ATV Florida Forum

General => Open Discussion => Topic started by: kawGIRL on February 09, 2005, 09:42:17 AM

Title: Any HELP with not SMOKING?
Post by: kawGIRL on February 09, 2005, 09:42:17 AM
It's been a week   [smiley=Clap.gif]
The thing I'm having trouble with is MENTAL/Routine thing!

I have lots of stress/deadlines at work right now.
Anyone got some tips?

I'm about sick of lolly pops, gum etc.
I don't have a problem with replacing it with food, I try to do something else instead.  
This is almost the hardest thing I have ever done.  It SU@KS!
I don't really want to actually smoke, I don't like the smell after or the cough  ;D

Co-workers just realized yesterday that I quite, and we were at my parents house for Grandma's 90th B-day Saturday, I spent the whole 4 1/2 hours in the house and not on the porch smoking with my brother and his wife....and not one person noticed >:(  I'm not gonna tell them until the next time I get....
"when are you gonna quite smoking? " :-X

RANT OVER, back to todays deadline  [smiley=Dead.gif]

I AM A NON-SMOKER ...I AM A NON-SMOKER... I AM A NON-SMOKER [smiley=Approve.gif]

Title: Re: Any HELP with not SMOKING?
Post by: ripraff on February 09, 2005, 09:47:12 AM
Well congrats on quitting, it's the hardest thing to do. Just know it will get easier everyday and just think how much healthier you are going to be and feel... I used ice instead of candy& gum, find something to do with your hands even if it's just holding a pencil or something... good luck

Title: Re: Any HELP with not SMOKING?
Post by: J.D. on February 09, 2005, 10:05:06 AM
You have to use the Hitler approach . Costantly tell youself that you have never smoked , you think they smell terrible , would never consider smoking . If you tell yourself this over and over with commitment eventually you will brainwash yousellf into not likeing cigs . Brainwashing really works on people you just have to focus your emotions .

Title: Re: Any HELP with not SMOKING?
Post by: kawGIRL on February 09, 2005, 10:13:20 AM
Thanks! ;D

Title: Re: Any HELP with not SMOKING?
Post by: The hyrbid kid on February 09, 2005, 10:13:41 AM

Title: Re: Any HELP with not SMOKING?
Post by: B-man on February 09, 2005, 10:16:17 AM
Congrats on quitting smoking  [smiley=Clap.gif] I got my brother, sister in-law, uncle, cousin, and grandfather to quit. They are all happier and healthier because of it. Just keep on telling yourself smoking is very bad and you will overcome it. Once again congrats!!!!  [smiley=Clap.gif] [smiley=Clap.gif]

Title: Re: Any HELP with not SMOKING?
Post by: kawGIRL on February 09, 2005, 10:34:40 AM

You might be a red-neck if.... [smiley=Wacko.gif]
Thats all I need.  LOL ...I don't know too many woman that dip
Thanks anyway,

Title: Re: Any HELP with not SMOKING?
Post by: Chuck_Norris on February 09, 2005, 10:39:12 AM
 [smiley=Clap.gif] [smiley=Clap.gif] [smiley=Clap.gif] [smiley=Clap.gif] [smiley=Clap.gif] [smiley=Clap.gif] [smiley=Clap.gif] [smiley=Clap.gif] [smiley=Clap.gif]
SMOKING STINKS [smiley=Disapprove.gif]

Title: Re: Any HELP with not SMOKING?
Post by: SkyHighT100 on February 09, 2005, 10:53:44 AM
OMG.. dip! Thats great.. quit smoking, but start dipping, lol... which one is worse?

Congrats on quitting though! The first we week is the hardest so I am told. I never smoked, cant stand the stuff... but I see what my mom went through during her two 3 year practice quits, lol ;) Hang in there!

Title: Re: Any HELP with not SMOKING?
Post by: innocent_bystander on February 09, 2005, 11:32:58 AM
OMG.. dip! Thats great.. quit smoking, but start dipping, lol... which one is worse?

Which one is worse? For health reasons I think Smoking is worse. As far as quitting I dont know. I have been dippin for almost 8 years now, and I tell you what, I've been quitting for 7 1/2 years now. Its hard to break the routine. Thats the hardest part. After a meal, when I cut the grass, when I jump on the quad, when I step on the Football field (I coach football), its almost second nature to pull out a can and put a lip in. Breaking the routine is key. The longest time I went without, I use to chew on paper, only thing that worked for me. I would only do it to break the routine, if it was just a craving, I would suffer through it, but for he routine, I would chew the paper.

Title: Re: Any HELP with not SMOKING?
Post by: Asphaltdragon on February 09, 2005, 12:01:01 PM
It's been a week   [smiley=Clap.gif]

I have lots of stress/deadlines at work right now.
Anyone got some tips?

I AM A NON-SMOKER ...I AM A NON-SMOKER... I AM A NON-SMOKER [smiley=Approve.gif]

One of my clients came to me to record a mental Imagery audio cd that is titled stop smoking. You are supposed to listen to it while going to bed and it should help.
here is a link to her site

Title: Re: Any HELP with not SMOKING?
Post by: Asphaltdragon on February 09, 2005, 12:01:41 PM
It's been a week   [smiley=Clap.gif]

I have lots of stress/deadlines at work right now.
Anyone got some tips?

I AM A NON-SMOKER ...I AM A NON-SMOKER... I AM A NON-SMOKER [smiley=Approve.gif]

One of my clients came to me to record a mental Imagery audio cd that is titled stop smoking. You are supposed to listen to it while going to bed and it should help.
here is a link to her site

hope that info helps you :D

Title: Re: Any HELP with not SMOKING?
Post by: kawGIRL on February 09, 2005, 12:05:32 PM
Cool Thanks!  I was thinking of going to a Hypnotist ;D I here it works.

Title: Re: Any HELP with not SMOKING?
Post by: Asphaltdragon on February 09, 2005, 12:19:22 PM
Cool Thanks!  I was thinking of going to a Hypnotist ;D I here it works.

Yeah, Pam is not a "Quack" She's real good at what she does, tell you were referred by Chris Fiffie if you contact her ;)

Title: Re: Any HELP with not SMOKING?
Post by: budman on February 09, 2005, 02:28:56 PM
I quit some time ago, can't tell you how long, other than years... I saw a relative go downhill so quicky I had to quit. It is a mental thing, and I am VERY strong minded (or stubborn, as my ex used to say). you have to convince yourself that you will die a horrible death. And you will if you continue to smoke. And NEVER pick up the first one. you can't start back up unless you light the first one. Be stronger than that little white tube! Oh yeah, I told all my co-workers, after the first day, that"Anyone that would smoke a cigarette would suck a ..... well, you get the picture.... Man I would NEVER have let them bust me. But, that won't work for you

Title: Re: Any HELP with not SMOKING?
Post by: Thrasher on February 09, 2005, 03:04:37 PM
i'm doing the Zyban/Wellbutrin thing helped me a few years back to quit, which made it way easy...sure it's a drug, and it's an anti-depressant...but it works...kills the urges..literally....but u have to want to quit....else it wont help.

i'm just about done with cigs again...lets see if i can last longer than 3.5 years this time.

Title: Re: Any HELP with not SMOKING?
Post by: big-daddy on February 09, 2005, 05:50:54 PM
stay strong ! will all support you girl.  [smiley=Clap.gif]

Title: Re: Any HELP with not SMOKING?
Post by: LIV2RIDE on February 09, 2005, 05:53:43 PM
My wife is on 3 + weeks(cigs) now. She smells so much better at nite now. I'm going on 4 days no dip (copenhagen) She's taking the Wellbutrin and we are both eating massive amounts of jollyranchers. I find the thing that helps the most though is PRAYER. I pray for GOD to make me strong and to help me to not give in to the temptations of the devil and it really helps me alot.

Title: Re: Any HELP with not SMOKING?
Post by: kawGIRL on February 10, 2005, 06:03:42 AM
I'm having my Jolly Rancher Sucker with my coffee right now  ;D

Thanks for the Support!

Hope to ride all weekend and smell the fresh air   [smiley=Clap.gif]

Title: Re: Any HELP with not SMOKING?
Post by: SkyHighT100 on February 10, 2005, 06:10:53 AM
Yeah, the smell always gets to me... not to mention the after a cig kisses... ewww (i'm a nonsmoker, so its bad.. trust me, lol) But watching someone die of a smoking related complication would definately give a motivation boost. At my old job, I watched my boss's dad die from smoking/drinking related stuff... he was a mess (but smoked 2 packs a day until he died). I dont remember exactly what he had, but I do know he had to go home for 3 hrs a day to be on an oxygen machine, he had liver disease, and he was always a yellow/orange color... I think that was from jondis (sp). After seeing how he suffered for the 2 yrs I worked there, and then watching him die really made me feel for my family and friends who smoke. I really would hate to see any of them go through what he went through. I try to convince them to quit, but if they dont want to, then theres nothing I can do... which makes it even more dificult :(

Title: Re: Any HELP with not SMOKING?
Post by: BEER on February 10, 2005, 06:37:39 AM
 [smiley=Clap.gif]Congrats just think of it one day at a time,dont give up.I tried cold turkey and its been 3 years 9 months since last smoke.Now I just have a beer if  I feel the urge.

Title: Re: Any HELP with not SMOKING?
Post by: Michelle on February 10, 2005, 06:47:04 AM
You know what helps,NOT drinking anything hot.Yes Kawgirl that includes your coffee.That makes ya want one right there.
Try and supplement your coffee w/plain oatmeal in the morning ;DSounds yummy ,egh...But that way atleast you have something in you.
Try carrot sticks.You dont have to eat them as long as there in your hand and you can bring it to your mouth.Also sunflower seeds keep the hands and mouth busy.And you do have to tell yourself "man I dont wannna die from this stuff"!
Walking helps to.Everything will eventually smell,taste a whole lot better.You have lots more energy to.

Oh I know of several friends who tried that hypnosis,didnt work for them.But everyone's different.


Title: Re: Any HELP with not SMOKING?
Post by: Eworm on February 10, 2005, 10:17:45 AM
SUNFLOWER SEEDS man. It worked for 2 of my friends

Title: Re: Any HELP with not SMOKING?
Post by: J.D. on February 10, 2005, 12:57:43 PM
You dont have to quit , you never smoked anyway . ;)

Title: Re: Any HELP with not SMOKING?
Post by: kawGIRL on February 10, 2005, 01:06:54 PM

Title: Re: Any HELP with not SMOKING?
Post by: Ida_Mann on February 10, 2005, 05:03:58 PM
I would have to grab one of my favorite books to quote exactly, but I believe that Sam Clemens put it best in one of his books when he wrote about quitting cigars.

He said the only way to kick a habit like that is to remove the addiction of the mind, not the physical addiction.  So, in this case it would mean keep a fresh pack of cigs with you wherever you go and tell youreself that you can have one whenever you want, but you are stronger than that. And, if you feel a craving then have one, but keep it to half of your normal in the first week, and keep reducing by half every week thereafter till you smoke such a miniscule amount that it doesn't matter wether you have one or not.

Easier said than done for sure, but I smoked for a few years, then one day just quit without realizing it and three weeks later cleaned out my car and found a half pack of M Lights in a crumpled box.  That was January 8, 2002 at 11:30 in the morning that I had the last one as part of a steady habit.  To this day about twice a year, I will have a craving and I will go buy a pack and have one or two, but it's a reminder of why I quit,,,,that stuff stinks ;-)

I hope we all helped, and good luck.


Title: Re: Any HELP with not SMOKING?
Post by: kawGIRL on February 10, 2005, 07:31:57 PM
Thanks for the advise Ida, well I find myself coming here for support now  ;D  
It's 10:30 pm and still working  [smiley=Angry.gif] I am so sick of Power point slides they all just blur together, I could smoke a pack about now to clear my head :o
It would be different if it was something other than Scientific crap >:(

I am a non-smoker  ;D

Title: Re: Any HELP with not SMOKING?
Post by: big-daddy on February 11, 2005, 05:51:27 PM
How are doing Kawgirl. hang in there!

Title: Re: Any HELP with not SMOKING?
Post by: love_to_roost on February 14, 2005, 06:20:09 AM
Well I wouldnt be the best one for this since I quit for a year
and started back.Butyou have to have the mindset that you
really want to quit.There is no halfway about it I did real good
during the summer went 6 weeks nothing.Then like a dummy
went back to the dark side.Anyway best of luck what helped
me just think about all the nasty crap that goes with a cigg
and it almost turns you off of them.

Title: Re: Any HELP with not SMOKING?
Post by: kawGIRL on February 14, 2005, 06:55:03 AM
Well I am PROUD of myself  [smiley=Approve.gif] Spent the weekend at our camp and "NO SMOKING"!!! I got to RIDE all weekend it was awesome!  It was very cold Saturday night so we all sat around the fire, lots of people smoking and drinking it was hard but I made it! ....I don't smoke! [smiley=ThumbsUp.gif]

Thank's for all of the Post's and PM"s, It helps that there is someone out there Supporting ME!  [smiley=Hug.gif]

Title: Re: Any HELP with not SMOKING?
Post by: mudnuri on February 14, 2005, 01:49:03 PM
You can do it Suz! It is an up hill battle that you can win. There will come a time where you don't think about it. That is what you feed on. How long can you go without thinking about it. I AM NOT  A SMOKER. Move on. The craving will pass and then it's another period of time that you don't think about it.
You did not come out of the womb with one. So they are not natural. Ida said something that worked for me. I had a pack around and after a week I had one but couldn't stand it and threw it away. I had to wash up and brush my teeth. NASTY! THEY ARE NASTY AND SMELL NASTY AND YOU SMELL NASTY!
Well, you know what I mean.
If it gets to tough you can try the dipping thing. Really- what's the difference? BOTH NASTY!
Keep it up and just try to think of other things. The lolly-pop thing never worked for me. JUST QUIT.
p.s. Hi Jeff!

Title: Re: Any HELP with not SMOKING?
Post by: Drew on February 14, 2005, 08:21:44 PM
I quit in October of 2003.  Best thing I ever did.  In order for you to successfully quit, you have to be mentally determined with a reason why you want to quit.  

My grandmother smoked her whole life, then fell and broke her back.  She had to have surgery on her back, which was successful, but because she smoked her whole life, she was not strong enough to get off of the respirator.  I watched my grandmother breathe through her neck for 600 days before she died a few weeks ago.  

150 days (5 months) of watching my grandmother suffer made me mentally determined to quit smoking.  Once I committed myself, fighting the urge was simple.  

And the longer you go without a smoke, the stronger you become.  If you give in and take one drag from someone's have just thrown away all of your hardwork and concentration.  Be strong and never give up...

Also, this may help...everytime you see someone light your mind, think the person is putting a cat turd in their mouth...pretty soon everytime you have a craving your mind will associate the cigarette as putting dookie in your mouth and the mental habit will be easier to break.

Good Luck!!  You can do it!! ;D