ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: eiger_man on December 23, 2004, 04:26:48 PM

Title: Jupiter Farms Area Be On The Lookout
Post by: eiger_man on December 23, 2004, 04:26:48 PM
Stolen Yellow 2003 Honda Recon 250 ES from the Jupiter Farms Area
Vin # 478TE214734310843
There is a brand new white snorkel that goes out the left side and up to the front The vent hoses are finished with copper tubing attached to the snorkel. Looks nice.
It has a brand new lift kit, too.
It has ITP MUDLIGHTS on the rear and factory on the front.
There is a Renthal sticker on the back, right fender.
If you have any information about this quad, please call Brian at 561-262-7909

Title: Re: Jupiter Farms Area Be On The Lookout
Post by: mudnuri on December 25, 2004, 07:03:06 AM
Thank you at ATVFLORIDA for letting me post this.

I have reason to believe my quad is in The Acreage or Westgate.
The cops are on Christmas break and the detective assigned to my case is on a two week vacation.
The police are making me more confused than ever. Last night I was able to talk with someone who was somewhat willing to help me. She said that not 30 minutes after my 911 call, the truck was spotted with an ATV and a positive ID was made of the truck and the suspects were also positivly ID'd . An arrest was made but they don't have the truck or my quad. They did not pull them over when spotted for reasons I can't figure.
It is Christmas morning and someone is having fun at my expense. For the next four years!
I had, just 6 hrs before it was taken, installed the snorkel and lift kit. Never even got to test it out. The snorkel looks nice. White spa flex hose into thinwall pvc pipe. I ran it out the left side as to not cut a hole in the plastics.  It has copper covered vent tubes that are tie wrapped to the snorkel.
If you know anything about this, please call me.
Thanks again ATVFLORIDA for allowing me to post this.
Brian 561-262-7909

Title: Re: Jupiter Farms Area Be On The Lookout
Post by: kawGIRL on December 26, 2004, 02:50:12 PM
Hey Brian ...Long-time-No-Here-From?

I hope you recover the bike, I'll keep my eyes out for it.
Good Luck!

Title: Re: Jupiter Farms Area Be On The Lookout
Post by: Chuck_Norris on December 27, 2004, 07:19:33 AM
Sorry to hear about your loss brother, keep us posted with updates

Title: Re: Jupiter Farms Area Be On The Lookout
Post by: cain73 on December 27, 2004, 08:58:49 AM
If they find them let me know. I've got a short rope and we can find a tall tree to tie it to  ;D.

Title: Re: Jupiter Farms Area Be On The Lookout
Post by: love_to_roost on December 27, 2004, 01:51:40 PM
Having been the victim of a stolen quad I feel youre pain.
I hope you are luckier than I was,never heard or saw the
quad again.36 payment later it was over.I hope these guys
get caught and have to meet the toss the salad man.If
there is one thing I hate in this world is a f#%in thief.

Title: Re: Jupiter Farms Area Be On The Lookout
Post by: customrubicon on December 27, 2004, 06:23:14 PM
I have friends that live in westgate and I will have them look for it there. It would be easier to find if I had a description of the truck.

Title: Re: Jupiter Farms Area Be On The Lookout
Post by: mudnuri on December 28, 2004, 03:40:53 PM
Hi everyone and thank you for the support.
I had to register under a new name for reasons I just want to forget. Don't want to say what it used to be either! Just glad to be back. Stinks it is under these circumstances. This is the only ATV site I feel will do me any good.
The truck was a black, Dodge. It is registered to William Michael Clifford of Cooper City. I didn't get the year or model. I was not thinking clearly when I handed the registration over to the sheriff. I memorized the name and address right away and gave it to them for evidence.
Today is Teusday the 28th. It has been 6 days.
I saw the tidalwave thing on TV and don't feel so bad about it anymore. I want it back, but it just doesn't matter. It's probably trashed by now anyway.
I'll keep working hard and buy another one. This time, it will be insured.
I hereby curse the theives and pray that one night their pecker falls off.

Title: Re: Jupiter Farms Area Be On The Lookout
Post by: mudnuri on December 29, 2004, 03:24:54 PM
Cops said it was last seen heading towards Riviera Beach. Where do they ride around there? I will go and stake it out.
BTW it is not the policy of the sheriff's office here in Palm Beach County to pursue stolen property. This is what I was told when I asked how the truck got away?
The blacks there are brazen enough to just ride down the street in front of their own house.

Title: Re: Jupiter Farms Area Be On The Lookout
Post by: Asphaltdragon on December 29, 2004, 03:47:01 PM
The blacks there are brazen enough to just ride down the street in front of their own house.

Um, you may want to reword that.... besides shouldn't this post be in the stolen atv section?

Title: Re: Jupiter Farms Area Be On The Lookout
Post by: mudnuri on December 31, 2004, 05:22:48 AM
So nice of you to chime in ,AD. Thank you for your support my brother. Please don't turn this into a racial issue. It is far from that. Why should it be re-worded? Because I used the word "blacks? I am as sensitive as the next guy. I am not going to tip toe around. How should it be worded? When the officer said it was headed in to Riviera Beach (all black) I went to the police station there. I asked to speak with a detective and this is how I was announced over the loudspeaker "Any detective, please come to the lobby. There is a white guy waiting in the lobby."
This was announced the same way 5 minutes apart and not one person came down. I was asked to leave my name and number and someone would call me. I said right! Forget it. I see where this is going and started to leave. A lady officer who was there the whole time stopped me and asked if she might be of some help. I showed her the picture and told her the story and she told me where to look. She said she saw something fitting the description just the other day in a place called " Monroe Hieghts" I went in there after the officer told me not to go alone. It is like a scene out of "Blackhawk Down." Little Somalia. There were gold tooth young men riding ATV's down the paved roads with nothing on but a tank top and shorts. This is a very poor looking area and these guys are riding $5-6,000 atv's and dirt bikes around. I did not see my machine but I was not looking very long.
There have been a string of ATV robberies in the county. The thieves are evn going into gated communites and using the same tactics. One was stolen night before last. Two weeks ago, two black males were caught stealing an ATV by the owner. He could do nothing to hold them and they ran to the truck and drove away.
This is posted here as well as on the stolen page because I am guilty of never looking there before, myself.
I was hoping to get help and never thought I would get criticized.
If the moderator feels it is necessary, please move this over to the stolen section. I don't want to hurt feelings. I have them myself. I just want to get what is mine back.
Thanks for looking,

Title: Re: Jupiter Farms Area Be On The Lookout
Post by: kawGIRL on December 31, 2004, 05:46:42 AM
Brian, there are alot of good people that live in riv. bch. that would be happy to be rid of the criminal element that lives there, both black and white. There was another member of this board who's quad was stolen and recovered in westgate, an area commonly reffered to as white trash. So basically all I'm trying to say is, crime sucks and color does'nt matter.

Good luck, but I think the only way your going to get your quad back is to find it and take it back.


Title: Re: Jupiter Farms Area Be On The Lookout
Post by: Asphaltdragon on December 31, 2004, 01:03:38 PM
Please don't turn this into a racial issue. It is far from that. Why should it be re-worded? Because I used the word "blacks? I am as sensitive as the next guy. I am not going to tip toe around. How should it be worded?

I Won't turn into a racial issue, (maybe proper English and etiquette) ;) I guess my choice of socially acceptable descriptive words varies from yours. Hope you find you Quad :-/

Title: Re: Jupiter Farms Area Be On The Lookout
Post by: mudnuri on January 01, 2005, 06:06:02 AM
As far as I'm concerned, the thieves are clear and have no color. I never saw them. I have not said anything wrong or socially unacceptable. I have only repeated what the officers said. Do not project YOUR fantasy feelings about me or how I feel about race. Again, this has everything to do with helping me get my quad back.
If anyone should be upset it would be me when I was discriminated against at the police station. But I am not.
I only have one objective here - I am asking for help. If you can help great. If not... at least show support for a fellow quadder. That to me is proper etiquette.
I also got a call last night from a gentleman who may be able to help. I am trying to be positive.

Title: Re: Jupiter Farms Area Be On The Lookout
Post by: Asphaltdragon on January 01, 2005, 06:55:34 AM
OOKKKAaaaaYYYYyyyy ::)

Title: Re: Jupiter Farms Area Be On The Lookout
Post by: Bigwilly on January 01, 2005, 08:03:15 AM
cool the first pissing contest of the year

Title: Re: Jupiter Farms Area Be On The Lookout
Post by: mudnuri on January 01, 2005, 04:10:33 PM

Title: Re: Jupiter Farms Area Be On The Lookout
Post by: supermansatv on January 01, 2005, 05:04:45 PM
Having been the victim of a stolen quad I feel youre pain.
I hope you are luckier than I was,never heard or saw the
quad again.36 payment later it was over.I hope these guys
get caught and have to meet the toss the salad man.If
there is one thing I hate in this world is a f#%in thief.

Same here, Had it 4 days. Picked it up from the 10 hour brake in service, that night it was gone. I hope that you have better luck and find it.

Title: Re: Jupiter Farms Area Be On The Lookout
Post by: stretchy on January 05, 2005, 07:52:59 PM
Yeah... lurkers come in all shapes and sizes. Its mostly kids out here. Or when the local white trash boys run out of cash. I think that my neighbors think thy're safe in the country. They have 2 new Quads and a jeep buggy parked right out front w/ the garage door wide open. I was going to warn them but didn't want to look suspitious myself.

btw to any and all lurkers/crackheads this is a formal introduction to Blue he is an 80 lb dobby... he eats MEAT... and I'm stretchy , Ihave an A.K. and would like to shoot at something. Please feel free to stop by anytime for target practice/dinner...    

Title: Re: Jupiter Farms Area Be On The Lookout
Post by: rubicon500kid on January 05, 2005, 08:09:58 PM
hey ill tell my dad to keep an eye out around here he is a cop andill  keep on the look out i hope you get your atv back

Title: Re: Jupiter Farms Area Be On The Lookout
Post by: mudnuri on January 06, 2005, 07:00:37 AM
Thank you,
To date it is still gone.
I was contacted yesterday by the detective assigned to my case. He called to let me know he was sorry and would do what he could. lol
He said he knows who did it and can't do anything about it. He said they "shadowed" the stolen truck into Riviera Beach with my quad in the back. He could not answer my questions. He was sorry.
He said these thieves will be back for my DS. I told him I pray night and day they do come back. I will be calling 911 for a whole different reason.
I now have my quad in the back of my truck, backed up under my bedroom window. I park my company truck in front of it.
I painted my DS, primer black. It no longer looks nice. It looks like something out of a Mad Maxx movie.
I am racing it Sat up in central FL.