Title: Collier commissioners meeting outcome!!!!!!! Post by: lswjth2 on April 11, 2006, 05:59:41 PM First of all THANKYOU to all of those that called, wrote e-mails, went to the rallye and gave of their time and money. The county gave SFWMD 60 days to come up with a replacement riding area in Collier county, if they do not find a riding area within that time frame, the county will rescind the agreement and we will be allowed back in the Picayune forest to ride on the county controlled roads.....
This is proof, that if we ALL work together, we can make things happen....Congratulations to all..... Title: Re: Collier commissioners meeting outcome!!!!!!! Post by: Bigscrb15 on April 11, 2006, 06:09:51 PM Like I posted on the other forum, we should all be thanking you for your time and efforts.
Title: Re: Collier commissioners meeting outcome!!!!!!! Post by: lswjth2 on April 11, 2006, 06:14:36 PM I Thank you, but this was made possible by alot of other people. People who have been fighting this since 2003. People like Brian Mchannon, Frand Delinger, Lisa Sparks, State rep Mike Davis, county Commissioner Jim Colletta, qt314, all those that wrote, e-mailed, participated in the rallye and so on. This is a huge group effort...thanks to ALL of you that did get involved and did care enough to make it happen for the rest
Title: Re: Collier commissioners meeting outcome!!!!!!! Post by: jetski dawg on April 11, 2006, 06:38:07 PM yup, it was a good day. it seemed that most of the commissioners was on our side
Title: Re: Collier commissioners meeting outcome!!!!!!! Post by: jetski dawg on April 11, 2006, 06:51:55 PM just found.. www.winktv.com they was there today and have an artical on their web site
Title: Re: Collier commissioners meeting outcome!!!!!!! Post by: enniehall on April 12, 2006, 03:29:18 PM Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who showed up and a special thanks to the people who don't even live within the county lines who showed up and have been helping with this from the start your guys rock!! Just think in 60 days we could have new riding land or even the prarie back (even if it is for a short while). THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!
Title: Re: Collier commissioners meeting outcome!!!!!!! Post by: MuddFreak77 on April 12, 2006, 03:53:29 PM Kristina, it was great to finally meet you. Bad Luck is home to all of us that ride in South Florida, and its a great feeling that we will probably have it back in 60 days!!!!
Title: Re: Collier commissioners meeting outcome!!!!!!! Post by: garym on April 12, 2006, 04:21:41 PM good job freak!! extra hootch for you next time!!! 8)
Title: Re: Collier commissioners meeting outcome!!!!!!! Post by: MuddFreak77 on April 13, 2006, 08:21:08 PM Gary,
You will need to supply extra hooch for everyone that was there!!! AND For those of you that don't know about the hooch, you will once we ride and camp in Bad Luck again!!!!! Freakk Title: Re: Collier commissioners meeting outcome!!!!!!! Post by: qt314nfla on April 13, 2006, 08:25:31 PM Freak, thanks for offering to supply the Sweetart Hootch for everyone.
It was nice to meet everyone that went to the meeting. 59 days till we ride the prairie again, 59 days till we ride. 24 down and another soon will go around. then 58 day to the prairie we ride, 58 day to prairie...etc. y'all know the rest. Title: Re: Collier commissioners meeting outcome!!!!!!! Post by: MuddFreak77 on April 16, 2006, 09:34:21 AM Poop!~!!!! Thats going to be expensive!!! I'll need a gallon just for myself ROFLMBO ;D ;) But yea I'll supply hopefully enough.
Freakk Title: Re: Collier commissioners meeting outcome!!!!!!! Post by: svtbolt04 on April 18, 2006, 01:21:29 PM Slang term used for any hard liquor, such as whiskey. Most often used when refering to cheap liquor, the kind one might drink from a bottle in a paper bag.
For all you kids reading in. Title: Re: Collier commissioners meeting outcome!!!!!!! Post by: MuddFreak77 on April 18, 2006, 04:07:44 PM bums drink out of a paper bag, rednecks drink it with the bottle in plain sight