, 11:57:24 PM
polaris chasin I suspect you are like a turn key or some maybe a wackinhut cop wanna be.Either way I will be at underhills this weekend and I will watch for a atv with the radiator down in the mud and see if its you.I would love to continue this conversation in person.Like most law dogs I suspect you have a tiny weenie and no testicals.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: 561rincon on July 16, 2006, 12:12:49 AM
why must you threaten people who stick up for a guy who letting you know whats right and wrong. i understand how mad you are about no riding areas in palm beach but you need to tell all your beef to commisioners not PBSO. my clutch went out in my bike should i go beat the guy who honda pays to put in or complain to honda thier clutch sucks?(which is the MATURE thing to do?). and to say we have our noses in his a$$? its not like that at all i just cant sit back and let you degrade him when he's on OUR side whether you think so or not. its not his or any other cops fault that you break the law and they have to give you what you deserve. and to want to fight people at underhills thats the dumbest thing i know of. he goes through court battle one after another so we can ride and to fight out there and someone get hurt or cops come would give county right to close it. if you dont agree with any of this just say you dont agree and state your FACTS name calling and threats will get you no where. i like a good arguement.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: rubicon500kid on July 16, 2006, 12:34:58 AM
the sticker thing is true i was stoped by FWC and he said i have to get that sticker or my bike will be takin away. i gotthe sticker the same day he told me  ;D

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: sbripple on July 16, 2006, 05:20:39 AM
why must you threaten people who stick up for a guy who letting you know whats right and wrong. i understand how mad you are about no riding areas in palm beach but you need to tell all your beef to commisioners not PBSO. my clutch went out in my bike should i go beat the guy who honda pays to put in or complain to honda thier clutch sucks?(which is the MATURE thing to do?). and to say we have our noses in his a$$? its not like that at all i just cant sit back and let you degrade him when he's on OUR side whether you think so or not. its not his or any other cops fault that you break the law and they have to give you what you deserve. and to want to fight people at underhills thats the dumbest thing i know of. he goes through court battle one after another so we can ride and to fight out there and someone get hurt or cops come would give county right to close it. if you dont agree with any of this just say you dont agree and state your FACTS name calling and threats will get you no where. i like a good arguement.
dont put words in my mouth.I did not threaten.Read carefully.Maybe  slower.I do not need your permission to speak my mind pickle head.I was not degrading the deputy,he did that himself,I was pointing out facts.If others take it wrong I cant help that.Dont include me in the group when you say "our" side.I am not part of your group.I am an individual that seems to share the ability to derive enjoyment from riding my 4 wheeler.I dont take orders from anyone,especially butt kissin simpletons.When I get arrested and stand in front of the court I wont have a group with me but I will have a good lawyer that I will pay.I do not represent a sport as the deputy and others are saying.Its a piece of equipment I am utilizing for conveyance and thats all.Read carefully and stop trying to paint me into a corner.I am typing slowly for those of you who appear to operate on a slower scale,so read slowly....jeese  I meet some great people out riding and some retards.And yes I do have a problem with authority but I am workin on it.The deputy is not an "officer".He is a man deputized by the one sherrif to assist him.Just a man with an opinion who ,like me,is imperfect.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: 561rincon on July 16, 2006, 05:01:10 PM
why must you threaten people who stick up for a guy who letting you know whats right and wrong. i understand how mad you are about no riding areas in palm beach but you need to tell all your beef to commisioners not PBSO. my clutch went out in my bike should i go beat the guy who honda pays to put in or complain to honda thier clutch sucks?(which is the MATURE thing to do?). and to say we have our noses in his a$$? its not like that at all i just cant sit back and let you degrade him when he's on OUR side whether you think so or not. its not his or any other cops fault that you break the law and they have to give you what you deserve. and to want to fight people at underhills thats the dumbest thing i know of. he goes through court battle one after another so we can ride and to fight out there and someone get hurt or cops come would give county right to close it. if you dont agree with any of this just say you dont agree and state your FACTS name calling and threats will get you no where. i like a good arguement.
dont put words in my mouth.I did not threaten.Read carefully.Maybe  slower.I do not need your permission to speak my mind pickle head.I was not degrading the deputy,he did that himself,I was pointing out facts.If others take it wrong I cant help that.Dont include me in the group when you say "our" side.I am not part of your group.I am an individual that seems to share the ability to derive enjoyment from riding my 4 wheeler.I dont take orders from anyone,especially butt kissin simpletons.When I get arrested and stand in front of the court I wont have a group with me but I will have a good lawyer that I will pay.I do not represent a sport as the deputy and others are saying.Its a piece of equipment I am utilizing for conveyance and thats all.Read carefully and stop trying to paint me into a corner.I am typing slowly for those of you who appear to operate on a slower scale,so read slowly....jeese  I meet some great people out riding and some retards.And yes I do have a problem with authority but I am workin on it.The deputy is not an "officer".He is a man deputized by the one sherrif to assist him.Just a man with an opinion who ,like me,is imperfect.

"pickle head"?? i no longer need or will argue with you again. LMAO

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on July 16, 2006, 09:21:23 PM
why must you threaten people who stick up for a guy who letting you know whats right and wrong. i understand how mad you are about no riding areas in palm beach but you need to tell all your beef to commisioners not PBSO. my clutch went out in my bike should i go beat the guy who honda pays to put in or complain to honda thier clutch sucks?(which is the MATURE thing to do?). and to say we have our noses in his a$$? its not like that at all i just cant sit back and let you degrade him when he's on OUR side whether you think so or not. its not his or any other cops fault that you break the law and they have to give you what you deserve. and to want to fight people at underhills thats the dumbest thing i know of. he goes through court battle one after another so we can ride and to fight out there and someone get hurt or cops come would give county right to close it. if you dont agree with any of this just say you dont agree and state your FACTS name calling and threats will get you no where. i like a good arguement.
dont put words in my mouth.I did not threaten.Read carefully.Maybe  slower.I do not need your permission to speak my mind pickle head.I was not degrading the deputy,he did that himself,I was pointing out facts.If others take it wrong I cant help that.Dont include me in the group when you say "our" side.I am not part of your group.I am an individual that seems to share the ability to derive enjoyment from riding my 4 wheeler.I dont take orders from anyone,especially butt kissin simpletons.When I get arrested and stand in front of the court I wont have a group with me but I will have a good lawyer that I will pay.I do not represent a sport as the deputy and others are saying.Its a piece of equipment I am utilizing for conveyance and thats all.Read carefully and stop trying to paint me into a corner.I am typing slowly for those of you who appear to operate on a slower scale,so read slowly....jeese  I meet some great people out riding and some retards.And yes I do have a problem with authority but I am workin on it.The deputy is not an "officer".He is a man deputized by the one sherrif to assist him.Just a man with an opinion who ,like me,is imperfect.

  Opinions are like a$$hole$, everyone has one and they usually stink...........

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: MachineDog on July 16, 2006, 09:33:57 PM
This needs to be locked I think.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: sbripple on July 16, 2006, 09:56:46 PM
lol  hahaha   yes I said pickle head hee hee ho ho hahahahaaaalol   lmfao  hahaha

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: 561rincon on July 16, 2006, 10:19:16 PM
i agree it went off topic. sorry on my part.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: MachineDog on July 17, 2006, 12:01:46 AM
lol  hahaha   yes I said pickle head hee hee ho ho hahahahaaaalol   lmfao  hahaha

And you said we were babbling idiots.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: sbripple on July 18, 2006, 07:34:47 PM
there are babbling idiots that replied to me and ragged on me for speakin my mind.If you include yourself in that group then you have chosen your label.The deputy does not belong on this forum and he is a punk for being on this .If I am attacked for speaking my mind I will reply honestly as I can and it may offend some people .I cant help that.Again ,I dont represent a sport.I dont belong to a group .I dont want advice from a deputy.I dont believe he was trying to be helpful.I think he was trying to further his career.I believe anyone that takes advice from a deputy should use a deputy for a lawyer when they go to court.I dont believe I should have to suck up to a deputy for special favors in order to exercise my right to life,liberty,and persuit of happiness.I do believe most deputies can be bought.I have no respect for crooked public servants that want special favors for doing what they are overly compensated for .

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: 561rincon on July 18, 2006, 08:09:53 PM
i dont see this as the place to take out personal aggression on a person for there type of job. if you have beef then take with him personally out of a thread. im sure your right he finds out where people ride on here. but thats his job. theres bad cops and good ones, just like riders some people tear up everything and then those of us who do nothing get the penalty too. my family ships cars to haiti and i hate it when they drive in with crap piled a mile high and no insurance no tag and hits another mans car who has insurance. what happens? just a ticket. why? probally because theyd call the news or president and say thier minority and treated badly. anyone can argue but ive seen it a million times. im accually going to court to fight a no insurance ticket that i got taking cargo to our ship and a lady backed into me. i showed him the law that proved i didnt need any and he shook his shoulders. it wasnt PBSO but still. i just think as a person PBSO_4 has good intentions if your not breaking the law.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on July 18, 2006, 09:08:43 PM
there are babbling idiots that replied to me and ragged on me for speakin my mind.If you include yourself in that group then you have chosen your label.The deputy does not belong on this forum and he is a punk for being on this .If I am attacked for speaking my mind I will reply honestly as I can and it may offend some people .I cant help that.Again ,I dont represent a sport.I dont belong to a group .I dont want advice from a deputy.I dont believe he was trying to be helpful.I think he was trying to further his career.I believe anyone that takes advice from a deputy should use a deputy for a lawyer when they go to court.I dont believe I should have to suck up to a deputy for special favors in order to exercise my right to life,liberty,and persuit of happiness.I do believe most deputies can be bought.I have no respect for crooked public servants that want special favors for doing what they are overly compensated for .

I've been holding back because of my respect for this site. As much as i didn't want it to happen you have finally dragged me down to your level.
You are an IDIOT

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: sbripple on July 18, 2006, 10:03:01 PM
your opinion is irrelevant retard

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on July 18, 2006, 10:09:05 PM
your opinion is irrelevant retard

My point exactly. Everytime you post, you help prove me right. Thanks

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: sbripple on July 18, 2006, 10:13:53 PM
no problem ,dont mention it.Its the least I can do.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: Exmx54 on July 18, 2006, 10:23:05 PM
no problem ,dont mention it.Its the least I can do.

Enjoy making yourself look like a stupid hick? Telling an informing officer he's an idiot for trying to help us must be the cool "rebel" thing to do  nowadays.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: sbripple on July 18, 2006, 10:27:43 PM
no its the right thing to do junior.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: MachineDog on July 19, 2006, 12:18:05 AM
It's the right thing to do, to call an officer of the police department that he's a punk? You're out of line.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: sbripple on July 19, 2006, 05:08:19 AM
officer?police department?lol wrong  ,a deputy.and the out of line thing,I get that a lot.Yawn I think we are beating a dead horse here.Heyyyyy  you think its gonna rain?

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: cheropride on July 19, 2006, 10:52:42 AM
Some put down cops and law enforcement, yea just like everything else, there is good and there is bad.  But you know what, they put there lives on the line each and everyday they go out.  For all they know the next simple traffic stop could be their last, and they know that, but yet the continue to their job.  To imagine, dealing with some of the most wacked people in the world directly, is something that I can't imagine.  What they witness, they see the worst that society has to offer, things that we would never want to see.  So I give them all the upmost respect!  Sure there are the bad ones, but perhaps just perhaps, they got like that from dealing with society each and everyday.  We sit here safe in our homes, with no clue really what is happening each and every second, and we don't want to know.  So you know what Sbripple, it takes big ones to do what they do, and if you don't know that, that's bcz you don't have big ones.  The more I read your posts, I can't help but wonder how old you are?  You know life is funny, the thing you disrespect the most, is the thing that you are going to need the most someday.  I just think, with no disrespect, you are just too young to know that yet.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: MachineDog on July 19, 2006, 11:20:34 AM
officer?police department?lol wrong  ,a deputy.and the out of line thing,I get that a lot.Yawn I think we are beating a dead horse here.Heyyyyy  you think its gonna rain?

Are you thinking of the kind that sits inside on a computer all day, even so they're doing a service to the state. And he's not one of them.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: kawGIRL on July 19, 2006, 11:36:34 AM
All I can say is THANK-YOU PBSO ATV Deputy  for caring and your time  :-*
Instead of setting up stings from what he reads here....
he instead tells us when to stay away when he knows something is going down  ;)

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: Bleedsblue on July 19, 2006, 12:03:53 PM
I agree thanks Deputy for the info you share with us.

Since the person that started this thread never even replied to anything said and the rest of this thread pretty much turned into a police bashing why not just close the thread?


Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: MachineDog on July 19, 2006, 12:24:21 PM
Who else rides in west palm beach? I'm in the acreage.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: kawGIRL on July 19, 2006, 12:30:43 PM
Who else rides in west palm beach? I'm in the acreage.

That would be Nobody...because it's Illegal ~~~~HA~~~~

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: indianjoe on July 19, 2006, 12:55:57 PM
Holy cow I just read this thread............There's one in every crowd...PBSO keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SLSO....

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: sbripple on July 19, 2006, 07:05:15 PM
This is why the deputys get away with selective prosecution..I am sure he is puttin his life on the line chasin 4 wheelers.Also  I am sure this is the most important issue to the majority of tax payers.I am amazed at the ignorance.The deputy is chuckeling as he reads all this and thinking to himself,holly crap are these guys stupid.This is gonna be easier than we ever dreamed forcing these people to comply.I agree lets end this guys have all brown nosed him wayyyy too much.I will live just fine with  or without your approval.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: renmus on July 19, 2006, 07:19:56 PM
sb, guess you put your life on the line every day.  hey, are you aware that law enforcement pay taxes too?  I personally appreciate that law enforcement is there for me when I need it, and even when I dont feel I need it.   I am amazed at your ignorance.  Are you aware how many people in law enforcement ride ATVs???   Do you REALLY think they want areas to close?  Please.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: sbripple on July 19, 2006, 07:30:59 PM
of course I am aware how many people in law enforcement ride atv's.Its obvious by the replys  I have been enduring.Also explains the intelligence of the people sending them.What is oyur point?

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: renmus on July 19, 2006, 07:59:39 PM
For me, the point is that you are saying foolish things.  Selective persecution, give me a break.  Will they only ticket people on Hondas this weekend?  Maybe you are one of those that think it is really a hoot to make police/donut jokes too.  If someone stole your bike you would be calling them quick enough.  It amazes me most that you continue to call others ignorant because they do not follow your viewpoint.  That they are brown nosing because they agree.  HELLO, if this deputy stopped any one of the people who agreed do you really think he is going to say, hey if you agreed with me on ATVFL I will let you go?  He would no sooner know those who appreciate him than they would know him.  Good news, he wouldnt recoginze you either.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: sbripple on July 19, 2006, 08:55:40 PM
good for you.I am happy for you.Do you feel better now?Good.I am so happy for you.You are such an enlightened sole.Thanks for enlightening me.I will go to the church and send money to the starving children in zimbabua to make amends for bothering you all.Wow ,can I join your group?where do you shop?I want my clothes to match yours.You guys are just so wonderful.Can I name my dog after you?Whats your favorite book?Will you sign my yearbook?Do you have a sister?Can we have a fire and make smores now?lets all cross at the crosswalks and say hi to officer friendly.Hey...can we start a bowling league?I want matching shirts.Wow ,you guys are too cool.Can we just pose by our machines and have a group hug?Wow wee gee whiz ,all warm and fuzzy now.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: cheropride on July 20, 2006, 10:58:45 AM
Although myself, not been on this forum for a long time, but sb for a newbie you sure are making a lot of friends!   I would imagine all of your post have only been on this topic.  As you can probably tell by now, this site is here to support the riders of ATV's and to better the sport/hobby, it does not seem like you are really fitting in to the scope of this concept. You say you don't represent ATV riders, nor are you part of any group, when we state "this gives riders a bad name", but you know what if you are posting on this forum, then you are.  I feel, like others probably do, that this forum does represent the riders.  So you have to expect when you make such comments that they are going to be responded to. 

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: Bleedsblue on July 20, 2006, 03:48:22 PM
sbripple, you possibly couldn’t be any more clueless could you? Were you dropped on your head as a baby or maybe as a child? By owning an ATV you are part of a group regardless if your view is different than other ATV riders. If you flip your “conveyance” riding along a road and a truck flattens you anyone and everyone will state it as an ATV accident or incident. You are an ATV rider and riding on areas posted as no trespassing means you are representing all ATV riders.

Trespassing is illegal period. It doesn’t matter if you walk across someones property that is listed as no trespassing it is still illegal and you can’t do it. If the sherriff catches you doing it you will be busted for it. Don’t expect someone to let you off because you were treading litely on their land. If they didn’t mind you on the land as long as you were gentle they wouldn’t have no trespassing signs.

As for special considerations the only special considerations are when the PBSO Deputy comes on this board and comments when someone makes a comment about riding in Palm Beach county. He warns them and anyone reading it in this PUBLIC forum for all to read that it’s illegal and that no one should ride there. He’s saving you and everyone else the possible trouble they may get into by riding in these places. I could give a crap less what PBSO Deputy thinks of me as I don’t ride in PBC I know better and keep to areas that are legal places to ride. Thing is it doesn’t matter because PBSO still manages to stop plenty of people every single weekend so obviously very few are complying.

Of course he wants everyone to comply are you that stupid. You are riding ILLEGALLY (spelled it big since you obviously have problems with that word). If it was so easy to make everyone comply he wouldn’t be riding an ATV enforcing the laws you apparently break regularly. There will always be clowns like you illegally driving on the side of the road and on property with no trespassing signs to keep him and his co-workers busy writing tickets and impounding ATV’s. So really all you can do is look in the mirror and blame yourself because you are the reason that there is even a necessity for his position.

You are entitled to your opinion but when you flagrantly attack people you best be prepared for a response from others.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: KAW3604x4 on July 20, 2006, 04:58:25 PM
BleedsBlue and everyone else opposing SBRipple are wasting your time with him. He apparently has no concern for the law or who he represents. Our only hope is that PBSO_4 catches him and gets his big "I TOLD YOU SO" and hopefully before he gets hurt or hurts someone else. Thanks to the officers who actually care and warn us of what is going on before we inicently or intentially get into situations we should not be in. Ignorance is bliss for some and we cannot control what people do. If he is the cause of somewhere getting closed down then we lose another riding place to ride by an idiot that has no care in the first place. It's sad but true.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: SomBch on July 20, 2006, 09:27:46 PM
Ive known PBSO-4 and his family for at least 30+ years.And Ill tell you first hand that they are some of the best people Ive had the pleasure to call friends.I dont know sbribble, and you can have your own opinion, but your very much mistakin as to the sincerity, and honesty of pbso-4. I actually was on the way home one nite and saw him on the side of the road with a mother and her child on atvs, I pulled over and waited for him to get thru with them so we could catch up. I was really impressed with how he spoke to them and advised them on where not to ride, and where they could ride legally.To say the truth I was proud to say i know him after seeing how much he cares(this is not something that law enforcement is required to do).  That may not matter to some  but, it means a whole lot to me and everyone that knows him .I hope one day you get pulled by PBSO-4 (not because I want you to be ticketed or fined) so that you can meet him face to face and make an informed opinion, that will most likely be 180 degrees from what it is right now.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: sbripple on July 21, 2006, 10:56:32 PM
dont ask for or require approval from any of you.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: Bleedsblue on July 21, 2006, 11:28:17 PM
dont ask for or require approval from any of you.

I didn't realize we were all here to give approval in the first place. In fact I'm pretty sure this is a discussion forum.

That's cool because although your banter is meaningless and flawed you are still breaking the law and you will get busted. Keeping the people you apparently hate the most (PBSO) in business. Good job!

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: sbripple on July 22, 2006, 05:36:36 AM
you just cant control have to babble little more .Just like a cop,thinks his opinion is relevant.too many cops in here .I knew I smelled something .I know if I get arrested you guys will screw up the arrest so I can get off.Also I know it takes at least 5 or six to of you punks to get me in the car.One on one without the rest of yer gang you are just overweight slugs hangin out at the donut shop.Now thats funny,  lmafao.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: Bleedsblue on July 22, 2006, 07:01:58 AM
you just cant control have to babble little more .Just like a cop,thinks his opinion is relevant.too many cops in here .I knew I smelled something .I know if I get arrested you guys will screw up the arrest so I can get off.Also I know it takes at least 5 or six to of you punks to get me in the car.One on one without the rest of yer gang you are just overweight slugs hangin out at the donut shop.Now thats funny,  lmafao.

Hahaha considering your the tard that continues to babble about being a badass you are the one that can't control what are you 15, 16?  :-\ By the way I'm not a cop far from it pal. I've had my run ins with the law but the fact remains I know right from wrong you are just another clueless kid that thinks everyone is wrong and you are untouchable. Good luck with that I'm sure you have a bright future with that outlook and you will make some guy in lock up very happy.  :ThumbsUp.gif

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: TRX450R_Racer on July 22, 2006, 08:42:49 AM
you just cant control have to babble little more .Just like a cop,thinks his opinion is relevant.too many cops in here .I knew I smelled something .I know if I get arrested you guys will screw up the arrest so I can get off.Also I know it takes at least 5 or six to of you punks to get me in the car.One on one without the rest of yer gang you are just overweight slugs hangin out at the donut shop.Now thats funny,  lmafao.

so what are you 15, 16? 

I was thinking more like 11 or 12.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: cheropride on July 22, 2006, 09:16:17 PM
I would have to agree, has to be a kid.... just has to be.... :N

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: kawGIRL on July 22, 2006, 10:03:04 PM
A punk is more like it.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: MachineDog on July 22, 2006, 11:37:15 PM
sbripple: What quad do you ride?

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: wilburz on July 23, 2006, 05:43:47 PM
you just cant control have to babble little more .Just like a cop,thinks his opinion is relevant.too many cops in here .I knew I smelled something .I know if I get arrested you guys will screw up the arrest so I can get off.Also I know it takes at least 5 or six to of you punks to get me in the car.One on one without the rest of yer gang you are just overweight slugs hangin out at the donut shop.Now thats funny,  lmafao.

Only when you are on crystal-meth homey! I think pbso4 would give you some stick time solo!

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: Grassman68 on July 23, 2006, 06:30:07 PM
sbripple - know when to shut your piehole! please reveal yourself so these guys can beat you down!!!

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: Bleedsblue on July 23, 2006, 07:04:03 PM
sbripple: What quad do you ride?

Quote from: sbripple
I live in loxahatchee and have been pressing my luck around here.I have a honda rincon and love to ride in mud.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: sbripple on July 28, 2006, 08:57:01 PM
sbripple - know when to shut your piehole! please reveal yourself so these guys can beat you down!!!
[/quote  idiot

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: MachineDog on July 28, 2006, 08:59:15 PM
I'm merely going to say, that you've made alot of friends.  ::)

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: FORD4X4GIRL on July 29, 2006, 08:26:05 AM
Looking for a riding partners for trips to Holey Lands / Rotenberger W.M.A. I have a 4x4 sports utility ATV and I like trail riding. Must have your trailer and transportation. I live in Palm Beach County.
You can write to my e-mail

my boyfriend & I are planning on a ride somewhere towards the middle of August, if you are interested email me ( We both have 4x4s & I have a 4x4 utility vehicle too.... ) Holeylands is always great fun !

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: MachineDog on July 29, 2006, 12:35:36 PM
We may be out there sometime in august aswell. Would be cool to setup a group ride to holylands, maybe the mud has dried up at the entrance to the trails enough to get in. Otherwise, the water is always nice.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: klutchbuster400 on July 29, 2006, 04:44:46 PM
We may be out there sometime in august aswell. Would be cool to setup a group ride to holylands, maybe the mud has dried up at the entrance to the trails enough to get in. Otherwise, the water is always nice.
I'm in for a holeylands group ride, I just need a ride :N

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: cheropride on August 01, 2006, 09:04:40 AM
Oh my gosh, I think that this post finally went back to what it was originally, I just had to post, I couldn't believe that this post was still going.  But at the least, it is back to Riding Partners.....

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: MachineDog on August 01, 2006, 10:17:31 AM
We're planning a group ride before school picks back up, should have a date within a few days.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: FORD4X4GIRL on August 01, 2006, 02:05:00 PM
We're planning a group ride before school picks back up, should have a date within a few days.

Well, I just got off the phone with my boyfriend & he kinda has the same idea I do of doing a ride before the kids go back to school, only because I go back to college too... So my thought is to do a ride the 13th of August, in Holeylands. Only becuase I truly would love to go to Mudstock, but I don't think we really want to drive all that far. Anyone interested?

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: MachineDog on August 01, 2006, 02:36:28 PM
Does anybody know when the schoolyear starts exactly? We should be able to go the 10th or 13th. I would go this weekend coming up but I have to have stitches removed so I won't be at home this coming weekend.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: FORD4X4GIRL on August 01, 2006, 02:47:29 PM
Does anybody know when the schoolyear starts exactly? We should be able to go the 10th or 13th. I would go this weekend coming up but I have to have stitches removed so I won't be at home this coming weekend.

They go back August 16th.....

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: MachineDog on August 01, 2006, 02:53:27 PM
Okay, cool. Then I'll check with my pop later when he's done with work and see if a group ride is possible on either date.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: FORD4X4GIRL on August 01, 2006, 02:57:33 PM
Okay, cool. Then I'll check with my pop later when he's done with work and see if a group ride is possible on either date.

Well the 10th is a thursday.... We were planning on the 13th which is a sunday .

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: MachineDog on August 01, 2006, 03:02:14 PM
Okay then, the 13th lol. It's just that he might not be able to do that so the backup plan would be the 10th. He has alot of work to do lately at the fire academy. D:

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: MATT1969 on August 01, 2006, 09:04:14 PM
where and when is mudstock?

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: sbripple on August 02, 2006, 06:14:38 PM
if you are referring to the mud thing in okeechobee it is 8/11,12,and 13th    the number is 8636971167   .  i spoke to the guy the other night and he was real friendly.he said friday is atv only ,no 4x4 trucks

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: 561rincon on August 02, 2006, 07:27:19 PM
ill be there at mudfest  friday morning. gonna try to bring out a few kegs if anyone wants to stop by and say hi.

Title: Re: Riding Partners in Palm Beach
Post by: MATT1969 on August 02, 2006, 07:27:59 PM