ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: VForcedave on June 14, 2006, 08:44:26 AM

Title: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: VForcedave on June 14, 2006, 08:44:26 AM
Is there any truth to the Boycott on Ford Motor Company for its support of the homosexual lifestyle? I read about this from a newsletter online from the AFA (American Families Association). They claim that their boycott is working and Ford's sales have fallen as well as a decrease in stock values. They also claim that all Ford Motor Company  employees have to attend mandatory "Diversity Training" to help them understand the gay lifestyle. Is there any truth to Ford's position on this??     

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: PLEDGER#76 on June 14, 2006, 10:38:41 AM
WOW, I hope this is not true.. I am not an employee of ford but buy alot of trucks from the fleet sales and will check with my salesman about it, just my opinion but im a firm believer that a relationship should be between a MAN AND A WOMAN!!!!!

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: Dr.Dirt on June 14, 2006, 05:56:32 PM
I remeber a huge disscussion awhile back about that. If I remeber right, it is true that they support homos... I'm not even a Ford fan, but come on, why the hell would you want to come out and say "WE SUPPORT GAY PEOPLE!!!"? How good could that be for sales once your normal customer base becomes to embarased to buy the product? Do they think they can replace all there current customers with homo's and it will be alright?

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: Bigscrb15 on June 14, 2006, 07:08:46 PM
yes it is true they advertise heavily in gay publicatiosn and support gay events, im not sure about the training though.

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: gatorjohn on June 14, 2006, 08:57:56 PM
Look at Disney "Gay Days"... They are huge suppoerters. They just want the bucks!

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: Chuck_Norris on June 14, 2006, 10:01:34 PM
yes it is true they advertise heavily in gay publicatiosn and support gay events, im not sure about the training though.

Myself and Bigworm can vouch for the training. For our Service Manager masters there is a course that is set up for GLBT(gay,lesbian,bisexual and transgendered) it is a 950 Billion dollar market that they are after accordig to the statistics Subaru has the lead in the area. Is it afftecting us as a whole 2% nation wide is a pretty good drop overall for a 1 month total and I believe that they are down a least 15% year to date. we have our good days and our bad days it has been slow just about everywhere in the automotive repair industry. The last week has been rough. 

Look at Disney "Gay Days"... They are huge suppoerters. They just want the bucks!
The only problem I have with that comment is this. If an outside organization says show up at Disney on this date at this time for our cause without coordianting with the theme park then it looks bad for the theme park for supporting them. Are they going to close their door to the revenue, not hardly

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: FishaHallic on June 14, 2006, 10:13:35 PM
I have never seen such a homo-phobic group.  In most cases the people that  complain the loudest have the most to hide, so what are you guys hiding?   :tsktsk.gif :tsktsk.gif

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: SWAMP_DONKEY on June 14, 2006, 11:06:22 PM
I have been in the auto industry for 19 years and yes Ford has lost market share with thier support of gay's and lesbians. Thier stand is the world is evolving and becoming more open minded, they want to be the trail blazers so to speak for the future. I dont care about anyones belief on this matter it is an abomination in the eys of GOD..... and that is good enough for me.

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: FLCat on June 14, 2006, 11:11:30 PM
I have never seen such a homo-phobic group.

Now that's funny.  Having Christian beliefs about what is morally right makes us homophobic?  Please!

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: FishaHallic on June 15, 2006, 12:00:09 AM
What is morally right in YOUR eyes, and what is morally right are two different things.  Morally I don't think I am better than anyone else and so I won't judge them for their beliefs.  Morally, you think it's ok to discriminate against a certain group because they are not heterosexual.  50 yrs ago there were groups just like you that thought it was morally right to keep blacks from voting and now you look back on those people and think how narrow minded of them to do that.

We don't live in the dark ages anymore so it's time to come off your high horse and accept people for who they are, who are you to judge?   If these people were criminals then that is one thing but just because of their sexual preferance you want to deny them equal rights, come on.   You should worry more about your salvation and let everyone else live their lives.

I have said it before and I'll say it again you holly rollers are exactly what are troops are fighting against, the only difference is you worship a different god.  Muslims want to kill all the infidels you guys just want to deny them their dignity, their rights and the freedom to live their lives as they see fit. 

I don't know the exact quotes but lets try these,

"Judge not, yet ye be judged."
"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
"Mind your own business."

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: jwscroll on June 15, 2006, 05:49:17 AM
It seems that your judging the forum members for stateing thier opinion and trying to find out the truth about a company policy that just happens to be about homosexual individuals.

As far as denying equal rights thats just not true. The majority of America could learn to get along with the gay people if all they wanted was equal rights, it seems to me that they want a special set of rules written just for them. And I bet if you were to ask some troops what they're fighting for, I'm willing to bet freedom of speech would be one of those things.
I think fishaholic doth protest to much.
 "The Empty Can Rattles The Most"

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: 2ndtime04gt on June 15, 2006, 07:01:54 AM
It seems that your judging the forum members for stateing thier opinion and trying to find out the truth about a company policy that just happens to be about homosexual individuals.

Some are using the bible,not their opinion, as a reason to hate. There are some immigrant and illegal residents in our country that want special rights too. Lets hate all of them too. You guys are unbelievable.

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: dreth on June 15, 2006, 07:28:46 AM
It seems that your judging the forum members for stateing thier opinion and trying to find out the truth about a company policy that just happens to be about homosexual individuals.

Some are using the bible,not their opinion, as a reason to hate. There are some immigrant and illegal residents in our country that want special rights too. Lets hate all of them too. You guys are unbelievable.

no one said anything about HATE! we just dont support what they are doing. do you support the illegals that come over here and take advantage of the system and speak spanish????????????

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: FishaHallic on June 15, 2006, 08:20:51 AM
I'm not judging these forum members, that's not for me to do, I'm just stating MY opinion.  The members in question would like to pass laws and force companies (by organizing a boycott of a company) to discriminate against a group of people.  Lets face it your practicing hate and that's just how it is.  What's next, religious police walking around whipping people with canes for violating your views on how we should live.

Yes our soldiers are fighting for our freedom of speech, they are also fighting for our FREEDOM.  Our freedom to live our lives as we see fit ( within the boundaries of the law) without being persecuted for our religious beliefs.   Seems to me, you of all people should not be speaking out about what our great soldiers are fighting for.  There is a group in Kansas with views very similar to yours that protest at our soldiers funeral saying that they deserved to die because they are fighting for the homosexuals.  Maybe your not that radical but you are very, very close. 

In closing I just want to say I don't hate you for your beliefs nor do I want to pass laws to force you to live by my beliefs.  You christian Mullahs think that you should be able to force people to change their lifestyles but as long as they are not hurting anyone leave em alone.  And while your at it all of your type should be adapting all these kids that are wards of the state because their mothers didn't want them and couldn't have abortions, but that is another topic.

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: Flea_Jumper on June 15, 2006, 08:27:58 AM
I support and respect Fishaholics opinion, live and let live.  What I dont agree with is the seperation or special classification that they are looking for.  I am spanish and I dont see Latin days or any other day anywhere else for that matter.  I dont see Ford or any other company giving language lessons to thier employees or celebrating hetorasexual, bisexual, necrophiliacs, or any other sexual prefrences publicly.  ITS YOUR PERSONAL BUSINESS, NO ONE WANT TO KNOW!

Be what you want to be, but keep it to yourselves.  What happens in the bedroom is no ones business but yours. 

Corporate America is just after the dollar, NOTHING ELSE! 

And one more thing, that AFA is a bunch of crap.  I have never seen a more opinionated organization anywhere.  I have asked several times to take me off of thier email list with no response. 

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: SWAMP_DONKEY on June 15, 2006, 08:42:12 AM
What is morally right in YOUR eyes, and what is morally right are two different things.  Morally I don't think I am better than anyone else and so I won't judge them for their beliefs.  Morally, you think it's ok to discriminate against a certain group because they are not heterosexual.  50 yrs ago there were groups just like you that thought it was morally right to keep blacks from voting and now you look back on those people and think how narrow minded of them to do that.

We don't live in the dark ages anymore so it's time to come off your high horse and accept people for who they are, who are you to judge?   If these people were criminals then that is one thing but just because of their sexual preferance you want to deny them equal rights, come on.   You should worry more about your salvation and let everyone else live their lives.

I have said it before and I'll say it again you holly rollers are exactly what are troops are fighting against, the only difference is you worship a different god
.  Muslims want to kill all the infidels you guys just want to deny them their dignity, their rights and the freedom to live their lives as they see fit. 

I don't know the exact quotes but lets try these,

"Judge not, yet ye be judged."
"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
"Mind your own business."

 I am not sure that my belief in GOD makes me a terrorist but that if your opinion and you are welcome to it. No one said anything about hate, I have people I work with, ride with and eat lunch with that are GAY....I do not hate them in fact I consider them friends. I do not judge them for who they are and they do not force their lifestyle on me. I do pray for them and their soul just as I pray for mine, for we all will have to answer for our actions. All anyone was trying to say was they do not believe in the support FORD is giving the Gay community despite loss in market share because of it...NOT good marketing!!!! FACT Ford had the #1 selling truck 28 years in a row and has now lost that title to Chevy last year and will loose it again by a larger margin this year. You seen to have allot of the hatred in you hart you speak so much about for Christians. Since you are so fond of quotes how about this one... "Sometimes it is better to let someone wonder if you are an IDIOT than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: FishaHallic on June 15, 2006, 08:49:51 AM
I agree with everything you said Flea_jumper, but let me make two points.  First when the gay groups organize the big Disney gay day, that is the group that is doing the organizing not disney.  The ford thing is just the company trying to be politically correct, I don't think it has anything to do with the gay community pressuring them.  Let me state this also, I am NOT gay, I just think it's wrong to be so filled with hate that you have to attack a certain group just because you don't like their lifestyle.

Can't we all just get along!

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: FishaHallic on June 15, 2006, 08:56:43 AM
Swamp Donkey, my you are so angry, why?  We are discussing something in a calm and rational way why do you have to take it so personal.   This is why alot of people are leaning away from the right wing christian which you are because they are hypocrites.  They preach compassion and understanding but when someone disagrees with them they attack.  What happened to turn the other cheek, you have issues that only you can solve, open your heart and stop hating and maybe you will feel better.  Good luck

I know I will be attacked for my view but if you can't stand up for what is right what good are you.  Ok Mullahs come and get it!

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: SWAMP_DONKEY on June 15, 2006, 09:04:37 AM
Swamp Donkey, my you are so angry, why?  We are discussing something in a calm and rational way why do you have to take it so personal.   This is why alot of people are leaning away from the right wing christian which you are because they are hypocrites.  They preach compassion and understanding but when someone disagrees with them they attack.  What happened to turn the other cheek, you have issues that only you can solve, open your heart and stop hating and maybe you will feel better.  Good luck

I know I will be attacked for my view but if you can't stand up for what is right what good are you.  Ok Mullahs come and get it!

Your inability to comprehend what people are trying to say combined with your willingness to twist words deserves no further response. GOD BLESS

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: Ida_Mann on June 15, 2006, 09:19:46 AM
I agree with everything you said Flea_jumper, but let me make two points.  First when the gay groups organize the big Disney gay day, that is the group that is doing the organizing not disney.  The ford thing is just the company trying to be politically correct, I don't think it has anything to do with the gay community pressuring them.  Let me state this also, I am NOT gay, I just think it's wrong to be so filled with hate that you have to attack a certain group just because you don't like their lifestyle.

Can't we all just get along!

I wish that you could stay away from spewing what you do every time a "controversial" subject comes up,,,,,do you post anything else?


Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: 2ndtime04gt on June 15, 2006, 09:37:13 AM
It seems that your judging the forum members for stateing thier opinion and trying to find out the truth about a company policy that just happens to be about homosexual individuals.

Some are using the bible,not their opinion, as a reason to hate. There are some immigrant and illegal residents in our country that want special rights too. Lets hate all of them too. You guys are unbelievable.

no one said anything about HATE! we just dont support what they are doing. do you support the illegals that come over here and take advantage of the system and speak spanish????????????

I dont support illegals, or legals for that matter, that take advantage of the system and speak spanish or creole or french etc. You guys want, or support, a boycott because of someones sexuality. Sorry boys but thats hate. I was born and raised in Dade and have seen what that place has become, with advertising signs and municipalities making a requirement for jobs to be bilingual, but i wouldnt boycott them. You are boycotting because they market to gays and do sensitivity training, would you do the same if they marketed to women and held sexual harassment training, no. The AFA and organizations like them are as much the problem as not.You are taking food from the mouths of families by doing this and forcing more and more jobs out of the USA.

I was raised by a man who taught us to hate. He hated blacks, jews, cubans and everyone else who was not like him. I chose not to live like that because it is a terrible way to go through life, always angry. Let people live their lives without all this bull$hit and maybe we wouldnt be so divided as a country.

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: Bigscrb15 on June 15, 2006, 09:48:36 AM
I agree with everything you said Flea_jumper, but let me make two points.  First when the gay groups organize the big Disney gay day, that is the group that is doing the organizing not disney.  The ford thing is just the company trying to be politically correct, I don't think it has anything to do with the gay community pressuring them.  Let me state this also, I am NOT gay, I just think it's wrong to be so filled with hate that you have to attack a certain group just because you don't like their lifestyle.

Can't we all just get along!

Disney does support Gay Days no matter what they say. In 2003 before the Gay Day events Disney sent an internal memo to all their supervisors and managers telling them that "Gay Days" was coming up and to schedule their "homosexual" staff on that week if possible. They wanted as few heterosexual staff members as possible. They also said in the memo to give "Special Treatment" to the homosexual visitors to make them feel more comfortable so they continue to return.

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: apkkfx400 on June 15, 2006, 10:07:30 AM
I work for service at a Ford dealership in Orlando and if a gay, bi, trans, whatever wants to support my family and my cause by spending $10,000+ by dropping a 7.3L complete engine assembly into a vehicle I don't give a 'f' what they do behind closed doors.  This is a dead subject and any company would be stupid if they didn't want to tap into this group of people willing to spend money.




Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: Joedirt on June 15, 2006, 10:08:13 AM
I normally do not get involved in the religious  conversations that happen in this forum , I have my beliefs in God...They are Mine. BUT as an observer the mood does change in the threads when someone  posts something that may differ from the Moral majority. I am not calling anyone out , just making a statement.

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: gery350 on June 15, 2006, 10:11:34 AM and jenny was like peas and carrots.
                                                     FORREST GUMP ;D

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: SWAMP_DONKEY on June 15, 2006, 10:23:28 AM
I normally do not get involved in the religious  conversations that happen in this forum , I have my beliefs in God...They are Mine. BUT as an observer the mood does change in the threads when someone  posts something that may differ from the Moral majority. I am not calling anyone out , just making a statement.

  Dont you have some mud to play in ;D

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: FishaHallic on June 15, 2006, 10:37:27 AM
Ida, why is it that I'm spewing on controversial post but you think everyone else is just stating an pinion.  Could it be that you don't agree with me and would like nothing better than to sensor me?   There is a certain group on here that spews controversy by posting there right wing republican and over the top religious views and I'm wrong for giving a counter point, please.  You have never seen me post a controversial subject to be discussed.   I know I'm the bad guy cause I think people have rights to live as they want and you and your gang (yes, you have a gang mentallity) don't.

I thought this was a board for open discussion and that is what I'm doing.  If you don't think I post on other subjects then your wrong, maybe you as the almighty global moderator can look up my postings on other subjects like group rides and vin # ?'s.  

It's easy to jump on the band wagon with everyone else and be part of "The Group" (or gang as I see it) but it's alot harder to stand up for what's right.  By some of the other post on this subject I don't think I stand alone the others just may not be as vocal.  

Oh yea, I ride my atv some times also.  I'm going to Croom on sunday AM and I would be glad to ride with anyone that posted on this subject because I'm not a hater, I just disagree with your iron age views.  Any one of you wants to come I'll be glad to ride with you and we can discuss our different views.  See ya

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: Da_Mtg_Man on June 15, 2006, 10:46:44 AM
This is why they say to NEVER discuss,race, religion or sexual preference, It is always an argument.

My view is that gay marriage is OK, As long as both chicks are hot.  :D

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: Joedirt on June 15, 2006, 10:54:39 AM
I normally do not get involved in the religious  conversations that happen in this forum , I have my beliefs in God...They are Mine. BUT as an observer the mood does change in the threads when someone  posts something that may differ from the Moral majority. I am not calling anyone out , just making a statement.

  Dont you have some mud to play in ;D

Why I oughtta!!...LOL

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: SWAMP_DONKEY on June 15, 2006, 11:09:55 AM
This is why they say to NEVER discuss,race, religion or sexual preference, It is always an argument.

My view is that gay marriage is OK, As long as both chicks are hot.  :D

 I didnt know you had a sexual preference...LOL :-*

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: Dr.Dirt on June 15, 2006, 11:42:44 AM
Ida, why is it that I'm spewing on controversial post but you think everyone else is just stating an pinion.  Could it be that you don't agree with me and would like nothing better than to sensor me?   There is a certain group on here that spews controversy by posting there right wing republican and over the top religious views and I'm wrong for giving a counter point, please.  You have never seen me post a controversial subject to be discussed.   I know I'm the bad guy cause I think people have rights to live as they want and you and your gang (yes, you have a gang mentallity) don't.

I thought this was a board for open discussion and that is what I'm doing.  If you don't think I post on other subjects then your wrong, maybe you as the almighty global moderator can look up my postings on other subjects like group rides and vin # ?'s.  

It's easy to jump on the band wagon with everyone else and be part of "The Group" (or gang as I see it) but it's alot harder to stand up for what's right.  By some of the other post on this subject I don't think I stand alone the others just may not be as vocal.  

Oh yea, I ride my atv some times also.  I'm going to Croom on sunday AM and I would be glad to ride with anyone that posted on this subject because I'm not a hater, I just disagree with your iron age views.  Any one of you wants to come I'll be glad to ride with you and we can discuss our different views.  See ya

Ida is probably the easiest mod to get along with on this site, he was just observing, much like I have, your tendency to start arguements in threads.... Gays do not need special treatment, they need to lock themselves in a room and never come out. How are you supposed to have kids if you are a fag?...I wouldn't be the kind of person to track down a gay person and beat them, I'm not that hateful, I would only do that if one tried to come on to me. I don't know, I just don't like them, its sick. I just couldn't imagine having kids and going somewhere and having them see two men kissing, how the hell do you explain that to them? I think that if your gay, you should keep it to your damn self and never mention it in public, not come out and start asking for rights.

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: Da_Mtg_Man on June 15, 2006, 11:54:36 AM
Ida, why is it that I'm spewing on controversial post but you think everyone else is just stating an pinion.  Could it be that you don't agree with me and would like nothing better than to sensor me?   There is a certain group on here that spews controversy by posting there right wing republican and over the top religious views and I'm wrong for giving a counter point, please.  You have never seen me post a controversial subject to be discussed.   I know I'm the bad guy cause I think people have rights to live as they want and you and your gang (yes, you have a gang mentallity) don't.

I thought this was a board for open discussion and that is what I'm doing.  If you don't think I post on other subjects then your wrong, maybe you as the almighty global moderator can look up my postings on other subjects like group rides and vin # ?'s.  

It's easy to jump on the band wagon with everyone else and be part of "The Group" (or gang as I see it) but it's alot harder to stand up for what's right.  By some of the other post on this subject I don't think I stand alone the others just may not be as vocal.  

Oh yea, I ride my atv some times also.  I'm going to Croom on sunday AM and I would be glad to ride with anyone that posted on this subject because I'm not a hater, I just disagree with your iron age views.  Any one of you wants to come I'll be glad to ride with you and we can discuss our different views.  See ya

Ida is probably the easiest mod to get along with on this site, he was just observing, much like I have, your tendency to start arguements in threads.... Gays do not need special treatment, they need to lock themselves in a room and never come out. How are you supposed to have kids if you are a fag?...I wouldn't be the kind of person to track down a gay person and beat them, I'm not that hateful, I would only do that if one tried to come on to me. I don't know, I just don't like them, its sick. I just couldn't imagine having kids and going somewhere and having them see two men kissing, how the hell do you explain that to them? I think that if your gay, you should keep it to your damn self and never mention it in public, not come out and start asking for rights.

Doc, Get your head out of your behind.... EVERYONE knows that I'm the easiest to get along with.  :D

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: Ida_Mann on June 15, 2006, 11:58:47 AM
Ida, why is it that I'm spewing on controversial post but you think everyone else is just stating an pinion.  Could it be that you don't agree with me and would like nothing better than to sensor me?   There is a certain group on here that spews controversy by posting there right wing republican and over the top religious views and I'm wrong for giving a counter point, please.  You have never seen me post a controversial subject to be discussed.   I know I'm the bad guy cause I think people have rights to live as they want and you and your gang (yes, you have a gang mentallity) don't.

I thought this was a board for open discussion and that is what I'm doing.  If you don't think I post on other subjects then your wrong, maybe you as the almighty global moderator can look up my postings on other subjects like group rides and vin # ?'s.  

It's easy to jump on the band wagon with everyone else and be part of "The Group" (or gang as I see it) but it's alot harder to stand up for what's right.  By some of the other post on this subject I don't think I stand alone the others just may not be as vocal.  

Oh yea, I ride my atv some times also.  I'm going to Croom on sunday AM and I would be glad to ride with anyone that posted on this subject because I'm not a hater, I just disagree with your iron age views.  Any one of you wants to come I'll be glad to ride with you and we can discuss our different views.  See ya

How could you know what I was thinking?  I didn't post that I thought every other post was just an opinion so don't try to think you know what goes on in my head.  I don't want to "sensor" you because we moderators do not censor anyone who doesn't violate the rules of the website which as far as I have read, you haven't.

Just because I am a moderator, I tend to be targeted as a bad guy in some discussions which is why I tend to stay out of some, but this one I interjected an OPINION because as you put it, this forum is for open discussion.  It just seems to me that there is a short list(bus) of people on this site that tend to post on every subject which will create the most argument/controversy and you are on it as far as I am concerned.  What your motivation is for doing so,,,who knows, I will not speculate on that because I do not know what goes through your head.


Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: 2ndtime04gt on June 15, 2006, 12:00:23 PM
Ida, why is it that I'm spewing on controversial post but you think everyone else is just stating an pinion.  Could it be that you don't agree with me and would like nothing better than to sensor me?   There is a certain group on here that spews controversy by posting there right wing republican and over the top religious views and I'm wrong for giving a counter point, please.  You have never seen me post a controversial subject to be discussed.   I know I'm the bad guy cause I think people have rights to live as they want and you and your gang (yes, you have a gang mentallity) don't.

I thought this was a board for open discussion and that is what I'm doing.  If you don't think I post on other subjects then your wrong, maybe you as the almighty global moderator can look up my postings on other subjects like group rides and vin # ?'s.  

It's easy to jump on the band wagon with everyone else and be part of "The Group" (or gang as I see it) but it's alot harder to stand up for what's right.  By some of the other post on this subject I don't think I stand alone the others just may not be as vocal.  

Oh yea, I ride my atv some times also.  I'm going to Croom on sunday AM and I would be glad to ride with anyone that posted on this subject because I'm not a hater, I just disagree with your iron age views.  Any one of you wants to come I'll be glad to ride with you and we can discuss our different views.  See ya

Ida is probably the easiest mod to get along with on this site, he was just observing, much like I have, your tendency to start arguements in threads.... Gays do not need special treatment, they need to lock themselves in a room and never come out. How are you supposed to have kids if you are a fag?...I wouldn't be the kind of person to track down a gay person and beat them, I'm not that hateful, I would only do that if one tried to come on to me. I don't know, I just don't like them, its sick. I just couldn't imagine having kids and going somewhere and having them see two men kissing, how the hell do you explain that to them? I think that if your gay, you should keep it to your damn self and never mention it in public, not come out and start asking for rights.

Its people like you that have gay people wanting these hate crime laws extended to them. What do you tell your kids when they see a woman in an almost nothing bikini? In your world you would put them on an island isolated from everyone else right. I am amazed that there are people who still believe this way. I am not a homosexual. I am an unmarried man with 3 children, but i have coworkers and an inlaw who was gay and i see the bull crap that goes on with these people and it drives me crazy. Wake up people.

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: Dr.Dirt on June 15, 2006, 12:26:09 PM
I wouldn't care if they saw a woman in a bikini. I would care if they saw someone of the same sex making out. By the way some of you yeild homo's to some kind of higher level, makes me think your worshiping them.

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: gery350 on June 15, 2006, 12:26:38 PM

 What do you tell your kids when they see a woman in an almost nothing bikini?



and then i tell them:

ok kids lets play follow the leader. ;D (use yer imagination for guessing whos the leader)

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: 2ndtime04gt on June 15, 2006, 01:16:21 PM
I wouldn't care if they saw a woman in a bikini. I would care if they saw someone of the same sex making out. By the way some of you yeild homo's to some kind of higher level, makes me think your worshiping them.

Not worshiping them. Just trying to get across to you neanderthals that all people should be treated equal thats all. Nevermind you would never get it.

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: Da_Mtg_Man on June 15, 2006, 01:43:57 PM
Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,

Get my point here?

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: Dr.Dirt on June 15, 2006, 01:49:07 PM
I wouldn't care if they saw a woman in a bikini. I would care if they saw someone of the same sex making out. By the way some of you yeild homo's to some kind of higher level, makes me think your worshiping them.

Not worshiping them. Just trying to get across to you neanderthals that all people should be treated equal thats all. Nevermind you would never get it.

Communism was based on the same idea. So, if I am a neanderthal, than that must make you a communist.

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: SWAMP_DONKEY on June 15, 2006, 02:02:04 PM
Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,

Get my point here?

UMMMM let me cant make up your mind??

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: VForcedave on June 15, 2006, 02:24:55 PM
I was just curious about the Ford Motor Company's policies. It went from that to right wing Christian Terrorists, to Homophobia, to whose opinions are right or wrong, to communism. No wonder people think ATV riders are Whack Jobs. Anyway, I happen to be a Cristian and here is my "opinion". One woman-One Man. The rest is wrong and if they choose to conduct their business that way so be it. I wonder when Heterosexual Day is at Disney. My Wife and family will be there.

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: SWAMP_DONKEY on June 15, 2006, 02:26:47 PM
I was just curious about the Ford Motor Company's policies. It went from that to right wing Christian Terrorists, to Homophobia, to whose opinions are right or wrong, to communism. No wonder people think ATV riders are Whack Jobs. Anyway, I happen to be a Cristian and here is my "opinion". One woman-One Man. The rest is wrong and if they choose to conduct their business that way so be it. I wonder when Heterosexual Day is at Disney. My Wife and family will be there.

See what you

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: 2ndtime04gt on June 15, 2006, 02:47:45 PM
I wouldn't care if they saw a woman in a bikini. I would care if they saw someone of the same sex making out. By the way some of you yeild homo's to some kind of higher level, makes me think your worshiping them.

Not worshiping them. Just trying to get across to you neanderthals that all people should be treated equal thats all. Nevermind you would never get it.

Communism was based on the same idea. So, if I am a neanderthal, than that must make you a communist.

Yeah , you figured me out. ???  :banghead.gif :Clap.gif  :king.gif :Fp

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: Ida_Mann on June 15, 2006, 02:57:31 PM
Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,

Get my point here?

I just hope that Gaydirt doesn't get a hold of this one.


Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: SWAMP_DONKEY on June 15, 2006, 03:03:30 PM
Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,Great taste, Less fillng,

Get my point here?

I just hope that Gaydirt doesn't get a hold of this one.


ROTFLMAO :T  tast great less filling ;D

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: FishaHallic on June 15, 2006, 03:57:11 PM
Ida, maybe I thought you were thinking ................................... oh nevermind.  Just try to keep an open mind I see by your bio that you are still young enough to come out from the dark side and accept people for who they are.  Remember a closed mind is a sin to mankind.

As far as me being on the short bus of posting on controversial post then so be it, I'm not alone on that bus we have Vforce, Swamp Donkey and a few others who names excape me.  I'll even drive the bus which would mean I'm taking the rest of you to school so maybe you can learn tolerance, compassion and good will toward all of mankind and not just toward your cronnies with your twisted views. 

For all you bible thumpers out there when and where is your next rally because I would like to attend but I just need to know do I bring my own sheet or are they supplied.  I would hate to cut eye holes in a good white sheet if you already supply them. 

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: SWAMP_DONKEY on June 15, 2006, 04:14:17 PM
Ida, maybe I thought you were thinking ................................... oh nevermind.  Just try to keep an open mind I see by your bio that you are still young enough to come out from the dark side and accept people for who they are.  Remember a closed mind is a sin to mankind.

As far as me being on the short bus of posting on controversial post then so be it, I'm not alone on that bus we have Vforce, Swamp Donkey and a few others who names excape me.  I'll even drive the bus which would mean I'm taking the rest of you to school so maybe you can learn tolerance, compassion and good will toward all of mankind and not just toward your cronnies with your twisted views. 

For all you bible thumpers out there when and where is your next rally because I would like to attend but I just need to know do I bring my own sheet or are they supplied.  I would hate to cut eye holes in a good white sheet if you already supply them. 

We are in the presence of greatness...  all hail fishahollic, the next recipient of the Nobel Peace prize for his efforts to save us from ourselves and the senseless destruction of bed sheets. :bow.gif

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: FishaHallic on June 15, 2006, 04:33:45 PM
I never met a bedsheet I didn't like,   ;D.

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: big-daddy on June 15, 2006, 04:51:18 PM
we have a good supply 8)

[attachment deleted by admin]

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: FishaHallic on June 15, 2006, 04:56:11 PM
You might want to talk to Swamp Donkey I think he needs seven, one for each day of the week.  Maybe give him one more in case somehow he gets blood on one. :box.gif

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: SWAMP_DONKEY on June 15, 2006, 05:43:02 PM
You might want to talk to Swamp Donkey I think he needs seven, one for each day of the week.  Maybe give him one more in case somehow he gets blood on one. :box.gif

 Fish, please be cautious about associating me with a group such as this even if it is in fun. I am employed by a Jewish man whom I have the utmost respect for I work with a Gay fellow and people of all color and beliefs. Your stereo typing of all Christians into the category is dangerous and unfair. To educate you on the KKK of today....

Today, there is no such thing as the Ku Klux Klan. Fragmentation, decentralization and decline have continued unabated. Many of the estimated 110 Klaverns remain at least nominally independent, although a few are attached to national organizations. These national Klans, which are a pale shadow of the organization's former glory, include the American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, the Knights of the White Kamelia and the Imperial Klan's of America. Taking a cue from David Duke, former Imperial Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1970s, many have attempted to "mainstream" their image by using euphemisms instead of racial epithets, talking of pride in their "heritage" rather than hatred of other groups and participating in state-run good-citizenship initiatives, like "Adopt-A-Highway" cleanup programs.

Most of today's Klan's have subtly adopted beliefs from both the militia movement and Identity Christianity. They fear the "New World Order," believe Jews and liberals are attempting to outlaw their religious practices, and consider gays and other "deviants" to be forcing their lifestyles into the mainstream. Although many Klansmen receive food stamps and other forms of government assistance, they continually rage at African Americans who receive "welfare" and who are "sucking the blood out of hard-working real Americans."

Never would I condone this type of hatred just as I do not condone gay marriage nor do I wish to be associated with either.

Thank You,

Swamp ;)

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: FishaHallic on June 15, 2006, 05:48:22 PM
Sorry, I don't really mean to say you belong in the KKK but your views are similar to theirs in that you are preaching against a certain group in your case the homosexual population and in the KKK case blacks and jews.  Don't get your robe in a ruffle ...... just joking .

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: SWAMP_DONKEY on June 15, 2006, 05:51:20 PM
Sorry, I don't really mean to say you belong in the KKK but your views are similar to theirs in that you are preaching against a certain group in your case the homosexual population and in the KKK case blacks and jews.  Don't get your robe in a ruffle ...... just joking .

please take the time to re-read my post and eplain how you have drawn that conclusion.

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: FishaHallic on June 15, 2006, 06:06:58 PM
Maybe I read between the lines alittle but I believe your sayiing that gays should not have the right to marry and that ford empoyees should not have to go to sensitivity training, and in fact have lost business because they cater to the gay population.   If this is true, and I think it is, then in my opinion your preaching hatred for the gay lifestyle.  That's fine if you don't like there lifestyle heck I don't even like it but I believe they are not hurting anyone and they have the right not to be persecuted for their lifestyles.  You on the other hand believe it's not right morally and would like to have laws passed against gay marriage and against equal rights for gays.  This is how I see your postion maybe I'm wrong but I don't believe I'm to far off.

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: SWAMP_DONKEY on June 15, 2006, 06:14:18 PM
Maybe I read between the lines alittle but I believe your sayiing that gays should not have the right to marry and that ford empoyees should not have to go to sensitivity training, and in fact have lost business because they cater to the gay population.   If this is true, and I think it is, then in my opinion your preaching hatred for the gay lifestyle.  That's fine if you don't like there lifestyle heck I don't even like it but I believe they are not hurting anyone and they have the right not to be persecuted for their lifestyles.  You on the other hand believe it's not right morally and would like to have laws passed against gay marriage and against equal rights for gays.  This is how I see your postion maybe I'm wrong but I don't believe I'm to far off.

Fish again I ask you to read MY POST (SWAMP DONKEY) look for the SUPER MAN EMBLEM ;) I never said any of what you are quoting...I do not mind being quoted ...only get it right.

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: SWAMP_DONKEY on June 15, 2006, 06:21:12 PM
I have been in the auto industry for 19 years and yes Ford has lost market share with thier support of gay's and lesbians. Thier stand is the world is evolving and becoming more open minded, they want to be the trail blazers so to speak for the future. I dont care about anyones belief on this matter it is an abomination in the eys of GOD..... and that is good enough for me.

 where is there hatred?

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: SWAMP_DONKEY on June 15, 2006, 06:22:06 PM
What is morally right in YOUR eyes, and what is morally right are two different things.  Morally I don't think I am better than anyone else and so I won't judge them for their beliefs.  Morally, you think it's ok to discriminate against a certain group because they are not heterosexual.  50 yrs ago there were groups just like you that thought it was morally right to keep blacks from voting and now you look back on those people and think how narrow minded of them to do that.

We don't live in the dark ages anymore so it's time to come off your high horse and accept people for who they are, who are you to judge?   If these people were criminals then that is one thing but just because of their sexual preferance you want to deny them equal rights, come on.   You should worry more about your salvation and let everyone else live their lives.

I have said it before and I'll say it again you holly rollers are exactly what are troops are fighting against, the only difference is you worship a different god
.  Muslims want to kill all the infidels you guys just want to deny them their dignity, their rights and the freedom to live their lives as they see fit. 

I don't know the exact quotes but lets try these,

"Judge not, yet ye be judged."
"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
"Mind your own business."

 I am not sure that my belief in GOD makes me a terrorist but that if your opinion and you are welcome to it. No one said anything about hate, I have people I work with, ride with and eat lunch with that are GAY....I do not hate them in fact I consider them friends. I do not judge them for who they are and they do not force their lifestyle on me. I do pray for them and their soul just as I pray for mine, for we all will have to answer for our actions. All anyone was trying to say was they do not believe in the support FORD is giving the Gay community despite loss in market share because of it...NOT good marketing!!!! FACT Ford had the #1 selling truck 28 years in a row and has now lost that title to Chevy last year and will loose it again by a larger margin this year. You seen to have allot of the hatred in you hart you speak so much about for Christians. Since you are so fond of quotes how about this one... "Sometimes it is better to let someone wonder if you are an IDIOT than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"

again, hatred??

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: FishaHallic on June 15, 2006, 06:27:26 PM
Swamp I was not quoting you.  I was stating what I believe your thoughts were that is why I said maybe I was reading between the lines.  If I'm wrong I am sorry but let's settle it by answering these questions
1.  Do you believe gays should have the right to marry ( the same right you and I have)?
2.  Do you believe gays should be granted equal rights (the right not to be disciminated against because of their sexuality in hiring, firing, buying homes or any other rights we have).
3.  If you don't believe in a gays right to marriage how do you feel about a civil union?

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: SWAMP_DONKEY on June 15, 2006, 06:49:03 PM
Swamp I was not quoting you.  I was stating what I believe your thoughts were that is why I said maybe I was reading between the lines.  If I'm wrong I am sorry but let's settle it by answering these questions
1.  Do you believe gays should have the right to marry ( the same right you and I have)?
2.  Do you believe gays should be granted equal rights (the right not to be disciminated against because of their sexuality in hiring, firing, buying homes or any other rights we have).
3.  If you don't believe in a gays right to marriage how do you feel about a civil union?

1. No it is an abomination in the lords eyes and should not be legalized, live in sin quetly.

2. yes I have no problems with working with or for gay's and they should be able to buy whatever they wish.

3. They can do what they wish I do not however feel they should raise children if nothing else but for the simple fact that growing up is hard enough without having to deal with the added stress of having two dads or two moms. Not the norm.

If I were drunk in public I would be arrested for bothering others, If I forced my religion in a fanatical way on some street corner they would ask me to stop or arrest me for bothering others, if I tried to do harm to myself they would baker act me. Why must gays and lesbiens force thier life style upon us with Gay pride parades, and Gay days or ask for special considerations? They are not special if they wish to be more accepted then shut up, blend in and be happy with the freedom they already enjoy.

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: Chuck_Norris on June 15, 2006, 07:01:29 PM
  50 yrs ago there were groups just like you that thought it was morally right to keep blacks from voting and now you look back on those people and think how narrow minded of them to do that.

It is not an abomination before God to be Black
 lets look at a few verses that we speak of

And the man that committeth adultery with [another] man's wife, [even he] that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death. 

 Lev 20:11 And the man that lieth with his father's wife hath uncovered his father's nakedness: both of them shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them. 

 Lev 20:12 And if a man lie with his daughter in law, both of them shall surely be put to death: they have wrought confusion; their blood [shall be] upon them. 

 Lev 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them. 

 Lev 20:14 And if a man take a wife and her mother, it [is] wickedness: they shall be burnt with fire, both he and they; that there be no wickedness among you. 

 Lev 20:15 And if a man lie with a beast, he shall surely be put to death: and ye shall slay the beast. 

 Lev 20:16 And if a woman approach unto any beast, and lie down thereto, thou shalt kill the woman, and the beast: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them. 

 Lev 20:17 And if a man shall take his sister, his father's daughter, or his mother's daughter, and see her nakedness, and she see his nakedness; it [is] a wicked thing; and they shall be cut off in the sight of their people: he hath uncovered his sister's nakedness; he shall bear his iniquity. 

 Lev 20:18 And if a man shall lie with a woman having her sickness, and shall uncover her nakedness; he hath discovered her fountain, and she hath uncovered the fountain of her blood: and both of them shall be cut off from among their people. 

 Lev 20:19 And thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy mother's sister, nor of thy father's sister: for he uncovereth his near kin: they shall bear their iniquity. 

 Lev 20:20 And if a man shall lie with his uncle's wife, he hath uncovered his uncle's nakedness: they shall bear their sin; they shall die childless. 

 Lev 20:21 And if a man shall take his brother's wife, it [is] an unclean thing: he hath uncovered his brother's nakedness; they shall be childless. 

 Lev 20:22 Ye shall therefore keep all my statutes, and all my judgments, and do them: that the land, whither I bring you to dwell therein, spue you not out. 

 Lev 20:23 And ye shall not walk in the manners of the nation, which I cast out before you: for they committed all these things, and therefore I abhorred them. 

 Lev 20:24 But I have said unto you, Ye shall inherit their land, and I will give it unto you to possess it, a land that floweth with milk and honey: I [am] the LORD your God, which have separated you from [other] people. 

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: FishaHallic on June 15, 2006, 07:08:55 PM
Swamp now we are getting somewhere.  Well you are a little more open minded then I thought.  I didn't think you would go for the gay marriage thing so that does not surprise me.  Now if you believe that gays should have equal rights (the right to not be discriminated  against because of their lifestyle) then my respect for you is going up.  The fact that you don't agree with gay marriage but you would allow a civil union (for insurance and tax purposes) is awsome.

What I now think is that you and I are not that far apart in our believes as far as the gay lifestyle goes.  I now retract the reference to the white hood and hope you have a good day. :ThumbsUp.gif

As far as the gays shoving their lifestyles in our face goes I think they do that because of the discrimination and hatred they face every day and they finally had enough.  That's why they are all coming out of the closet now because there is a movement to be recognized.  I personally don't want to see it either but living in a democratic society sometimes you take the good with the bad.

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: FishaHallic on June 15, 2006, 07:20:28 PM
Chuck Norris, wow that's alot of death there!  That's what the whole debate is about, beliefs, yours are yours and mine are mine.  Don't force your beliefs on others it is that simple.  If you see two gay guys kissing don't walk over and decapitate them.  Hopefully if two gay guys see you kissing your wife or girl friend they won't walk over and decapitate you.  However if you see two pretty woman kissing call me cause I want to watch  ;D.

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: Da_Mtg_Man on June 15, 2006, 08:54:55 PM
Chuck Norris, wow that's alot of death there!  That's what the whole debate is about, beliefs, yours are yours and mine are mine.  Don't force your beliefs on others it is that simple.  If you see two gay guys kissing don't walk over and decapitate them.  Hopefully if two gay guys see you kissing your wife or girl friend they won't walk over and decapitate you.  However if you see two pretty woman kissing call me cause I want to watch  ;D.

The bottom line is that gay is not natural. I guarantee that you have never seen 2 male deer knockin boots out in the woods, Animals don't do it so why should humans?
My dog doesn't count, He humps anything that moves, When he walks into the livingroom the fish stop swimming.  :D

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: SWAMP_DONKEY on June 15, 2006, 09:02:02 PM
Chuck Norris, wow that's alot of death there!  That's what the whole debate is about, beliefs, yours are yours and mine are mine.  Don't force your beliefs on others it is that simple.  If you see two gay guys kissing don't walk over and decapitate them.  Hopefully if two gay guys see you kissing your wife or girl friend they won't walk over and decapitate you.  However if you see two pretty woman kissing call me cause I want to watch  ;D.

The bottom line is that gay is not natural. I guarantee that you have never seen 2 male deer knockin boots out in the woods, Animals don't do it so why should humans?
My dog doesn't count, He humps anything that moves, When he walks into the livingroom the fish stop swimming.  :D


Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: FishaHallic on June 15, 2006, 10:05:27 PM
Not so fast mortgage man, on some guy posted a picture of 2 male deers having a good ole time out in the woods.  The picture was very funny but for some reason I felt very cheap after looking at it.  I tried to dig in the archives to post but I could not find it.

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: SWAMP_DONKEY on June 15, 2006, 10:07:12 PM
Not so fast mortgage man, on some guy posted a picture of 2 male deers having a good ole time out in the woods.  The picture was very funny but for some reason I felt very cheap after looking at it.  I tried to dig in the archives to post but I could not find it.

Photo shop ;)

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: FishaHallic on June 15, 2006, 10:12:23 PM
Give me time I am trying to get some help to find that picture.  I don't think it was a photo shop chop but you never know.

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: Da_Mtg_Man on June 15, 2006, 10:16:08 PM
Not so fast mortgage man, on some guy posted a picture of 2 male deers having a good ole time out in the woods.  The picture was very funny but for some reason I felt very cheap after looking at it.  I tried to dig in the archives to post but I could not find it.

Well then they must've not known that someone was watching, Otherwise I'm sure they wouldn't have been doing that. Now that this is out, The next thing you know aids is going to ravish the deer community, One male does another, then that one shares a needle with another and that one fools around with 5 more males which in turn 2 of them pulls a 4 day weekend with 4 of their buddies all of them shooting up and the next thing you know the epidemic has run rampid.

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: SWAMP_DONKEY on June 15, 2006, 10:16:53 PM
Give me time I am trying to get some help to find that picture.  I don't think it was a photo shop chop but you never know.

 The one I saw was an email two buck in the field with the woods in the background and it was deff photo shop.

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: mudnuri on June 15, 2006, 10:34:16 PM
Is there any truth to the Boycott on Ford Motor Company for its support of the homosexual lifestyle? I read about this from a newsletter online from the AFA (American Families Association). They claim that their boycott is working and Ford's sales have fallen as well as a decrease in stock values. They also claim that all Ford Motor Company  employees have to attend mandatory "Diversity Training" to help them understand the gay lifestyle. Is there any truth to Ford's position on this??     

That is some funny a$$ stuff!! I am in tears!

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: Chuck_Norris on June 15, 2006, 10:37:09 PM
Chuck Norris, wow that's alot of death there!  That's what the whole debate is about, beliefs, yours are yours and mine are mine.  Don't force your beliefs on others it is that simple.  If you see two gay guys kissing don't walk over and decapitate them.  Hopefully if two gay guys see you kissing your wife or girl friend they won't walk over and decapitate you.  However if you see two pretty woman kissing call me cause I want to watch  ;D.

The bottom line is that gay is not natural. I guarantee that you have never seen 2 male deer knockin boots out in the woods, Animals don't do it so why should humans?
My dog doesn't count, He humps anything that moves, When he walks into the livingroom the fish stop swimming.  :D

That is exactly my point and the point of the post not so much the focus on death but then again that was the old testiment. they lived under the law and not grace. does that make it ok still now, No just because we live under grace does not mean we throw the baby out with the bath water and forget the Old testiment. What is wrong is wrong. I live amongst as many gay folks as I do thieves and stealing is wrong, along with many other things outlinded in the 10 comandments. It is a matter of whether or not you accept the word of Christ and follow by his teachings or continue in a life of sin and sin nature. It is written that sin will be forgiven as far and east is from the west. Lets focus on that part for a second and I will use 2nd samual for my scripture base. King David was described as a man after Gods own heart. he fell into sin with Basheeba. Ok Now a child is born unto them and shortly thereafter dies as a result of Davids Deceit. Now after all is said and done david is forgiven for his sin but the consequense are still there. Dust off the Bible brother and read some of the things that are there or even the books I suggested. I gain no pleasure in seeing anyone lose their life to satan. now the answer to this Thread is pretty clear to me...Ford is supporting Gays,Lesbian,Bisexual and transgender people. Is there a consequense present for their actions. you dont have to believe me, the  proof is in the pudding. shares are down across the board, sales are down and I can speak for service being down.

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: apkkfx400 on June 16, 2006, 08:37:40 AM
Mark-version 1.0-
how/why does this discussion go on this long??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

I work for service at a Ford dealership in Orlando and if a gay, bi, trans, whatever wants to support my family and my cause by spending $10,000+ by dropping a 7.3L complete engine assembly into a vehicle I don't give a 'f' what they do behind closed doors.  This is a dead subject and any company would be stupid if they didn't want to tap into this group of people willing to spend money.




Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: 2ndtime04gt on June 16, 2006, 09:09:11 AM
Organized religion as a whole is a farce. Catholocism, christianity, judism, muslim, mormons, and the worst of all scientology, is all bull turds. Live you life and treat people the way you want to be treated, with respect. Faith in your heart is what should guide you, dont use religion as a crutch. Religion has been the cause of many wars, and still is now, and the fanatacism needs to stop. I know this is communist thinking(right dirt boy) but try and live your life under the D.N.H policy. You just might like it. 

DNH = Do no harm                                                                                   

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: Joedirt on June 16, 2006, 09:24:22 AM
LMAO....The Maytag Man used the term "Knocking boots" for the rest of this thread......well...

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: SWAMP_DONKEY on June 16, 2006, 09:29:19 AM
LMAO....The Maytag Man used the term "Knocking boots" for the rest of this thread......well...

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Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: Bigscrb15 on June 16, 2006, 09:43:01 AM
you sure you aren't thinking of the deer and dog?

or this one?

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: UncleRico on June 16, 2006, 09:46:30 AM
If I were a gay Ford employee, I'd be more worried about losing my job.

"Not that there's anything wrong with working for Ford, in fact I have a friend who works for Ford, and we treat him like everyone else."  

Although, I don't think two people who work for the same company should be able to get married. We should change the constitution so that it specifically says "Two Ford Employees Can't Get Married" That way we can save them from the misery of marriage.

Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: Ida_Mann on June 16, 2006, 11:44:00 AM
Swamp I was not quoting you.  I was stating what I believe your thoughts were that is why I said maybe I was reading between the lines.  If I'm wrong I am sorry but let's settle it by answering these questions
1.  Do you believe gays should have the right to marry ( the same right you and I have)?
2.  Do you believe gays should be granted equal rights (the right not to be disciminated against because of their sexuality in hiring, firing, buying homes or any other rights we have).
3.  If you don't believe in a gays right to marriage how do you feel about a civil union?

that is one issue, you seem to like to think you know what other people are thinking.

I'd love to answer your questions here.

1. Nope, A straight man doesn't have the right to marry his male neighbor,,,,if gay people want the same rights as straight people,,,,,guess what, they already have them.

2. Except for I'm sure a few places, there is no open discrimination against gays that I have ever witnessed against buying a home, getting a job, buying a vehicle,,,anything, in fact I had a neighbor a while back who was a Dean at a high school who owned a rather nice downtown Orlando home,,,,and recently moved into a much nicer downtown Orlando home and is probably one of the nicest people I have ever met,,,,and he's gayer than Richard Simmons dance moves.

3. I think a civil union is fine,,,,,I'd love to see gay people have a union that is as hard to get in/out of as marraige because I'd like to see them have the same issues with getting divorced.

I'm with whoever said,,,,do whatever you want, just don't push it in my face at every opportunity.


Title: Re: Any Ford Dealer Emoloyees?
Post by: SWAMP_DONKEY on June 19, 2006, 12:09:50 PM
Fish I seen this and thought of you ;D

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