ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: Loven It on June 23, 2006, 09:16:52 AM

Title: Important please read..Croom info important to all!!!
Post by: Loven It on June 23, 2006, 09:16:52 AM
Hey everyone.. I just spent a good amount of time on the phone with Lula from the Withlachoochee State Forest. Guess what she uses our site frequently to show others OUR PICTURES from Croom. She loves our pics folks. Someones photo was used I beleive she said (bad cell phone connection) on a retirement brochure for someone leaving. Just wanted to share with everyone that I beleive i convinced her to join so look for her and give her a warm welcome. She is a BIG fan of this site as we provide a lot of information for them. She also asked who takes the photos at Croom..She was impressed when I told her those are all of OUR pics that we take. I just wanted to share with everyone that people all over use this site as reference and to show people about Croom. So I told her I would ask that everyone keep your photos coming...ya never know when someone is going to use it  ;)

Also just so everyone knows: Croom passes are available starting 6/26. The amount has not changed contrary to rumors of rate increases. It is still 50.00 to register there and all red stickers are still valid through the end of the month even with the new ones being issued.