Title: ARRA IS GETTING THE WORD OUT ON THE PICAYUNE Post by: lswjth2 on March 27, 2006, 05:30:59 PM Folks, we were able to get ARRA to put out an ALERT TO ALL ARRA MEMBERS IN FLA. This is about the issues of us being locked out of the Picayune and the 640 acres...I am currently trying to get some one on one time with Rick Sanchez from
CNN. Lets see what happens.... Title: Re: ARRA IS GETTING THE WORD OUT ON THE PICAYUNE Post by: arod on March 27, 2006, 08:54:55 PM i have sent letters to all the people and places you have posted and i just want to let you know if and when we get this area back it will be thanks to YOU for your relentless sffort.
Title: Re: ARRA IS GETTING THE WORD OUT ON THE PICAYUNE Post by: lswjth2 on March 27, 2006, 10:18:20 PM It will be thxs to ALL OF THOSE that have fought for this. thank you and keep up the fight. We still have a chance on 4/11. Let's see what is going to happen. I'm trying to get some face to face time with a news reporter from cnn, which us luck...
Title: Re: ARRA IS GETTING THE WORD OUT ON THE PICAYUNE Post by: Bigscrb15 on March 30, 2006, 05:10:41 PM Awesome! I just got an email from them about this.
http://www.arra-access.com/arra/PicayuneStateForest.html?member_key=w8xix68zl5bwj7i& Title: Re: ARRA IS GETTING THE WORD OUT ON THE PICAYUNE Post by: AintSkeered on March 30, 2006, 06:10:42 PM Please join the ARRA!