Title: Big Cypress's Terrible Trail System Post by: Gamer on December 11, 2004, 03:12:18 PM I've heard and read about the terrible crushed rock trail system thats being created in Big Cypress. I was doing some research on Big Cypress when I came along a website that has a Professor on our side for once. The website is kind of long but does have pictures. I recommend everyone reading it on here. There is some good stuff in it that can be brought up against the Environmentalists and Government. Plus for all those people on here that thought the Bush's were on our side might want to think again. Enjoy!
http://www.angelfire.com/clone/rsauleda/. Title: Re: Big Cypress's Terrible Trail System Post by: sk8r_dude on December 11, 2004, 06:27:22 PM Wow! we need this guy to represent us. What a spot on article. I knew the hand writting was on the wall for dispursed use ATV riding in Big Cypress. Soon, we will be held to riding on boring limerock trails only. What a shame.
Title: Re: Big Cypress's Terrible Trail System Post by: GregsRancher on December 11, 2004, 09:10:19 PM wow reading that article really pissing me off...we need to geta list of people to help us out. the people who made those decisions are F****NG RETARDED
Title: Re: Big Cypress's Terrible Trail System Post by: Anoriginal on December 13, 2004, 12:41:30 PM As someone who owns property deep in the Big Cypress, I will agree that the trail system is a mistake with respect to crushed rock. However, designated trails make sense. We've met with the Dept. of Interior and the Park Rangers in charge of implementing and setting the designated trails. They are doing their best to designate a series of trails that will allow those who want to access the glades the ability to do so. Many of the trails they are designating are on old trails that have been used for years. these trails are used because they are the best route to get to certain locations.
If you have any doubts that designated trails are or are not needed, take an airplane ride over the big cypress. We need it. Designation isn't the problem, rock roads are the problem. There is nothing redeeming or beneficial to these rock roads. They are a detriment to the environment and harm the very ecosystem the tree huggers wish to save. I've driven all of the rock roads and nearly all of the trails in the Everglades over my life and can tell you that developin easy access road ways into the deep woods is probably the worst thing we can do. The glades have always been hard to get into and only for the most dedicated outdoorsman/woman with superior knowledge and equipment. It needs to stay that way. The good news is that the DOI is broke and there is no money left for implementing the rock roads at this time. All of the roads are designated on paper and the majority of them have been truthed and staked. I've seen staked roads as far in as 16 miles north of Monroe station. That is approximately 12 miles north of where the buckskin trail currently ends. Title: Re: Big Cypress's Terrible Trail System Post by: BIGWORM3699 ( ECP RACING) on December 13, 2004, 02:49:17 PM THAT GUY IS AWSOME AND WE SHOULD THANK HIM FOR ALL HIS RESEARCH. GOES TO SHOW YOU THAT IT ALL WHAT IS GOOD FOR THE GOVERNMENT POCKET AND INTREST NO THE PEOPLE