ATV Florida Forum

General => Racing Scene => Topic started by: HillKiller on June 25, 2006, 11:00:22 PM

Title: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: HillKiller on June 25, 2006, 11:00:22 PM
   Sorry about the late post. I thought Tim the track manager would be posting the schedule today but since he hasn't yet here is some info:

Quad racing is still on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month. Next race is July 8, 7pm. Last night racing finished up about 10pm, things were moving right along. I heard alot of you gripe about the dry conditions that still exist in the heats but once dark falls and the track is watered, the track holds moisture good. Tim told me they have new equipment now and will be working on the surface alot more.
Superstar took a hard spill. Anyone heard from him? I heard it was his collarbone and then I heard shoulder...
At the drivers meeting two weeks ago everyone heard "no more knobbies". Actually knobbies are still ok but only in the Beginner class and Peewee class. Flattrack tires are mandatory in the Junior and Pro classes.

Safety Gear: Ray (the flagman) expects to see gloves, helmet, eyewear, boots, long pants, and a chest protector.

Rough Driving: ...will get you DQ'd for the whole night. The flagman is serious about this. Since we are open wheel racing he made it clear in the drivers meeting there is no bumping. If you are going into the corner too fast and you hit the guy in front of you then you are doing something wrong. If you are fast enough to run down someone entering the corner then pass them on the outside, don't knock someone out of the way. Ray has the memory of an elephant and he doesn't miss much. Also, as a general rule, the line is not yours until you clear the guy you are passing. Clean passes earn respect and handshakes, riding over your head so-to-speak isn't cool. Anyway, enough about this, please no one reply to this with comments about specific incidents, lets wash dirty laundry privately.

For those of you who race two classes. I am working with Tim about getting a reduced entry fee for your second entry (same rider). More to follow...
 Gentlemen, the floor is yours.... ;D

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: HillKiller on June 25, 2006, 11:11:17 PM
   Congrats to Doug on a huge win in the Pro have been more than patient for a well deserved win. 
Good job!  :Fp

 Here's the finishing order of the Pro class Main event:

1st Doug Honda 450R
2nd David B 450 R
3rd Gary Suz 450R
4th Dave Banshee
5th Brian Honda 450R
6th Raymond Banshee
7th Tim Yam 450

The Junior Main results (help me out here somebody)

1st Gary Suz 450R
2nd Chris 250R
3rd someone fill in the rest...

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: Pro52R on June 26, 2006, 12:33:26 AM
how much is it to race?

Is this TT style or just oval?Is a sway bar recommended? How long is the track?

Are cannondales aloud?lol

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: HillKiller on June 26, 2006, 12:39:06 AM
$25 to race (includes gate entry) 2  10 lap heats and a 12 lap main

$7 for spectators 7 and up

  Swaybars are recommended, it is an oval.
  Track is approx 1/4 mile (probably a little less)
  Yes, Cannondales are welcome.

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: Hoosier Daddy on June 26, 2006, 06:09:39 AM
I thought the track really started to come in for the main. Coming out of every corner my clutch was slipping until about half way down the straight, especialy turn 2.

Im pretty sure I wont be there the 8th were packing up and moving to the new house and I have a lot of packing, moving, building fences, ETC. to do on the weekends. If things go faster than expected then ill be there.. but doubtful.. :-\

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: Quad32x on June 26, 2006, 09:11:17 AM
Heres  a  question.  How  can  you  run  the  so  called  PRO  class  and  ALSO  the  now  called  Junior  class  on  the  same  bike ?  Dont  seen  to  be  very  fair  to  the  guys  in  the  Junior  class  that  are  new  to  the  sport  to  me.  I  would  think  that  once  you  make  the  jump  to  the  Pro  class  then  you  should  have  to  stay  there.  :dunno.gif

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: Hoosier Daddy on June 26, 2006, 09:14:34 AM
Your not the first to say that, ALOT of people were bringing that up sat night.

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: Quad32x on June 26, 2006, 09:25:54 AM
I  would  say  if  you  want  or  need  more  seat  time  then  pay  for  it.  As  in  an  Open  Money  class.  Evrybody  put  $20.  bucks  in  the  pot  and  pay  back  as  voted  on  by  the  riders  involved. :ThumbsUp.gif

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: derek330 on June 26, 2006, 09:39:44 AM
Heres  a  question.  How  can  you  run  the  so  called  PRO  class  and  ALSO  the  now  called  Junior  class  on  the  same  bike ?  Dont  seen  to  be  very  fair  to  the  guys  in  the  Junior  class  that  are  new  to  the  sport  to  me.  I  would  think  that  once  you  make  the  jump  to  the  Pro  class  then  you  should  have  to  stay  there.  :dunno.gif

i agree....  if you are fast enoguh to run the (pro) class then its not fair to go into the junior class and whoop up on people.. thats just wrong. the only reason people do that is because they are not fast enough to win pro but are fast enough to win junior. so in that case they should just keep racing pro until they can win... i say if anyone ever gets into the junior class and whoops everyone by a long ways then they need to be advanced to the pro class!! !!
congrats to gary and doug for their wins!! keep it up......
give the junior riders a chance to win racing with guys that are on there level of racing.
not a guy from the pro class that is just picking on people!!  ;)  like fairygary.... quit picking on those junior guys man!!  8) lol
congrasts to gary and doug on their wins!! keep it up.......

good point that dave made, lets keep the racing clean people!! !! !!
its all for fun... it wont be fun anymore when people are getting hurt all the time becasue other people are riding over their heads....... 

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: Hoosier Daddy on June 26, 2006, 09:56:26 AM
Humm... well what about this, lets say I run the 250r in the Intermediate class and then I run my banshee in the open class. would that be OK?  Also, Why do the names keep changing? very confusing....

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: Quad32x on June 26, 2006, 11:00:45 AM
Humm... well what about this, lets say I run the 250r in the Intermediate class and then I run my banshee in the open class. would that be OK?  Also, Why do the names keep changing? very confusing....
I  dont  think  anybody  would  have  a  problem  with  that  Chris.  I  was  talking  with  some  of  the  other  racers  and  they  brought  up  the  question  I  had  before.  Two  different  bikes  fine.  But  same  guy  and  same  bike  in  both  classes  makes  no  sense.

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: HillKiller on June 26, 2006, 01:03:01 PM
Ok everyone, about the two classes and same rider issue...I purposely didn't mention in my earlier post anything about if someone is riding two bikes or one. Tim and Ray haven't given me a specific rule on this but I am sure it will be decided before the next race and announced in the driver's meeting. I know there was some discussion about it because Gary and David B (Torri Racing) were riding in the Junior and Pro class on the same bike, which is a no-no in other motorsports (Nascar for example). I realize there needs to be a rule for this but also keep in mind two things:

1. Gary normally rides in the Junior class and he went up to run Pro at the last race for the first time in months. Will he move up and stay there, only Gary knows. He didn't win the Pro class but he did the Junior class.
2. David B. has enough motor to run the Pro class but alot of people voiced concern about either his rough driving or lack of experience on flattrack (whichever you want to call it). It has always been a general rule that if someone wants to run the Pro class then they need to know how to race like a Pro, not just fast, but in control. In the past if someone showed up to race their first time and wanted to run in the Pro class, they were discouraged but if they run Junior or Beginner then other riders say they are in the wrong class. It goes back to what some of us talked about a lower class at first, then when you win 3 times you move up and stay there. On the other hand I think it is fine if you have two bikes and want to run two same rider, two bikes in two classes.

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: Hoosier Daddy on June 26, 2006, 01:17:22 PM
Well what if this "person" keeps getting black flagged in every Junior race he has been in?  ;)
They actually came in 1st, but since they were black flagged they didnt get scored...

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: superstar on June 26, 2006, 05:01:03 PM
Damage report  (#2),

       This is getting old. lol  Killer you were informed correctly. I managed to break my collar bone, and give myself a concussion. I honestly have no recollection of what happened. Infact, the last thing i remember about saturday was just before leaving the house. I woke up yesterday morning in a recliner in my parents florida room, w/ my riding pants on and a funky back pack type x brace on. ??????????. I was told that someone made the comment that i was way too aggressive, and wreckless. I apologize to any and everyone who may have taken my style of competition offensive. Like i said i dont remember what happened, and if i involved anyone in my accident it was 100% unintentional. I was told that it looked like someone came down on me in the corner and i lost control. I have no idea. If so, then i guess racin is racin, but if thats what it takes for some folks to find there way up front, ill be the first to let off and give em the go ahead. I ve got a job to go to on monday morning just like everybody else, and i dont line up on saturday night w/ the intentions of takin someone out just to move up a spot or 2. I was raised to believe that cheatin aint competein. Either way, i guess it comes w/ the territory. Right now were starrin at around 6 weeks of short term disability. Whether well be back or not, only time will tell,Until then good luck to all of you. John


Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: Hoosier Daddy on June 26, 2006, 06:32:33 PM
WOW john! well hurry and and get better! better your colar bone than your sholder.

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: 1fastltr450 on June 26, 2006, 07:13:44 PM
Humm... well what about this, lets say I run the 250r in the Intermediate class and then I run my banshee in the open class. would that be OK?  Also, Why do the names keep changing? very confusing....
I  dont  think  anybody  would  have  a  problem  with  that  Chris.  I  was  talking  with  some  of  the  other  racers  and  they  brought  up  the  question  I  had  before.  Two  different  bikes  fine.  But  same  guy  and  same  bike  in  both  classes  makes  no  sense.

 I hate these people that do this I dont think it makes much sense either. I wish they would quite doing this

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: Scott270r on June 26, 2006, 07:33:08 PM
LOL Gary,

I told you you were about to get booted up a class today. You have no business in the Boom Boom class anyway.

P.S. It was cool hanging out with you at lunch today. Hit me up whenever your in the area again.

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: 1fastltr450 on June 26, 2006, 07:51:05 PM
I forgot to tell everyone that I was on a different bikethey are both ltr450s

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: Hoosier Daddy on June 26, 2006, 07:57:31 PM
Humm... well what about this, lets say I run the 250r in the Intermediate class and then I run my banshee in the open class. would that be OK?  Also, Why do the names keep changing? very confusing....
I  dont  think  anybody  would  have  a  problem  with  that  Chris.  I  was  talking  with  some  of  the  other  racers  and  they  brought  up  the  question  I  had  before.  Two  different  bikes  fine.  But  same  guy  and  same  bike  in  both  classes  makes  no  sense.

 I hate these people that do this I dont think it makes much sense either. I wish they would quite doing this

doing what? im confused...

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: 1fastltr450 on June 26, 2006, 07:58:46 PM
riding same bike in 2 classes I dont like it

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: Hoosier Daddy on June 26, 2006, 08:02:04 PM

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: HillKiller on June 26, 2006, 09:39:52 PM
Damage report  (#2),

       This is getting old. lol  Killer you were informed correctly. I managed to break my collar bone, and give myself a concussion. I honestly have no recollection of what happened. Infact, the last thing i remember about saturday was just before leaving the house. I woke up yesterday morning in a recliner in my parents florida room, w/ my riding pants on and a funky back pack type x brace on. ??????????. I was told that someone made the comment that i was way too aggressive, and wreckless. I apologize to any and everyone who may have taken my style of competition offensive. Like i said i dont remember what happened, and if i involved anyone in my accident it was 100% unintentional. I was told that it looked like someone came down on me in the corner and i lost control. I have no idea. If so, then i guess racin is racin, but if thats what it takes for some folks to find there way up front, ill be the first to let off and give em the go ahead. I ve got a job to go to on monday morning just like everybody else, and i dont line up on saturday night w/ the intentions of takin someone out just to move up a spot or 2. I was raised to believe that cheatin aint competein. Either way, i guess it comes w/ the territory. Right now were starrin at around 6 weeks of short term disability. Whether well be back or not, only time will tell,Until then good luck to all of you. John    

    John, from what I saw, you were bumped, then you spun around backwards and then sideways then flipped. The comments about aggressive driving I am pretty sure were referring to another rider after you left the track. Hope you get better soon!

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: HillKiller on June 26, 2006, 09:41:31 PM
Well what if this "person" keeps getting black flagged in every Junior race he has been in?  ;)
They actually came in 1st, but since they were black flagged they didnt get scored...

   Its up to Ray and Tim how they want to handle it.

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: VForce700 on June 26, 2006, 10:16:29 PM
I have a question about the classes. What are the different classes and what are the standards to be in each class. Usually at most tracks there is a "A", "B", and "C" or it is broken down into age groups. How are things here?

What are the titles of the classes. Does this pertain to the bike and motor or the rider's abilities? The one main class in question is the "open class" what is considered to be open? 

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: superstar on June 27, 2006, 05:13:39 AM
WOW john! well hurry and and get better! better your colar bone than your sholder.

Thank you sir.

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: toofittyr on June 27, 2006, 07:57:29 AM

   i've only spoken with you one time at the track, but i just wanted to say best of luck and recover soon. none of us ever want to see anyone get hurt.  i've been there, done that a year ago, fractured hip and torn shoulder (plus surgery). took a year to heal.  keep coming to the track and stay in contact.  again, the best with recovery.

david sr.
team ware racing 

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: superstar on June 27, 2006, 09:03:43 AM
Thank you, we'll be around. May be lurking back in the shadows, but we'll be out there somewhere. Soon as the healing is done ill take a look at the bike. I think its just got a bent front wheel, but i havent been able to look it over.  Left it in silver springs @ my folks place. Probably run up over the 4th and look it over. Was told the last time at the track that we couldnt run lights, so my father and i covered em up so you couldnt see em shinin, before we left for the track. Supposedly after i came off the track after i wiped out, i kept askin how my lights got covered up, and who rigged it like that.  ::) ::).Pretty much let everybody know that it was time to head to the emergency room. I think i remember talkin to gasgas about his last trip out. I do remember scooter tellin me not to let too much air out of my rears, after practice. Also i think i remember a female rider. Oh well im sure itll come back soon enough. Thanks again for the kind words. John

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: HillKiller on June 27, 2006, 10:07:33 AM
I have a question about the classes. What are the different classes and what are the standards to be in each class. Usually at most tracks there is a "A", "B", and "C" or it is broken down into age groups. How are things here?

What are the titles of the classes. Does this pertain to the bike and motor or the rider's abilities? The one main class in question is the "open class" what is considered to be open? 

 Not necessarily by age, more by experience and machine. For the most part it is up to the rider to chose the class where they fit best. I hope this helps...

C class (Beginner): little or no experience on flattrack, stock setup, lower horsepower machines such as Blasters, Warriors, etc. No more than 3 wins (don't have to be consecutive).

B class (Intermediate or Junior): Some experience on flattrack, Must have flattrack tires (at least on rear), setup may include swaybar, shocks, lowering kits, etc. No more than 3 wins (don't have to be consecutive).

A class (Open or Pro): Experienced rider on a capable machine ie rider should have the ability to stay on the lead lap and the bike should have a full flattrack setup...flattrack tires (no knobbies permitted), swaybar, etc. No cc min or max, unlimited.

PeeWee (Mini): The range of ages have been 5-12 and cc's from 50 to 150. So far there has not been more than 6 Peewees entered in a race. As turnout grows they may be eventually split to class them better.

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: fastrnrik on June 27, 2006, 07:20:43 PM
   Superstar, I have no idea who you are, but I can relate. I wrecked pretty good out there a month / month and a half ago and broke my right arm, my left shoulder, and several ribs on the left side, not to mention tweakin' my bike up pretty good. I could've built one bad a$$ four wheeler for the cost of those doctor bills! I hope you heal fast, and wear the sling, cast, etc. for the right amount of time lol! By the way, I would like to say thanks to any of you who helped me that day. It seems a V-Force with 22" Holeshots was a bad choice for a first time on a flat track. I don't know who any of you are on here, but, thanks again for your help.
   Also, I was wondering, Hillkiller, where you got your info on the classes at? Specifically, the spec on win #'s, bike types etc. I personally raced in the beginner class on a YFZ, because,well, I'm new at this type of racing. We have talked to the guys at the track about having a seperate class for older kids/teenagers who ride the blasters, 300EX's, etc. I know there are several kids in our area who don't come race because they don't want to race against grown men on 450's or hyped up 250R's, both of which raced in the beginner class beside me. We were told they didn't mind, if the turnout was there. I guess it's a kind of "make it happen" thing. I was just wondering who you were dealing with, as you never know week to week what the story is or who's in charge over there. I think you'll agree if I ran my business like that, I'd be on welfare.
   And finally, I know you guys in here are all friends and are tight, and that's cool, but what happened with the rider from Torri Racing? My wife, kid, and parents were watching, and said there was a "ruckus" with someone and their rider. I am not trying to start s@*t, I was just wondering. I don't personally know the rider, but I deal with Torri Racing alot, and have found them to be laid back, honest guys. 
   Oh crap, sorry for 20 freakin' pages...             

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: HillKiller on June 28, 2006, 08:04:06 AM
   Superstar, I have no idea who you are, but I can relate. I wrecked pretty good out there a month / month and a half ago and broke my right arm, my left shoulder, and several ribs on the left side, not to mention tweakin' my bike up pretty good. I could've built one bad a$$ four wheeler for the cost of those doctor bills! I hope you heal fast, and wear the sling, cast, etc. for the right amount of time lol! By the way, I would like to say thanks to any of you who helped me that day. It seems a V-Force with 22" Holeshots was a bad choice for a first time on a flat track. I don't know who any of you are on here, but, thanks again for your help.
   Also, I was wondering, Hillkiller, where you got your info on the classes at? Specifically, the spec on win #'s, bike types etc. I personally raced in the beginner class on a YFZ, because,well, I'm new at this type of racing. We have talked to the guys at the track about having a seperate class for older kids/teenagers who ride the blasters, 300EX's, etc. I know there are several kids in our area who don't come race because they don't want to race against grown men on 450's or hyped up 250R's, both of which raced in the beginner class beside me. We were told they didn't mind, if the turnout was there. I guess it's a kind of "make it happen" thing. I was just wondering who you were dealing with, as you never know week to week what the story is or who's in charge over there. I think you'll agree if I ran my business like that, I'd be on welfare.
   And finally, I know you guys in here are all friends and are tight, and that's cool, but what happened with the rider from Torri Racing? My wife, kid, and parents were watching, and said there was a "ruckus" with someone and their rider. I am not trying to start s@*t, I was just wondering. I don't personally know the rider, but I deal with Torri Racing alot, and have found them to be laid back, honest guys. 
   Oh crap, sorry for 20 freakin' pages...         
    I heard about your crash. I think that was an off week so I wasn't there but all I was told was that you broke some ribs, sorry to hear about all the other injuries...must have been wild to see. I have seen you run the beginner class before your crash so now I can put a bike to a screen name ;D.
 Now to answer your questions...first some background...back in January there were two quads coming to the track, myself and another flattrack rider who were both displaced when another track closed. We met with Tim Kelty (the Ocala mgr) and told him we thought we could make the turnout grow. In 2005 Ocala saw at most 10 quads show on any given week, so they never had classes or rules, it was purely "run what you brung". Now there are about 30. As the turnout grew at Ocala Tim asked me and three others to set some guidelines and act as intermediaries between the track and the riders. We borrowed some rules from other racing sanctions and then tailored those to Ocala. As far as a "youth" class...if the turnout warrants another class, Ocala will create one. Unless it has changed, they want at least three entries to have another class. Actually, there were plans to split the beginner class anyway because the turnout has been so big, but then last week there were only 7 entered. Typically, the most in any one class should be 10 so that nobody has to start on a third row.
   As fas as the way the track is managed...only in the last few weeks have things improved dramatically. Tim has hired new people for registration and a new flagman and last week a new track prep guy. Racing started at about 7:15 and was done by 10. The intermission was very short compared to races in the past when the old flagger would go have dinner for an hour ???. The new flagger keeps things moving and he hates waiting so when a class is called to stage the riders better be ready or they will miss their race.
  The ruckus has been settled as far as I know. The two involved had a discussion with Tim Kelty. The issue was about give and take on the track and trying to prevent injuries like what you experienced. Most everyone in here is tight because we have raced with each other week after week for quite a while but everyone I know at the track I have met just by being on this forum or at tracks, first at DC, now at Ocala, soon at Valdosta. So now that we all know who you are feel free to come pull up a chair.   How's that for 20 freakin' pages??

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: fastrnrik on June 29, 2006, 05:33:25 AM
Yeah, I agree that Ray is trying hard, and it definately has been getting better out there the past few races. Thanks for the info on the classes, it's cool that someone is trying to make it better. Yeah, we were out there last year too. There were 3 regulars who showed up, and if 8 or 10 showed up... WOW what a turnout. Ha Ha. 

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: flagmanthunderbowl on July 01, 2006, 12:42:12 AM
hey i finally figured this out.... ok let me help every one out in the pro  class on the 24th the 7 bike won the race..then he came out same bike and raced the inter. class he can NOT do that u can go up not down in class.. now i got off the flag stand and waved the checkerd flag at the 8 bike in inter. class. now its my understanding that he to rode both class same quad? if so then i was or should have giving checkered to 3rd place bike.. here is the problem ive already flaged that race u can NOT go back and fix that race once u close the night.. sorry so number 8 bike will get the win.. and i apoligize to any miss understanding.. and yes nobbies r out of time u need slicks now please.. and as far as the rough driving is concerned yes there was. but again do to my mistake in the tower i did not respond do to the fact i guess i was stuck on stupid at the time  ;D.. i will not tolerate it (rough driving) and that gos for all quads or anyone eles at my track... i hope i cleared up some issues. and we, no sorry me  will b coming up with a class brake down very soon.. quads r growing at a fast rate so it has to b fair and fun.. or we all will just watch the pee wees.. ill talk more on the 8th about this at drivers meeting.. good luck to u all flagman RAY

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: Hoosier Daddy on July 01, 2006, 08:35:18 AM
now i got off the flag stand and waved the checkerd flag at the 8 bike in inter. class. now its my understanding that he to rode both class same quad? if so then i was or should have giving checkered to 3rd place bike.. here is the problem ive already flaged that race u can NOT go back and fix that race once u close the night.. sorry so number 8 bike will get the win..

Dang! well i almost got first!  ::)    3rd is better than last i guess.. :'(

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: 1fastltr450 on July 01, 2006, 12:06:20 PM
Chris, thats the only way you would have gotten first you slow sissy rider. ;D ;D :)

Question for the flag man. If a rider is doing desent in a class and wants to  try and move up, you are saying he can only run that class. I agree that if you are getting trophies in the higher class you should not be running the lower class. I am the #8 bike and I have tried the open class a couple of times and have never done well untill on the 24th, so I will be moving up but what about other bikes coming up later. Can they run their normal class and try the new class to see how they can do or can they only come up to the higher class and then next race go back down if they cannot compete.

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: Swealth on July 01, 2006, 03:19:02 PM
Gary did u get caught cheatin??? haha lmao :)

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: HillKiller on July 01, 2006, 03:21:30 PM
 :o :o :o

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: Hoosier Daddy on July 01, 2006, 09:06:45 PM

Damn Gary.. no smiley face after you dog me like that.. :-\

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: cutngrs on July 01, 2006, 09:19:19 PM
dang theres  more bs here then at a drag race  :'( j/k ;D

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: 1fastltr450 on July 01, 2006, 09:29:51 PM

Damn Gary.. no smiley face after you dog me like that.. :-\

 there you feel better now  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: flagmanthunderbowl on July 01, 2006, 10:41:45 PM
to all bikes if u start in a lower class and win three race and they DO NOT HAVE TO B CONSECUTIVE u go up a class. u can not go down a class unless its between inter. and rookie but when u jump to pro ur stuck in pro thats it no going back... sorry..

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: Hoosier Daddy on July 02, 2006, 07:43:34 AM
  Yes I do....thanks.. :-\     smartass :dunno.gif

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: flagmanthunderbowl on July 04, 2006, 03:29:26 PM
oh bye the way the price has gone up at thunder bowl sorry there is a new system we r tring so u will pay 7 dollars at gate and then 25 at registration

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: fastrnrik on July 04, 2006, 06:06:45 PM
Flag Man: Why the price increase? Don't you know us Ocala boys are po.  :'( Also, what about some kind of deal for the racers that want to race more than one class? And, I keep seeing & hearing about "points races". How does the points system work, and who keeps up with it? I'm not sure, but I thought I heard you saying that there would be an additional, one time, $20.00 to $30.00 fee to be in the points races, with a banquet at the end of the year. Is this something that's trying to get going, already going, or what? Thanks for any info.

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: Hoosier Daddy on July 05, 2006, 06:02:46 AM
I have never seen any points as long as I have been racing.
What merits an increase?
New system? explaine...

RIK, i dont think you can race more than one class anymore, if you run open you cant run intermediate,
and if you run intermediate and you race open, you have to stay in the open class...

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: fastrnrik on July 06, 2006, 05:55:06 AM
Ok. We went to Thunderbowl and practiced last night, and talked to Ray the flag man for a couple of hours. I asked him several questions, including the ones I asked above, in my earlier post. Here is some of the information I received in no particular order:

* Tim Kelty is no longer affiliated with the track. Ray told us this, and my buddy Rick called Tim and   confirmed it. Ray is the person to talk to regarding the track. He said if you need him, just call the track #. There's another guy, RJ, who claims to be someone important, but the last several times I've been out there he's been holed up in the bar doing nothing. I get the "feeling" he won't be around much longer either.
* The price increase is due to their previous gate/pay system was not working as intended. It seems a few dishonest people have caused the change. Their feeling on the new system is; every one pays $7.00, at the gate, to get on the track property, and then if you're racing, you pay $25.00 for your class at the registration booth.
* There will be no Grudge Racing.   
* Ray stated that he is working on a new class system for the quads, that is more specific to the riders and the different quads.
* Practice is on WEDNESDAYS.
* The "Points" racing is something new that they are also working on doing. Ray said they were trying get a points race series going, with a banquet, prizes, trophies, etc. at the end of the year.

I think that about covers the main points that we talked about. I have to tell you that Ray is a good guy who's really trying to work with us and make things better, and I think if we give him a little time and work with him we'll have a nice place to run.

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: fastrnrik on July 06, 2006, 05:59:26 AM
 Also, I forgot to mention. Thunderbowl has hired a local Roadbuilder to send a crew to grade the track properly. It will not be done by this Saturdays race, but should be done by the next race out there in two weeks.

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: Hoosier Daddy on July 06, 2006, 09:31:50 AM
So now racers pay 7 to get in AND 25 to race?
didnt i used to be racers didnt pay a gate fee and it was 20 to race? or am i going nuts?
So they are raising the prices due to dishonest people, why dont they enforce the rules rather than hurt those who where honest?

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: fastrnrik on July 06, 2006, 11:09:00 AM
I agree that there could be other ways to handle this particular situation, and I am going to talk some more to Ray regarding the $$$, etc. Like I said before though, I don't if it is Ray actually making these decisions or just enforcing them if you know what I mean. I will see Ray tonight, so I will talk more at length regarding the money, and maybe offer some suggestions on how to keep everyone honest, and still have the same pricing. Similar to what you said Hoosier. I was just posting what we were told so don't shoot the messenger. LOL.

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: derek330 on July 06, 2006, 11:42:16 AM
no grudge racing huh?? thats ok... i know the guy at valdosta will let us!! ;)
we will just have to get something going far as the money that is BS!! :(
 who can afford to pay over 30 dollors to race?? everyone already has to spend all their cash on their bikes.. looks like ocala is going down hill.....oh well..... i have never paid that much to race!! ever!!

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: Scott270r on July 06, 2006, 12:10:38 PM
I don't like the idea of being stuck in the Pro class. If I am on my 330R sure but my 450R or 400EX? There is NO WAY those bikes can compete with my 330R. I should be able to with a lesser machine race the lesser classes.

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: Hoosier Daddy on July 06, 2006, 12:14:26 PM
think on this

for me, the wife and son to race.

25x2+ 50

1 night of racing for a fam of 3=   $71.00
2Xs a month 142.00

I dunno... seems expensive after you figure in fuel @ 3.00 a gallon and its a 220 mile round trip... :-\

No offence to the flagman, Im sure crap has rolled down hill to him .. but I dont see this going in the right direction... I think were paying for someones drinking money..

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: Quad32x on July 06, 2006, 12:51:14 PM
I don't like the idea of being stuck in the Pro class. If I am on my 330R sure but my 450R or 400EX? There is NO WAY those bikes can compete with my 330R. I should be able to with a lesser machine race the lesser classes.
Good  point  and  seems  fair  to  me.  Thats  what  I  was  saying  in  the  first  place.  As  for  the  racing  fees........Nigga  pul-lease ! :o   I  would  think  $5.  for  entry  and  $15.  for  the  two  lower  classes  and  $20.  for  the  open  or  pro  class.  No  need  to  make  us  stay  late  AND  nail  us  in  the  ass ! :cursing.gif

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: derek330 on July 06, 2006, 03:51:37 PM
I don't like the idea of being stuck in the Pro class. If I am on my 330R sure but my 450R or 400EX? There is NO WAY those bikes can compete with my 330R. I should be able to with a lesser machine race the lesser classes.
Good  point  and  seems  fair  to  me.  Thats  what  I  was  saying  in  the  first  place.  As  for  the  racing  fees........Nigga  pul-lease ! :o   I  would  think  $5.  for  entry  and  $15.  for  the  two  lower  classes  and  $20.  for  the  open  or  pro  class.  No  need  to  make  us  stay  late  AND  nail  us  in  the  ass ! :cursing.gif


Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: fastrnrik on July 06, 2006, 06:06:34 PM
Believe me, I feel ya on the money thing. I pay for my family to get in, and any of my employees and their families if they want to come. I live 7 miles from Thunderbowl, and I'm not digging it either  :'(. I didn't get out there to see Ray this afternoon, but I am going to talk to him some more about the money issue. There are ways to keep everyone in check as far as honesty goes, while not raising the price dramatically and causing riders to not want to come and race. I might ride out there tomorrow night (I think it's Kart night) to see what I can accomplish on the fees. I'm pretty persuasive  b:r, and damn good looking to boot  :hotty2.gif... LOL       

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: flagmanthunderbowl on July 06, 2006, 06:53:45 PM
ok guys sorry the gate price is still 7 and racing is 20 im sorry about that.. my fault... but dont brake out the tissues yet. the little extra 2 dollars u pay goes back into a points fund and money races.. if u have 2 differnent bikes u can race 2 diff. classes... thats why we got to work on bike types im looking into it to keep everything fair.. it takes time guys to get a race program going that helps and makes racing fair and fun just give me the chance and u wont go any where else... 8)

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: flagmanthunderbowl on July 06, 2006, 07:29:48 PM
no grudge racing huh?? thats ok... i know the guy at valdosta will let us!! ;)
we will just have to get something going far as the money that is BS!! :(
 who can afford to pay over 30 dollors to race?? everyone already has to spend all their cash on their bikes.. looks like ocala is going down hill.....oh well..... i have never paid that much to race!! ever!!
its 10 dollars in georgia to get in gate 20 to race u r going to pay to play where ever u go sorry

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: fastrnrik on July 06, 2006, 09:18:10 PM
See, that's better.  ;D I told you Ray was the man...

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: LT-R450ApK on July 06, 2006, 10:12:25 PM
I dont know when the last time anyone has ran a FTR event but i price seem fair if They get their $hit together,hey scott what about the rest of everyone that races against you and derek all are 450's?
It's the rider that makes the bike!
So if i Bring my Old Z400 out i guess i should be able to run the Beg. class right?
Maybe we need to class it by CC then?

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: Scott270r on July 06, 2006, 11:23:30 PM
I dont know when the last time anyone has ran a FTR event but i price seem fair if They get their $hit together,hey scott what about the rest of everyone that races against you and derek all are 450's?
It's the rider that makes the bike!
So if i Bring my Old Z400 out i guess i should be able to run the Beg. class right?
Maybe we need to class it by CC then?

I don't think I expressed what I was trying to say very clearly Scooter. I meant MY 450R & 400EX can't compete against my 330R (with me riding it). It takes a little different riding style and I'm still learning the bike. Plus it still needs more mods to be on par with many other 450's in the open class.

If your Z400 is all stock yes you should be able to race beginner. It is a beginner level tune (stock) and if you SMOKE everyone then you can be booted out. But you know a stock z400 won't fair well against LT450R's (stock) and you and Gary both know this. That is all I'm saying. Maybe some ground rules with everyone's input to keep the classes competitive and some common sense. I don't think there is any one size fits all rule, just judge every different situation with common sense.

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: Hoosier Daddy on July 07, 2006, 05:55:11 AM
I dont know when the last time anyone has ran a FTR event but i price seem fair if They get their $hit together,hey scott what about the rest of everyone that races against you and derek all are 450's?
It's the rider that makes the bike!
So if i Bring my Old Z400 out i guess i should be able to run the Beg. class right?
Maybe we need to class it by CC then?

Yes but, FTR usestransponders (in most cases), they have a million dang track officals... ETC... 
plus this isnt a AMA sanctioned event.

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: Hoosier Daddy on July 07, 2006, 05:57:30 AM
ok guys sorry the gate price is still 7 and racing is 20 im sorry about that.. my fault... but dont brake out the tissues yet. the little extra 2 dollars u pay goes back into a points fund and money races.. if u have 2 differnent bikes u can race 2 diff. classes... thats why we got to work on bike types im looking into it to keep everything fair.. it takes time guys to get a race program going that helps and makes racing fair and fun just give me the chance and u wont go any where else... 8)


   Last time we paid $20 for the "points fund" and i never once saw ANY points.. i mean not just mine but anyones... that seems to have went in someone pocket and we never got anything in return for it... what is going to make this different from last time?

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: fastrnrik on July 07, 2006, 06:45:30 AM
Oh yeah, speaking of transponders. Ray did mention that we would be getting transponders. I forgot to post that earlier. As far as classes, my feeling is that it's open for discussion. However, I don't think there are enough riders just yet to justify too many classes. If it gets broke down too much, we'll be back to racing one, two or three at a time. I personally like racing against several people. Just my thoughts. I'm sure we can all come to an agreement  :'( to a fair class system. 
Yeah Hoosier, I'm a little leary of "points funds" too. When I used to mud race years ago we got scammed (f*&$%d) pretty good, out of pretty good amount of money.
I'm sure they'll come up with some way to keep it legit, I mean it's all kind of new, so my thought is give it a chance to work, and then if it goes in the wrong direction we'll call them on it.   

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: flagmanthunderbowl on July 07, 2006, 05:52:30 PM
i do not belive in taking.. that might have been the problem with the track before and i do understand the conceren.. so it is a chance. but i do belive in the points system, and i feel as an x racer myself that if the tracks give a little it will come back 10 fold.. no lie guys its a buisness and i will treat it as one as far as the money goes but formost its a place for a bunch of die hard racers to have a blast and its whats inportant.. the points will start this weekend if the rain holds up long enough.. and will b posted here bye me and at the track.. there is a lot of weeks left in the year to run so it wont b a lot buttttttt .... this track will b giving something back.. to the drivers for supporting the track.. its only fair and i will b talking to the owners and drivers about this alot in these coming up weeks .. but the sooner the far as postions that will b rewarded im not sure yet.. but like i said u gave and r giving the track ur support and patienes so i think its only fair that its rewarded... so just give me and staff the chance and like i said u will not race on any other track... we will b home for the badest quad racing in the south... my personal goal... thanks everyone c u sat... ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: Scott270r on July 10, 2006, 09:19:22 AM
I just wanted to say it was great meeting some new people this past Saturday. Rick, Daniel (Fastrnrik), and others, Great racing I am glad no one was hurt in our class, my apologies again for crop dusting you guys all night. I promise the bike will be running much better next time.

On another note, Congratulations to Dave Ware  :Fp on his complete and total annihalation of the Open Pro class  :o. Man you were running great, that main jet must be dead on now! Doug and Megan, I enjoyed hanging out with you, see you guys this weekend!

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: Quad32x on July 10, 2006, 09:46:27 AM
Oh  man  did  The  Head  of  my  Dave  pour  the  meat  to  them  or  what ! :o  You  DA Man  Dave ! ;)

Title: Re: July 8 Ocala Thunderbowl Speedway Flattrack
Post by: HillKiller on July 10, 2006, 10:02:25 AM
   Congrats accepted!!! The track was nasty but it was hookin up!