ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: SkyHighT100 on March 28, 2006, 12:46:57 PM

Title: Annoyed and Venting, dont mind me.
Post by: SkyHighT100 on March 28, 2006, 12:46:57 PM
I work 2 blocks in front of the Deland Courthouse. As I coming back from lunch I notice a few helicopters circling over it, nothing too unusual because that happens once a week or so depending on the cases being tried. Well, I start walking back to my office from my moms friends work, having to pass the courthouse. Being curious I look over to see what news crew is there or whatnot. To my suprise it's about 2000 people, most of which are adorned with red, white, and green.. along with flying the flags to match, doing an immigration protest/debate, not sure which one. Now here I am up in my office, these people are SO loud that I can hear them loud and clear from here, along with the helicopters, lol. Hopefully they will be done their little gathering by 2pm because my truck is parked in the parking garage right next to them, lol. And it just looks almost chatoic from a distance, I dont even want to think about what its like up close. Anyway, I guess I fail to see why there is such a big debate over the whole immagration thing. If you're illegal... get the heck out, we dont need ya... if you want to be here so bad the welcome aboard, just get your citizenship like your're supposed to. Oh well, just my little rant... I feel like I am hearing voices or something, lol... I cant believe how loud they are.

I say everyone from this website needs to show up at the Deland Courthouse like these people are now and lets have a huge ATV rally!!!!

Title: Re: Annoyed and Venting, dont mind me.
Post by: Moose on March 28, 2006, 01:11:03 PM
What bothers me most with that, is, what flag were they flying? Red, White, & Green,

NOT the USA flag.

I say send them back and let them return LEGALLY.

I have to live LEGALLY, why shouldn't they.

Title: Re: Annoyed and Venting, dont mind me.
Post by: SkyHighT100 on March 28, 2006, 01:26:37 PM
There could have been a US flag there too, I didnt pay much attention. The red white and green just really stood out more then anything else because there was so much of it. If they are still there in 40 minutes when I leave I will look a little harder, I'll have no choice seeing I have to walk through them to get to my truck, lol. I agree with the legality thing. Why should the US have to make being a citizen unncessary or even make it easier? I honestly think we should make it harder. Theres a lot of people who want to be citizens, I dont blame them, there just shouldnt be shortcuts or loopholes when it comes to something so important. All I know is that it's pretty scary when there are millions of people coming and going through our country as they please, with no documentation what-so-ever. 

Title: Re: Annoyed and Venting, dont mind me.
Post by: SkyHighT100 on March 28, 2006, 01:31:06 PM
Ok, just thought this was funny. Right after I submitted my last post instead of seeing the usual atv related add, this is what shows up, lol.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Title: Re: Annoyed and Venting, dont mind me.
Post by: dynodon on March 28, 2006, 01:38:51 PM
I agree 100%, if they cannot even fly our countries flag, thwn get the HELL out, I personally dont even want to see another flag being flown here. It is very disrespectful to our fallen soldiers to fly another flag !!!!

     Mi agulo ( my country) a.k.a. ( puerto rican saying), If your country , Is so great than go back. Which is actually our country, but they cant see that.

 Just venting with you my friend ;)

Title: Re: Annoyed and Venting, dont mind me.
Post by: svtbolt04 on March 28, 2006, 01:40:56 PM
HAHA, it goes by google and the words you put. Immigration was the word that triggered it.

Title: Re: Annoyed and Venting, dont mind me.
Post by: SkyHighT100 on March 28, 2006, 01:47:58 PM
I figured it went by keywords, but it was pretty funny ;)

Title: Re: Annoyed and Venting, dont mind me.
Post by: americanhighlander on March 28, 2006, 03:32:24 PM
Btw,I know they are protesting becuase our presdent bush came on tv
yesterday morning and now making all those mexcians to start a rally war. :pirate.gif :lecture.gif  :box.gif :ouch.gif

I know it's been news for about year so far talking about
we have broken boarders between us and mexcio.

I think it's a bunch of :cursing.gif BullSh*t politics  :X  2:L

I know bush making things worst.No matter  what if they
 still build new wall boarder between mexico and us
 boarder and, those mexicains
will find ways to get in by sea and land and tunnels through in sercet areas
that can't get by.

I know everybody on this site have disagree with  :ThumbsDown.gif  bush in some ways and even jeb bush don't even
help for our  poor atv riders out there. :gh

 I don't  wanna started split up famming war on here.But I think bush,
is to wackly on some iuess here. :Wacko.gif

 >:( It sounds like bush doesn't like mexcains and cubans
and this hate won't do anying good in life it will make more bad out come in life.

 :lecture.gif I think, we should worry about arab countries in near future,The onies
that try blow  us up.

Plus, one more thing they should done it long time ago bulid
a wall between mexico and us  boarder for all surround us states,
And why it tooked so dang long to do it? 

amhighlander   :)

Title: Re: Annoyed and Venting, dont mind me.
Post by: SkyHighT100 on March 28, 2006, 06:15:16 PM

Everyone was still out there when I went to my truck.. and there was a few US flags in the mix for anyone wondering. They were very organized I will give them that. Everyone seemed to be taking turns talking on an intercom... while every one else was completely silent.. I give them props there. I cant tell you what they were saying though, it was all in spanish. I think Mexico just needs to sell itself to us or join in to be like a 51st state or territory. Then again, I'm not all up to date on the politics or ethics of it all so it's just my uneducated opinion, lol. We all know that putting up a fence or wall or whatever wont keep the die hards out anyway, lol. Anyway, I was very impressed on thier organization to say the least, even all the people that were walkin up as I was leaving just quitely walked up to the crowd and joined in, or sat on thier cars in the parking garage, or even just sat on the courthouse yard... it was pretty cool  :ThumbsUp.gif

Title: Re: Annoyed and Venting, dont mind me.
Post by: Mudneck on March 28, 2006, 06:18:15 PM
It was a nationwide thing,HS students walked out all over country.

51st state would be cool. make the whole country a  :D HUGH ATV park

Title: Re: Annoyed and Venting, dont mind me.
Post by: SkyHighT100 on March 29, 2006, 07:14:35 AM
OMG, now you're talking! I dont think I would ever leave :) Hey, now thats how Florida can get rid of us... ship us all to Mexico and let us ride lmao :)

Title: Re: Annoyed and Venting, dont mind me.
Post by: Old_School on March 29, 2006, 09:29:05 AM
Kick'em back to Mehico. But before you do that let them cut my grass first.  ;) j/k.

But I agree with you Sky.  -Mark

Title: Re: Annoyed and Venting, dont mind me.
Post by: Mudneck on March 29, 2006, 11:08:58 AM
OMG, now you're talking! I dont think I would ever leave :) Hey, now thats how Florida can get rid of us... ship us all to Mexico and let us ride lmao :)

I think your on to something here!

How goes the Frec job? Did you start w/broker yet?

Title: Re: Annoyed and Venting, dont mind me.
Post by: ATV Mom on March 29, 2006, 07:40:31 PM
American Highlander, Dear -
May I ask in a friendly way if English is your first language?  What I mean by that is did you learn to speak English as an adult?  And just out of curiousity, what language do you speak when you are with your family and friends?  I am always impressed with people who speak several languages, it isn't a talent of mine.  I really do spend time trying to read and understand your posts, but sometimes it takes a little extra work.  Keep up the studying - you're doing a great job!

Title: Re: Annoyed and Venting, dont mind me.
Post by: dreth on March 29, 2006, 08:43:38 PM
American Highlander, Dear -
May I ask in a friendly way if English is your first language?  What I mean by that is did you learn to speak English as an adult?  And just out of curiousity, what language do you speak when you are with your family and friends?  I am always impressed with people who speak several languages, it isn't a talent of mine.  I really do spend time trying to read and understand your posts, but sometimes it takes a little extra work.  Keep up the studying - you're doing a great job!

nofinc but istopped tryin to reed his posts long tim ago!

the english version.........

no offense but i stopped trying to read his posts a long time ago ;D

I just skip right over them now.

Title: Re: Annoyed and Venting, dont mind me.
Post by: qt314nfla on March 29, 2006, 08:51:18 PM
I have to agree w/ everyone on this issue.  From skyhigh's original post, to atvmom's post on american highlander, to dreth's comment about skipping reading his threads.

Dude- please learn to write.  You seem to have some good things to say when we can read them and understand them.  I had to give up on reading your posts because it's too frustrating.

Title: Re: Annoyed and Venting, dont mind me.
Post by: Mudneck on March 29, 2006, 08:51:40 PM

Title: Re: Annoyed and Venting, dont mind me.
Post by: SkyHighT100 on March 29, 2006, 09:42:20 PM
Ok, now this post is not about american's ability to type... please start a new thread if you guys want to debate about that. Who knows why he types the way he does, but thats what makes him unique to the site so let it be. It's crazy that everyone jumps all over someone so quick lately, it doesnt take much does it? Now let get back to the original topic... otherwise start another and let the thread die.

Title: Re: Annoyed and Venting, dont mind me.
Post by: SkyHighT100 on March 29, 2006, 09:44:51 PM
OMG, now you're talking! I dont think I would ever leave :) Hey, now thats how Florida can get rid of us... ship us all to Mexico and let us ride lmao :)

I think your on to something here!

How goes the Frec job? Did you start w/broker yet?

I havent started with anyone yet. Met with a broker at Prime Real Estate this afternoon... it seems like quite the place honestly. I will be looking into two more agencys and then make a decision... hopefully I'll be started up and ready to go soon :)

Title: Re: Annoyed and Venting, dont mind me.
Post by: Ida_Mann on March 29, 2006, 10:27:40 PM
My thoughts on this are many and varied, I will try to sum up.

about the protesters,,,,,bite me, you aint proving anything.

about the process of LEGAL immigration,,,,,,I believe it needs to be shortened, I believe the average takes about 8 years, that is too long for someone to wait to come to a country founded by immigrants.

about the work that ILLEGAL immigrants do,,,,,,,if that labor force is lost, so what, in the short-term prices of certain things will go up because the employers will have to hire LEGAL workers which means FAIR WAGES for AMERICANS to do the work,,,,,,,then America as a whole will have more money in their pocket with less unemployment,,,and prices will stabilize along with the economy.

about President Bush's proposal for a "Guest Worker" bill that would allow all the ILLEGAL immigrants to stay legally,,,,,,,,I believe the President is dead wrong on this and even though I voted for the man twice, I DO NOT like this idea he has and I can only hope that the legislative branch of our constitutional republic that we call a government will block that idea because I believe it is nothing but a Presidential pardon for millions of criminals who already don't care much about the law of this country and have shown so by jumping the border.

I think I'm done for now.


Title: Re: Annoyed and Venting, dont mind me.
Post by: americanhighlander on March 30, 2006, 01:42:56 AM
American Highlander, Dear -
May I ask in a friendly way if English is your first language?  What I mean by that is did you learn to speak English as an adult?  And just out of curiousity, what language do you speak when you are with your family and friends?  I am always impressed with people who speak several languages, it isn't a talent of mine.  I really do spend time trying to read and understand your posts, but sometimes it takes a little extra work.  Keep up the studying - you're doing a great job!

Well english is always, my frist language but
i don't  know other forgen languages and i do spend time with my family on farm
and, i do see my friends in once in great while in lake city.
I'm trying work on my spelling alot things on here.Plus
i have been going to vactional for last 3 months on here.
But,i know people can't read and write in this world and
i do try take time write it slow on here i'm not fast chatter
typer on here.

Sorry,About putting bush vader pics
on here becuase my blowing temper head out of steam
about issues what happen on news other day
about what they are going do with mexcains in this country.

I always, Hate people when they treat
people wrong in life and done noting wrong,

Thanks, for posting a great topic out there guys.


Plus, one more thing at least, you can see my posts
and i don't flooded forums like some person did
last week and i don't know what  post topic it was and he
flooded alot smileys faces each post he did each time
and people told him stop it!!!

At least i don't do that and sometimes i like helping people
out on here.But i don't post very much on here if they are,
really good topics to stick to and sometimes, i'll stick few topics
if wanna to help and supported to refesh topic to help them out....  :)

Title: Re: Annoyed and Venting, dont mind me.
Post by: americanhighlander on March 30, 2006, 02:08:38 AM
Let's returned on back to the topic on here.

Sorry, Going off topic on here,
I shouldn't butting  :foot.gif in off topic on here  sorry,about that guys.

Title: Re: Annoyed and Venting, dont mind me.
Post by: americanhighlander on March 30, 2006, 02:21:07 AM
But,I have heard
on news today the mexcains are going get chance
to live in united states if they still working here and
they don't break any laws then they will earn their
us citizenship.At least congress is working things out
and new bill should be pass tommrrow.

Title: Re: Annoyed and Venting, dont mind me.
Post by: SkyHighT100 on March 30, 2006, 07:13:52 AM
Ya, it is good that they are working on things... there are definately a lot of revisions to be made. 8 years to become a citizen is a long time, I didnt know it took that long. There should be a shorter time I will say that, just as long as they processes, backround checks, whatever they do.. doesnt suffer.