ATV Florida Forum

General => Where to Ride? => Topic started by: russrides on April 09, 2006, 09:15:24 AM

Title: Bithlo Quads Thurs 4-8
Post by: russrides on April 09, 2006, 09:15:24 AM
This thurs april 13 be there Quads Only on the track!!!
Al rode last week and the track was sweet, groomed and ready!

Title: Re: Bithlo Quads Thurs 4-8
Post by: Sahara311 on April 09, 2006, 06:34:34 PM
I know! With my quad being stolen and now in the shop, I am gonna miss it! I am so ticked. We had plans to go :'(
Gotta post and let us know the turn out!