ATV Florida Forum

General => Racing Scene => Topic started by: cbrjc24 on June 28, 2006, 09:29:40 PM

Title: Dirty or not?
Post by: cbrjc24 on June 28, 2006, 09:29:40 PM
For everyone who has ever raced with David Bohnstadt, is he a clean or dirty racer.  As for the last Thunderbowl race, that was the most pathetic display of sportsmanship I have ever witnessed.  All the locals wanted to fight.  Come on guys, at least leave the woman and children in the car, and be men enough to settle things in an adult fashion.  I haven't seen that crap since high school, which some of you probably never grew out of.  Do you see the NASCAR drivers doing that?  No, they bump and wreck, but are PROFESSIONAL about it.  GROW UP!  Yes, I know it is not NASCAR, but is is still all left turns, so it is the same crap.  If you thought he was dirty, walk up and say so, but a mob going over to his trailer to beat him up, give me a freakin break.

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: 450r91 on June 28, 2006, 10:16:23 PM
Racing is racing, sh*t happens that sometimes you cant control, But ganging up on a rider that is not even taking it seriously out there and totally having fun and pretty much laughing when he is out on the bike racing is total B/S. Some people I guess just cant take getting there butts handed to them by a person who is just riding for fun, some people forget this is just for FUN ::)

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: LostCause on June 28, 2006, 10:53:44 PM
I can not believe that someone started this.....

David is one of the nicest guys that I know.  Quiet, laid back, and loves to ride.  Not to mention that he has more tallent than most of the quys in the state.

I didn't see what happened in Ocala but I just wanted to say what I know about him. 

I just cant believe that someone would want to bash someone else on an open forum instead of going straight to the person.  I heard there were no hard feelings so just let it be.

my 2 cents!!

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: trx#9 on June 28, 2006, 11:02:56 PM
For everyone who has ever raced with David Bohnstadt, is he a clean or dirty racer.  As for the last Thunderbowl race, that was the most pathetic display of sportsmanship I have ever witnessed.  All the locals wanted to fight.  Come on guys, at least leave the woman and children in the car, and be men enough to settle things in an adult fashion.  I haven't seen that crap since high school, which some of you probably never grew out of.  Do you see the NASCAR drivers doing that?  No, they bump and wreck, but are PROFESSIONAL about it.  GROW UP!  Yes, I know it is not NASCAR, but is is still all left turns, so it is the same crap.  If you thought he was dirty, walk up and say so, but a mob going over to his trailer to beat him up, give me a freakin break.
So what happened, I need more info.  Brett I think he's bashing the ocala locals.

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: fastrnrik on June 29, 2006, 06:05:04 AM
Dude, you are an idiot for even starting this type of thing on here. "All the locals" did not want to fight. I'm a "local", as are my friends, and we were not trying to fight anybody. We were sitting there enjoying racing and hanging out with our families. Racing is racing, and no matter what, people are gonna get pi$$ed about something. If you can't work it out on race day, wait until next race when cooler heads will prevail. That being said, if it wasn't you personally involved, then it's none of your business to get on a open forum and try to start a "us versus them" scenario. What good can come from that? Guys like Hillkiller are trying to make the racing better organized and more fun, while some dumba$$ is trying to alienate people. Yeah, and by the way rocket scientist, NASCAR drivers are always getting fined and docked points for trying to fight each other and throwing things, etc. My best advice to you is keep your trap shut, and let the people involved handle their own business.   

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: cbrjc24 on June 29, 2006, 06:56:53 AM
I was there.  If you are so big on letting things be discussed between the two riders involved, why did at least 20 other people go over to the mans race trailer when they were not involved?  They did not even have on race gear so we know they were not racing.  You guys are pissed because you are used to turning on your blinkers on the track when you want to pass, and someone else came in and was willing to hold his line and not let people pass, and actually raced.  I saw one of your guys pile drive him hard enough to bend the left front wheel on his quad, and the guy intentionally shifted gears and continued to push him.  But I suppose that was clean racing, right?

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: cbrjc24 on June 29, 2006, 08:27:14 AM
Look guys.  I honestly am not attempting to create animosity.  I was not bashing David or the locals personnally, I was bashing the unsportsman like conduct that was displayed last Saturday night.  As you guys have said in the other forums, it should have been handled one on one, but it was not.  there was talk of a fight, and that is rediculous. We are all grown men, or should be, so why not handle things in an adult fashion. Here is an idea.  Lets start a money class. That will bring out the racer in everyone, and it will stop this banter. If you are racing for money, you will not be so worried that someone touched you on the track.  Did David bump a few times, yes.  Was it done for spite, no.  He has been racing for 15 years, not riding, racing.  How many others can say that?  How many people wrecked and were injured as a result of the bumping he did?  How many bikes were damaged?  The answer is none.  The rider who t-boned david can not say the same, as he did damage Torrie Racing's quad, and he never said two words about it.  That is unsportsman like bahaviour, and that was intentional.  That should speak to you about David's character.  A lesser person would have been fighting on the track after a hit like he recieved in turn one.  I would like to see defined and posted classes, as well as the rules for each one.  Why not use the AMA class rules, so all would be fair, and decided.  You say you have a Pro class, but I saw no Pro riders.  I know that no one there has a Pro card.  What is open class?  Open bike or open skill level for the rider?  You need rules and right now all you have is a jumble of he said, they said, and even the guy running the show out there has different answers than you guys posting on this site.  Lets get some definate rules and post them, even set penalties for reckless riding so all can have more fun and be safer.

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: ratsrepus on June 29, 2006, 08:52:41 AM
  just when it looked like this was setled and layed to rest people like you have to stirr up more crap. There are some pretty big holes in your argument. 1st,  nascar is not open wheel, they have fenders that cover the tires, 4 wheelers dont. have u ever seen what happens when two indy cars touch tires?? it can be bad. 2nd, nascar drivers do fight. lets get u some examples: jimmy spencer vs kurt bush, tony stewart vs brian vickers, ricky rudd vs his mechanic, earnhardt vs rusty wallace and yes most of the time a drivers whole pit crew will get involved. they dont just leave the drivers to settle it by themselves.
  I saw the crowd go over to davids trailer. most of them didnt have gear on because they probably saw the flagger throw the black flag at David and wanted to see what it was all about. The rider that was upset with David said he was wrecked by David not once but twice. When the crowd went over there i didnt see any pushing, i didnt hear any bad language but what i did see was Tim and David discussing the problem over by themselves with the track manager which is the way it should be done.
Racing is racing, sh*t happens that sometimes you cant control, But ganging up on a rider that is not even taking it seriously out there and totally having fun and pretty much laughing when he is out on the bike racing is total B/S. Some people I guess just cant take getting there butts handed to them by a person who is just riding for fun, some people forget this is just for FUN ::)
   The flagger obviously saw it diffrent since David was black flagged. Hes probly is a super nice guy but IF he is getting into other people and causing wrecks then he needs to adjust his riding style. if hes fast and hes a really good rider then he should move through the field without contact. people do know its just for fun but when they have a broken shoulder and 500 dollars in damages they may get irritated with the guy who caused it. All of you who think its funny to run into other people and then hide behind the excuse that they couldn't control there bike should stay home unless they want the officials to tell them directly.
  now let david and tim handle this themselves, i don't think david needs any of you as spokemen since your arguments are so flawed You are doing nothing more to help him but instead bringing more bad attention to him. They are men they can speak for themselves and they are the only ones who really know what happened on the track, none of you keyboard mouthpieces.

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: cbrjc24 on June 29, 2006, 09:13:33 AM
You made no mention of the need for defined rules and regulations.  As of right now, any new rider coming in would have no clue what is what.  I heard the driver meeting, it actually is pretty vague in comparison with an AMA sanctioned event.  I am not a keyboard badmouth either.  I have not said anything on here I would be unwilling to say in person, as it is my opinion and I am intitled to that just as you are entitled to yours.

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: Nightbreed on June 29, 2006, 09:29:35 AM
I say that anyone who touches tires with anyone else should be hung from a cross and have rocks thrown at them!!!!!!  :K

If it werent for the internet these days, I dont think anyone could survive anymore. :M

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: ratsrepus on June 29, 2006, 10:28:49 AM
You made no mention of the need for defined rules and regulations.  As of right now, any new rider coming in would have no clue what is what.  I heard the driver meeting, it actually is pretty vague in comparison with an AMA sanctioned event.  I am not a keyboard badmouth either.  I have not said anything on here I would be unwilling to say in person, as it is my opinion and I am intitled to that just as you are entitled to yours.
  since when did Ocala advertise they they follow the AMA? i agree rules are needed to keep the ship sailing smoothly but this ship sailed fine until ONE rider came along and started "BUMPING" as you called it. no one else has been acused of ruff driving. in the drivers meeting I heard the flagger give specific instructions about bumping, he said dont do it. you admitted David bumps people so why does he? the track is plenty wide for two wide racing. nice guy or not maybe you or him dont realise the risk in injury when bumping is on purpose. maybe it will take one you to get really hurt to get the point of all this all because someone did something stupid on the track.   

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: 450r91 on June 29, 2006, 12:30:06 PM
Look, I was directly behind the incident that happened that got this whole thing started, Its just a case of someone getting a little to hot headed over it, because 2 people were going for the holeshot at the same time and coming into the corner. David was indeed in front and carrying his line totally fine, the other guy came in under him which cause the small bump. This was EXACTLY what happened, because I had to tap the brakes to avoid the guy from coming into me. Im not putting this post up to start anything but telling how I saw being that I was 5 feet from it, to settle this once and for all

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: Scott270r on June 29, 2006, 12:56:33 PM
I think that moving the starts back to where they used to be could help prevent all this to begin with. Whose idea was it to move the starts so far forward anyway? My guess is it was some guy with a slow bike trying to handicap the faster bikes...Not cool and you see the results. Its too bad this thread is so big, there are just to few of us Quad racing lovers out there to begin with.

I have another theory as well. I started racing MX 16 years ago and a little bit of "rubbing" is just the way we raced at Reddick/Valdosta Woodbine. Your not going as fast and this is "O.K." Its a little different when you are moving 65m.p.h. Plus its a special group that really like to be super clean. I hope everyone can find some middle ground, I'm sure all you guys from Sand Mountain/ Torrie Racing and all other places are cool guys too just like all the people I have met at Ocala Thunderbowl

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: Hoosier Daddy on June 29, 2006, 12:59:30 PM
I just dont get why David was shooting birds while on the track.... whats up with that?
Although i didnt see it personaly, the whole track was talking about it.

I can understand why he was black flagged, he was warned of rough driving the prior race and in the drivers meeting.  If the flag man doesnt put an end to it someone will get hurt. that track isnt soft dirt or sand, it is HARD clay. You you hit it, it hurts! If we had fenders I would have no problem "moving" someone out of the way. Ever seen a sprint car wreck? Talk about fights! ask a sprint car driver about that!

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: 450r91 on June 29, 2006, 01:18:09 PM
Well if u got blacked flagged for something that wasnt technically wasnt your fault wouldnt you be a little pissed off to?

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: Hoosier Daddy on June 29, 2006, 01:20:19 PM
Not if it was the 3rd time being blacked flagged and when I have been talked to twice before that.

so he did shoot birds? and you talk of other not being unsportsman like? thats the pot calling the kettle black.

If he does it again, the track will ban him.

450r, how old are you? how long have you been racing?

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: 450r91 on June 29, 2006, 01:23:46 PM
Well see the thing is that since the first time this ever happened, which wasnt his fault. Every other time that something like this happens, his fault or not it all goes down in him, not saying he did or didnt flip the bird cause that i did not see, but I would get kinda pissed off about that. I mean he got spun around and the guy kept on pulling gears and pushing him. Whats up with that?

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: Hoosier Daddy on June 29, 2006, 01:26:41 PM
I was standing in turn 1 and didnt see it that way.

David should be the one in here heating this up... im a little curious as why your so concered with something that didnt concern you anyway?

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: HillKiller on June 29, 2006, 02:36:40 PM
  450r91 where do you get your info? The wrecks are on VIDEO. Tim never grabbed another gear because his bike stalled out when David was turned sideways across the front of Tim's bike. If Tim was pushing him then that would be because of shear momentum, nothing else. Please stop perpetuating a situation that has been settled between the only two who were involved.
  I talked to David before any races, he is a nice guy and he admitted he is new to this type of riding. He also said he wasn't sure about riding with flattrack tires. He will be fine if everyone will let this go. The bigger question here is why is anyone still talking about this????????? Tim told David that he can't just move left when someone is beside him because a wreck will happen, then David offered an apology. I saw David and Tim shake hands and walk away and yet most of you on this post keep on about it. THis whole post does nothing more than bring alot of negative attention to both riders and I am sure if they were asked they would agree this whole thing is dumb and unnecessary. Enough already. It's over.  Next race is July 8th.

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: cbrjc24 on June 29, 2006, 02:41:58 PM
Were you involved?  If not, why are you so worried about it?  I was in turn one and that is exactly what happened.  I also saw when the bird was given.  It was given after Tim, I believe his name is, finished shaking his fist in Davids face telling him that he would kick Davids ass if he touched him again.  I believe David was telling him he was number 1.  So should Tim be banned if he threatens any one again?  I also never said it was AMA sanctioned.  I was simply saying put rules to paper, and post them do not make them up as you go.  I also said that the man running the show had different explanations of the classes and rules than you do on these forums.  That being said, there is an obvious lack of organization.

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: 1fastltr450 on June 29, 2006, 03:08:29 PM
I was right behind them out of the hole I saw what happened and it is all on tape also. The inside man is the one that cannot go anywhere. It is clear David came down on Tim. I do think you have a good point about getting rules in writing. I think David is a good rider who is just trying hard to win, he has a fast bike and if he cant get it all in the holeshot, he has 12 laps to get it.

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: HillKiller on June 29, 2006, 03:34:54 PM
Were you involved?  If not, why are you so worried about it?  I was in turn one and that is exactly what happened.  I also saw when the bird was given.  It was given after Tim, I believe his name is, finished shaking his fist in Davids face telling him that he would kick Davids ass if he touched him again.  I believe David was telling him he was number 1.  So should Tim be banned if he threatens any one again?  I also never said it was AMA sanctioned.  I was simply saying put rules to paper, and post them do not make them up as you go.  I also said that the man running the show had different explanations of the classes and rules than you do on these forums.  That being said, there is an obvious lack of organization.
   Yes I was involved because I holeshot-ed everyone in the first start of the main only to have it taken away because there was a restart. Like I said, David and Tim settled it so why are you still babbling? If you don't like the racing there STAY HOME. If you have beef with the flagman then take it up with him, he'll be glad to give you his opinion. Because David handled the situation and settled with Tim like a man he is welcome back.

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: cbrjc24 on June 29, 2006, 03:51:29 PM
Do you have a problem with clear defined rules?

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: blupits04 on June 29, 2006, 04:55:09 PM
We were there to watch the race and saw everything.. No matter what happened out there it was solved between the riders. There was alot of stuff that got said but it was resolved with the ones personally involved so why does it matter to someone with hearsay opinions? I believe they are just competitive racers who made some mistakes. There was some unsportsmanship shown but was corrected. Let it drop. It's done and over with and unless it happens again It's just racers racing.

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: 1fastltr450 on June 29, 2006, 05:30:15 PM
Look, I was directly behind the incident that happened that got this whole thing started, Its just a case of someone getting a little to hot headed over it, because 2 people were going for the holeshot at the same time and coming into the corner. David was indeed in front and carrying his line totally fine, the other guy came in under him which cause the small bump. This was EXACTLY what happened, because I had to tap the brakes to avoid the guy from coming into me. Im not putting this post up to start anything but telling how I saw being that I was 5 feet from it, to settle this once and for all

I seem to remember there only being 7 bikes in the open class...who are you exactly? Are you even good enough to be in the open class. You must have been in a dream, dreaming you were up there running with us big dogs. I think you need to just stay on the porch.

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: 450r91 on June 29, 2006, 05:44:26 PM
Like I said and I quote," I was behind the incident that got the whole thing started about david being a dirty racer" it was the intermediate class the first night that we came out. I dont know how much more clear I have to be.

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: z400chic on June 29, 2006, 07:10:48 PM
I've heard enough of this BS. This whole thing was dropped between the two riders after the race. Instead of trying to start trouble and talk bad about the track( that is new to having 4 wheelers)why dont all of you work together to make it a better place to race.
There are too many people trying to make this a good track and promote it for someone to sit here and talk about something that was solved at the track and didnt involve them. I know if it wasnt for HILLKILLER things wouldnt be so good at Thunderbowl. This man is always on the phone getting updates from Tim and Ray and telling them about rules and guidelines we need to go by. So why dont you just drop it and let what happened go. It wasnt you so dont worry about it.

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: Hoosier Daddy on June 29, 2006, 07:56:06 PM
YEAH! what she said!  ;D

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: z400chic on June 29, 2006, 08:03:08 PM

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: justloudmufflers on June 29, 2006, 08:12:55 PM
Listen guys.  I do not know what happened at the track the last race as I was not there.  I simply am replying to the poll that asks if Dave Bohnstadt is a dirty racer or not.  The answer is no.  He is aggressive and wants to win, but that does not under any circumstances make some one a dirty racer.  A dirty racer is someone who intentionally puts you in the wall and tries to hurt you.  In all the years I have known Dave, he would never wish harm or ill will on any of you.  From what I can see it all started with some bumping, and it seems as if it was settled between the racers.  I will say, and everyone on here should listen unless they are completely ignorant, Dave Bohnstadt is one of the nicest guys you will ever meet.  I can put money on it that if anybody at that track needed help and went and asked him for it, they would get it.  The man has been racing for many years, and although new at TT racing, it seems as if he still beat you all at your own game pretty soundly.  He is a logical person, and if you will all give him a chance, he could be one of your best friends.  That being said, he will not be intimidated on the track.  He may be new to your track, but he will put you in your place if you try to intimidate him.  That does not make him dirty though.  He will hold his line, and you will have to work to get around him.  Talk to him one on one in a civilized manner and you may all learn a little something.  I know he has shown me a lot when it comes to quads.  Just my 2 cents worth.

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: cbrjc24 on June 29, 2006, 08:16:39 PM
 :)  I agree with that.

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: Hoosier Daddy on June 29, 2006, 08:27:34 PM
well i guess when he can race with out a black flag, then ill belive that.. but for the time being ill go with what has happened to me personaly and what i have seen with my own two eyes. Im sure hes a nice person he just needs to calm down some.
One thing i wish he would do is take his cool down lap, hes going to get broad sided someday because the guy on his right will be turning left to take his lap and david will make a 90 deg right turn at the same time... its happened before...
Now is David in on this thread or not?

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: fastrnrik on June 29, 2006, 08:33:19 PM
CBRJC24: On June 28th you think David B. is the dirtiest, most unsportsmanlike racer there is, and in the process tried to alienate all sorts of people, namely us "locals". Now, on June 29th you agree that he is a nice guy and an good, aggressive rider? Do the "locals" a favor, and keep you instigating self at home on July 8th. Maybe there's some Law & Order re-runs you could watch or something. We are all there to race and have a good time, and don't need your negative vibe. :'(  

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: Swealth on June 29, 2006, 11:12:20 PM
Quote from 450r91:
  "Look, I was directly behind the incident that happened that got this whole thing started, Its just a case of someone getting a little to hot headed over it, because 2 people were going for the holeshot at the same time and coming into the corner. David was indeed in front and carrying his line totally fine, the other guy came in under him which cause the small bump. This was EXACTLY what happened, because I had to tap the brakes to avoid the guy from coming into me. Im not putting this post up to start anything but telling how I saw being that I was 5 feet from it, to settle this once and for all"

   Dude you are so full of sh!t. do you not realize people out there tape every race? You say you were directly behind the incident that happened....what you are doing is purposely trying to mislead everyone to think you are some sort of credible witness by making them think you raced in the open class main event. then later on this board you say that you meant the race last time. That is pure BS!!  You had to tap your brakes?? What?? In the video you were no where near them. In that race a few weeks ago you were more like 100 feet behind when David bumped that 250R.
Don't put tall tales on here cause someone like me will call you on it.

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: RTR_380/450R on June 29, 2006, 11:58:39 PM
WOW!  I feel bad for David.  Because alot of things are being discussed about him that he has no say so in!  Probably would make me not want to come back!  The sad part is, that someone like Dave could bring alot of high quality fast guys w/ him to the track to make competition better!  But, probably wont because of all the drama involved!  He is an awsome guy and an unbelievable rider!  Outside of a circle track, there is noone at Ocala that could race w/ him!  I understand what its like to go from the riding styles and conditions that he and I race in and try to race Flattrack!  Its hard because you have to draw the line between aggressive and too aggressive! 
 :-\ ???
Now this may cause a little controversy!  And its not meant to!  But, someone said something about going speeds of 65mph!  I dont think that track carries those types of speeds! Ive raced TT tracks that are alot faster with alot more straight away and the bikes are barely hitting 60-65! And there is alot of contact in TT racing.  I would definately like to see some type of rule structure to dictate what is aloud and what is not!  I dont consider myself a dirty rider by any means.  But I dont mind a little "rubbing"! Whether its being done to me or Im doing it to someone else!  Its just a REALLY FINE LINE between "rubbing" and "bumping".  If your faster than the guy in front of you, then it is almost impossible to not touch him in some form or fashion!

But bashing one of the premier riders around who is actually an awesome and humble person is not cool!  If your gonna punk him, then do it to him! Not here! Sorry for rambling.

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: ratsrepus on June 30, 2006, 12:46:54 AM
No contraversey at all. Them open class boys had gps out there one night and were hitting 60 mph on a dry dusty track. if the track had been prepped and grippy then probly would have been faster still. that track surface is hard as hell so if you tumble not only will your bike be mangled (ask superstar) but youll most likely be tore up too. at least at sand mountain most of the track surface is a softer loose dirt not a compact clay that resembles asphault.
 rtr, you said it just as several before you have. this discussion is unneeded and probably isnt what David wants but we can all thank  cbrjc24 for stirring up this mess and throwing him in the middle of debate (way to go!  >:D) . you are also right that rubbing is ok but cbrjc24 said hisself that david bumps people so if anyone is getting david a bad rap its the guy who started this thread.

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: Swealth on June 30, 2006, 01:04:19 AM
Listen guys.  I do not know what happened at the track the last race as I was not there.  I simply am replying to the poll that asks if Dave Bohnstadt is a dirty racer or not.  The answer is no.  He is aggressive and wants to win, but that does not under any circumstances make some one a dirty racer.  A dirty racer is someone who intentionally puts you in the wall and tries to hurt you.  
  so if he is not a dirty racer is he riding over his head and out of control? how else do you explain someone hitting you from behind? he has been involved now with two diffrent riders in two diffrent classes. Here's a thought to ponder: What's worse? someone who is dirty and intentionally tries to wreck you or someone who rides aggressively competitive but causes wrecks? THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE. either way that peson will eventually hurt someone. if they are nice and dont mean to do it, it still doesn't change the result that someone is injured and there stuff is tore up. the moral of the story is pass clean, you have 15 laps to get to the front and since he has a 60 hp motor he shouldnt have any problem.

That being said, he will not be intimidated on the track.  He may be new to your track, but he will put you in your place if you try to intimidate him.

   now that s a brilliant statement. Are you trying to put a target on his back? if he wants everyone to know he won't be intimidated and he ll put them in there place then let him say that himself. its not good to put words in his mouth.

Do you have a problem with clear defined rules?
  that question is as retarded as this poll you started. you said you were at the drivers meeting. how much clearer do the words NO BUMPING have to be? is english not your first language or do you need a translator? As hard as Hillkiller has worked at getting people to come out I doubt he has a problem with rules.this flatrack thing is in its infantcy at ocala and they have rules that are mostly common sense like safety gear, etc but since he doesnt work for the track why arent you asking the track officials for rules instead of getting on here and complaining?

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: Hoosier Daddy on June 30, 2006, 06:00:24 AM

    I brought my radar gun out a few months ago, the open riders were running 60-62MPH.
You know i wouldnt BS ya.

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: Hoosier Daddy on June 30, 2006, 06:05:21 AM

Just so ya know....
there are several 60-70+ bikes out there. ;)

One of the problems with this whole thread, is the negativity it puts on Torri and ATP since they are both involved with him. One thing that is really important to a sponsor is how the rider acts and maintains himself in the public eye.

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: Hoosier Daddy on June 30, 2006, 06:16:10 AM
Quote from 450r91:
  "Look, I was directly behind the incident that happened that got this whole thing started, Its just a case of someone getting a little to hot headed over it, because 2 people were going for the holeshot at the same time and coming into the corner. David was indeed in front and carrying his line totally fine, the other guy came in under him which cause the small bump. This was EXACTLY what happened, because I had to tap the brakes to avoid the guy from coming into me. Im not putting this post up to start anything but telling how I saw being that I was 5 feet from it, to settle this once and for all"

   Dude you are so full of sh!t. do you not realize people out there tape every race? You say you were directly behind the incident that happened....what you are doing is purposely trying to mislead everyone to think you are some sort of credible witness by making them think you raced in the open class main event. then later on this board you say that you meant the race last time. That is pure BS!!  You had to tap your brakes?? What?? In the video you were no where near them. In that race a few weeks ago you were more like 100 feet behind when David bumped that 250R.
Don't put tall tales on here cause someone like me will call you on it.

YA the guy on the 250r!  ;)  I just thought he was mad that a guy thats 240lbs passed him on a 20yr old bike. I was pretty pissed off at the time because i passed him fair and square and he had to nail me to move me over... thought i was pretty cheap... but, he sweares it was an "accident" so I let it slide, but if it happens again.. ill be returning the favor..just as im sure he would... Flat  track racing is a race of finesse and problem solving, not busting you way through.

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: cbrjc24 on June 30, 2006, 07:03:45 AM
First and foremost I have always been on David's side. I never said he was a dirty racer. Second one of your own local racers, I believe his name is Scooter?? said one of you locals bumped him about three races ago, and no comments were made, and no black flag was thrown.  So is this really about bumping, or the fact that a MX racer on a MX bike, a stroker bike, on knobbies, and on flat track tires has handed you all your asses in two classes two weeks in a row.  You all say you want to end this thread, however when Justloudmufflers told you the difference between dirty racing and competitive racing you continue to bash David and his friends.  David knows what is being written on these pages, and he only wishes to be known as a nice guy, I know, as I talked to him myself.  You say David rides out of control, however one of you admitted that some guys do not get out of the throttle in the corners, that is out of control too.  Full throttle in a corner you are at the mercy of your tires, and if they fail to hold you will cause a major wreck.  This whole thread was done in fun, as I am the one who started it, so I should know.  You all say you have no hard feelings, but you are all so worked up that you got bumped by a new guy, that you fail to remember when you yourselves bumped people before David ever came out to race.  I started this thread to show that opinions are like ass holes and every one has one, and to show the simple fact that the local racers who have been going to that track week in and week out will always see David as a dirty racer, and those who really know him will not.  I am done posting here, as I have worked you up enough.  I do believe I proved my point. See all you TT boys at the MX track....or is that too dirty for you - no pun intended?

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: Hoosier Daddy on June 30, 2006, 07:23:12 AM
First and foremost I have always been on David's side. I never said he was a dirty racer. Second one of your own local racers, I believe his name is Scooter?? said one of you locals bumped him about three races ago, and no comments were made, and no black flag was thrown.  So is this really about bumping, or the fact that a MX racer on a MX bike, a stroker bike, on knobbies, and on flat track tires has handed you all your asses in two classes two weeks in a row.  You all say you want to end this thread, however when Justloudmufflers told you the difference between dirty racing and competitive racing you continue to bash David and his friends.  David knows what is being written on these pages, and he only wishes to be known as a nice guy, I know, as I talked to him myself.  You say David rides out of control, however one of you admitted that some guys do not get out of the throttle in the corners, that is out of control too.  Full throttle in a corner you are at the mercy of your tires, and if they fail to hold you will cause a major wreck.  This whole thread was done in fun, as I am the one who started it, so I should know.  You all say you have no hard feelings, but you are all so worked up that you got bumped by a new guy, that you fail to remember when you yourselves bumped people before David ever came out to race.  I started this thread to show that opinions are like ass holes and every one has one, and to show the simple fact that the local racers who have been going to that track week in and week out will always see David as a dirty racer, and those who really know him will not.  I am done posting here, as I have worked you up enough.  I do believe I proved my point. See all you TT boys at the MX track....or is that too dirty for you - no pun intended?

Ummm its a Flat Track not a TT track...  :-\

what is a "local"?  the only one who lives even close to ocala is... Brian. Everyone else drives more than an hour...

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: cbrjc24 on June 30, 2006, 09:03:46 AM

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: Hoosier Daddy on June 30, 2006, 09:37:16 AM
Oh so you mean requlars? not locals right? well that makes about 30 riders who come there every race..
so what bike is yours again?

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: cbrjc24 on June 30, 2006, 09:43:16 AM
Do you ever quit arguing? :'( :'(  No matter what I say you have some dumb ass or smart ass comment.  You ride lowered bikes with sway bars - very similar to tt style bikes, sorry didn't mean to upset you.  Get over it it is done.  You lost.  See you next race, and you will know who i am ok - I will put blinkers on my quad so you know when to move over ;D.

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: Hoosier Daddy on June 30, 2006, 09:56:42 AM
Im not upset at all and Im not complaining at all nor and I tring to be a wise ass.
A TT track has Jumps and turns, a flat track doesnt.

Quick question... Have you ever passed me on the track? No, now when you wanna race for some cash let me know, I love free money...  ;)  :Fp

Im curious, why are you so scared to say who you are or what you ride? scared or just a coward who hides behind a screen being an "Internet tough guy"?

Oh and i thought you said "Im done posting here" that was You.. right. :R

I will say this, I have raced with Tim, Doug, Gary, Steven, Dave, & Megan. for years, more than likely 50-60 races not one time have any of these guys raced without the concern for saftey, and if something did happen there would come up to you RIGHT after a race and talk about what happened. I think thats really the issue with David, he pushes you out of the way and doesnt say a word to you about it.   All these guys come from good familys are the kind of people who would help you out off the track as well as on it.

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: cbrjc24 on June 30, 2006, 10:03:00 AM
I can't let you have the last word.  If you love money, start a money class.  Then we will see how clean everyone is. 

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: Hoosier Daddy on June 30, 2006, 10:08:13 AM
so do you want to race me or not?
you and me 15 laps.. $100

still not going to say who you are huh?  ;)

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: Quad32x on June 30, 2006, 10:56:44 AM
Is  somebody  cooking  chicken ? :o  jk. 2:L

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: 450r91 on June 30, 2006, 11:32:01 AM
     This whole time I have been talking about the Am class, shows how much you pay attention, Not only to mention the only lettering that i had at the time were four zero's so my number was double zero. I was never running in with what you guys call your pro class but its not more like an open class, Im not affraid to admit I wasnt running it. This whole thing about David being a dirty racer started in the start of the Am class in turn one about a month ago and YES I was right behind it. Im also not affraid to admit who I am Its a black 450r with Torri logo number backgrounds. So yet again who is starting all the animosity here? Its funny how Sandmountain never ever had any problems with anything of the issues yet we get out to Ocala and everyone cries and bitches like a bunch of babies

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: 450r91 on June 30, 2006, 11:48:24 AM
I will also agree with cbrjc24 that yes indeed if there was money at stake for these races things would be a bit diffrent, and yes who evere said earlier that we should move the start line back some more would prob. be a good idea as well.

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: z400chic on June 30, 2006, 01:13:33 PM
I wish all of you would just drop this issue. Like Ive said before Tim and David settled this on Sat night and if there are still problems between them why dont you let the two of them talk if over and work things out. All of you are making this place look bad and talking about something that is already resloved by the ones it involves. IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM W/ THE TRACK BRING IT UP AT THE DRIVERS MEETING. AND EVERYONE PLEASE TAKE YOUR HOT LAP. But back to this post you all sound like a bunch of kids why dont you all be real men and talk it out at the track we are on here to promote the track not talk bad about it. As someone else posted Thunderbowl is still in its infancy to flat tracking w/ 4wheelers. If you guys would put this beheind like others have and tell us some input of rules this place would be a great place to ride. So why dont you drop the stupid post and lets get to talking about how we ALL can make it a better place to ride.

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: Hoosier Daddy on June 30, 2006, 01:22:42 PM

  i was just tring to win some money.... :'(

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: flagmanthunderbowl on July 01, 2006, 01:02:23 AM
ok its me the flagman dirty or not hmmm im lets think no he was not dirty. i was just slow on my flags thats all look guys u can not rub with a quad there is no protection on the bikes to keep u safe enough for rubbing im sorry. but again i warned the driver during drivers meeting to b more carefull.. he is a good driver and so far im guessing he is learning flat track driving although he is going to b learning the hard way. please b carefull and if u did shoot me a bird dont ever do it again... i did not c anyone shoot one so no harm and since im really the one that counts as far as the race is conserned........ this sport is really growing and as a racer my self i enjoy watching all of u out there. ALL OF YOU.... again i will handle the rough driving problem. i was not aware of anyone going to any trailer after that race but here is fact 1 if u go to any trailer to fight u will never race thunderbowl again if there is a problem please take it up with me and let me try to deal with it please its my headache job to handle this problem so let me.. i c that it got out of hand sat 24th. so the track and i apoligize..  again no rough driving... thank u flagman ray

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: Swealth on July 01, 2006, 03:44:36 PM
  So is this really about bumping, or the fact that a MX racer on a MX bike, a stroker bike, on knobbies, and on flat track tires has handed you all your asses in two classes two weeks in a row.

  Where were you on the 24th? u must had your head up someones butt because david finished third in the pro main class behind hillkiller and tim.hillkiller came from last and passed david and then passed tim who was the leader. last week the black 450 won the pro main. you must be retarded stupid or both or just so biased that no argument you make could ever be valid. now lets hear youre stupid response! and the only reason he finsihed second to the black 450 (doug?) the pro main last week is because he wrecked tim into another bike and that stacked up the field. oh yeah and i have it on video.

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: LT-R450ApK on July 01, 2006, 08:58:52 PM
I didnt Get to Vote WTF

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: trx#9 on July 02, 2006, 01:35:57 PM
They don't or do, pay money in the pro class?

Title: Re: Dirty or not?
Post by: LT-R450ApK on July 02, 2006, 01:51:17 PM
No they dont pay out,They''ve talked about a money class but have never done it