Title: please help me Post by: KD 428 on March 25, 2006, 02:43:14 PM alright i can wheelie my bros 250ex pretty good, but it pours out gas through the drainage tube. then when i put the front end down it usually stalls out? can anyone tell me wut is goin on? or the 250 just isnt made for wheelies.
any advice wud be great thanks ;D Title: Re: please help me Post by: Chevy1500z71 on March 25, 2006, 03:17:13 PM its normal, i do it my freinds 250ex all the time when you 12 it it will stall because the carb dosent feed it gas at extreme angles
and it just spews gass because the gass is splashing around and it just builds presure i gess Title: Re: please help me Post by: 2006YFZ450 on March 25, 2006, 08:26:58 PM That happens to my cousins 250EX too. Just stay on the gas and it wont die as easy. And yea it will spill gas out when your higher than 11 o' clock
Title: Re: please help me Post by: 535banshee on March 25, 2006, 10:20:29 PM so i guess a back flip is out ;D