Title: Large area of Disturbed weather..possible Alberto (Hurricane Warning now) Post by: Loven It on June 09, 2006, 09:38:02 AM I waited to see if anyone was going to post this..I Just got done watching the news and saw that this. Just wanted to give everyone the heads up.
Link to the report from the Hurricane Center http://tboblogs.com/index.php/hurricane/related/Hurricane_Center_Statement Title: Re: Large area of Disturbed weather..possible Alberto Post by: gery350 on June 09, 2006, 10:23:02 AM DEBRIS!
WE HAVE DEBRIS! COW! ANOTHER COW! i'm practicing my storm lingo. ;D Title: Re: Large area of Disturbed weather..possible Alberto Post by: Loven It on June 09, 2006, 10:28:08 AM DEBRIS! WE HAVE DEBRIS! COW! ANOTHER COW! i'm practicing my storm lingo. ;D "HUNKER DOWN" Whats the other one they always say? Title: Re: Large area of Disturbed weather..possible Alberto Post by: MuddFreak77 on June 09, 2006, 10:55:25 AM DEBRIS! WE HAVE DEBRIS! COW! ANOTHER COW! i'm practicing my storm lingo. ;D "HUNKER DOWN" Whats the other one they always say? Who has the gas powered Blender for the Rum Runners?!?!?!?! Title: Re: Large area of Disturbed weather..possible Alberto Post by: MadMudder on June 09, 2006, 04:23:29 PM Yea, its a stalled low pressure over Cuba. There was some wind sheer keeping it from developing into anything but that has since passed leaving the door wide open. The National Hurricane Center is montaring it closely. They said the might send a plane into it to check it out. Lets just all hope its not starting already. Or if it is then lets hope it comes up the state as a depression and dumps a bunch of rain on the entire state!
Title: Re: Large area of Disturbed weather..possible Alberto Post by: SomBch on June 09, 2006, 04:26:15 PM rain good...mud good.....hurricane bad.
Title: Re: Large area of Disturbed weather..possible Alberto Post by: AintSkeered on June 09, 2006, 04:27:51 PM A larger area of disturbance was eliminated yesterday, Zarqawi!.
Title: Re: Large area of Disturbed weather..possible Alberto Post by: SomBch on June 09, 2006, 04:30:17 PM damn straight!
Title: Re: Large area of Disturbed weather..possible Alberto Post by: americanhighlander on June 09, 2006, 04:30:51 PM DEBRIS! WE HAVE DEBRIS! COW! ANOTHER COW! i'm practicing my storm lingo. ;D Here's good one from movie captain ron back in 1992:No matter what, it's going happen out there!!! LOL Well all we have to do is play the waiting game wait untill we see if we run or not,.My best advice for you all out there have the floating rafts ready to go for next hurrciane hits around corner in near future.. Nice quote, on that one from movie:(Twister) And, when i went saw movie down in hollywood off sherdan rd it was hailing and storming and raining on that day when movie came out in 1993 when i went to movies theaters down there.LOL Too bad the moive didn't made it in 3D!!! 8) Title: Re: Large area of Disturbed weather..possible Alberto Post by: gatorjohn on June 09, 2006, 08:56:21 PM Come on rain! ;D
Title: Re: Large area of Disturbed weather..possible Alberto Post by: bigscrub79 on June 10, 2006, 01:32:29 PM Well its a tropical depression now. Supposed to be Tropical Storm Alberto this afternoon. Let the fun begin people. Hope everyone stays safe this season and evacuates when needed.
Title: Re: Large area of Disturbed weather..possible Alberto Post by: Loven It on June 12, 2006, 08:04:58 AM Well its a tropical depression now. Supposed to be Tropical Storm Alberto this afternoon. Let the fun begin people. Hope everyone stays safe this season and evacuates when needed. Here we go right.. Now we have 75mph winds..We now have a Hurricane warning...Hope everyone is ok!! Title: Re: Large area of Disturbed weather..possible Alberto (Hurricane Warning now) Post by: americanhighlander on June 12, 2006, 06:46:13 PM I know we might get a wreak cat1 here or cat2 when it hits shore over by big bend area.
yestday I was at keyton beach doing some beach walking and it was very nice day yestday. But here it's raining here in down pours with light rain between meduim rain here in mcalpin.. And i saw channel 6 on tallhadsee channel on my sat and it said 5pm cordations are 70mph winds and moving ene at 10mph and it's about 160miles to keyton beach florida that put us about 180miles from center from here in mcalpin and they pose flooded warnings tonight here and the storm is going be in lake city by tommrrow afternoon.Well don't worry i'm only 5 or 6miles ne of peaco_ck springs and we are in high ground area here.Well at least my ducks are enjoying rain outside for now they are happy!! :) But,I'll keep eye on it on weather updates on weather channel later tonight here... At least we need rain here very bad here in this area,it's been very dry here for months in this area here!! Title: Re: Large area of Disturbed weather..possible Alberto (Hurricane Warning now) Post by: americanhighlander on June 12, 2006, 07:24:47 PM I know this good news for all mud freaks riders out there
I know our dirt roads will be muddy here by tommrrow and go put on rain mud coat and ride. So i hope you guys enjoy it in this area doing alot mud rides in this area!! ;D I know they said on weather channel just min ago we will be in landfall raining area from tallahasee to jacksonville and all way north of tampa and ocala.But this good news for all riders out there and it will be like this for next 34 or 46hours of lots of heavy rain.. But we have to watch it if gets off coast of jax if it reforms it self back into hurricaine and sometimes they like do these back loops in middle of ocean but as long if stays on right direction then we will be okay... :) Well i know big bend area going take hit tonight and tommrrow north florida is going it's turn by tommrrow afternoon..That mean us..At least my dads f250 02 4x4 is ready to go in case weather gets tornado weather and i have weather radio ready go for this one and at least i get dropper on net like intellcast and i use thing called stormpredator to look up on dropper better to track bad severe storms in case gets bad here... :) [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re: Large area of Disturbed weather..possible Alberto Post by: MadMudder on June 12, 2006, 10:07:23 PM Yea, its a stalled low pressure over Cuba. There was some wind sheer keeping it from developing into anything but that has since passed leaving the door wide open. The National Hurricane Center is montaring it closely. They said the might send a plane into it to check it out. Lets just all hope its not starting already. Or if it is then lets hope it comes up the state as a depression and dumps a bunch of rain on the entire state! Did I not nail it on the head? Yeah. But im glad that this thing is finally giving us the rain we need. So mabye we'll have a bunch of mud and no wildfire threats for a while.Title: Re: Large area of Disturbed weather..possible Alberto (Hurricane Warning now) Post by: americanhighlander on June 13, 2006, 06:06:36 AM here
[attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re: Large area of Disturbed weather..possible Alberto (Hurricane Warning now) Post by: americanhighlander on June 14, 2006, 12:09:48 AM Here's pics were tooking around 5pm this evening.
So far no major damage here and just washout dirt roads.. ;) Well, we got lucky with this storm the next time we won't be that lucky..lol :) This viewing from direction to north... [attachment deleted by admin] Title: Re: Large area of Disturbed weather..possible Alberto (Hurricane Warning now) Post by: americanhighlander on June 14, 2006, 12:15:51 AM This viewing from direction to South...
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